note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION inherit CMS_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION [ES_CLOUD_MODULE] redefine setup_hooks, permissions end CMS_HOOK_AUTO_REGISTER CMS_HOOK_MENU_SYSTEM_ALTER CMS_HOOK_FORM_ALTER CMS_HOOK_RESPONSE_ALTER CMS_HOOK_CLEANUP create make feature -- Security permissions: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] -- List of permission ids, used by this module, and declared. do Result := Precursor Result.force (perm_admin_es_subscriptions) Result.force (perm_admin_es_licenses) Result.force (perm_admin_es_plans) Result.force (perm_admin_es_organizations) Result.force (perm_admin_es_store) end perm_admin_es_subscriptions: STRING = "admin es subscriptions" perm_admin_es_licenses: STRING = "admin es licenses" perm_admin_es_plans: STRING = "admin es plans" perm_admin_es_organizations: STRING = "admin es organizations" perm_admin_es_store: STRING = "admin es store" feature {NONE} -- Router/administration setup_administration_router (a_router: WSF_ROUTER; a_api: CMS_API) -- local org_hlr: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATIONS_ADMIN_HANDLER plan_hlr: ES_CLOUD_PLANS_ADMIN_HANDLER redeem_hlr: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKENS_ADMIN_HANDLER do if attached module.es_cloud_api as l_es_cloud_api then create org_hlr.make (l_es_cloud_api) org_hlr.setup_router (a_router, "/cloud/organizations/") a_router.handle ("/cloud/subscriptions/", create {ES_CLOUD_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api), a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle (admin_licenses_location, create {ES_CLOUD_LICENSES_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api, Current), a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle (admin_licenses_location + "{license}", create {ES_CLOUD_LICENSES_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api, Current), a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/account/{user}", create {ES_CLOUD_ACCOUNTS_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api, Current), a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/installations/", create {ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATIONS_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api, Current), a_router.methods_get_post) create plan_hlr.make (l_es_cloud_api) a_router.handle ("/cloud/plans/", plan_hlr, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/plans/{pid}", plan_hlr, a_router.methods_get_post) create redeem_hlr.make (l_es_cloud_api, Current) a_router.handle ("/cloud/redeem/", redeem_hlr, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/redeem/plans/{pid}", redeem_hlr, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/redeem/plans/{pid}/unused/{source}--{name}.{ext}", redeem_hlr, a_router.methods_get) -- a_router.handle ("/cloud/redeem/token/{token_id}", redeem_hlr, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/store/", create {ES_CLOUD_STORE_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api), a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/cloud/store/{currency}", create {ES_CLOUD_STORE_ADMIN_HANDLER}.make (l_es_cloud_api), a_router.methods_get_post) end end feature -- Links admin_licenses_location: STRING_8 = "/cloud/licenses/" admin_license_location (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): STRING_8 do Result := admin_licenses_location + url_encoded (lic.key) end feature -- Hooks configuration setup_hooks (a_hooks: CMS_HOOK_CORE_MANAGER) -- Module hooks configuration. do a_hooks.subscribe_to_menu_system_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_response_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_form_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_cleanup_hook (Current) end response_alter (a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) do module.response_alter (a_response) a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/es_cloud-admin.css", Void), Void) end menu_system_alter (a_menu_system: CMS_MENU_SYSTEM; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Hook execution on collection of menu contained by `a_menu_system' -- for related response `a_response'. local lnk: CMS_LOCAL_LINK l_parent: CMS_LINK_COMPOSITE do l_parent := a_menu_system.management_menu.new_composite_item ("EiffelStudio", a_response.api.administration_path_location ("cloud/")) lnk := a_response.api.local_link ("Profiles", "cloud/profiles/") l_parent.extend (lnk) if a_response.has_permission (perm_admin_es_plans) then lnk := a_response.api.administration_link ("Plans", "cloud/plans/") l_parent.extend (lnk) end if a_response.has_permission (perm_admin_es_licenses) then lnk := a_response.api.administration_link ("Licenses", "cloud/licenses/") l_parent.extend (lnk) end if a_response.has_permission (perm_admin_es_subscriptions) then lnk := a_response.api.administration_link ("Subscriptions", "cloud/subscriptions/") l_parent.extend (lnk) end if a_response.has_permission (perm_admin_es_organizations) then lnk := a_response.api.administration_link ("Organizations", "cloud/organizations/") l_parent.extend (lnk) end if a_response.has_permission (perm_admin_es_store) then lnk := a_response.api.administration_link ("Redeem", "cloud/redeem/") l_parent.extend (lnk) lnk := a_response.api.administration_link ("Store", "cloud/store/") l_parent.extend (lnk) end end form_alter (a_form: CMS_FORM; a_form_data: detachable WSF_FORM_DATA; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Hook execution on form `a_form' and its associated data `a_form_data', -- for related response `a_response'. local fset, lic_fset: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET s: STRING l_license: detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_dt_input: WSF_FORM_NUMBER_INPUT b_input: WSF_FORM_CHECKBOX_INPUT do if attached module.es_cloud_api as l_cloud_api and then attached as l_form_id then if l_form_id.same_string ({CMS_ADMIN_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.form_admin_user_view_id) then if attached cloud_user_from_form (a_form, a_response) as l_user then create fset.make fset.set_legend ("User licenses") if attached l_cloud_api.user_licenses (l_user) as l_licenses then across l_licenses as ic loop l_license := ic.item.license create lic_fset.make lic_fset.add_css_style ("margin-bottom: 1em; border: solid 1px blue;") fset.extend (lic_fset) create s.make_empty s.append ("
") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (l_license.key)) s.append ("") s.append (": " + html_encoded (l_license.plan.title_or_name) + "") s.append ("
") s.append (" since ") s.append (date_time_to_string (l_license.creation_date)) s.append ("") if attached l_license.expiration_date as dt then s.append (" until ") s.append (date_time_to_string (dt)) s.append ("") end if l_license.is_suspended then s.append (" (Suspended)") end if l_license.is_expired then s.append (" (Expired)") end if attached l_license.fallback_date as l_fb then s.append (" (Fallback since " + date_time_to_string (l_fb) + ")") end if attached l_license.platforms_as_csv_string as pf then s.append (" [platforms=" + html_encoded (pf) + "]") end if attached l_license.version as l_version then s.append (" [version=" + html_encoded (l_version) + "]") end s.append ("
") lic_fset.extend_html_text (s) end end a_form.extend (fset) end elseif l_form_id.same_string ("edit-user") then if a_response.has_permission ("admin es licenses") and then attached cloud_user_from_form (a_form, a_response) as l_user then create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Associated cloud account") fset.extend_html_text ("

View account

") a_form.extend (fset) -- if -- attached cloud_user_from_form (a_form, a_response) as l_user and then -- a_form_data = Void -- then -- create fset.make -- fset.set_legend ("Current licenses") -- a_form.extend (fset) -- across -- l_cloud_api.user_licenses (l_user) as ic -- loop -- l_license := ic.item.license -- add_license_form_part_to (l_license, fset, l_cloud_api) -- end -- add_license_form_part_to (Void, fset, l_cloud_api) -- a_form.validation_actions.extend (agent license_form_validation_action (?, l_user, l_license, l_cloud_api)) -- end end elseif l_form_id.same_string ({CMS_ADMIN_CLEANUP_HANDLER}.form_admin_cleanup_id) then create fset.make create b_input.make ("cleanup-params[license-archive]") b_input.set_checked (False) b_input.set_title ("Archive expired license?") fset.extend (b_input) create l_dt_input.make ("cleanup-params[license-age-in-days]") l_dt_input.set_label ("Archive license expired and aged (in days) ...") l_dt_input.set_text_value (l_cloud_api.config.license_archive_age.out) l_dt_input.set_description ("Archive licenses expired and older than specified N days") fset.extend (l_dt_input) create b_input.make ("cleanup-params[session-archive]") b_input.set_checked (True) b_input.set_title ("Archive old sessions?") fset.extend (b_input) create l_dt_input.make ("cleanup-params[session-age-in-days]") l_dt_input.set_label ("Archive sessions aged (in days) ...") l_dt_input.set_text_value (l_cloud_api.config.session_archive_age.out) l_dt_input.set_description ("Archive sessions older than specified N days") fset.extend (l_dt_input) a_form.extend (fset) end end end license_form_validation_action (fd: WSF_FORM_DATA; a_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; a_lic: detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API) local s_nb: STRING_32 nb_months: INTEGER nb_days: INTEGER i: INTEGER l_lic_id: INTEGER_64 l_var_prefix: STRING_32 lic: detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_is_update: BOOLEAN do if attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op") as l_op then i := l_op.index_of ('#', 1) if i > 0 then l_lic_id := l_op.substring (i + 1, l_op.count).to_integer_64 end if l_lic_id > 0 then l_is_update := True l_var_prefix := "es-lic-" + l_lic_id.out lic := a_cloud_api.license (l_lic_id) else l_var_prefix := "es-new-lic" end if lic = Void or else (a_user /= Void implies a_cloud_api.user_has_license (a_user, then if attached fd.table_item (l_var_prefix) as l_lic_data then if attached {WSF_STRING} l_lic_data.value ("plan") as p_plan and then attached a_cloud_api.plan_by_name (p_plan.value) as l_new_plan then if lic = Void then lic := a_cloud_api.new_license_for_plan (l_new_plan) else -- !!! Change plan ???? lic.set_plan (l_new_plan) end if attached {WSF_STRING} l_lic_data.value ("key") as p_key then check lic /= Void implies p_key.is_case_insensitive_equal (lic.key) end end if attached {WSF_STRING} l_lic_data.value ("platforms") as p_platforms then if p_platforms.is_empty then lic.set_platforms_restriction (Void) else lic.set_platforms_restriction (p_platforms.value) end end if attached {WSF_STRING} l_lic_data.value ("version") as p_version then if p_version.is_empty then lic.set_version (Void) else lic.set_version (p_version.value) end end if attached {WSF_STRING} l_lic_data.value ("expiration") as p_expiration and then attached yyyy_mm_dd_to_date (p_expiration.value) as l_exp_date then lic.set_expiration_date (create {DATE_TIME}.make_by_date (l_exp_date)) elseif attached {WSF_STRING} l_lic_data.value ("duration-in-month") as p_months then s_nb := p_months.value if s_nb.is_integer then nb_months := s_nb.to_integer --months elseif s_nb.is_real then nb_days := (31 * s_nb.to_real).truncated_to_integer --days end if nb_months > 0 then a_cloud_api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, nb_months, 0) elseif nb_days > 0 then a_cloud_api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, nb_days) else a_cloud_api.save_license (lic) end end if l_is_update then a_cloud_api.update_license (lic, a_user) else a_cloud_api.save_new_license (lic, a_user) end end end end else if a_cloud_api.cms_api.has_permission (module.perm_manage_es_licenses) and then attached fd.integer_item ("es-lic-lid") as lid and then attached a_cloud_api.license (lid) as l_lic then if attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op-suspend") then a_cloud_api.suspend_license (l_lic) elseif attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op-resume") then a_cloud_api.resume_license (l_lic) elseif attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op-discard") then a_cloud_api.discard_license (l_lic) elseif attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op-no-exp-date") then a_cloud_api.remove_expiration_date (l_lic) elseif attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op-fallback") then if attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-version") as v then a_cloud_api.convert_to_fallback (l_lic, v) else -- ERROR: FIXME end elseif attached fd.string_item ("es-lic-op-undo-fallback") then a_cloud_api.undo_convert_to_fallback (l_lic) end end end end add_assign_email_license_form_part_to (a_license: ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE; ftarget: WSF_FORM_COMPOSITE; a_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API) local d: WSF_FORM_DIV l_user_tf: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT l_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT fset: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET do create fset.make fset.set_legend ("Assign this license to a user") fset.set_legend ("The license is currently associated to email "+ html_encoded ( + " .") ftarget.extend (fset) create d.make d.add_css_class ("horizontal") fset.extend (d) create l_user_tf.make ("user-assignee") d.extend (l_user_tf) l_user_tf.set_label ("Username or uid") create l_submit.make_with_text ("op", "Assign") d.extend (l_submit) l_submit.set_validation_action (agent (i_email_lic: ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE; i_fd: WSF_FORM_DATA; i_a_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API) do if attached i_fd.string_item ("op") as l_op and then l_op.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("Assign") and then attached i_fd.string_item ("user-assignee") as l_uid then if attached i_a_cloud_api.cms_api.user_api.user_by_id_or_name (l_uid) as l_assignee then i_a_cloud_api.move_email_license_to_user (i_email_lic, l_assignee) else i_fd.report_invalid_field ("user-assignee", "User not found") end end end(a_license, ?, a_cloud_api) ) end add_license_form_part_to (a_license: detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; fset: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET; a_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API) local lic_fset: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET -- r: WSF_FORM_RADIO_INPUT h: WSF_FORM_DIV l_select: WSF_FORM_SELECT l_select_opt: WSF_FORM_SELECT_OPTION num: WSF_FORM_NUMBER_INPUT exp: WSF_FORM_DATE_INPUT txt: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT s: STRING l_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT l_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN l_var_prefix: STRING_8 do create lic_fset.make lic_fset.add_css_style ("padding-left: 2rem; margin-bottom: 1em;") fset.extend (lic_fset) create s.make_empty if a_license = Void then s.append ("

New license ...

") lic_fset.extend_html_text (s) l_var_prefix := "es-new-lic" else l_var_prefix := "es-lic-" + l_plan := a_license.plan lic_fset.extend (create {WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT}.make_with_text (l_var_prefix + "[key]", a_license.key)) s.append ("

License " + html_encoded (a_license.key) + " of product " + html_encoded (l_plan.title_or_name) + "") if attached a_license.expiration_date as dt then s.append (" until ") s.append (date_time_to_string (dt)) end s.append ("

") lic_fset.extend_html_text (s) end if a_license /= Void and then a_license.is_archived then create s.make_empty s.append ("
This license is ARCHIVED

") lic_fset.extend_html_text (s) else create l_select.make (l_var_prefix + "[plan]") l_select.set_label ("Plan") lic_fset.extend (l_select) across a_cloud_api.plans as pl_ic loop create l_select_opt.make (, pl_ic.item.title_or_name) if l_plan /= Void and then pl_ic.item.same_plan (l_plan) then l_select_opt.set_is_selected (True) end l_select.add_option (l_select_opt) end -- across -- a_cloud_api.plans as pl_ic -- loop -- create r.make_with_value (l_var_prefix + "[plan]", -- r.set_title (pl_ic.item.title_or_name) -- if l_plan /= Void and then pl_ic.item.same_plan (l_plan) then -- r.set_checked (True) -- end -- lic_fset.extend (r) -- end create txt.make (l_var_prefix + "[platforms]") txt.set_label ("Platforms") txt.set_description ("License for specific platforms (comma separated value)") if a_license /= Void and then attached a_license.platforms_as_csv_string as pf then txt.set_text_value (pf) end lic_fset.extend (txt) create txt.make (l_var_prefix + "[version]") txt.set_label ("Version") txt.set_description ("License for specific version") if a_license /= Void and then attached a_license.version as pv then txt.set_text_value (pv) end lic_fset.extend (txt) create num.make (l_var_prefix + "[duration-in-month]") num.set_min (0) num.set_max (5*12) num.set_step (0.5) num.set_label ("Additional time") num.set_size (8) num.set_description ("number of additional months.") lic_fset.extend (num) create exp.make (l_var_prefix + "[expiration]") exp.set_label ("Expiration date") exp.set_description ("Expiration date") if a_license /= Void and then attached a_license.expiration_date as l_exp_date then exp.set_description ("Current expiration date: " + l_exp_date.out + "%N") end lic_fset.extend (exp) lic_fset.extend_html_text ("
") create h.make h.add_css_class ("horizontal") lic_fset.extend (h) if a_license /= Void then lic_fset.extend (create {WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT}.make_with_text ("es-lic-lid", if a_license.is_suspended then create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op-resume", "Resume License") h.extend (l_submit) else create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op", "Save License #" + h.extend (l_submit) if a_license.expiration_date /= Void then create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op-no-exp-date", "Remove Expiration Date") h.extend (l_submit) end create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op-suspend", "Suspend License") h.extend (l_submit) end if a_license.is_fallback then create h.make h.add_css_class ("horizontal") h.add_css_class ("fallback") lic_fset.extend (h) create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op-undo-fallback", "Undo FallBack") h.extend (l_submit) elseif a_license.may_be_eligible_to_fallback then create h.make h.add_css_class ("horizontal") h.add_css_class ("may-fallback") lic_fset.extend (h) if attached a_license.version as v then h.extend (create {WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT}.make_with_text ("es-lic-version", v)) else if attached a_license.version as pv then h.extend (create {WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT}.make_with_text ("es-lic-version", pv)) else h.extend (create {WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT}.make_with_text ("es-lic-version", "Enter a valid version!!!")) end end create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op-fallback", "Make FallBack") h.extend (l_submit) end else create l_submit.make_with_text ("es-lic-op", "Save License") h.extend (l_submit) end end end cloud_user_from_form (a_form: CMS_FORM; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_USER do if attached a_form.fields_by_name ("user-id") as lst and then attached {WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT} lst.first as l_field and then attached l_field.default_value as l_user_id and then attached a_response.api.user_api.user_by_id_or_name (l_user_id) as u then create Result.make (u) end end yyyy_mm_dd_to_date (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable DATE -- YYYY-mm-dd to DATE object. local i,j: INTEGER do i := s.index_of ('-', 1) if i = 5 then j := s.index_of ('-', i + 1) if j > 0 then create Result.make (s.substring (1, i - 1).to_integer, s.substring (i + 1, j - 1).to_integer, s.substring (j + 1, s.count).to_integer) end end end feature -- Hook cleanup (ctx: CMS_HOOK_CLEANUP_CONTEXT; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Cleanup local dt: DATE_TIME cl: CELL [INTEGER] do if attached module.es_cloud_api as l_es_cloud_api then ctx.log ("Cleanup ES Cloud") if attached ctx.parameter ("license-archive") as s and then s.same_string ("on") then ctx.log ("Archive expired licenses") create dt.make_now_utc if attached ctx.parameter ("license-age-in-days") as s_days and then s_days.is_integer_32 then dt.day_add (- s_days.to_integer_32) else dt.day_add (-1 * l_es_cloud_api.config.license_archive_age) end create cl.put (0) l_es_cloud_api.cleanup_licenses (dt, cl) ctx.log ("Archived " + cl.item.out + " licenses") end if attached ctx.parameter ("session-archive") as s and then s.same_string ("on") then ctx.log ("Archive old sessions") create dt.make_now_utc if attached ctx.parameter ("session-age-in-days") as s_days and then s_days.is_integer_32 then dt.day_add (- s_days.to_integer_32) else dt.day_add (-1 * l_es_cloud_api.config.session_archive_age) end l_es_cloud_api.cleanup_sessions (dt) end end end end