note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_LICENSES_ADMIN_HANDLER}." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_LICENSES_ADMIN_HANDLER inherit ES_CLOUD_ADMIN_HANDLER rename make as make_admin_handler end WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_HANDLER create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make (a_es_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API; a_admin_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION) do admin_module := a_admin_module make_admin_handler (a_es_cloud_api) end feature -- Access admin_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION feature -- Execution execute (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) do if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("license") as p_license then handle_license (p_license.value, req, res) elseif req.is_post_request_method then handle_licenses_group_action (req, res) else handle_licenses_list (req, res) end end handle_license (a_lic_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_email_lic: detachable ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE s: STRING r: like new_generic_response f: CMS_FORM fset: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET l_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER do if api.has_permission ("admin es licenses") then lic := es_cloud_api.license_by_key (a_lic_id) if lic = Void and a_lic_id.is_integer_64 then lic := es_cloud_api.license (a_lic_id.to_integer_64) end if lic = Void then send_not_found (req, res) else l_user := es_cloud_api.user_for_license (lic) r := new_generic_response (req, res) create s.make_empty -- Edit form create f.make (r.absolute_url (req.percent_encoded_path_info, Void), "edit-license") f.set_method_post if l_user = Void then l_email_lic := es_cloud_api.email_license (lic) end if l_email_lic /= Void then admin_module.add_assign_email_license_form_part_to (l_email_lic, f, es_cloud_api) end create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Edit license " + html_encoded (lic.key)) f.extend (fset) admin_module.add_license_form_part_to (lic, fset, es_cloud_api) if req.is_post_request_method then f.validation_actions.extend (agent admin_module.license_form_validation_action (?, l_user, lic, es_cloud_api)) f.process (r) if attached es_cloud_api.license_by_key (lic.key) as l_updated_lic then lic := l_updated_lic end es_cloud_api.append_license_to_html (lic, l_user, Void, s) -- Update form with fresh data. create f.make (r.absolute_url (req.percent_encoded_path_info, Void), "edit-license") f.set_method_post if l_email_lic /= Void then admin_module.add_assign_email_license_form_part_to (l_email_lic, f, es_cloud_api) end create fset.make f.extend (fset) admin_module.add_license_form_part_to (lic, fset, es_cloud_api) f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) else es_cloud_api.append_license_to_html (lic, l_user, Void, s) f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end end end handle_licenses_list (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response lic: detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE s: STRING l_user: ES_CLOUD_USER l_order_by: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 l_order_by_reversed: BOOLEAN l_plan_filter: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_expiring_before_n_days_filter: INTEGER l_inc_expired, l_only_expired: BOOLEAN l_org: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION l_email, l_user_email: READABLE_STRING_8 -- orgs: detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION] lics: LIST [TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; org: detachable ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION]] lics_last_sessions: STRING_TABLE [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] -- indexed by license key. lics_sorter: QUICK_SORTER [TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]] l_last_remote_address: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 f: CMS_FORM f_select: WSF_FORM_SELECT f_opt: WSF_FORM_SELECT_OPTION f_div: WSF_WIDGET_DIV f_cb: WSF_FORM_CHECKBOX_INPUT do if api.has_permissions (<< {ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_manage_es_accounts, {ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_manage_es_licenses >>) then r := new_generic_response (req, res) add_primary_tabs (r) if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("order-by") as p_order_by then l_order_by := p_order_by.value if l_order_by.is_whitespace then l_order_by := Void end end if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("plan") as p_plan then l_plan_filter := p_plan.value if l_plan_filter.is_whitespace then l_plan_filter := Void end end if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("with_expired") as p_include_expired then l_inc_expired := p_include_expired.is_case_insensitive_equal ("yes") end if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("expiring_before_n_days") as p_expiring_before_n_days then l_expiring_before_n_days_filter := p_expiring_before_n_days.value.to_integer_32 if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter <= 0 then l_expiring_before_n_days_filter := 0 end end if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("only_expired") as p_only_expired then l_only_expired := p_only_expired.is_case_insensitive_equal ("yes") if l_only_expired then l_expiring_before_n_days_filter := 0 l_inc_expired := True end end if l_plan_filter /= Void then if l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ("$") then create s.make_from_string ("

Licenses for priced plans

") else create s.make_from_string ("

Licenses for plan %"" + html_encoded (l_plan_filter) + "%"

") end else create s.make_from_string ("


") end s.append ("Filters: ") create f.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, "licenses-filter") f.set_method_get f.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") if l_order_by /= Void then f.extend_hidden_input ("order-by", l_order_by) end if attached es_cloud_api.sorted_plans as l_sorted_plans then create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") create f_select.make ("plan") f_div.extend (f_select) create f_opt.make ("", "All plans") f_select.add_option (f_opt) create f_opt.make ("$", "has price") f_select.add_option (f_opt) if l_plan_filter /= Void and then l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ("$") then f_opt.set_is_selected (True) end across l_sorted_plans as ic loop create f_opt.make (, ic.item.title_or_name) f_select.add_option (f_opt) if l_plan_filter /= Void and then l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ( then f_opt.set_is_selected (True) end end f_select.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") end if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 or l_plan_filter /= Void then f.extend_html_text (" | All the licenses") end -- Licenses already expired? if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter = 0 then f.extend_html_text (" | ") create f_cb.make_with_value ("only_expired", "yes") f_cb.set_title ("only expired") f_cb.set_checked (l_only_expired) f_cb.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") f_div.extend (f_cb) end -- Licenses expiring before 7 days ? if not l_only_expired then f.extend_html_text (" | ") if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 then create f_cb.make_with_value ("expiring_before_n_days", l_expiring_before_n_days_filter.out) f_cb.set_title ("expiring before " + l_expiring_before_n_days_filter.out + " days") f_cb.set_checked (True) else create f_cb.make_with_value ("expiring_before_n_days", "7") f_cb.set_title ("expiring before 7 days") end f_cb.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") f_div.extend (f_cb) -- Include expired licenses? f.extend_html_text (" | ") create f_cb.make_with_value ("with_expired", "yes") if l_inc_expired then f_cb.set_checked (True) end f_cb.set_title ("with expired licenses") f_cb.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") f_div.extend (f_cb) end f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 then s.append ("
Currently listing licenses expiring before " + l_expiring_before_n_days_filter.out + " days.") end -- Filter licenses if l_plan_filter /= Void then if l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ("$") then lics := es_cloud_api.licenses from lics.start until lics.after loop if lics.item.license.plan.has_price then lics.forth else lics.remove end end elseif attached es_cloud_api.plan_by_name (l_plan_filter) as pl then lics := es_cloud_api.licenses_for_plan (pl) else lics := es_cloud_api.licenses end else lics := es_cloud_api.licenses end if l_only_expired then from lics.start until lics.after loop lic := lics.item.license if lic.is_expired then --Keep lics.forth elseif lic.expiration_date = Void then -- No expiration lics.remove else lics.remove end end elseif l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 then from lics.start until lics.after loop lic := lics.item.license if lic.is_expired and l_inc_expired then --Keep lics.forth elseif lic.expiration_date = Void then -- No expiration lics.remove elseif lic.days_remaining <= l_expiring_before_n_days_filter then --Keep lics.forth else lics.remove end end end if not l_inc_expired then from lics.start until lics.after loop if lics.item.license.is_expired then lics.remove else lics.forth end end end -- Display... s.append ("
%N") across req.query_parameters as ic loop if attached {WSF_STRING} ic.item as q then s.append ("%N") end end -- Compute last sessions create lics_last_sessions.make_equal_caseless (lics.count) across lics as ic loop lic := ic.item.license if attached {ES_CLOUD_SESSION} es_cloud_api.last_license_session (lic) as l_last then lics_last_sessions [lic.key] := l_last end end -- Support for Order-by if l_order_by /= Void then if l_order_by.starts_with_general ("-") then l_order_by_reversed := True l_order_by := l_order_by.substring (2, l_order_by.count) end if l_order_by.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("last") then create lics_sorter.make (create {AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]]}.make (agent (i_sessions: STRING_TABLE [ES_CLOUD_SESSION]; l1,l2: TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]): BOOLEAN local lic1,lic2: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE d1, d2: detachable DATE_TIME sess: ES_CLOUD_SESSION do lic1 := l1.license lic2 := l2.license sess := i_sessions [lic1.key] if sess /= Void then d1 := sess.last_date end sess := i_sessions [lic2.key] if sess /= Void then d2 := sess.last_date end if d1 = Void and d2 = Void then Result := lic1.creation_date > lic2.creation_date elseif d1 = Void then Result := False elseif d2 = Void then Result := True else Result := d1 > d2 end end (lics_last_sessions, ?, ?) ) ) elseif l_order_by.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("creation") then -- Default elseif l_order_by.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("until") then create lics_sorter.make (create {AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]]}.make (agent (l1,l2: TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]): BOOLEAN local lic1,lic2: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE d1, d2: detachable DATE_TIME do lic1 := l1.license lic2 := l2.license d1 := lic1.expiration_date d2 := lic2.expiration_date if d1 = Void and d2 = Void then Result := lic1.creation_date < lic2.creation_date elseif d1 = Void then Result := False elseif d2 = Void then Result := True else Result := d1 < d2 end end ) ) lics_sorter.sort (lics) else end if lics_sorter /= Void then if l_order_by_reversed then lics_sorter.reverse_sort (lics) else lics_sorter.sort (lics) end end end s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append ("") across lics as ic loop lic := ic.item.license l_user := ic.item.user l_email := l_org := if lic /= Void then s.append ("") if l_user /= Void then s.append ("") if attached lic.plan as l_plan then s.append ("") s.append ("") if lic.is_active then if attached lic.expiration_date as dt then if lic.days_remaining < 10 then s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append ("") -- Notes else s.append ("") -- Plan s.append ("") -- Conditions s.append ("") -- Until s.append ("") -- Last s.append ("") -- Notes end -- if l_user /= Void and orgs /= Void then -- s.append ("") -- else if l_org /= Void then s.append ("") else s.append ("") -- Organization end s.append ("") end end s.append ("
") s.append (" ") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (lic.key)) s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append ("") l_user_email := if l_user_email = Void then l_user.update_user (api) l_user_email := end s.append ("') s.append (html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (l_user))) s.append ("") if l_user_email /= Void then s.append (" <") s.append (html_encoded (l_user_email)) s.append (">") end elseif l_org /= Void then s.append ("") s.append ("[ORG] ") s.append (html_encoded (l_org.title_or_name)) s.append ("") elseif l_email /= Void then s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (l_email)) else s.append ("") end s.append ("") -- Plan s.append (html_encoded (l_plan.title_or_name)) s.append ("") -- Conditions if attached lic.platforms_as_csv_string as l_platforms then s.append (" platforms:" + html_encoded (l_platforms)) end if attached lic.version as l_version then s.append (" version:" + html_encoded (l_version)) end s.append ("") -- Until else s.append ("") -- Until end s.append (html_encoded (date_time_to_string (dt))) s.append (" ( " + lic.days_remaining.out + " days remaining )") else s.append ("") -- Until s.append ("ACTIVE") s.append (" (since ") s.append (html_encoded (date_time_to_string (lic.creation_date))) s.append (")") end elseif lic.is_suspended then s.append ("") s.append ("SUSPENDED") else s.append ("") -- Until s.append ("EXPIRED") if attached lic.expiration_date as dt then s.append (" (since ") s.append (html_encoded (date_time_to_string (dt))) s.append (")") end end s.append ("") -- Last if attached lics_last_sessions [lic.key] as l_last then l_last_remote_address := l_last.remote_address if attached l_last.last_date as dt then s.append ("") end else l_last_remote_address := Void end s.append (" ...") s.append ("") if attached l_last_remote_address as rem_addr then s.append (html_encoded (rem_addr)) end s.append ("") -- across -- orgs as o_ic -- loop -- s.append ("") -- s.append (html_encoded ( -- s.append (" ") -- end -- s.append ("") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (l_org.title_or_name)) s.append ("") s.append ("
%N") s.append ("
") s.append ("
%N") s.append ("") -- s.append ("") s.append ("") across es_cloud_api.organizations as ic loop -- sub := es_cloud_api.organization_subscription (ic.item) -- if -- l_plan_filter = Void -- or else (sub /= Void and then l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ( -- then -- s.append ("") -- if sub /= Void then -- s.append ("") -- s.append ("") -- -- s.append ("") -- else -- s.append ("") -- s.append ("") -- -- s.append ("") -- end -- s.append ("") -- end end s.append ("
") -- s.append (html_encoded ( -- s.append ("") -- s.append (html_encoded (sub.plan.title_or_name)) -- s.append ("") -- if sub.is_active then -- if attached sub.expiration_date as dt then -- s.append (html_encoded (date_time_to_string (dt))) -- s.append (" ( " + sub.days_remaining.out + " days remaining )") -- else -- s.append ("ACTIVE") -- s.append (" (since ") -- s.append (html_encoded (date_time_to_string (sub.creation_date))) -- s.append (")") -- end -- else -- s.append ("EXPIRED") -- if attached sub.expiration_date as dt then -- s.append (" (since ") -- s.append (html_encoded (date_time_to_string (dt))) -- s.append (")") -- end -- end -- s.append ("") -- -- s.append ("Cancel | Upgrade") -- -- s.append ("") -- s.append ("") -- s.append ("") -- -- s.append ("Upgrade") -- -- s.append ("
%N") r.set_main_content (s) r.execute else send_access_denied (req, res) end end handle_licenses_group_action (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response l_licenses: STRING_TABLE [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE] lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE s,t: STRING s_nb: READABLE_STRING_32 nb_months, nb_days: INTEGER f: CMS_FORM h: WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT tf: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT l_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT l_choices: WSF_FORM_SELECT l_ch: WSF_FORM_SELECT_OPTION fset: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET l_trial_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN l_all_expired, l_all_expired_soon: BOOLEAN l_expiring_before_n_days: INTEGER l_export: STRING_32 do if api.has_permission ("admin es licenses") then if attached {WSF_STRING} req.form_parameter ("group_action") as p_action and then attached {WSF_TABLE} req.form_parameter ("licenses") as p_lics then create l_licenses.make (p_lics.count) if attached {WSF_STRING} req.form_parameter ("expiring_before_n_days") as p_expiring_before_n_days then l_all_expired_soon := True l_expiring_before_n_days := p_expiring_before_n_days.integer_value else l_all_expired_soon := False end l_all_expired := True across p_lics as ic loop lic := es_cloud_api.license_by_key (ic.key) if lic /= Void then l_all_expired := l_all_expired and lic.is_expired and not lic.is_suspended l_all_expired_soon := l_all_expired_soon and then ( not lic.is_expired and then not lic.is_suspended and then lic.expiration_date /= Void and then lic.days_remaining <= l_expiring_before_n_days ) l_licenses [ic.key] := lic end end l_all_expired_soon := l_all_expired_soon and not l_all_expired r := new_generic_response (req, res) if p_action.same_string ("Extend") and then attached {WSF_STRING} req.form_parameter ("duration-in-month") as p_duration_in_months then s_nb := p_duration_in_months.value if s_nb.is_integer then nb_months := s_nb.to_integer --months elseif s_nb.is_real then nb_days := (31 * s_nb.to_real).truncated_to_integer --days end across l_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item es_cloud_api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, nb_months, nb_days) r.add_notice_message ("License " + html_encoded (ic.key) + ": expires in " + lic.days_remaining.out + " days") end elseif p_action.same_string ("Change Plan") and then attached {WSF_STRING} req.form_parameter ("new_plan") as p_new_plan_name then if attached es_cloud_api.plan_by_name (p_new_plan_name.string_representation) as pl then across l_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item if not lic.plan.same_plan (pl) then lic.set_plan (pl) es_cloud_api.save_license (lic) r.add_notice_message ("License " + html_encoded (lic.key) + " udpated to plan %"" + html_encoded (pl.title_or_name)+ "%"") end end else r.add_error_message ("Could not find plan %"" + html_encoded (p_new_plan_name.string_representation) + "%".") end elseif p_action.same_string (form_submit_label_export_to_csv) then create l_export.make_from_string ("license_key,status,days_remaining,username,email,profilename,%N") across l_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item l_export.append (lic.key) l_export.append_character (',') if lic.is_suspended then l_export.append ("suspended,,") -- status, no days elseif lic.is_fallback then l_export.append ("fallback,,") -- status, no days elseif lic.is_expired then l_export.append ("expired,,") -- status, no days elseif lic.expiration_date /= Void then l_export.append_character (',') -- status l_export.append (lic.days_remaining.out) l_export.append_character (',') -- days else l_export.append ("?,,") -- no status, no days end if attached {ES_CLOUD_USER} es_cloud_api.user_for_license (lic) as l_lic_user then l_export.append_character ('%"') l_export.append ( l_export.append_character ('%"') l_export.append_character (',') -- name if attached as l_email then l_export.append_string_general (l_email) end l_export.append_character (',') -- email if attached l_lic_user.cms_user.profile_name as l_profilename then l_export.append_character ('%"') l_export.append (l_profilename) l_export.append_character ('%"') end l_export.append_character (',') -- profilename else l_export.append_character (',') -- name l_export.append_character (',') -- email l_export.append_character (',') -- profilename end l_export.append_character ('%N') end elseif l_all_expired and then p_action.same_string (form_submit_label_send_message_for_expired_licenses) then es_cloud_api.send_message_to_expired_licenses (l_licenses) elseif l_all_expired_soon and then p_action.same_string (form_submit_label_send_message_for_soon_expired_licenses) then es_cloud_api.send_message_to_licenses_expiring_soon (l_licenses) end create s.make_from_string ("

Action: " + html_encoded (p_action.string_representation) + "

%N") s.append ("
Return to licenses list
%N") create f.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, Void) f.set_method_post across l_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item f.extend_html_text ("
  • ") create h.make_with_text ("licenses[" + url_encoded (lic.key) + "]", "on") f.extend (h) create t.make_empty if attached es_cloud_api.user_for_license (lic) as l_user then es_cloud_api.append_one_line_license_view_to_html (lic, l_user, admin_module.module, t) else t.append (html_encoded (ic.key)) end f.extend_html_text (t) f.extend_html_text ("
  • ") end create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Extending license duration") f.extend (fset) create tf.make ("duration-in-month") tf.set_label ("Extend license duration") tf.set_description ("Add N months to license duration ...") fset.extend (tf) create l_submit.make_with_text ("group_action", "Extend") fset.extend (l_submit) create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Change license plan") f.extend (fset) create l_choices.make ("new_plan") l_trial_plan := es_cloud_api.trial_plan across es_cloud_api.plans as ic loop create l_ch.make (, ic.item.title_or_name) if l_trial_plan /= Void and then l_trial_plan.same_plan (ic.item) then l_ch.set_is_selected (True) end l_choices.add_option (l_ch) end fset.extend (l_choices) create l_submit.make_with_text ("group_action", "Change Plan") fset.extend (l_submit) if l_all_expired then create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Expired license(s)") f.extend (fset) create l_submit.make_with_text ("group_action", form_submit_label_send_message_for_expired_licenses) fset.extend (l_submit) end if l_all_expired_soon then create fset.make fset.set_legend ("License(s) expiring soon") fset.extend_html_text ("in less than " + l_expiring_before_n_days.out + " days") fset.extend_hidden_input ("expiring_before_n_days", l_expiring_before_n_days.out) f.extend (fset) create l_submit.make_with_text ("group_action", form_submit_label_send_message_for_soon_expired_licenses) fset.extend (l_submit) end create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Export list to table") f.extend (fset) create l_submit.make_with_text ("group_action", form_submit_label_export_to_csv) fset.extend (l_submit) if l_export /= Void and then not l_export.is_whitespace then fset.extend_html_text ("
    						fset.extend_raw_text (l_export)
    						fset.extend_html_text ("
    ") end f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) r.set_main_content (s) r.execute else send_bad_request (req, res) end else send_access_denied (req, res) end end form_submit_label_export_to_csv: STRING = "Export to CSV" form_submit_label_send_message_for_expired_licenses: STRING = "Send messages for expired licenses" form_submit_label_send_message_for_soon_expired_licenses: STRING = "Send messages for licenses about to expire" invariant end