note description: "Summary description for {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_WEBAPI_HANDLER}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_WEBAPI_HANDLER inherit CMS_WEBAPI_HANDLER rename make as make_cms_webapi_handler end EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_HANDLER_UTILITIES WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_HANDLER SHARED_LOGGER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_api: EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_API) do download_api := a_api make_cms_webapi_handler (a_api.cms_api) end download_api: EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_API feature -- Execution execute (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. do if req.is_get_request_method then execute_get (req, res) elseif req.is_post_request_method then execute_post (req, res) elseif req.is_delete_request_method then execute_delete (req, res) else new_bad_request_error_response (Void, req, res).execute end end feature -- Errors new_unavailable_channel_error_response (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE): HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE do Result := new_error_response ({STRING_32} "Invalid channel, valid values are: [" + available_channels_to_string ('|') + "]" , req, res) Result.add_iterator_field ("channels", available_channels) Result.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end feature -- Execution GET execute_get (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. local rep: HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE l_value: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_channel: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if api.has_permissions (<<{EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE}.perm_view_downloads>>) then if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel and then is_valid_channel (p_channel.value) then l_channel := p_channel.value if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("release") as l_release then l_value := l_release.value if is_valid_version (l_value) then if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("platform") as l_platform then -- retrieve product by platform and release. rep := retrieve_by_release_and_platform (req, res, l_value, l_platform.value) else -- retrieve product by release rep := retrieve_by_release (req, res, l_value) end else -- Invalid Release rep := new_error_response ("Release [" + utf_8_encoded (l_value) + "] invalid" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end else -- retrieve all available products for channel `l_channel` using the latest release. rep := retrieve_all_public_products (l_channel, req, res) end else -- Invalid Channel rep := new_unavailable_channel_error_response (req, res) end rep.execute end end feature -- Execute Delete execute_delete (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. local rep: HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE l_file: FILE l_dir: DIRECTORY do rep := new_response (req, res) if api.has_permissions (<<{EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE}.perm_delete_download>>) then if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel and then attached p_channel.value as l_channel and then is_valid_channel (l_channel) then if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("release") as l_release and then req.query_string.is_empty and then is_valid_version (l_release.value) and then not l_release.value.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") then create l_dir.make_with_path (api.module_location_by_name ("eiffel_download")) if l_dir.exists then create {RAW_FILE} l_file.make_open_write (l_dir.path.extended ("channel").extended (l_channel).extended ("downloads_configuration_").appended (release_version_dot_format (l_release.value)).appended_with_extension ("json").name) if l_file.exists then l_file.close delete_uploaded_file (l_file.path) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.no_content) else -- File does not exist. rep := new_error_response ("Bad request [" + req.absolute_script_url ("") + "] does not exist" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end end else rep := new_error_response ("Bad request [" + req.absolute_script_url ("") + "] invalid" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end else -- Invalid Channel rep := new_unavailable_channel_error_response (req, res) end else -- FIXME: use specific Web API response! rep := new_access_denied_error_response (Void, req, res) end rep.execute end feature -- Execute POST execute_post (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. local rep: HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE l_tmp: WSF_UPLOADED_FILE l_data: STRING do if api.has_permissions (<<{EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.perm_upload_download>>) then if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("channel") as p_channel and then attached p_channel.value as l_channel and then is_valid_channel (l_channel) then rep := new_response (req, res) if req.has_uploaded_file then across req.uploaded_files as c loop l_tmp := c.item end else create l_data.make_empty req.read_input_data_into (l_data) end if l_tmp /= Void then if attached configuration_from_file (l_tmp) as cfg then -- save the content download_api.save_configuration (l_channel, cfg) -- Check success if download_api.configuration_exists (l_channel, cfg) then rep.add_string_field ("Success", "File uploaded") rep.add_string_field ("Filename", download_api.configuration_file_name (l_channel, cfg.first_number).name) else rep := new_error_response ("Bad file format" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end else rep := new_error_response ("Bad content format" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end elseif l_data /= Void then if attached configuration_from_content (l_data) as cfg then -- save the content download_api.save_configuration (l_channel, cfg) rep.add_string_field ("Success", "Content uploaded") else rep := new_error_response ("Bad content format" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end else rep := new_error_response ("File not found or Missing data content" , req, res) rep.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end else -- Invalid Channel rep := new_unavailable_channel_error_response (req, res) end else -- FIXME: use specific Web API response! rep := new_access_denied_error_response (Void, req, res) end rep.execute end feature {NONE} -- Implementation product_options_link (a_prod: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT; a_prod_opts: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS; a_mirror: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 local s: STRING_8 do if attached a_prod_opts.filename as l_filename then a_prod_opts.get_link if attached as lnk then Result := lnk elseif attached as l_build and then attached as l_name and then attached a_prod.number as l_number then create s.make_from_string (a_mirror) s.append (url_encoded (l_name)) s.append_character (' ') s.append (url_encoded (l_number)) s.append_character ('/') s.append (url_encoded (l_build)) s.append_character ('/') s.append (url_encoded (l_filename)) Result := s end end end retrieve_by_release_and_platform (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_release: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_platform: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE local l_list: LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE] l_url: STRING l_product: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT l_prod_options: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS do Result := new_response (req, res) if attached download_api as l_download_api then if a_release.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") and then a_platform.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") and then attached l_download_api.download_channel_configuration (Void) as cfg and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_public_products (cfg) as l_all_products and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror then -- all releases and all platforms. across l_all_products as ic loop l_product := ic.item if attached l_product.number as l_number and then attached l_product.downloads as l_downloads then create {ARRAYED_LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE]} l_list.make (l_downloads.count) across l_downloads as ic1 loop l_prod_options := ic1.item if attached l_prod_options.filename as l_filename and then attached product_options_link (l_product, l_prod_options, l_mirror) as l_link then create l_url.make_from_string (l_link) l_list.force (create {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE}.make (l_filename, l_url, l_prod_options.size, l_prod_options.platform)) end end Result.add_iterator_field ({STRING_32} "downloads_" + l_number , l_list) end end elseif -- specific release all platforms a_release.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") and then not a_platform.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") and then attached l_download_api.download_channel_configuration (Void) as cfg and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_products (cfg) as l_all_products and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror then -- all releases and specific platform. across l_all_products as ic loop if attached ic.item.number as l_number and then attached ic.item.downloads as l_downloads then create {ARRAYED_LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE]} l_list.make (l_downloads.count) across l_downloads as ic1 loop l_prod_options := ic1.item if attached l_prod_options.filename as l_filename and then attached l_prod_options.platform as l_platform and then l_platform.is_case_insensitive_equal (a_platform) then if attached product_options_link (ic.item, l_prod_options, l_mirror) as l_link then create l_url.make_from_string (l_link) l_list.force (create {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE}.make (l_filename, l_url, l_prod_options.size, l_prod_options.platform)) end end end Result.add_iterator_field ({STRING_32} "downloads_" + l_number , l_list) end end elseif -- specific release and specific platform not a_release.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") and then not a_platform.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") and then attached l_download_api.download_channel_configuration (Void) as cfg and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_public_product_by_version (cfg, a_release) as prod and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror and then attached as l_build and then attached as l_name and then attached prod.version as l_version and then attached prod.number as l_number then Result.add_string_field ("name", l_name) Result.add_string_field ("build", l_build) Result.add_string_field ("version", l_version) Result.add_string_field ("number", l_number) -- filter by platform if attached l_download_api.selected_platform (prod.downloads, a_platform) as l_selected and then attached l_selected.filename as l_filename and then attached product_options_link (prod, l_selected, l_mirror) as l_link then Result.add_link ("download", utf_8_encoded (l_filename), l_link) end end else Result := new_error_response ("Internal Server Error, module not available", req, res) Result.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.internal_server_error) end end retrieve_by_release (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; a_release: READABLE_STRING_32): HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE -- Retrieve EiffelStudio filtered by release 'a_release'. local l_list: LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE] l_url: STRING l_prod_options: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS do Result := new_response (req, res) if attached download_api as l_download_api then if a_release.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") then Result := retrieve_by_release_and_platform (req, res, "all", "all") elseif attached l_download_api.download_channel_configuration (Void) as cfg and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_public_product_by_version (cfg, a_release) as l_product and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror and then attached as l_build and then attached as l_name and then attached l_product.version as l_version and then attached l_product.number as l_number then -- filter by release Result.add_string_field ("name", l_name) Result.add_string_field ("build", l_build) Result.add_string_field ("version", l_version) Result.add_string_field ("number", l_number) if attached l_product.downloads as l_downloads then create {ARRAYED_LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE]} l_list.make (l_downloads.count) across l_downloads as ic loop l_prod_options := ic.item if attached l_prod_options.filename as l_filename and then attached l_prod_options.platform as l_platform and then attached product_options_link (l_product, l_prod_options, l_mirror) as l_link then create l_url.make_from_string (l_link) l_list.force (create {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE}.make (l_filename, l_url, l_prod_options.size, l_platform)) end end Result.add_iterator_field ("downloads", l_list) end else Result := new_error_response ("Release [" + utf_8_encoded (a_release) +"] not found" , req, res) Result.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.bad_request) end else Result := new_error_response ("Internal Server Error, module not available", req, res) Result.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.internal_server_error) end end retrieve_all_public_products (a_channel: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE): HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE -- Retrieve all EiffelStudio available downloads from channel `a_channel` (or stable if not defined). local l_list: LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE] l_url: STRING_8 l_prod_options: DOWNLOAD_PRODUCT_OPTIONS do Result := new_response (req, res) if attached download_api as l_download_api then if attached l_download_api.download_channel_configuration (a_channel) as cfg and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_public_product (cfg) as l_product and then attached l_download_api.retrieve_mirror (cfg) as l_mirror and then attached as l_build and then attached as l_name and then attached l_product.version as l_version and then attached l_product.number as l_number then Result.add_string_field ("name", l_name) Result.add_string_field ("build", l_build) Result.add_string_field ("version", l_version) Result.add_string_field ("number", l_number) if attached l_product.downloads as l_downloads then create {ARRAYED_LIST [EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE]} l_list.make (1) across l_downloads as ic loop l_prod_options := ic.item if attached l_prod_options.filename as l_filename and then attached l_prod_options.platform as l_platform and then attached product_options_link (l_product, l_prod_options, l_mirror) as l_link then create l_url.make_from_string (l_link) l_list.force (create {EIFFEL_DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE}.make (l_filename, l_url, l_prod_options.size, l_platform)) end end Result.add_iterator_field ("downloads", l_list) end end else Result := new_error_response ("Internal Server Error, module not available", req, res) Result.set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.internal_server_error) end end is_valid_version (a_version: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is version 'a_version' valid? -- major_minor -- format {XY}_{WZ} do if a_version.count = 5 then -- Check XY are digits if a_version [1].is_digit and then a_version [2].is_digit then -- Check character at(3) '_' if a_version [3] = '_' then if a_version [4].is_digit and then a_version [5].is_digit then Result := True end end end elseif a_version.is_case_insensitive_equal ("all") then Result := True end end release_version_dot_format (a_version: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 -- Release version XY_ZW as XY.ZW require is_valid: is_valid_version (a_version) do create Result.make_from_string_general (a_version) Result.replace_substring_all ("_", ".") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation available_channels: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do Result := download_api.channels end available_channels_to_string (sep: CHARACTER): STRING_32 do create Result.make (10) across available_channels as ic loop if not Result.is_empty then Result.append_character (sep) end Result.append_string_general (ic.item) end end is_valid_channel (a_channel: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is channel a known `a_channel`? do Result := download_api.is_channel_available (a_channel) end end