note description: "Summary description for {DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_product: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT; a_platform: like platform; a_filename: like filename) do associated_product := a_product filename := a_filename platform := a_platform end feature -- Access associated_product: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT filename: READABLE_STRING_32 -- Product filename. platform: READABLE_STRING_32 -- Product platform. key: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 -- Associated key hash: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 -- Associated hash. size: INTEGER_64 -- Product size. link: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 hidden: BOOLEAN assign set_hidden -- Is product hidden? feature -- Link get_link local s32: STRING_32 i,j,n: INTEGER k, v: READABLE_STRING_32 do if link /= Void then -- Keep it elseif attached associated_product.download_link_pattern as p then create s32.make_from_string_general (p) from i := 1 n := s32.count until i > n loop j := s32.substring_index ("${", i) if j >= i then i := j j := s32.index_of ('}', i) if j > i then k := s32.substring (i + 2, j - 1).as_lower if k.same_string_general ("mirror") then if attached associated_product.mirror as m then v := m.to_string_32 else v := Void end elseif k.same_string_general ("name") then v := elseif k.same_string_general ("id") then v := elseif k.same_string_general ("number") then v := associated_product.number elseif k.same_string_general ("version") then v := associated_product.version elseif k.same_string_general ("build") then v := elseif k.same_string_general ("filename") then v := filename elseif k.same_string_general ("platform") then v := platform else v := Void end if v = Void then v := "" end s32.replace_substring_all (s32.substring (i, j), v) i := i + v.count n := s32.count else i := i + 1 end else i := n + 1 end end if s32.is_valid_as_string_8 then link := s32.to_string_8 end end end feature -- Element change set_key (a_key: like key) -- Assign `key' with `a_key'. do key := a_key ensure key_assigned: key = a_key end set_hash (a_hash: like hash) -- Assign `hash' with `a_hash'. do hash := a_hash ensure hash_assigned: hash = a_hash end set_size (a_size: like size) -- Assign `size' with `a_size'. do size := a_size ensure size_assigned: size = a_size end set_filename (a_filename: like filename) -- Assign `filename' with `a_filename'. do filename := a_filename ensure filename_assigned: filename = a_filename end set_platform (a_platform: like platform) -- Assign `platform' with `a_platform'. do platform := a_platform ensure platform_assigned: platform = a_platform end set_link (a_link: like link) -- Assign `link' with `a_link'. do link := a_link end set_hidden (b: like hidden) do hidden := b end end