note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_FORMS_HANDLER}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_FORMS_HANDLER inherit CMS_HANDLER rename make as make_with_cms_api end WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_HANDLER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE; a_mod_api: ES_CLOUD_API) do make_with_cms_api (a_mod_api.cms_api) module := a_module es_cloud_api := a_mod_api end feature -- API module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE es_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API feature -- Execution execute (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. local u: ES_CLOUD_USER do if attached {WSF_STRING} req.path_parameter ("form_id") as p_form_id then if attached api.user as l_user then create u.make (l_user) end if p_form_id.same_string (contributor_form_id) then if u /= Void then if req.is_post_request_method then post_cloud_contributor (u, req, res) else get_cloud_contributor (u, req, res) end else get_cloud_contributor (Void, req, res) end elseif p_form_id.same_string (trial_extension_form_id) then if u /= Void and then attached req.string_item ("license") as s_lic and then attached es_cloud_api.license_by_key (s_lic) as lic then if req.is_post_request_method then post_cloud_trial_extension_request (lic, u, req, res) else get_cloud_trial_extension_request (lic, u, req, res) end else send_bad_request (req, res) end elseif p_form_id.same_string (university_form_id) then if u /= Void then if req.is_post_request_method then post_cloud_university (u, req, res) else get_cloud_university (u, req, res) end else get_cloud_university (Void, req, res) end else send_not_found (req, res) end else send_bad_request (req, res) end end feature -- Constants contributor_form_id: STRING = "contributor" trial_extension_form_id: STRING = "trial_extension" university_form_id: STRING = "university" feature -- Contributor post_cloud_contributor (a_cloud_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local f: like new_contributor_form r: like new_generic_response k: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL s: STRING_8 msg: STRING_8 l_processed: BOOLEAN do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_forms.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_forms.css", Void), Void) r.set_title (api.html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (a_cloud_user.cms_user))) create s.make_empty f := new_contributor_form (a_cloud_user, req) f.process (r) if attached f.last_data as fd and then attached fd.item_same_string ("op", form_contributor_submit_op_text) then if not (attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("op") as q_op and then not q_op.same_string (form_contributor_submit_op_text)) then create msg.make_empty msg.append ("

Application for a %"contributor%" license, from user " + api.user_html_absolute_link (a_cloud_user.cms_user) + "

%N") msg.append ("
Date: " + api.date_time_to_iso8601_string (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) + " (UTC).
%N") across fd as ic loop k := ic.key if k.same_string ("contrib_count") or k.same_string ("op") or k.same_string ("op_add_contrib") then -- Skip else msg.append ("

" + utf_8_encoded (k) + "

							if attached ic.item as v then
							 	msg.append (utf_8_encoded (v.string_representation))
						 	msg.append ("
%N") end end if attached api.new_html_email (api.setup.site_notification_email, "New Contributor license REQUEST from " + utf_8_encoded (api.custom_user_name (a_cloud_user.cms_user, True, True, False)) , msg) as e then e.set_to_user (a_cloud_user.cms_user) api.process_email (e) r.add_success_message ("Your application was submitted, and will be analyzed soon.") l_processed := True else r.add_error_message ("Your application was not recorderd, an error occurred, please use the contact page and copy the following text.") across fd as ic loop k := ic.key if k.same_string ("contrib_count") or k.same_string ("op") or k.same_string ("op_add_contrib") then -- Skip else s.append ("
  • " + html_encoded (ic.key) + ":
    								if attached ic.item as v then
    								 	s.append (html_encoded (v.string_representation))
    							 	s.append ("
  • %N") end end l_processed := True end end if not l_processed then append_welcome_contributor_header_to (a_cloud_user, s, req) fd.apply_to_associated_form if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("contrib_count") as p then f.set_field_text_value ("contrib_count", p.value) end f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end else append_welcome_contributor_header_to (a_cloud_user, s, req) f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end get_cloud_contributor (a_cloud_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response s: STRING f: like new_contributor_form do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_forms.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_forms.css", Void), Void) r.set_title (api.html_encoded ("Apply for a contributor license")) s := "" append_welcome_contributor_header_to (a_cloud_user, s, req) if a_cloud_user /= Void then f := new_contributor_form (a_cloud_user, req) if req.is_post_request_method then f.process (r) end f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end append_welcome_contributor_header_to (u: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; s: STRING_8; req: WSF_REQUEST) do s.append ("
    ") s.append ("[

    Eiffel benefits from a thriving community of developers who passionately share Eiffel's goals of high-quality software development based on the principles of Design by Contract and the focus on reusable library components. Active members of the community who contribute libraries and tools are entitled to a special Eiffel contributor license providing them access to EiffelStudio at no charge.

    ]") if u = Void then s.append ("

    To request a contributor license, you must be logged in and fill a form - please " + ("SIGN IN NOW", {CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MODULE}.roc_login_location + "?destination="+ req.percent_encoded_path_info, Void)) else s.append ("

    To request a contributor license, please fill in the following form") end s.append (".

    ") s.append ("

    We ask you to update the form once a year if you wish to retain the license.

    ") s.append ("
    ") end new_contributor_form (u: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST): CMS_FORM local hb: WSF_FORM_DIV f_name: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT f_email: WSF_FORM_EMAIL_INPUT f_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT f_contrib_nature: WSF_FORM_SELECT f_nature: WSF_FORM_SELECT_OPTION f_contrib_name, f_contrib_license, f_contrib_link: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT f_contrib_description, f_contrib_comments: WSF_FORM_TEXTAREA l_hidden: WSF_FORM_HIDDEN_INPUT l_but: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT f_set: WSF_FORM_FIELD_SET l_prefix: STRING l_contrib_nb: INTEGER l_contrib_max: INTEGER l_comments_placeholder: STRING_8 l_wikitext_desc: STRING_8 do l_contrib_max := 3 l_contrib_nb := 1 if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("contrib_count") as v then l_contrib_nb := v.integer_value.max (l_contrib_nb).min (l_contrib_max) elseif attached {WSF_STRING} req.form_parameter ("contrib_count") as v then l_contrib_nb := v.integer_value.max (l_contrib_nb).min (l_contrib_max) end create Result.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, "cloud_contributor") Result.set_method_post create hb.make hb.add_css_class ("horizontal") Result.extend (hb) if u /= Void then Result.extend_hidden_input ("contributor_username", end create f_name.make ("contributor_name") f_name.set_is_required (True) f_name.set_label ("Your name") if u /= Void then f_name.set_text_value (api.real_user_display_name (u.cms_user)) end hb.extend (f_name) create f_email.make ("contributor_email") f_email.set_is_required (True) f_email.set_label ("Your email") if u /= Void and then attached as e then f_email.set_text_value (e) end hb.extend (f_email) if attached api.format ({WIKITEXT_FORMAT}.name) as ft then l_wikitext_desc := "" else l_wikitext_desc := "" end Result.extend_html_text ("

    Contributions over the past two years:

    ") across 1 |..| l_contrib_nb as ic loop l_prefix := "contrib[" + ic.item.out +"]" create f_set.make f_set.add_css_class ("contrib-frame") f_set.set_legend ("Contribution #" + ic.item.out) Result.extend (f_set) create f_contrib_nature.make (l_prefix + "[nature]") create f_nature.make ("new-library", "New library"); f_contrib_nature.add_option (f_nature) create f_nature.make ("add-to-library", "Addition to existing library"); f_contrib_nature.add_option (f_nature) create f_nature.make ("tool", "Tool"); f_contrib_nature.add_option (f_nature) create f_nature.make ("doc", "Documentation"); f_contrib_nature.add_option (f_nature) create f_nature.make ("other", "Other"); f_contrib_nature.add_option (f_nature) f_contrib_nature.set_label ("Nature") f_set.extend (f_contrib_nature) create f_contrib_name.make (l_prefix + "[name]") f_contrib_name.set_label ("Name") f_contrib_name.set_placeholder ("Name of the contribution") f_set.extend (f_contrib_name) create f_contrib_license.make (l_prefix + "[license]") f_contrib_license.set_label ("License") f_contrib_license.set_description ("License of the contribution (Eiffel forum, GPL, proprietary, ...)") f_set.extend (f_contrib_license) create f_contrib_link.make (l_prefix + "[link]") f_contrib_link.set_label ("Project link") f_contrib_link.set_placeholder ("https://..." ) f_set.extend (f_contrib_link) create f_contrib_description.make (l_prefix + "[desc]") f_contrib_description.set_cols (60) f_contrib_description.set_rows (5) f_contrib_description.set_label ("Short description") f_contrib_description.set_description ("Please add any useful information related to your contribution." + l_wikitext_desc) f_contrib_description.set_collapsed_description ("Please add any useful information related to your contribution.") f_contrib_description.set_description_collapsible (True) f_set.extend (f_contrib_description) end create l_hidden.make_with_text ("contrib_count", l_contrib_nb.out) l_hidden.set_text_value (l_contrib_nb.out) Result.extend (l_hidden) l_comments_placeholder := "[ * Nature: New Library | Addition to existing library | Tools | Documentation | Other * Name: ... * Link: ... * License: ... * Short description: ... ]" if l_contrib_nb < l_contrib_max then create l_but.make_with_text ("op_add_contrib", "+Add a contribution") l_but.set_formmethod ("POST") l_but.set_formaction (req.percent_encoded_path_info + "?op=add-contrib&contrib_count=" + (l_contrib_nb + 1).out) Result.extend (l_but) else create f_set.make f_set.add_css_class ("contrib-frame") f_set.set_legend ("Contributions (comments)") Result.extend (f_set) create f_contrib_comments.make ("contrib_comments") f_contrib_comments.set_cols (60) f_contrib_comments.set_rows (20) f_contrib_comments.set_label ("Describe your current contributions") f_contrib_comments.set_placeholder (l_comments_placeholder) f_contrib_comments.set_collapsed_description ("Please follow the given model :
    " + l_comments_placeholder + "
    ") f_contrib_comments.set_description ("Please follow the given model :
    " + l_comments_placeholder + "
    " + l_wikitext_desc) f_contrib_comments.set_description_collapsible (True) f_set.extend (f_contrib_comments) end Result.extend_html_text ("

    Planned contributions over the next years:

    ") create f_contrib_comments.make ("next_contrib_comments") f_contrib_comments.set_cols (60) f_contrib_comments.set_rows (20) f_contrib_comments.set_label ("Describe your future contributions") f_contrib_comments.set_placeholder (l_comments_placeholder) f_contrib_comments.set_description ("Please follow the given model :
    " + l_comments_placeholder + "
    " + l_wikitext_desc) f_contrib_comments.set_collapsed_description ("Please follow the given model :
    " + l_comments_placeholder + "
    ") f_contrib_comments.set_description_collapsible (True) Result.extend (f_contrib_comments) create f_submit.make_with_text ("op", form_contributor_submit_op_text) Result.extend (f_submit) end form_contributor_submit_op_text: STRING = "Submit" feature -- Contributor post_cloud_university (a_cloud_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local f: like new_university_form r: like new_generic_response k: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL s: STRING_8 msg: STRING_8 l_processed: BOOLEAN do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_forms.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_forms.css", Void), Void) r.set_title (api.html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (a_cloud_user.cms_user))) create s.make_empty f := new_university_form (a_cloud_user, req) f.process (r) if attached f.last_data as fd and then attached fd.item_same_string ("op", form_university_submit_op_text) then if not (attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("op") as q_op and then not q_op.same_string (form_university_submit_op_text)) then create msg.make_empty msg.append ("

    Application for a %"university%" license, from user " + api.user_html_absolute_link (a_cloud_user.cms_user) + "

    %N") msg.append ("
    Date: " + api.date_time_to_iso8601_string (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) + " (UTC).
    %N") across fd as ic loop k := ic.key if k.same_string ("op") then -- Skip else msg.append ("

    " + utf_8_encoded (k) + "

    							if attached ic.item as v then
    							 	msg.append (utf_8_encoded (v.string_representation))
    						 	msg.append ("
    %N") end end if attached api.new_html_email (api.setup.site_notification_email, "New University license REQUEST from " + utf_8_encoded (api.custom_user_name (a_cloud_user.cms_user, True, True, False)), msg) as e then e.set_to_user (a_cloud_user.cms_user) api.process_email (e) r.add_success_message ("Your application was submitted, and will be analyzed soon.") l_processed := True else r.add_error_message ("Your application was not recorderd, an error occurred, please use the contact page and copy the following text.") across fd as ic loop k := ic.key if k.same_string ("op") then -- Skip else s.append ("
  • " + html_encoded (ic.key) + ":
    								if attached ic.item as v then
    								 	s.append (html_encoded (v.string_representation))
    							 	s.append ("
  • %N") end end l_processed := True end end if not l_processed then append_welcome_university_header_to (a_cloud_user, s, req) fd.apply_to_associated_form f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end else append_welcome_university_header_to (a_cloud_user, s, req) f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end get_cloud_university (a_cloud_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response s: STRING f: like new_university_form do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_forms.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_forms.css", Void), Void) r.set_title (api.html_encoded ("Apply for a university license")) s := "" append_welcome_university_header_to (a_cloud_user, s, req) if a_cloud_user /= Void then f := new_university_form (a_cloud_user, req) if req.is_post_request_method then f.process (r) end f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end append_welcome_university_header_to (u: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; s: STRING_8; req: WSF_REQUEST) do s.append ("
    ") s.append ("[

    Eiffel Software's University Partnership Program has helped universities around the world teach programming and Object-Oriented concepts to its students for years.
    It is free for students and for professors. Eiffel Software also offers a variety of discounts for research and academic developments.

    ]") if u = Void then s.append ("

    To request a university license, you must be logged in and fill a form - please " + ("SIGN IN NOW", {CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MODULE}.roc_login_location + "?destination="+ req.percent_encoded_path_info, Void)) else s.append ("

    To request a university license, please fill in the following form") end s.append (".

    ") s.append ("

    Please use your university email address, other you may need to provide additional document.

    ") s.append ("

    We ask you to update the form once a year if you wish to retain the license.

    ") s.append ("
    ") end new_university_form (u: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST): CMS_FORM local f_name: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT f_university: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT f_position: WSF_FORM_TEXT_INPUT f_email: WSF_FORM_EMAIL_INPUT f_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT f_comments: WSF_FORM_TEXTAREA do create Result.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, "cloud_university") Result.set_method_post if u /= Void then Result.extend_hidden_input ("login", end create f_name.make ("user_name") f_name.set_is_required (True) f_name.set_label ("Your name") if u /= Void then f_name.set_text_value (api.real_user_display_name (u.cms_user)) end Result.extend (f_name) create f_email.make ("user_email") f_email.set_is_required (True) f_email.set_label ("Enter your university email") if u /= Void and then attached as e then f_email.set_text_value (e) end f_email.set_description ("Please use your email provided by your university") Result.extend (f_email) create f_university.make ("university_name") f_university.set_is_required (True) f_university.set_label ("University name") Result.extend (f_university) create f_position.make ("university_position") f_position.set_label ("Position at the university (professor, assistant, student, ...)") Result.extend (f_position) create f_comments.make ("comments") f_comments.set_cols (60) f_comments.set_rows (10) f_comments.set_label ("Comments") f_comments.set_description ("Enter any comment or information helping us to know you are who you claim to be.") Result.extend (f_comments) create f_submit.make_with_text ("op", form_university_submit_op_text) Result.extend (f_submit) end form_university_submit_op_text: STRING = "Submit" feature -- Trial extension post_cloud_trial_extension_request (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_cloud_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local f: like new_trial_extension_request_form r: like new_generic_response k: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL s: STRING_8 msg: STRING_8 l_processed: BOOLEAN do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_forms.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_forms.css", Void), Void) r.set_title (api.html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (a_cloud_user.cms_user))) create s.make_empty f := new_trial_extension_request_form (lic, a_cloud_user, req) f.process (r) if attached f.last_data as fd and then attached fd.item_same_string ("op", form_trial_extension_request_submit_op_text) then if not (attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("op") as q_op and then not q_op.same_string (form_trial_extension_request_submit_op_text)) then create msg.make_empty msg.append ("

    Application for a " + html_encoded (lic.plan.title_or_name) + " period extension license, from user " + api.user_html_absolute_link (a_cloud_user.cms_user) + "

    %N") msg.append ("

    License: "+ html_encoded (lic.plan.title_or_name) +" " + api.absolute_link (lic.key, module.license_location (lic), Void) + "

    %N") msg.append ("
    Date: " + api.date_time_to_iso8601_string (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) + " (UTC).
    %N") across fd as ic loop k := ic.key if k.same_string ("op") then -- Skip else msg.append ("

    " + utf_8_encoded (k) + "

    							if attached ic.item as v then
    							 	msg.append (utf_8_encoded (v.string_representation))
    						 	msg.append ("
    %N") end end if attached api.new_html_email (api.setup.site_notification_email, "REQUEST for a trial period extension from " + utf_8_encoded (api.custom_user_name (a_cloud_user.cms_user, True, True, False)), msg) as e then e.set_to_user (a_cloud_user.cms_user) api.process_email (e) r.add_success_message ("Your application was submitted, and will be analyzed soon.") l_processed := True else r.add_error_message ("Your application was not recorderd, an error occurred, please use the contact page and copy the following text.") across fd as ic loop k := ic.key if k.same_string ("op") then -- Skip else s.append ("
  • " + html_encoded (ic.key) + ":
    								if attached ic.item as v then
    								 	s.append (html_encoded (v.string_representation))
    							 	s.append ("
  • %N") end end l_processed := True end end if not l_processed then fd.apply_to_associated_form f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end else f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end get_cloud_trial_extension_request (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_cloud_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response s: STRING f: like new_trial_extension_request_form do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_forms.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_forms.css", Void), Void) r.set_title (api.html_encoded ("Apply for a trial period extension")) s := "" f := new_trial_extension_request_form (lic, a_cloud_user, req) if req.is_post_request_method then f.process (r) end f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end new_trial_extension_request_form (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; u: ES_CLOUD_USER; req: WSF_REQUEST): CMS_FORM local f_submit: WSF_FORM_SUBMIT_INPUT f_application: WSF_FORM_TEXTAREA curr_days, asked_days: NATURAL do create Result.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, trial_extension_form_id) Result.set_method_post asked_days := es_cloud_api.potential_trial_extension_days (lic) curr_days := lic.duration_in_days Result.extend_hidden_input ("user_id", Result.extend_hidden_input ("user_name", Result.extend_hidden_input ("license", lic.key) Result.extend_hidden_input ("current_duration_in_days", curr_days.out) Result.extend_hidden_input ("request_number_of_days", asked_days.out) if es_cloud_api.is_eligible_to_trial_extension (lic) and then asked_days > 0 then Result.extend_html_text ("
    You may ask for an extension of " + asked_days.out + " day(s) ...
    %N") else Result.extend_html_text ("
    You are not eligible to a license period extension...
    %N") end Result.extend_html_text ("

    Your request concerns the "+ html_encoded (lic.plan.title_or_name) +" license: " + html_encoded (lic.key) + "") Result.extend_html_text (" (current duration: " + curr_days.out + " days).

    %N") create f_application.make ("application") f_application.set_cols (60) f_application.set_rows (10) f_application.set_label ("trial period extension motivation") f_application.set_text_value ("Please extend my trial period, I need more time ...") f_application.set_description ("Explain why you need a trial period extension.") Result.extend (f_application) create f_submit.make_with_text ("op", form_trial_extension_request_submit_op_text) Result.extend (f_submit) end form_trial_extension_request_submit_op_text: STRING = "Submit" note copyright: "2011-2021, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end