note description: "API to handle ES Cloud api." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_API inherit ES_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_API_I ES_CLOUD_SUBSCRIPTION_API_I CMS_MODULE_API rename make as make_api redefine initialize end REFACTORING_HELPER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE; a_api: CMS_API) do module := a_module cms_api := a_api initialize end initialize -- do Precursor create config.make if attached cms_api.module_configuration_by_name ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "config") as cfg then if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("api.secret") as s then config.set_api_secret (s) end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("shop.provider_name") as s then config.set_shop_provider_name (s) end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("shop.additional_notification_email") as s then config.set_additional_notification_email (s) end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("shop.additional_error_notification_email") as s then config.set_additional_error_notification_email (s) end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("session.expiration_delay") as s then config.session_expiration_delay := s.to_integer end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("session.archive_age") as s then config.session_archive_age := s.to_integer end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("license.archive_age") as s then config.license_archive_age := s.to_integer end if attached cfg.resolved_text_item ("license.auto_trial") as s and then s.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("yes") then config.enable_auto_trial (cfg.resolved_text_item ("license.auto_trial_plan")) end end -- Storage initialization if attached as l_storage_sql then create {ES_CLOUD_STORAGE_SQL} es_cloud_storage.make (l_storage_sql) else -- FIXME: in case of NULL storage, should Current be disabled? create {ES_CLOUD_STORAGE_NULL} es_cloud_storage end end feature {CMS_MODULE} -- Access nodes storage. es_cloud_storage: ES_CLOUD_STORAGE_I feature -- Settings module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE config: ES_CLOUD_CONFIG feature -- Access: users active_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER do if attached cms_api.user as u then create Result.make (u) end end cloud_user (a_user_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_USER do if attached cms_api.user_api.user_by_id_or_name (a_user_id) as u then Result := u end end cloud_user_profile (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): detachable ES_CLOUD_USER_PROFILE do if attached cms_api.user_api.user_profile (a_user.cms_user) as uprof then create Result.make (a_user) if attached uprof[".cloud.about(wikitext)"] as wk then Result.set_about_wikitext (wk) end end end save_cloud_user_profile (a_prof: ES_CLOUD_USER_PROFILE) local uprof: CMS_USER_PROFILE do uprof := cms_api.user_api.user_profile (a_prof.cms_user) if uprof = Void then create uprof.make end uprof[".cloud.about(wikitext)"] := a_prof.about_wikitext cms_api.user_api.save_user_profile (a_prof.cms_user, uprof) end cloud_user_profiles (params: detachable CMS_DATA_QUERY_PARAMETERS): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_PROFILE] -- List of the most recent cloud profiles for `params`. -- if `params` is Void, return all existing profiles (excluding empy) local cu: ES_CLOUD_USER pf: like cloud_user_profile nb: INTEGER l_params: CMS_DATA_QUERY_PARAMETERS l_done: BOOLEAN lst: ITERABLE [CMS_USER] do if params /= Void then create Result.make (params.size.to_integer_32) across cms_api.user_api.recent_users (params) as ic loop if attached ic.item as l_user then create cu.make (l_user) pf := cloud_user_profile (cu) if pf = Void then create pf.make (l_user) end Result.force (pf) end end else create Result.make (100) from create l_params.make (0, 100) until l_done loop lst := cms_api.user_api.recent_users (l_params) nb := 0 across lst as ic loop nb := nb + 1 if attached ic.item as l_user then pf := cloud_user_profile (l_user) if pf /= Void and then not pf.is_empty then Result.force (pf) end end end l_done := nb < 100 if not l_done then l_params.set_offset (l_params.offset + l_params.size) end end end end feature -- Access: plans plans: LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN] do Result := es_cloud_storage.plans end sorted_plans: LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN] do Result := plans plans_sorter.sort (Result) end plans_sorter: SORTER [ES_CLOUD_PLAN] local comp: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [ES_CLOUD_PLAN] do create comp.make (agent (u,v: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): BOOLEAN do if u.weight /= v.weight then Result := u.weight < v.weight elseif attached as u_name then if attached as v_name then Result := u_name < v_name else Result := True end else Result := < end end ) create {QUICK_SORTER [ES_CLOUD_PLAN]} Result.make (comp) end default_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN do if attached sorted_plans as lst and then not lst.is_empty then Result := lst.first end end plan (a_plan_id: INTEGER): detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN do Result := es_cloud_storage.plan (a_plan_id) end plan_by_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN do across plans as ic until Result /= Void loop Result := ic.item if not a_name.is_case_insensitive_equal ( then Result := Void end end end feature -- Access: tokens redeem_tokens (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN; a_version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): LIST [ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN]} Result.make (0) Result := es_cloud_storage.redeem_tokens (a_plan, a_version) end unused_redeem_tokens_count (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): INTEGER do Result := es_cloud_storage.unused_redeem_tokens_count (a_plan) end redeem_token (a_token_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN do -- TODO Result := es_cloud_storage.redeem_token (a_token_name) end create_redeem_tokens (nb: INTEGER; a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN; a_opt_version, a_origin: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_token_prefix: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_notes: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_new_tokens: detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN]) -- Create `nb` new redeem tokens for plan `a_plan`, limited to `a_opt_version` (or not). -- The tokens are generated for seller `origin`, and prefixed (or not) by `a_token_prefix`. -- `a_notes` can be used for internal purpose. -- If `a_new_tokens` is set, it will contain the newly created tokens local i: INTEGER k: STRING_8 tok: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN do from i := 1 until i > nb loop k := cms_api.new_random_identifier (24, once "ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVW23456789") -- Without I O L 0 1 , which are sometime hard to distinguish! if a_token_prefix /= Void then k.prepend_string (a_token_prefix) end if a_opt_version /= Void and then a_opt_version.is_valid_as_string_8 then create tok.make (k,, a_opt_version.to_string_8) else create tok.make (k,, Void) end tok.set_origin (a_origin) tok.set_notes (a_notes) save_new_redeem_token (tok) if a_new_tokens /= Void then a_new_tokens.force (tok) end i := i + 1 end if a_origin /= Void then cms_api.log ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "Created " + nb.out + " tokens on plan " + utf_8_encoded (a_plan.title_or_name) + " for [" + utf_8_encoded (a_origin), {CMS_LOG}.level_notice, Void) else cms_api.log ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "Created " + nb.out + " tokens on plan " + utf_8_encoded (a_plan.title_or_name), {CMS_LOG}.level_notice, Void) end end save_new_redeem_token (a_token: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN) do es_cloud_storage.create_redeem_token (a_token) end save_redeem_token (a_token: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN) do es_cloud_storage.save_redeem_token (a_token) end redeem (a_redeem_token: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN; a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER) require not a_redeem_token.is_redeemed a_redeem_token.license_key = Void do if attached plan_by_name (a_redeem_token.plan_name) as pl and then attached new_license_for_plan (pl) as l_new_lic then if attached a_redeem_token.version as v then l_new_lic.set_version (v) end extend_license_with_duration (l_new_lic, 1, 0, 0) save_new_license (l_new_lic, a_user) a_redeem_token.assign_license (l_new_lic) save_redeem_token (a_redeem_token) cms_api.log ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "Redeem token " + utf_8_encoded ( + " for user " +, {CMS_LOG}.level_notice, Void) notify_redeemed_license (a_user, Void, l_new_lic, a_redeem_token) end end feature -- Access: licenses licenses: LIST [TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; org: detachable ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION]] -- Licenses do Result := es_cloud_storage.licenses end licenses_for_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): like licenses do Result := es_cloud_storage.licenses_for_plan (a_plan) end license (a_license_id: INTEGER_64): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE do Result := es_cloud_storage.license (a_license_id) end license_by_key (a_license_key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE do Result := es_cloud_storage.license_by_key (a_license_key) end user_for_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_USER local uid: INTEGER_64 do uid := es_cloud_storage.user_id_for_license (a_license) if uid /= 0 and then attached cms_api.user_api.user_by_id (uid) as u then create Result.make (u) end end user_has_license (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_license_id: INTEGER_64): BOOLEAN do Result := es_cloud_storage.user_has_license (a_user, a_license_id) end user_licenses (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE] do Result := es_cloud_storage.user_licenses (a_user) end email_for_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do Result := es_cloud_storage.email_for_license (a_license) end email_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE do Result := es_cloud_storage.email_license (a_license) end email_licenses (a_email: READABLE_STRING_8): LIST [ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE] do Result := es_cloud_storage.email_licenses (a_email) end feature -- Limitations license_limitations_string (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Plan limitations JSON string. do if attached lic.plan.usage_limitations_data as l_lims then Result := l_lims end end feature -- Access trial trial_user_licenses (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE] -- Existing trial license for user `a_user` or email `a_email` if any. local lic: ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE do if attached trial_plan as pl then create Result.make (1) across user_licenses (a_user) as ic loop lic := ic.item if pl.same_plan (lic.license.plan) then Result.force (lic) end end end end trial_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN do if config.auto_trial_enabled then if attached config.auto_trial_plan_name as pl_name then Result := plan_by_name (pl_name) end if Result = Void then Result := default_plan end end end is_eligible_to_trial_extension (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): BOOLEAN -- Is `lic` eligible to receive a trial extension approval? local dt, l_creation: DATE_TIME nb: INTEGER do nb := lic.plan.trial_max_period_in_days.to_integer_32 if nb > 0 then l_creation := lic.creation_date create dt.make_now_utc dt.day_add (- nb) Result := dt < l_creation end end potential_trial_extension_days (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): NATURAL -- Maximum days `lic` could be potentially extended for the trial period. local nb: NATURAL n: NATURAL do nb := lic.plan.trial_max_period_in_days if nb > 0 then n := lic.duration_in_days if n < nb then Result := (nb - n).min (lic.plan.trial_period_in_days) end end end feature -- Element change license auto_assign_trial_to (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER) local pl: ES_CLOUD_PLAN lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE do if config.auto_trial_enabled then if attached config.auto_trial_plan_name as pl_name then pl := plan_by_name (pl_name) end if pl = Void then pl := default_plan end if pl /= Void then lic := new_license_for_plan (pl) lic.set_remaining_days (pl.trial_period_in_days) save_new_license (lic, a_user) if attached a_user.cms_user as l_cms_user and then attached as l_email then if l_email /= Void then send_new_license_mail (l_cms_user, l_cms_user.profile_name, l_email, lic, Void, Void) end notify_new_license (l_cms_user, l_cms_user.profile_name, l_email, lic, Void) end end end end new_license_for_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): ES_CLOUD_LICENSE local k: STRING_32 do k := cms_api.new_random_identifier (16, once "ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVW23456789") -- Without I O L 0 1 , which are sometime hard to distinguish! create Result.make (k, a_plan) es_cloud_storage.save_license (Result) end save_license_with_duration_extension (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; nb_years, nb_months, nb_days: INTEGER) -- Extend and save the license `lic` life duration by -- `nb_years` year(s) -- `nb_months` month(s) -- `nb_days` day(s) do extend_license_with_duration (lic, nb_years, nb_months, nb_days) save_license (lic) cms_api.log_debug ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "Extended license " + utf_8_encoded (lic.key) + " with " + nb_days.out + " days, " + nb_months.out + " months, " + nb_years.out + " years", create {CMS_LOCAL_LINK}.make (Void, module.license_location (lic)) ) end extend_license_with_duration (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; nb_years, nb_months, nb_days: INTEGER) -- Extend the license `lic` life duration by -- `nb_years` year(s) -- `nb_months` month(s) -- `nb_days` day(s) local dt: DATE_TIME d: DATE y,mo: INTEGER orig: DATE_TIME do orig := lic.expiration_date if orig = Void then orig := lic.creation_date create orig.make_by_date_time (, orig.time) if lic.days_remaining > 0 then orig.day_add (lic.days_remaining) end end create dt.make_by_date_time (, orig.time) y := dt.year + nb_years mo := dt.month + nb_months if mo > 12 then y := y + mo // 12 mo := mo \\ 12 end create d.make (y, mo, d.day_add (nb_days) create dt.make_by_date_time (d, dt.time) lic.set_expiration_date (dt) end save_new_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER) do es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) if a_user /= Void then assign_license_to_user (a_license, a_user) end end save_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) do es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) end update_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER) require existing_license: license ( /= Void do if a_user /= Void and then not user_has_license (a_user, then assign_license_to_user (a_license, a_user) end es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) notify_updated_license (a_user, a_license) end discard_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) require existing_license: license ( /= Void do -- FIXME: to implement! end suspend_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) require existing_license: license ( /= Void do a_license.suspend es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) end resume_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) require existing_license: license ( /= Void is_suspended: a_license.is_suspended do a_license.resume es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) end convert_to_fallback (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_version: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require existing_license: license ( /= Void a_license.may_be_eligible_to_fallback do a_license.set_version (a_version) a_license.set_fallback_date (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) ensure a_license.is_fallback end undo_convert_to_fallback (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) require existing_license: license ( /= Void a_license.is_fallback do -- a_license.set_version (Void) -- should we ?? a_license.set_fallback_date (Void) es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) end remove_expiration_date (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) require existing_license: license ( /= Void do a_license.set_expiration_date (Void) es_cloud_storage.save_license (a_license) end assign_license_to_user (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER) require a_license.has_id do es_cloud_storage.assign_license_to_user (a_license, a_user) end move_email_license_to_user (a_email_license: ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE; a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER) require a_email_license.license.has_id do es_cloud_storage.move_email_license_to_user (a_email_license, a_user) end assign_license_to_email (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_email: READABLE_STRING_8) require a_license.has_id do es_cloud_storage.assign_license_to_email (a_license, a_email) end converted_license_from_user_subscription (a_sub: ES_CLOUD_PLAN_SUBSCRIPTION; a_installation: detachable ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE local inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION do if attached {ES_CLOUD_PLAN_USER_SUBSCRIPTION} a_sub as sub then Result := new_license_for_plan (sub.plan) Result.set_creation_date (sub.creation_date) if attached sub.expiration_date as exp then Result.set_expiration_date (exp) else Result.set_remaining_days (sub.plan.trial_period_in_days) end if a_installation /= Void then Result.set_platforms_restriction (a_installation.platform) Result.set_version (a_installation.product_version) end save_new_license (Result, sub.user) es_cloud_storage.discard_user_subscription (sub) -- HACK: previously installation tables included the uid, now we have license id `lid` if attached es_cloud_storage.license_installations (sub.user_id) as lst then across lst as ic loop inst := ic.item inst.update_license_id ( es_cloud_storage.save_installation (inst) end end if attached sub.user.cms_user as l_cms_user and then attached as l_email then if l_email /= Void then send_new_license_mail (l_cms_user, l_cms_user.profile_name, l_email, Result, Void, Void) end notify_new_license (l_cms_user, l_cms_user.profile_name, l_email, Result, Void) end end end cleanup_licenses (dt: DATE_TIME; a_archived_count: detachable CELL [INTEGER]) local lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE nb: INTEGER do if attached trial_plan as pl and then attached es_cloud_storage.licenses_for_plan (pl) as lst then across lst as ic loop lic := ic.item.license if lic.is_expired then if attached lic.expiration_date as exp and then exp < dt then nb := nb + 1 archive_license (lic) end end end if a_archived_count /= Void then a_archived_count.replace (nb) end end end archive_license (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) require lic.has_id do es_cloud_storage.archive_license (lic) end feature -- Emailing send_message_to_expired_licenses (a_licenses: ITERABLE [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]) local lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_user_lic: ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE do across a_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item if not lic.is_active and then lic.is_expired and not lic.is_suspended then if attached user_for_license (lic) as u then create l_user_lic.make (u, lic) send_message_to_expired_user_license (l_user_lic, Void) end end end end send_message_to_expired_user_license (lic: ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE; vars: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH msg: READABLE_STRING_8 sub: STRING_8 p: INTEGER l_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_user: CMS_USER do l_user := lic.user.cms_user l_license := lic.license if attached cms_api.user_api.user_email (l_user) as l_user_email then create res.make_from_string ("templates") sub := "Your " + utf_8_encoded (l_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (l_license.key) + "is EXPIRED" if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("email_license_expired.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (l_license, "license") tpl.set_value (, "license_plan_name") tpl.set_value (l_license.plan.title_or_name, "license_plan_title") tpl.set_value (l_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (l_license) , "license_key_url") if vars /= Void then across vars as ic loop if attached ic.item as v then tpl.set_value (v, ic.key) end end end tpl.set_value (l_user, "user") tpl.set_value (l_user_email, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (l_user), "customer_name") -- if a_customer_name /= Void then -- tpl.set_value (html_encoded (a_customer_name), "customer_name") -- end msg := tpl.string if msg.starts_with_general ("Subject:") then p := msg.index_of ('%N', 1) if p > 0 then sub := msg.head (p - 1).to_string_8 msg := msg.substring (p + 1, msg.count) sub.right_adjust sub.remove_head (("Subject:").count) sub.left_adjust end end e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_user_email, sub, msg) e.set_to_user (l_user) cms_api.process_email (e) end end end send_message_to_licenses_expiring_soon (a_licenses: ITERABLE [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE]) local nb: INTEGER lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_user_lic: ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE do across a_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item if lic.is_expired then elseif lic.expiration_date /= Void then nb := lic.days_remaining if nb > 0 then if attached user_for_license (lic) as u then create l_user_lic.make (u, lic) send_message_to_user_license_expiring_soon (l_user_lic, nb, Void) end end end end end send_message_to_user_license_expiring_soon (lic: ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE; a_days_remaining: INTEGER; vars: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) require a_days_remaining > 0 local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH msg: READABLE_STRING_8 sub: STRING_8 p: INTEGER l_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_user: CMS_USER do l_user := lic.user.cms_user l_license := lic.license if attached cms_api.user_api.user_email (l_user) as l_user_email then create res.make_from_string ("templates") sub := "Your " + utf_8_encoded (l_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (l_license.key) + "is expiring in " + a_days_remaining.out + "day(s)" if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("email_license_expiration_coming.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (a_days_remaining, "days_remaining") tpl.set_value (l_license, "license") tpl.set_value (, "license_plan_name") tpl.set_value (l_license.plan.title_or_name, "license_plan_title") tpl.set_value (l_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (l_license) , "license_key_url") if vars /= Void then across vars as ic loop if attached ic.item as v then tpl.set_value (v, ic.key) end end end tpl.set_value (l_user, "user") tpl.set_value (l_user_email, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (l_user), "customer_name") -- if a_customer_name /= Void then -- tpl.set_value (html_encoded (a_customer_name), "customer_name") -- end msg := tpl.string if msg.starts_with_general ("Subject:") then p := msg.index_of ('%N', 1) if p > 0 then sub := msg.head (p - 1).to_string_8 msg := msg.substring (p + 1, msg.count) sub.right_adjust sub.remove_head (("Subject:").count) sub.left_adjust end end e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_user_email, sub, msg) e.set_to_user (l_user) cms_api.process_email (e) end end end feature -- License subscription subscribed_licenses (a_order_ref: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE] do Result := es_cloud_storage.subscribed_licenses (a_order_ref) end record_yearly_license_subscription (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_sub_ref: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local sub: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do create sub.make_yearly (a_license) if a_sub_ref /= Void then sub.set_subscription_reference (a_sub_ref) end es_cloud_storage.save_license_subscription (sub) end record_monthly_license_subscription (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_sub_ref: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local sub: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do create sub.make_monthly (a_license) if a_sub_ref /= Void then sub.set_subscription_reference (a_sub_ref) end es_cloud_storage.save_license_subscription (sub) end record_weekly_license_subscription (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_sub_ref: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local sub: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do create sub.make_weekly (a_license) if a_sub_ref /= Void then sub.set_subscription_reference (a_sub_ref) end es_cloud_storage.save_license_subscription (sub) end record_daily_license_subscription (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_sub_ref: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local sub: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do create sub.make_daily (a_license) if a_sub_ref /= Void then sub.set_subscription_reference (a_sub_ref) end es_cloud_storage.save_license_subscription (sub) end record_onetime_license_payment (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_nb_months: NATURAL_32; a_payment_ref: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local sub: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do create sub.make (a_license, {ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION}.onetime, a_nb_months) if a_payment_ref /= Void then sub.set_payment_reference (a_payment_ref) end es_cloud_storage.save_license_subscription (sub) end feature -- Billings license_subscription (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do Result := es_cloud_storage.license_subscription (a_license) end license_billings (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable SHOPPING_BILLS do if attached license_subscription (a_license) as l_sub and then attached l_sub.subscription_reference as ref then if attached {SHOP_MODULE} cms_api.module ({SHOP_MODULE}) as l_shop_module and then attached l_shop_module.shop_api as l_shop_api then Result := l_shop_api.billings (ref) end end end feature -- Access: store store_to_json (a_store: ES_CLOUD_STORE): STRING local jo, j: JSON_OBJECT vis: JSON_PRETTY_STRING_VISITOR l_store_item: ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM do create jo.make_with_capacity (a_store.items.count) across a_store.items as ic loop l_store_item := ic.item create j.make_with_capacity (7) if attached as l_name then j.put_string (l_name, "plan") end if attached l_store_item.title as l_title then j.put_string (l_title, "title") end j.put_natural (l_store_item.price, "price") if l_store_item.cents_price > 0 then j.put_natural (l_store_item.cents_price, "price.cents") end j.put_string (l_store_item.currency, "currency") if l_store_item.is_onetime then j.put_string ("onetime", "interval") if l_store_item.onetime_month_duration > 0 then j.put_natural (l_store_item.onetime_month_duration, "duration") end elseif attached l_store_item.interval as l_interval then j.put_string (l_interval, "interval") end if l_store_item.is_published then j.put_string ("published", "status") else j.put_string ("test", "status") end jo.put (j, end create Result.make_empty create vis.make (Result) vis.visit_json_object (jo) end json_to_store (a_json: READABLE_STRING_8; a_currency: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_include_all: BOOLEAN): detachable ES_CLOUD_STORE do Result := config_to_store (create {JSON_CONFIG}.make_from_string (a_json), a_currency, a_include_all) end config_to_store (cfg: CONFIG_READER; a_currency: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_include_all: BOOLEAN): detachable ES_CLOUD_STORE local l_item: ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM l_cents: NATURAL_32 l_visible: BOOLEAN do if a_currency = Void then create Result.make else create Result.make_with_currency (a_currency) end if attached cfg.table_keys ("") as lst then across lst as ic loop if attached cfg.text_table_item (ic.item) as tb and then attached tb.item ("plan") as l_plan and then attached tb.item ("price") as l_price and then attached tb.item ("currency") as l_currency then if attached tb.item ("status") as l_status then if l_status.is_case_insensitive_equal ("published") then l_visible := True else l_visible := False end else l_visible := True end if l_visible or a_include_all then if attached tb.item ("price.cents") as l_cents_price then l_cents := l_cents_price.to_natural_32 else l_cents := 0 end create l_item.make (ic.item) l_item.set_price (l_price.to_natural_32, l_cents, l_currency.to_string_8, tb.item ("interval")) l_item.set_title (tb.item ("title")) l_item.set_price_title (tb.item ("price.title")) l_item.set_name (l_plan) l_item.set_is_published (l_visible) if l_item.is_onetime and then attached tb.item ("duration") as l_duration and then l_duration.is_natural_32 then l_item.set_onetime_month_duration (l_duration.to_natural_32) end Result.extend (l_item) end end end end end save_store (a_store: ES_CLOUD_STORE) do ("" + a_store.currency, store_to_json (a_store), module.name_for_resource) end store (a_currency: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_include_all: BOOLEAN): ES_CLOUD_STORE do Result := internal_store (a_currency) if Result = Void then if a_currency = Void then create Result.make else create Result.make_with_currency (a_currency) end if attached ("" + Result.currency, module.name_for_resource) as l_store_json and then attached json_to_store ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_store_json), Result.currency, a_include_all) as l_store then Result := l_store set_internal_store (Result) elseif attached cms_api.module_configuration_by_name ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "store-" + Result.currency) as cfg and then attached config_to_store (cfg, Result.currency, a_include_all) as l_store then Result := l_store set_internal_store (Result) end end end internal_store (a_currency: detachable READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ES_CLOUD_STORE local l_currency: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_currency := a_currency if l_currency = Void then l_currency := {ES_CLOUD_STORE}.default_currency end if attached internal_store_by_currency as tb then Result := tb.item (l_currency) end end set_internal_store (a_store: ES_CLOUD_STORE) local tb: like internal_store_by_currency do tb := internal_store_by_currency if tb = Void then create tb.make_caseless (1) internal_store_by_currency := tb end tb [a_store.currency] := a_store end internal_store_by_currency: detachable STRING_TABLE [ES_CLOUD_STORE] feature -- Access: subscriptions default_concurrent_sessions_limit: NATURAL = 1 -- Default, a unique concurrent session! default_heartbeat: NATURAL = 900 -- 15 * 60 -- Default heartbeat in seconds user_concurrent_sessions_limit (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): NATURAL do if attached user_subscription (a_user) as l_plan_sub then Result := l_plan_sub.concurrent_sessions_limit else Result := default_concurrent_sessions_limit end end discard_installation (inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION; a_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER) do es_cloud_storage.discard_installation (inst, a_user) end update_installation_license (inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION; a_lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) do es_cloud_storage.update_installation_license (inst, a_lic) inst.update_license (a_lic) end all_user_installations: LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do Result := es_cloud_storage.all_user_installations user_installations_sorter.reverse_sort (Result) end user_installations (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do Result := es_cloud_storage.user_installations (a_user) user_installations_sorter.reverse_sort (Result) end installations_for (a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do Result := es_cloud_storage.installations (a_install_id) end user_installation (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION do if attached user_installations_for (a_user, a_install_id) as lst and then not lst.is_empty then Result := lst.last end end user_installations_for (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do Result := installations_for (a_install_id) if Result /= Void then from Result.start until loop if user_has_license (a_user, Result.item.license_id) then Result.forth else Result.remove end end if Result.is_empty then Result := Void end end end installation (a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_license_id: like {ES_CLOUD_LICENSE}.id): detachable ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION do Result := es_cloud_storage.installation (a_install_id, a_license_id) end license_installations (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do Result := es_cloud_storage.license_installations ( end other_adapted_licenses (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE] -- Other adapted licenses for a installation and a user. local lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_has_valid_license: BOOLEAN l_inst_limit: NATURAL pl,ve: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_licenses: LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE] do pl := a_inst.platform ve := a_inst.product_version -- REQUIRE: user, platform, version ! l_licenses := user_licenses (a_user) if l_licenses = Void or else l_licenses.is_empty then if attached user_subscription (a_user) as l_sub then lic := converted_license_from_user_subscription (l_sub, a_inst) l_licenses := user_licenses (a_user) end end if l_licenses /= Void and then not l_licenses.is_empty then create Result.make (l_licenses.count) across l_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item.license if lic.is_valid (pl, ve) and then /= a_inst.license_id -- Exclude current installation license then l_has_valid_license := True l_inst_limit := lic.installations_limit if l_inst_limit = 0 or else ( attached license_installations (lic) as lst and then lst.count.to_natural_32 < l_inst_limit ) then Result.force (lic) else -- Reached installation limit for this license! lic := Void end end end lic := Void if Result.is_empty then Result := Void end end end user_installations_sorter: SORTER [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] local comp: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do create comp.make (agent (u,v: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION): BOOLEAN do if attached u.creation_date as u_cd then if attached v.creation_date as v_cd then Result := u_cd < v_cd else Result := < end elseif v.creation_date /= Void then Result := True else Result := < end end ) create {QUICK_SORTER [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION]} Result.make (comp) end last_user_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_installation: detachable ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION): detachable ES_CLOUD_SESSION -- Last user session, and only for installation `a_installation` is provided. do Result := es_cloud_storage.last_user_session (a_user, a_installation) end last_license_session (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_SESSION do Result := es_cloud_storage.last_license_session (a_license) end user_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id, a_session_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_SESSION do Result := es_cloud_storage.user_session (a_user, a_install_id, a_session_id) end user_sessions (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_only_active: BOOLEAN): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] do Result := es_cloud_storage.user_sessions (a_user, a_install_id, a_only_active) if Result /= Void then user_session_sorter.reverse_sort (Result) end end installation_sessions (a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_only_active: BOOLEAN): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] do Result := es_cloud_storage.installation_sessions (a_install_id, a_only_active) if Result /= Void then user_session_sorter.reverse_sort (Result) end end user_active_concurrent_sessions (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_current_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION): detachable STRING_TABLE [LIST [ES_CLOUD_SESSION]] -- Active sessions indexed by installation id. local l_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION lst, lst_by_installation: like user_sessions do lst := user_sessions (a_user, Void, True) if lst /= Void then from lst.start until loop l_session := lst.item if l_session.is_paused or else a_current_session.same_as (l_session) or else a_current_session.installation_id.same_string (l_session.installation_id) then lst.remove else lst.forth end end if lst.is_empty then lst := Void end if lst /= Void then create Result.make_caseless (2) from lst.start until lst.after loop l_session := lst.item lst_by_installation := Result [l_session.installation_id] if lst_by_installation = Void then create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_SESSION]} lst_by_installation.make (3) Result [l_session.installation_id] := lst_by_installation end lst_by_installation.force (l_session) lst.forth end end end ensure only_concurrent_sessions: Result /= Void implies across Result as ic all not a_current_session.installation_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (ic.key) end not_empty: Result /= Void implies Result.count > 0 end user_session_sorter: SORTER [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] local comp: AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] do create comp.make (agent (u_sess,v_sess: ES_CLOUD_SESSION): BOOLEAN do if u_sess.is_active then if v_sess.is_active then Result := u_sess.last_date < v_sess.last_date else Result := False end elseif v_sess.is_active then Result := True else Result := u_sess.last_date < v_sess.last_date end end ) create {QUICK_SORTER [ES_CLOUD_SESSION]} Result.make (comp) end cleanup_sessions (dt: DATE_TIME) do es_cloud_storage.cleanup_sessions (dt) end feature -- Change save_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN) do es_cloud_storage.save_plan (a_plan) end delete_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN) do es_cloud_storage.delete_plan (a_plan) end ping_installation (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION) do a_session.set_last_date (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) es_cloud_storage.save_session (a_session) end end_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION) do a_session.stop es_cloud_storage.save_session (a_session) end pause_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION) do if not a_session.is_paused then a_session.pause es_cloud_storage.save_session (a_session) end end resume_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION) do if a_session.is_paused or a_session.is_ended then a_session.resume es_cloud_storage.save_session (a_session) end end register_installation (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_info: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local ins: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION do create ins.make (a_install_id, a_license) ins.set_info (a_info) es_cloud_storage.save_installation (ins) end feature -- HTML factory account_url (u: ES_CLOUD_USER): STRING_8 require u_with_id: u.has_id do Result := cms_api.location_url ("cloud/account/" +, Void) end user_cloud_profile_link (u: ES_CLOUD_USER): STRING_8 local t: READABLE_STRING_32 do t := cms_api.real_user_display_name (u.cms_user) Result := (t, cms_api.url (user_cloud_profile_location (u), Void), Void) end user_cloud_profile_location (u: ES_CLOUD_USER): STRING do Result := {ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.cloud_profile_location + url_encoded ( end account_administration_url (u: ES_CLOUD_USER): STRING_8 require u_with_id: u.has_id do Result := cms_api.administration_location_url ("cloud/account/" +, Void) end account_html_administration_link (u: ES_CLOUD_USER): STRING_8 require u_with_id: u.has_id local t: READABLE_STRING_32 do t := cms_api.real_user_display_name (u.cms_user) Result := (t, cms_api.administration_path ("cloud/account/" +, Void) end admin_licenses_web_location: STRING_8 do Result := cms_api.administration_path_location ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.admin_licenses_location) end admin_license_web_location (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): STRING_8 do Result := cms_api.administration_path_location ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION}.admin_licenses_location + url_encoded (lic.key)) end append_one_line_license_view_to_html (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; u: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; es_cloud_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE; s: STRING_8) local l_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN api: CMS_API do api := cms_api l_plan := lic.plan s.append ("
") s.append ("License ID: ") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (lic.key)) s.append ("") s.append (" ") if u /= Void then s.append ("User %"") s.append (api.user_html_administration_link (u.cms_user)) s.append ("%" ") end s.append ("Plan %"") s.append (html_encoded (l_plan.title_or_name)) s.append ("%" ") s.append ("") if lic.is_suspended then s.append ("Suspended") elseif lic.is_fallback then s.append ("Fallback license") elseif lic.is_active then if attached lic.expiration_date as exp then s.append ("") s.append (lic.days_remaining.out) s.append (" days remaining") s.append ("") else s.append ("Active") end else check lic.is_expired end s.append ("Expired") end s.append ("") s.append ("
%N") end append_short_license_view_to_html (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; u: ES_CLOUD_USER; es_cloud_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE; s: STRING_8) local l_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN api: CMS_API do api := cms_api l_plan := lic.plan s.append ("
") s.append ("
") s.append ("
") s.append (html_encoded (l_plan.title_or_name)) s.append ("
") s.append ("
") if lic.is_suspended then s.append ("Suspended") elseif lic.is_fallback then s.append ("Fallback license") elseif lic.is_active then if attached lic.expiration_date as exp then s.append (lic.days_remaining.out) s.append (" days remaining") else s.append ("Active") end else check lic.is_expired end s.append ("Expired") end s.append ("
") s.append ("
License ID: ") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (lic.key)) s.append ("") s.append ("
") if lic.plan.same_plan (trial_plan) and then not lic.is_active and then is_eligible_to_trial_extension (lic) then s.append ("") end s.append ("
") -- header -- s.append ("
    ") -- s.append ("
") s.append ("
") end append_license_to_html (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; es_cloud_module: detachable ES_CLOUD_MODULE; s: STRING_8) local l_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION api: CMS_API do api := cms_api l_plan := lic.plan s.append ("
") s.append ("
") s.append ("
") s.append (html_encoded (l_plan.title_or_name)) s.append ("
") s.append ("
License ID: ") if es_cloud_module /= Void then s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (lic.key)) s.append ("") else s.append (html_encoded (lic.key)) end s.append ("
") s.append ("
") -- header s.append ("
    ") if a_user /= Void then s.append ("
  • Owner: ") if api.has_permission ({CMS_CORE_MODULE}.perm_view_users) then s.append (api.user_html_link (a_user)) else s.append (html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (a_user))) end if attached a_user.cms_user.profile_name as pf and then not pf.same_string ( then s.append (" @" + html_encoded ( + "") end if attached as l_user_email then s.append (" (" + html_encoded (l_user_email) + ")") end s.append ("
  • ") end s.append ("
  • Started ") s.append (api.date_time_to_string (lic.creation_date)) s.append ("
  • ") if lic.is_suspended then s.append ("
  • ") elseif lic.is_fallback then s.append ("
  • Fallback license
  • ") if attached lic.fallback_date as dt then s.append ("
  • Started date ") s.append (api.date_time_to_string (dt)) s.append ("
  • ") end elseif lic.is_active then if attached lic.expiration_date as exp then s.append ("
  • Renewal date ") s.append (api.date_time_to_string (exp)) s.append (" (") s.append (lic.days_remaining.out) s.append (" days remaining)") s.append ("
  • ") else s.append ("
  • ") end else check lic.is_expired end s.append ("
  • ") if es_cloud_module /= Void and then lic.plan.same_plan (trial_plan) and then not lic.is_active and then is_eligible_to_trial_extension (lic) then s.append ("
  • ") s.append ("Ask for extended " + html_encoded (lic.plan.title_or_name) + " license period") s.append ("
  • ") end end if attached lic.platforms_as_csv_string as l_platforms then s.append ("
  • Limited to platform(s): " + html_encoded (l_platforms) + "
  • ") end if attached lic.version as l_product_version then s.append ("
  • Limited to version: " + html_encoded (l_product_version) + "
  • ") end if attached license_installations (lic) as lst and then not lst.is_empty then s.append ("
  • Installation(s): " + lst.count.out) if l_plan.installations_limit > 0 then s.append (" / " + l_plan.installations_limit.out + " device(s)") if l_plan.installations_limit.to_integer_32 <= lst.count then s.append (" (No more installation available)") s.append ("

    To install on another device, please revoke one the previous installation(s):

    ") end end s.append ("
      ") across lst as inst_ic loop inst := inst_ic.item if a_user /= Void then s.append ("
    • ") else s.append ("
    • ") end if a_user /= Void and then es_cloud_module /= Void then s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded ( s.append ("
    • %N") else s.append (html_encoded ( end end s.append ("
    ") s.append ("
  • ") elseif l_plan.installations_limit > 0 then s.append ("
  • Can be installed on: " + l_plan.installations_limit.out + " device(s)
  • ") end if l_plan.platforms_limit > 0 then s.append ("
  • Can be installed on "+ l_plan.platforms_limit.out +" different platforms
  • ") end if es_cloud_module /= Void then s.append ("
  • Associated activities... ") end s.append ("
  • ") s.append ("
") s.append ("
") end feature -- User Profile default_cloud_user_profile_about_content : STRING_32 local res: PATH do create res.make_from_string ("templates") if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("default_profile_about_text.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then Result := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (tpl.string) else Result := "[ [[Image:|width=20%]] == Bio == '''Add a bio ...' == Projects == * ... == Information == * '''Company''': ... * '''Location''': ... * '''Contact-me''': email, messenger, ... * '''Website''': [https://...] * '''Social ids''': twitter, github, facebook, ... ]" end end feature -- Email processing send_new_license_mail (a_user: detachable CMS_USER; a_customer_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_email_addr: READABLE_STRING_8; a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_previous_trial_license: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE ; vars: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH s: STRING_8 msg: READABLE_STRING_8 sub: STRING_8 p: INTEGER do create res.make_from_string ("templates") sub := "New " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("new_license_email.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (a_license, "license") tpl.set_value (, "license_plan_name") tpl.set_value (a_license.plan.title_or_name, "license_plan_title") tpl.set_value (a_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (a_license) , "license_key_url") if vars /= Void then across vars as ic loop if attached ic.item as v then tpl.set_value (v, ic.key) end end end if a_user /= Void then tpl.set_value (a_user, "user") tpl.set_value (, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user), "customer_name") else tpl.set_value (a_email_addr, "user_email") end if a_customer_name /= Void then tpl.set_value (html_encoded (a_customer_name), "customer_name") end msg := tpl.string if msg.starts_with_general ("Subject:") then p := msg.index_of ('%N', 1) if p > 0 then sub := msg.head (p - 1).to_string_8 msg := msg.substring (p + 1, msg.count) sub.right_adjust sub.remove_head (("Subject:").count) sub.left_adjust end end else create s.make_empty; s.append ("New "+ html_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) +" EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + ".%N") if a_user = Void then s.append ("The license is associated with email %"" + a_email_addr + "%".%NPlease register a new account with that email at " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") else s.append ("The license is associated with your account %"" + utf_8_encoded (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user)) + "%" (email %"" + a_email_addr + "%").%NPlease visit " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") end msg := s end e := cms_api.new_html_email (a_email_addr, sub, msg) e.set_to_user (a_user) cms_api.process_email (e) end notify_new_license (a_user: detachable CMS_USER; a_customer_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_email_addr: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_previous_trial: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE) local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH s: STRING_8 msg: READABLE_STRING_8 l_info: STRING_8 do create res.make_from_string ("templates") if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("notify_new_license_email.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (a_license, "license") tpl.set_value (, "license_plan_name") tpl.set_value (a_license.plan.title_or_name, "license_plan_title") tpl.set_value (a_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (a_license) , "license_key_url") if a_user /= Void then tpl.set_value (a_user, "user") tpl.set_value (, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user), "customer_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user), "profile_name") else tpl.set_value (a_email_addr, "user_email") end if a_customer_name /= Void then tpl.set_value (html_encoded (a_customer_name), "customer_name") tpl.set_value (html_encoded (a_customer_name), "profile_name") end msg := tpl.string else create s.make_empty; s.append ("New "+ html_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) +" EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + ".%N") s.append ("%T") s.append (cms_api.absolute_url (module.license_location (a_license), Void)) s.append ("%N") if a_user = Void then if a_email_addr /= Void then s.append ("The license is associated with email %"" + a_email_addr + "%".%N") else check should_not_occur: False end s.append ("The license is associated with no email and no user!%N") end else s.append ("The license is associated with account %"" + utf_8_encoded (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user)) + "%"") if a_email_addr /= Void then s.append (" (email %"" + a_email_addr + "%")") end s.append (".%N") end s.append ("%NNotification from site " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "
") msg := s end create l_info.make_empty l_info.append_character (' ') if a_email_addr /= Void then l_info.append (a_email_addr) end e := cms_api.new_html_email (cms_api.setup.site_notification_email, "[NOTIF] New " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + l_info, msg) cms_api.process_email (e) if attached config.additional_notification_email as l_addr then e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_addr, "[NOTIF] New " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + l_info, msg) cms_api.process_email (e) end end notify_extended_license (a_user: detachable CMS_USER; a_email_addr: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH s: STRING_8 msg: READABLE_STRING_8 do create res.make_from_string ("templates") if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("notify_extended_license_email.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (a_license, "license") tpl.set_value (a_license.expiration_date, "expiration_date") tpl.set_value (a_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (a_license) , "license_key_url") if a_user /= Void then tpl.set_value (a_user, "user") tpl.set_value (, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user), "profile_name") else tpl.set_value (a_email_addr, "user_email") end msg := tpl.string else create s.make_empty; s.append ("New EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + " (plan: " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + ").%N") s.append ("%T") s.append (cms_api.absolute_url (module.license_location (a_license), Void)) s.append ("%N") if attached a_license.expiration_date as dt then s.append ("Extended to date: " + cms_api.date_time_to_iso8601_string (dt) + " .%N") end if a_user = Void then if a_email_addr /= Void then s.append ("The license is associated with email %"" + a_email_addr + "%" .%N") else check should_not_occur: False end s.append ("The license is associated with no email and no user!%N") end else s.append ("The license is associated with account %"" + utf_8_encoded (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user)) + " %"") if a_email_addr /= Void then s.append (" (email %"" + a_email_addr + "%")") end s.append (" .%N") end s.append ("Notification from site " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "
") msg := s end e := cms_api.new_html_email (cms_api.setup.site_notification_email, "[NOTIF] Extended " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key), msg) cms_api.process_email (e) if attached config.additional_notification_email as l_addr then e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_addr, "[NOTIF] Extended " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key), msg) cms_api.process_email (e) end end notify_updated_license (a_cloud_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH s: STRING_8 msg: READABLE_STRING_8 l_user: CMS_USER do create res.make_from_string ("templates") if a_cloud_user /= Void then l_user := a_cloud_user.cms_user end if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("notify_updated_license_email.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (a_license, "license") tpl.set_value (a_license.expiration_date, "expiration_date") tpl.set_value (a_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (a_license) , "license_key_url") if l_user /= Void then tpl.set_value (l_user, "user") tpl.set_value (, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (l_user), "profile_name") end msg := tpl.string else create s.make_empty; s.append ("Updated EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + " (plan: " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + ").%N") s.append ("%T") s.append (cms_api.absolute_url (module.license_location (a_license), Void)) s.append ("%N") if attached a_license.expiration_date as dt then s.append ("Expiration date: " + cms_api.date_time_to_iso8601_string (dt) + " .%N") end if l_user /= Void then s.append ("The license is associated with account %"" + utf_8_encoded (cms_api.user_display_name (l_user)) + " %"") if attached as l_email_addr then s.append (" (email %"" + l_email_addr + "%")") end s.append (" .%N") end s.append ("%NNotification from site " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "
") msg := s end e := cms_api.new_html_email (cms_api.setup.site_notification_email, "[NOTIF] Updated " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key), msg) cms_api.process_email (e) -- if attached config.additional_notification_email as l_addr then -- e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_addr, "[NOTIF] Updated EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key), msg) -- cms_api.process_email (e) -- end end notify_redeemed_license (a_user: detachable CMS_USER; a_email_addr: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_redeem_token: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN) local e: CMS_EMAIL res: PATH s: STRING_8 msg: READABLE_STRING_8 do create res.make_from_string ("templates") if attached cms_api.module_theme_resource_location (module, res.extended ("notify_redeemed_license_email.tpl")) as loc and then attached cms_api.resolved_smarty_template (loc) as tpl then tpl.set_value (a_license, "license") tpl.set_value (a_redeem_token, "redeem_token") tpl.set_value (a_license.expiration_date, "expiration_date") tpl.set_value (a_license.key, "license_key") tpl.set_value (module.license_location (a_license) , "license_key_url") if a_user /= Void then tpl.set_value (a_user, "user") tpl.set_value (, "user_email") tpl.set_value (, "user_name") tpl.set_value (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user), "profile_name") else tpl.set_value (a_email_addr, "user_email") end msg := tpl.string else create s.make_empty; s.append ("EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key) + ".%N") s.append ("%T") s.append (cms_api.absolute_url (module.license_location (a_license), Void)) s.append ("%N") s.append ("Redeem token: " + html_encoded ( if attached a_redeem_token.origin as l_orig then s.append (" from [" + html_encoded (l_orig) + "]") end s.append (".%N") if attached a_license.expiration_date as dt then s.append ("Expiration date: " + cms_api.date_time_to_iso8601_string (dt) + " .%N") end if a_user = Void then if a_email_addr /= Void then s.append ("The license is associated with email %"" + a_email_addr + "%" .%N") else check should_not_occur: False end s.append ("The license is associated with no email and no user!%N") end else s.append ("The license is associated with account %"" + utf_8_encoded (cms_api.user_display_name (a_user)) + " %"") if a_email_addr /= Void then s.append (" (email %"" + a_email_addr + "%")") end s.append (" .%N") end s.append ("Notification from site " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "
") msg := s end e := cms_api.new_html_email (cms_api.setup.site_notification_email, "[NOTIF] Redeemed " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key), msg) cms_api.process_email (e) if attached config.additional_notification_email as l_addr then e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_addr, "[NOTIF] Redeemed " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.plan.title_or_name) + " EiffelStudio license " + utf_8_encoded (a_license.key), msg) cms_api.process_email (e) end end notify_error (a_error_title: READABLE_STRING_8; a_error_message: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) local e: CMS_EMAIL s: STRING_8 do create s.make_empty; s.append ("ERROR: " + a_error_title + "%N") if a_error_message /= Void then s.append ("Description:%N") s.append (a_error_message) s.append ("%N") end s.append ("%NNotification from site " + cms_api.site_url + " .%N") e := cms_api.new_html_email (cms_api.setup.site_notification_email, "[ERROR] " + a_error_title, s) cms_api.process_email (e) if attached config.additional_error_notification_email as l_addr then e := cms_api.new_html_email (l_addr, "[ERROR] " + a_error_title, s) cms_api.process_email (e) end end note copyright: "2011-2017, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end