note description: "Summary description for {DOWNLOAD_JSON_CONFIGURATION}." seealso: "class {DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION}" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DOWNLOAD_JSON_CONFIGURATION feature -- Access configuration_from_file (a_path: PATH; a_configuration: detachable DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION): DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION -- Build a new download configuration. do if a_configuration /= Void then Result := a_configuration else create Result end if attached json_file_from (a_path) as js then Result := configuration_from_string (js, Result) end end configuration_from_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8; a_configuration: detachable DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION): DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION -- Build a new download configuration. local l_parser: JSON_PARSER s32: READABLE_STRING_32 l_mirror: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 prod: like new_product l_hidden: BOOLEAN l_published: BOOLEAN do if a_configuration /= Void then Result := a_configuration else create Result end l_parser := new_json_parser (a_string) l_parser.parse_content if attached {JSON_OBJECT} l_parser.parsed_json_value as jv and then l_parser.is_parsed and then l_parser.is_valid then l_hidden := attached {JSON_BOOLEAN} jv.item ("hidden") as j_hidden and then j_hidden.item if attached {JSON_BOOLEAN} jv.item ("published") as j_published then l_published := j_published.item else -- If missing, consider it as published (for old configuration content) l_published := True end if l_published or else a_configuration = Void then if a_configuration = Void then Result.set_hidden (l_hidden) end Result.set_published (l_published) if attached {JSON_STRING} jv.item ("mirror") as j_mirror then s32 := j_mirror.unescaped_string_32 if s32.is_valid_as_string_8 then l_mirror := s32.to_string_8 if l_mirror.is_whitespace then l_mirror := Void end else -- Invalid mirror value in configuration! l_mirror := Void end if l_mirror /= Void and Result.mirror = Void then Result.set_mirror (l_mirror) end else l_mirror := Void end if attached {JSON_ARRAY} jv.item ("products") as l_products then across l_products as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as jo then prod := new_product (jo) prod.set_associated_configuration (Result) if l_mirror /= Void then prod.add_mirror (l_mirror) end Result.add_product (prod) end end elseif attached {JSON_OBJECT} jv.item ("products") as l_product then prod := new_product (l_product) prod.set_associated_configuration (Result) if l_mirror /= Void then prod.add_mirror (l_mirror) end Result.add_product (prod) sort_product_downloads (prod) end if prod /= Void and then l_hidden and then a_configuration /= Void then prod.set_public (False) end end end end feature {NONE} -- Implemenation: Platforms sort_product_downloads (prod: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT) local l_sort: QUICK_SORTER [DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS] l_comp: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS_COMPARATOR do if attached prod.downloads as lst then create l_comp create l_sort.make (l_comp) l_sort.sort (lst) end end new_platforms (a_platforms: JSON_ARRAY): LIST [DOWNLOAD_PLATFORM] local l_item: DOWNLOAD_PLATFORM do create {ARRAYED_LIST [DOWNLOAD_PLATFORM]} Result.make (19) across a_platforms as c loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} c.item as ji then create l_item if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("id") as l_id then l_item.set_id (l_id.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("icon") as l_icon then l_item.set_icon (l_icon.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("text") as l_text then l_item.set_text (l_text.item) end Result.force (l_item) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Mirrors new_mirrors (a_mirrors: JSON_ARRAY): STRING_TABLE [DOWNLOAD_MIRROR] local l_item: DOWNLOAD_MIRROR do create {STRING_TABLE [DOWNLOAD_MIRROR]} Result.make (3) across a_mirrors as c loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} c.item as ji then create l_item if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("id") as l_id then l_item.set_id (l_id.item) end if attached {JSON_ARRAY} ji.item ("mirror") as l_mirror then l_item.set_mirrors (new_mirror_mirrors (l_mirror)) end if attached as l_id then Result.force (l_item, l_id) end end end end new_mirror_mirrors (a_mirrors: JSON_ARRAY): LIST [DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_MIRRORS] local l_item: DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_MIRRORS do create {ARRAYED_LIST [DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_MIRRORS]} Result.make (3) across a_mirrors as c loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} c.item as ji then create l_item if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("priority") as l_priority and then l_priority.item.is_integer then l_item.set_priority (l_priority.item.to_integer) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("url") as l_url then l_item.set_url (l_url.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("text") as l_text then l_item.set_text (l_text.item) end Result.force (l_item) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implemenation: Products new_product (j_product: JSON_OBJECT): DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT do create Result if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("id") as l_id then Result.set_id (l_id.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("name") as l_name then Result.set_name (l_name.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("version") as l_version then Result.set_version (l_version.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("release") as l_release then Result.set_release (l_release.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("date") as l_date then Result.set_date (l_date.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("sub_directory") as l_subdirectory then Result.set_sub_directory (l_subdirectory.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("number") as l_number then Result.set_number (l_number.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("build") as l_build then Result.set_build (l_build.item) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("icon") as l_icon then Result.set_icon (l_icon.item) end if attached {JSON_BOOLEAN} j_product.item ("public") as l_public then Result.set_public (l_public.item) elseif attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("public") as l_public and then l_public.item.is_boolean then Result.set_public (l_public.item.to_boolean) end if attached {JSON_BOOLEAN} j_product.item ("for_evaluation") as l_evaluation then Result.set_evaluation (l_evaluation.item) elseif attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("for_evaluation") as l_evaluation and then l_evaluation.item.is_boolean then Result.set_evaluation (l_evaluation.item.to_boolean) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("mirror") as l_mirror and then attached l_mirror.unescaped_string_32 as m and then m.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result.add_mirror (m.to_string_8) end if attached {JSON_ARRAY} j_product.item ("mirrors") as l_mirrors then across l_mirrors as ic loop if attached {JSON_STRING} ic.item as jm and then attached jm.unescaped_string_32 as m and then m.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result.add_mirror (m.to_string_8) end end elseif attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("mirrors") as l_mirrors and then attached l_mirrors.unescaped_string_32 as ms and then ms.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result.set_mirrors (ms.to_string_8) end if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j_product.item ("license") as l_license and then attached {JSON_STRING} l_license.item ("name") as l_name and then attached {JSON_STRING} l_license.item ("url") as l_url then Result.set_license ([l_name.item.as_string_32, l_url.item.as_string_32]) end if attached {JSON_STRING} j_product.item ("download_link_pattern") as j_pattern then Result.set_download_link_pattern (j_pattern.unescaped_string_32) end if attached {JSON_ARRAY} j_product.item ("download") as l_download then Result.set_downloads (new_product_download (Result, l_download)) end end new_product_download (a_product: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT; a_downloads: JSON_ARRAY): LIST [DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS] local l_item: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS do create {ARRAYED_LIST [DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS]} Result.make (12) across a_downloads as c loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} c.item as ji and then attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("platform") as l_platform and then attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("filename") as l_filename then create l_item.make (a_product, l_platform.unescaped_string_32, l_filename.unescaped_string_32) if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("size") as l_size and then l_size.item.is_integer then l_item.set_size (l_size.item.to_integer) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("hash") as l_hash then l_item.set_hash (l_hash.unescaped_string_32) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("cdkey") as l_key then l_item.set_key (l_key.unescaped_string_32) end if attached {JSON_STRING} ji.item ("link") as l_link then l_item.set_link (l_link.unescaped_string_8) end if attached {JSON_BOOLEAN} ji.item ("hidden") as l_hidden then l_item.set_hidden (l_hidden.item) end Result.force (l_item) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation json_file_from (a_fn: PATH): detachable STRING do Result := (create {JSON_FILE_READER}).read_json_from ( end new_json_parser (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): JSON_PARSER do create Result.make_with_string (a_string) end end