note description: "Summary description for {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE inherit CMS_MODULE rename module_api as eiffel_download_api redefine initialize, setup_hooks, permissions, eiffel_download_api end CMS_WITH_WEBAPI CMS_HOOK_AUTO_REGISTER CMS_HOOK_RESPONSE_ALTER CMS_HOOK_BLOCK redefine setup_block end CMS_HOOK_BLOCK_HELPER SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end SHARED_HTML_ENCODER SHARED_WSF_PERCENT_ENCODER REFACTORING_HELPER SHARED_LOGGER CMS_ADMINISTRABLE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create current module do version := "1.0" description := "Eiffel Download" package := "eiffel" end feature -- Access name: STRING = "eiffel_download" permissions: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] -- List of permission ids, used by this module, and declared. do Result := Precursor Result.force ({EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.perm_manage_download) Result.force ({EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.perm_upload_download) Result.force (perm_view_downloads) Result.force (perm_delete_download) end perm_view_downloads: STRING = "view downloads" perm_delete_download: STRING = "delete download" feature {CMS_EXECUTION} -- Administration administration: EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION do create Result.make (Current) end webapi: EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_WEBAPI do create Result.make (Current) end feature {CMS_API} -- Module Initialization initialize (api: CMS_API) -- do Precursor (api) create eiffel_download_api.make (api) end feature {CMS_API, CMS_MODULE} -- Access: API eiffel_download_api: detachable EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_API -- Eventual module api. feature -- Router setup_router (a_router: WSF_ROUTER; a_api: CMS_API) -- Router configuration. local h_download: WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER h: WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER do create h_download.make (agent handle_download (a_api, ?, ?)) a_router.handle ("/download", h_download, a_router.methods_head_get) a_router.handle ("/download/channel/{channel}", h_download, a_router.methods_head_get) create h.make (agent handle_download_channel (a_api, "stable", ?, ?)) a_router.handle ("/downloads", h, a_router.methods_head_get) a_router.handle ("/downloads/", h, a_router.methods_head_get) a_router.handle ("/downloads/channel/{channel}", create {WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_download_channel (a_api, Void, ?, ?)), a_router.methods_head_get) end feature -- Hooks configuration setup_hooks (a_hooks: CMS_HOOK_CORE_MANAGER) -- Module hooks configuration. do auto_subscribe_to_hooks (a_hooks) a_hooks.subscribe_to_block_hook (Current) end feature -- Hooks populate_values (vals: CMS_VALUE_TABLE; a_channel: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) local ch: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_ua: CMS_USER_AGENT l_platform: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL lnk: CMS_LOCAL_LINK do if a_channel = Void then ch := "stable" else ch := a_channel end if attached eiffel_download_api as l_api and then attached l_api.download_channel_configuration (ch) as cfg then create l_ua.make_from_string (a_response.request.http_user_agent) l_platform := get_platform (l_ua) vals.force (l_platform, "platform") if attached l_api.retrieve_public_product (cfg) as l_product then if attached as l_name and then attached l_product.version as l_version and then attached l_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror then vals.force (l_name + " " + l_version, "last_release") if attached l_product.default_mirror as dft_mirror then vals.force (dft_mirror, "mirror") else vals.force (l_mirror, "mirror") end if ch.same_string ("stable") then create lnk.make ("download", "download") else create lnk.make ("download", "download/channel/" + url_encoded (ch)) end vals.force (a_response.absolute_url (lnk.location, Void), "download_link") if ch.same_string ("stable") then create lnk.make ("download others", "downloads/channel/stable") else create lnk.make ("download others", "downloads/channel/" + url_encoded (ch)) end vals.force (a_response.absolute_url (lnk.location, Void), "download_other_link") end if attached l_api.selected_platform (l_product.downloads, l_platform) as l_selected then vals.force (l_selected.filename, "filename") end end end end block_list: ITERABLE [like {CMS_BLOCK}.name] -- do Result := <<"?download_area", "?download_channel">> end get_block_view (a_block_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- local i: INTEGER l_loc: READABLE_STRING_8 ch: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do l_loc := a_response.location if l_loc.starts_with_general ("downloads/channel/") then i := l_loc.substring_index ("/channel/", 1) i := l_loc.index_of ('/', i + 1) ch := l_loc.substring (i + 1, l_loc.count) else ch := "stable" end if a_block_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("download_area") then get_block_view_download_area (a_block_id, ch, a_response) elseif a_block_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("download_channel") then get_block_view_download_channel (a_block_id, ch, a_response) end end setup_block (a_block: CMS_BLOCK; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- do a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/download.css", Void), Void) a_response.add_defer_javascript_url (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/js/downloads.js", Void)) end response_alter (a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) do if a_response.request.path_info.starts_with ("/downloads") then a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/download.css", Void), Void) a_response.add_defer_javascript_url (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/js/downloads.js", Void)) end end feature {NONE} -- Block view implementation get_block_view_download_area (a_block_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_channel: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Get block download area object identified by `a_block_id' and associate with `a_response'. local vals: CMS_VALUE_TABLE bl: CMS_CONTENT_BLOCK do if attached smarty_template_block (Current, a_block_id, a_response.api) as l_tpl_block then create vals.make (5) populate_values (vals, a_channel, a_response) across vals as ic loop l_tpl_block.set_value (ic.item, ic.key) end create bl.make (a_block_id, Void, l_tpl_block.to_html (a_response.theme), Void) a_response.add_block (bl, "header") else a_response.add_warning_message ("Error with block [" + a_block_id + "]") write_warning_log ("Error with block [" + a_block_id + "]") end end get_block_view_download_channel (a_block_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_channel: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Get block download channel object identified by `a_block_id' and associate with `a_response'. do if attached downloads_channel_block (a_block_id, a_channel, a_response) as l_block then a_response.add_block (l_block, "content") else a_response.add_warning_message ("Error with block [block_download_channel]") write_warning_log ("Error with block [block_download_channel]") end end feature -- Handler handle_download_channel (api: CMS_API; a_channel: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: CMS_RESPONSE ch: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do create {GENERIC_VIEW_CMS_RESPONSE} r.make (req, res, api) if attached api.setup.site_name as l_site_name then r.set_head_title ({STRING_32} "Downloads / " + l_site_name) else r.set_head_title ("Downloads") end if a_channel /= Void then ch := a_channel elseif attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel then ch := p_channel.value else ch := "stable" end if api.has_permission ({EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.perm_manage_download) then r.add_to_primary_tabs (api.administration_link ("Manage Downloads", "eiffel_download/channel/" + url_encoded (ch))) end if attached downloads_channel_block ("download_channel", ch, r) as l_block then l_block.set_weight (10) r.add_block (l_block, "content") else r.add_warning_message ("Error with block [block_download_channel]") write_warning_log ("Error with block [block_download_channel]") end r.add_style (r.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/download.css", Void), Void) r.execute end downloads_channel_block (a_block_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_channel: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE): detachable CMS_BLOCK local vals: CMS_VALUE_TABLE l_hidden_items: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT] l_hidden_options: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS] do if attached smarty_template_block (Current, a_block_id, a_response.api) as l_tpl_block then create vals.make (8) across a_response.values as ic loop l_tpl_block.set_value (ic.item, ic.key) end populate_values (vals, a_channel, a_response) across vals as ic loop l_tpl_block.set_value (ic.item, ic.key) end l_tpl_block.set_value (a_channel, "download_channel") if attached eiffel_download_api as l_api then if attached l_api.download_channel_configuration (a_channel) as cfg and then not cfg.hidden then vals.force (l_api.retrieve_public_product (cfg), "product") if attached l_api.retrieve_public_products (cfg) as l_products then -- Compute download links if needed. across l_products as ic loop if not ic.item.public then if l_hidden_items = Void then create l_hidden_items.make (1) end l_hidden_items.force (ic.item) end l_api.sort_downloads (ic.item) if attached ic.item.downloads as l_downloads then across l_downloads as d_ic loop if d_ic.item.hidden then if l_hidden_options = Void then create l_hidden_options.make (1) end l_hidden_options.force (d_ic.item) end d_ic.item.get_link end if l_hidden_options /= Void then across l_hidden_options as d_ic loop l_downloads.prune_all (d_ic.item) end l_hidden_options := Void end end end if l_hidden_items /= Void then across l_hidden_items as ic loop l_products.prune_all (ic.item) end l_hidden_items := Void end vals.force (l_products, "products") else vals.force (Void, "products") end vals.force (l_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg), "mirror") across vals as ic loop l_tpl_block.set_value (ic.item, ic.key) end end Result := l_tpl_block end end end handle_download (api: CMS_API; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local l_link: STRING l_ua: CMS_USER_AGENT err: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_CMS_RESPONSE done: BOOLEAN ch: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel then ch := p_channel.value else ch := "stable" end write_debug_log (generator + ".handle_download") if attached eiffel_download_api as l_api and then attached l_api.download_channel_configuration (ch) as cfg then create l_ua.make_from_string (req.http_user_agent) write_debug_log (generator + ".handle_download [ User_agent: " + l_ua.user_agent + " ]") if attached l_api.retrieve_public_product (cfg) as l_product then if attached l_api.selected_platform (l_product.downloads, get_platform (l_ua)) as l_selected and then attached l_selected.filename as l_filename then write_debug_log (generator + ".handle_download [ Filename: " + url_encoded (l_filename) + " ]") l_selected.get_link if attached as lnk then l_link := lnk.to_string_8 elseif attached as l_build and then attached as l_name and then attached l_product.number as l_number and then attached l_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror then create l_link.make_from_string (l_mirror) l_link.append (url_encoded (l_name)) l_link.append_character (' ') l_link.append (url_encoded (l_number)) l_link.append_character ('/') l_link.append (url_encoded (l_build)) l_link.append_character ('/') l_link.append (url_encoded (l_filename)) write_debug_log (generator + ".handle_download [ Link: " + l_link + " ]") end if l_link /= Void then file_download (req, res, l_link) done := True end end end end if not done then -- If not answer was done, return internal server error. create err.make (req, res, api) err.execute end end file_download (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_link: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Simple response to download content -- Harcoded for testing. local h: HTTP_HEADER do create h.make h.put_content_disposition ("attachment; filename", utf_8_encoded (a_link)) h.put_current_date h.put_header_key_value ("Content-type", "application/octet-stream") h.put_location (utf_8_encoded (a_link)) res.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.see_other) res.put_header_text (h.string) end feature {NONE} -- Helper get_platform (a_user_agent: CMS_USER_AGENT) : READABLE_STRING_32 -- Set by default win64 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- do write_debug_log (generator + ".get_platform [ from " + a_user_agent.user_agent + " ]") Result := "win64" if a_user_agent.is_windows_os then if a_user_agent.is_64bits then Result := "win64" else Result := "windows" end elseif a_user_agent.is_linux_os then if a_user_agent.is_64bits then Result := "linux-x86-64" else Result := "linux-x86" end elseif a_user_agent.is_mac_os then Result := "macosx-x86-64" end write_debug_log (generator + ".get_platform [ platform inferred "+ utf_8_encoded (Result) + " ]") end end