note description: "Summary description for {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION inherit CMS_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE] redefine setup_hooks, permissions end EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_HANDLER_UTILITIES CMS_HOOK_AUTO_REGISTER CMS_HOOK_RESPONSE_ALTER CMS_HOOK_MENU_SYSTEM_ALTER SHARED_LOGGER create make feature -- Access permissions: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] -- List of permission ids, used by this module, and declared. do Result := Precursor Result.force (perm_manage_download) Result.force (perm_upload_download) end perm_manage_download: STRING = "manage download" perm_upload_download: STRING = "upload download" feature {NONE} -- Router/administration setup_administration_router (a_router: WSF_ROUTER; a_api: CMS_API) local h_up: WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER do a_router.handle ("/eiffel_download/channel/{channel}", create {WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_list_admin (a_api, ?, ?)), a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle ("/eiffel_download/channel/{channel}/{filename}", create {WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_edit_admin (a_api, ?, ?)), a_router.methods_get_put_delete + a_router.methods_post) create h_up.make (agent handle_update_download_admin (a_api, ?, ?)) a_router.handle ("/eiffel_download/update/channel/{channel}", h_up, a_router.methods_head_get_post) a_router.handle ("/eiffel_download/create/channel/{channel}", h_up, a_router.methods_head_get_post) end feature -- Handle new_response (a_api: CMS_API; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE): CMS_RESPONSE do create {GENERIC_VIEW_CMS_RESPONSE} Result.make (req, res, a_api) Result.add_to_primary_tabs (a_api.administration_link ("Stable", "eiffel_download/channel/stable")) Result.add_to_primary_tabs (a_api.administration_link ("Beta", "eiffel_download/channel/beta")) end handle_list_admin (a_api: CMS_API; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local ch: READABLE_STRING_8 r: CMS_RESPONSE s: STRING l_can_edit: BOOLEAN do r := new_response (a_api, req, res) if attached channel_from_url (req.percent_encoded_path_info) as l_channel then ch := l_channel else ch := "stable" end create s.make (1024) if a_api.has_permissions (<>) then s.append ("


%N") s.append ("
  • Update channel "+ a_api.html_encoded (ch) +"
  • %N") s.append ("
  • Create new entry for channel "+ a_api.html_encoded (ch) +"
  • %N") end if attached module.eiffel_download_api as l_download_api then s.append ("


    %N") l_can_edit := a_api.has_permission (perm_manage_download) across l_download_api.configuration_files (ch) as ic loop if attached ic.item.entry as e then s.append ("
  • ") if attached {DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION} l_download_api.download_configuration_at (ch, e) as e_cfg then if e_cfg.hidden then s.append ("HIDDEN ") end if not e_cfg.published then s.append ("NOT-PUBLISHED ") end if e_cfg.products = Void then s.append ("INVALID ") end end s.append (a_api.html_encoded ( if l_can_edit then s.append (" -- Edit") end s.append ("
  • %N") end end s.append ("


    %N") if l_download_api.is_channel_available (ch) then if attached l_download_api.download_channel_configuration (ch) as cfg then if attached cfg.products as l_products then s.append ("

    " + l_products.count.out + " products:

    ") else s.append ("

    No product!

    ") end else s.append ("


    ") end else s.append ("

    Not available!

    ") end end r.set_title ("Eiffel Downloads: channel " + a_api.html_encoded (ch)) r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end handle_edit_admin (a_api: CMS_API; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local ch: READABLE_STRING_8 r: CMS_RESPONSE s: STRING p: PATH f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE txt: STRING wf: CMS_FORM do r := new_response (a_api, req, res) if attached channel_from_url (req.percent_encoded_path_info) as l_channel then ch := l_channel else ch := "stable" end r.set_title ("Eiffel Downloads: edit ...") create s.make (1024) if attached module.eiffel_download_api as l_download_api and then a_api.has_permissions (<>) and then attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("filename") as p_filename then p := l_download_api.channel_file_location (ch).extended (p_filename.value) if req.is_put_post_request_method then wf := new_edit_form (req, p_filename.value) wf.process_cms_response (r) if attached wf.last_data as fd then if fd.is_valid then if attached fd.string_item ("op") as l_op then if l_op.same_string_general ("Save") then if attached fd.string_item ("content") as l_content then create f.make_with_path (p) f.open_write f.put_string (utf_8_encoded (l_content)) f.close r.add_notice_message ("Data saved!") -- FIXME: check the validity, valid JSON, valid configuration !!! end elseif l_op.same_string_general ("Delete") then create f.make_with_path (p) f.delete r.add_notice_message ("Data deleted!") end end end end elseif req.is_delete_request_method then create f.make_with_path (p) f.delete r.add_notice_message ("Data deleted!") end create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then wf := new_edit_form (req, p_filename.value) create txt.make (f.count) f.open_read from until f.exhausted or f.end_of_file loop f.read_stream (1024) txt.append (f.last_string) end f.close if attached wf.fields_by_name ("content") as tf_lst and then tf_lst.count = 1 and then attached {WSF_FORM_TEXTAREA} tf_lst.first as tf then tf.set_text_value (txt) end wf.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) else s.append ("Data not found!") end r.set_title ("Eiffel Downloads: editing " + a_api.html_encoded (p_filename.value)) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end new_edit_form (req: WSF_REQUEST; fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): CMS_FORM local wf: CMS_FORM txtf: CMS_FORM_TEXTAREA hf: WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT subf: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT do create wf.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, Void) wf.set_method_post create hf.make_with_text ("filename", fn) wf.extend (hf) create txtf.make ("content") txtf.set_label ("Content:") txtf.set_is_required (True) txtf.set_cols (80) txtf.set_rows (25) wf.extend (txtf) create subf.make_with_text ("op", "Save") wf.extend (subf) create subf.make_with_text ("op", "Delete") wf.extend (subf) Result := wf end handle_update_download_admin (a_api: CMS_API; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: CMS_RESPONSE wf: CMS_FORM wfile: WSF_FORM_FILE_INPUT wtext: WSF_FORM_TEXTAREA wdiv: WSF_FORM_DIV wsubmit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT s: STRING m: STRING vars: STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] ch: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel then ch := p_channel.value else ch := "stable" end create vars.make_caseless (5) vars.put (safe_html_encoded (a_api.setup.site_url), "siteurl") vars.put (safe_html_encoded (a_api.setup.site_name), "sitename") if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel then vars.put (p_channel.value, "channel") end write_debug_log (generator + ".handle_update_download_admin") r := new_response (a_api, req, res) if req.percent_encoded_path_info.has_substring ("/update/") then create wf.make (a_api.administration_path ("eiffel_download/update/channel/" + url_encoded (ch)), "download-form-update") else create wf.make (a_api.administration_path ("eiffel_download/create/channel/" + url_encoded (ch)), "download-form-create") end wf.set_method_post create wdiv.make wdiv.add_css_classes (<<"download-box">>) wf.extend (wdiv) wdiv.extend_html_text ("

    Update " + r.html_encoded (ch) + " channel

    ") if req.percent_encoded_path_info.has_substring ("/update/") then create wfile.make ("file") wfile.set_accepted_types (".json") wfile.set_label ("File: select the file") wfile.set_is_required (True) wfile.set_description ("You can only upload a JSON file.") wdiv.extend (wfile) create wsubmit.make_with_text ("op", "Upload") wdiv.extend (wsubmit) else create wtext.make ("content") wtext.set_label ("Content: enter json configuration content") wtext.set_is_required (True) wtext.set_description ("You can only use a JSON content.") wtext.set_cols (70) wtext.set_rows (25) wdiv.extend (wtext) create wsubmit.make_with_text ("op", "Create") wdiv.extend (wsubmit) end create s.make_empty if req.is_post_request_method and then attached module.eiffel_download_api as l_download_api then wf.process_cms_response (r) if attached wf.last_data as fd then if fd.is_valid then if attached {WSF_STRING} fd.item ("content") as l_content then -- Check success if attached configuration_from_content (l_content.value) as cfg then -- save the content l_download_api.save_configuration (ch, cfg) -- Check success if l_download_api.configuration_exists (ch, cfg) then r.add_notice_message ("Content saved!") else fd.report_invalid_field ("content", "could not save the content!") end end elseif attached {WSF_UPLOADED_FILE} fd.item ("file") as l_file then if attached configuration_from_file (l_file) as cfg then -- save the content l_download_api.save_configuration (ch, cfg) -- Check success if l_download_api.configuration_exists (ch, cfg) then r.add_notice_message ("File saved!") else fd.report_invalid_field ("file", "could not save the file!") end end else fd.report_error ("Invalid input") end else fd.report_error ("Invalid input") end if fd.has_error then if attached fd.errors as fd_errors then across fd_errors as ic loop create m.make_empty if attached ic.item.field as l_field then m.append ( + ": ") end if attached ic.item.message as msg then m.append (msg) end if not m.is_whitespace then r.add_error_message (m) end end end fd.apply_to_associated_form wf.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) r.values.force (True, "has_error") vars.put ("True", "has_error") else s.append ("Data successfully saved!") r.values.force (False, "has_error") vars.put ("False", "has_error") end else r.add_error_message ("Invalid input!") wf.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end else wf.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end feature -- Hook setup_hooks (a_hooks: CMS_HOOK_CORE_MANAGER) -- Module hooks configuration. do auto_subscribe_to_hooks (a_hooks) a_hooks.subscribe_to_response_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_menu_system_alter_hook (Current) end response_alter (a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- do a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (module, "/files/css/download-admin.css", Void), Void) end menu_system_alter (a_menu_system: CMS_MENU_SYSTEM; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Hook execution on collection of menu contained by `a_menu_system' -- for related response `a_response'. do if a_response.is_authenticated and then a_response.has_permission ("upload download") then a_menu_system.management_menu.extend_into (a_response.api.administration_link ("Stable channel", "eiffel_download/channel/stable"), "Eiffel Download", "admin") a_menu_system.management_menu.extend_into (a_response.api.administration_link ("Beta channel", "eiffel_download/channel/beta"), "Eiffel Download", "admin") end end channel_from_url (a_url: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 local i,j: INTEGER do if a_url.has_substring ("/channel/") then i := a_url.substring_index ("/channel/", 1) i := a_url.index_of ('/', i + 1) j := a_url.index_of ('/', i + 1) if j = 0 then j := a_url.count + 1 end Result := a_url.substring (i + 1, j - 1) end end end