note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_MODULE}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_MODULE inherit CMS_MODULE_WITH_SQL_STORAGE rename module_api as es_cloud_api redefine initialize, install, setup_hooks, es_cloud_api, permissions end CMS_WITH_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION CMS_WITH_WEBAPI CMS_HOOK_AUTO_REGISTER CMS_HOOK_MENU_SYSTEM_ALTER CMS_HOOK_RESPONSE_ALTER CMS_HOOK_FORM_ALTER CMS_HOOK_BLOCK CMS_HOOK_BLOCK_HELPER SHOP_HOOK redefine commit_cart end CMS_HOOK_USER_MANAGEMENT -- STRIPE_HOOK create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do version := "1.8" description := "ES Cloud" package := "EiffelStudio" add_optional_dependency ({SHOP_MODULE}) -- add_optional_dependency ({STRIPE_MODULE}) add_optional_dependency ({CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MODULE}) add_optional_dependency ({CMS_ADMIN_MODULE}) end feature -- Access name: STRING = "es_cloud" feature {CMS_MODULE} -- Access control permissions: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] -- do Result := Precursor Result.force (perm_manage_es_accounts) Result.force (perm_view_es_accounts) Result.force (perm_view_es_licenses) Result.force (perm_view_es_installations) Result.force (perm_discard_own_installations) Result.force (perm_update_own_installations) Result.force (perm_view_any_es_activities) Result.force (perm_view_es_sessions) Result.force (perm_buy_es_license) Result.force (perm_access_es_stats) Result.force (perm_view_cloud_profiles) end feature -- Access control perm_manage_es_accounts: STRING = "manager es accounts" perm_view_es_accounts: STRING = "view es accounts" perm_view_es_licenses: STRING = "view es licenses" perm_view_es_installations: STRING = "view es installations" perm_view_any_es_activities: STRING = "view any es activities" perm_view_es_sessions: STRING = "view es sessions" perm_discard_own_installations: STRING = "discard own installations" perm_update_own_installations: STRING = "update own installations" perm_manage_es_licenses: STRING = "manager es licenses" perm_buy_es_license: STRING = "buy es licenses" perm_access_es_stats: STRING = "access es stats" perm_view_cloud_profiles: STRING = "view cloud profiles" feature {CMS_API} -- Module Initialization initialize (api: CMS_API) -- local l_es_cloud_api: like es_cloud_api do Precursor (api) if es_cloud_api = Void then create l_es_cloud_api.make (Current, api) es_cloud_api := l_es_cloud_api end end feature {CMS_API} -- Module management install (api: CMS_API) local pl: ES_CLOUD_PLAN l_es_cloud_api: like es_cloud_api do Precursor {CMS_MODULE_WITH_SQL_STORAGE} (api) if is_installed (api) then create l_es_cloud_api.make (Current, api) es_cloud_api := l_es_cloud_api create pl.make ("trial") pl.set_title ("Trial") pl.trial_period_in_days := 15 l_es_cloud_api.save_plan (pl) if attached api.user_api.anonymous_user_role as l_anonymous_role then -- By default, add extra permissions to anonymous role. l_anonymous_role.add_permission ("use jwt_auth") api.user_api.save_user_role (l_anonymous_role) end end end feature {NONE} -- Administration administration: ES_CLOUD_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION do create Result.make (Current) end feature {NONE} -- Webapi webapi: ES_CLOUD_MODULE_WEBAPI do create Result.make (Current) end feature {CMS_API, CMS_MODULE_API, CMS_MODULE} -- Access: API es_cloud_api: detachable ES_CLOUD_API -- feature -- Access: router setup_router (a_router: WSF_ROUTER; a_api: CMS_API) -- local h: ES_CLOUD_HANDLER h_prof: ES_CLOUD_PROFILE_HANDLER h_profs: ES_CLOUD_PROFILES_HANDLER h_forms: ES_CLOUD_FORMS_HANDLER h_stats: ES_CLOUD_STATISTICS_HANDLER h_act: ES_CLOUD_ACTIVITIES_HANDLER h_lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSES_HANDLER h_inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATIONS_HANDLER h_redeem: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN_HANDLER do if attached es_cloud_api as l_mod_api then create h.make (l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + root_location, h, a_router.methods_get) create h_prof.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + cloud_profile_location + "{account_id}", h_prof, a_router.methods_get_post) create h_profs.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + cloud_profiles_location, h_profs, a_router.methods_get) create h_stats.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + statistics_location, h_stats, a_router.methods_get) create h_forms.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + cloud_forms_location + "{form_id}", h_forms, a_router.methods_get_post) create h_act.make (l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + activities_location, h_act, a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle ("/" + activities_location + "{license_key}", h_act, a_router.methods_get) create h_lic.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + licenses_location, h_lic, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/" + licenses_location + "{license_key}", h_lic, a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle ("/" + licenses_location + "{license_key}/billing/", h_lic, a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle ("/" + licenses_location + "_/{action}", h_lic, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/" + licenses_location + "_/{action}/", h_lic, a_router.methods_get_post) create h_inst.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + installations_location + "{installation_id}", h_inst, a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle ("/" + installations_location, h_inst, a_router.methods_get) create h_redeem.make (Current, l_mod_api) a_router.handle ("/" + redeem_location, h_redeem, a_router.methods_get_post) a_router.handle ("/" + redeem_location + "{redeem}", h_redeem, a_router.methods_get_post) end end root_location: STRING = "cloud/" cloud_profile_location: STRING = "cloud/profile/" cloud_profiles_location: STRING = "cloud/profiles/" cloud_forms_location: STRING = "cloud/forms/" activities_location: STRING = "activities/" statistics_location: STRING = "statistics/" licenses_location: STRING = "licenses/" installations_location: STRING = "installations/" redeem_location: STRING = "redeem/" license_activities_location (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): STRING do Result := activities_location + url_encoded (lic.key) end license_location (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): STRING do Result := licenses_location + url_encoded (lic.key) end installation_location (inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION): STRING do Result := installations_location + url_encoded ( end user_cloud_profile_location (u: ES_CLOUD_USER): STRING do Result := cloud_profile_location + url_encoded ( end feature -- Hooks configuration setup_hooks (a_hooks: CMS_HOOK_CORE_MANAGER) -- Module hooks configuration. do a_hooks.subscribe_to_form_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_menu_system_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_response_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_hook (Current, {SHOP_HOOK}) a_hooks.subscribe_to_hook (Current, {CMS_HOOK_USER_MANAGEMENT}) -- a_hooks.subscribe_to_hook (Current, {STRIPE_HOOK}) end feature -- Hook shop_provider_name: STRING = "es" fill_cart_item (a_cart: SHOPPING_CART; a_cart_item: SHOPPING_ITEM) local l_prov_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL d: SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS l_price, l_cents_price: NATURAL_32 l_quantity: NATURAL_32 do if attached es_cloud_api as api and then attached (a_cart.currency, False) as l_store then l_prov_name := api.config.shop_provider_name if a_cart_item.provider.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_prov_name) then if attached l_store.item (a_cart_item.code) as l_store_item and then a_cart.is_currency_accepted (l_store_item.currency) then l_quantity := a_cart_item.quantity -- l_price := l_store_item.price * l_quantity -- l_cents_price := l_store_item.cents_price * l_quantity -- if l_cents_price > 99 then -- l_price := l_price + l_cents_price // 100 -- l_cents_price := l_cents_price \\ 100 -- end l_price := l_store_item.price l_cents_price := l_store_item.cents_price create d d.set_price (l_price, l_cents_price, l_store_item.currency) if l_store_item.is_yearly then d.set_yearly (1) elseif l_store_item.is_monthly then d.set_monthly (1) elseif l_store_item.is_weekly then d.set_weekly (1) elseif l_store_item.is_daily then d.set_daily (1) else -- Default d.set_onetime end d.set_title (l_store_item.title) a_cart_item.set_details (d) end end end end commit_cart (a_cart: SHOPPING_CART; a_order: SHOPPING_ORDER) local lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_email: READABLE_STRING_8 l_user: CMS_USER l_is_cycle: BOOLEAN do if attached es_cloud_api as api and then attached a_order.reference_id as l_ref_id and then attached api.subscribed_licenses (l_ref_id) as l_licenses then api.cms_api.log_debug (name, "commit_cart (cart#" + a_cart.identifier + " order#" + + ")", Void) l_email := if l_email = Void then l_email := end if l_email /= Void then l_user := api.cms_api.user_api.user_by_email (l_email) if l_user = Void then l_user := api.cms_api.user_api.temp_user_by_email (l_email) end end check same_count: l_licenses.count.to_natural_32 = a_cart.count end across l_licenses as ic loop l_is_cycle := True lic := ic.item if a_cart.has_details then if a_cart.is_yearly then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 1, 0, 0) elseif a_cart.is_monthly then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 1, 0) elseif a_cart.is_weekly then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, 7) elseif a_cart.is_daily then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, 1) elseif a_cart.is_onetime then l_is_cycle := False else check should_nor_occur: False end -- Missing information, but keep it as a cycle -- l_is_cycle := False -- FIXME: Assume it is monthly cycle api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 1, 0) api.cms_api.log_error ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "ISSUE: Commit cart#" + utf_8_encoded (a_cart.identifier) + " (order#" + utf_8_encoded ( + "): unable to determine nature (onetime, monthly,...)", Void) api.notify_error ("Issue with Commit cart#" + utf_8_encoded (a_cart.identifier) + " (order#" + utf_8_encoded ( + "): unable to determine nature (onetime, monthly,...)", a_cart.out) end else if a_order.is_yearly (0) then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, a_order.interval_count, 0, 0) elseif a_order.is_monthly (0) then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, a_order.interval_count, 0) elseif a_order.is_weekly (0) then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, 7 * a_order.interval_count) elseif a_order.is_daily (0) then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, a_order.interval_count) elseif a_cart.is_onetime then l_is_cycle := False else check should_nor_occur: False end -- Missing information, but keep it as a cycle -- l_is_cycle := False -- FIXME: Assume it is monthly cycle api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 1, 0) api.cms_api.log_error ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "ISSUE: Commit order#" + utf_8_encoded ( + "(cart#" + utf_8_encoded (a_cart.identifier) + "): unable to determine nature (onetime, monthly,...)", Void) api.notify_error ("Issue with Commit order#" + utf_8_encoded ( + "(cart#" + utf_8_encoded (a_cart.identifier) + "): unable to determine nature (onetime, monthly,...)", a_order.out) end end if l_is_cycle then --FIXME: should we send notification to the user??? -- if not l_email /= Void then -- api.send_extended_license_mail (l_user, l_email, lic) -- end api.notify_extended_license (l_user, l_email, lic) else api.cms_api.log_error (name, "ISSUE: Expecting subscription cycle for license " + html_encoded (lic.key), Void) api.notify_new_license (l_user, if l_user /= Void then else Void end, l_email, lic, Void) end end else Precursor (a_cart, a_order) end end commit_cart_item (a_cart: SHOPPING_CART; a_cart_item: SHOPPING_ITEM; a_order: SHOPPING_ORDER) local l_prov_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_quantity: NATURAL_32 lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE l_email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 l_user: detachable CMS_USER l_trial_licences: detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE] l_trial_lic: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE do if attached es_cloud_api as api and then attached (a_cart.currency, False) as l_store then api.cms_api.log_debug (name, "commit_cart_item", Void) l_prov_name := api.config.shop_provider_name if a_cart_item.provider.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_prov_name) then -- TODO: check invoice email instead!!! l_email := if attached api.active_user as l_cloud_user then l_user := l_cloud_user end if l_user = Void then if l_email /= Void then l_user := api.cms_api.user_api.user_by_email (l_email) if l_user = Void then l_user := api.cms_api.user_api.temp_user_by_email (l_email) end end elseif l_email = Void then l_email := end if (l_user /= Void or l_email /= Void) and then attached l_store.item (a_cart_item.code) as l_store_item and then a_cart.is_currency_accepted (l_store_item.currency) then if attached as l_item_name and then attached api.plan_by_name (l_item_name) as l_plan then if l_user /= Void then l_trial_licences := api.trial_user_licenses (l_user) end from l_quantity := a_cart_item.quantity until l_quantity = 0 loop if l_trial_licences /= Void and then not l_trial_licences.is_empty then l_trial_lic := l_trial_licences.first l_trial_licences.prune_all (l_trial_lic) else l_trial_lic := Void end if l_trial_lic /= Void then lic := l_trial_lic.license lic.set_plan (l_plan) lic.reset_date api.save_license (lic) else lic := api.new_license_for_plan (l_plan) end if lic /= Void then if l_store_item.is_onetime then -- By default, yearly api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, l_store_item.onetime_month_duration.to_integer_32, 0) api.record_onetime_license_payment (lic, l_store_item.onetime_month_duration, a_order.reference_id) else if l_store_item.is_yearly then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 1, 0, 0) api.record_yearly_license_subscription (lic, a_order.reference_id) elseif l_store_item.is_monthly then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 1, 0) api.record_monthly_license_subscription (lic, a_order.reference_id) elseif l_store_item.is_weekly then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, 7) api.record_weekly_license_subscription (lic, a_order.reference_id) elseif l_store_item.is_daily then api.save_license_with_duration_extension (lic, 0, 0, 1) api.record_daily_license_subscription (lic, a_order.reference_id) else api.save_license (lic) end end if l_user /= Void then if l_trial_lic = Void then api.assign_license_to_user (lic, l_user) end elseif l_email /= Void then api.assign_license_to_email (lic, l_email) end if l_email /= Void then api.send_new_license_mail (l_user, Void, l_email, lic, l_trial_lic, Void) end api.notify_new_license (l_user, Void, l_email, lic, l_trial_lic) end l_quantity := l_quantity - 1 end end end end end end response_alter (a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) do a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/es_cloud.css", Void), Void) a_response.set_value (a_response.url ("/" + root_location, Void), "escloud_url") a_response.set_value (a_response.url ("/" + licenses_location, Void), "escloud_licenses_url") end menu_system_alter (a_menu_system: CMS_MENU_SYSTEM; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Hook execution on collection of menu contained by `a_menu_system' -- for related response `a_response'. local lnk: CMS_LOCAL_LINK do if attached a_response.user as u then create lnk.make (a_response.api.translation ("Your Profile", Void), user_cloud_profile_location (u)) lnk.set_weight (88) a_menu_system.primary_menu.extend (lnk) create lnk.make (a_response.api.translation ("Licenses", Void), licenses_location) lnk.set_weight (10) a_menu_system.primary_menu.extend (lnk) if a_response.has_permission (perm_access_es_stats) then create lnk.make (a_response.api.translation ("Stats", Void), statistics_location) lnk.set_weight (20) a_menu_system.primary_menu.extend (lnk) end end create lnk.make (a_response.api.translation ("Downloads", Void), "downloads") lnk.set_weight (25) a_menu_system.primary_menu.extend (lnk) end feature -- Hooks: user management new_user (a_user: CMS_USER) local lic: ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE u: ES_CLOUD_USER do if attached es_cloud_api as l_es_cloud_api then if attached as l_email and then attached l_es_cloud_api.email_licenses (l_email) as l_licenses then u := a_user across l_licenses as ic loop lic := ic.item l_es_cloud_api.move_email_license_to_user (lic, u) if not l_es_cloud_api.has_error then l_es_cloud_api.send_new_license_mail (a_user, Void, l_email, lic.license, Void, Void) end end end end end feature -- Hooks: forms alter form_alter (a_form: CMS_FORM; a_form_data: detachable WSF_FORM_DATA; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Hook execution on form `a_form' and its associated data `a_form_data', -- for related response `a_response'. local wtxt: WSF_WIDGET_TEXT do if attached es_cloud_api as l_cloud_api and then attached as l_form_id then if l_form_id.same_string ({CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MODULE}.view_account_form_id) then create wtxt.make_with_text ("
") a_form.prepend (wtxt) end end end feature -- Hooks: block block_list: detachable ITERABLE [like {CMS_BLOCK}.name] -- List of block names, managed by current object. -- If prefixed by "?", condition will be checked -- to determine if it should be displayed (and computed) or not. do Result := <<"?cloud_account_summary", "?cloud_store", "?cloud_buy">> end get_block_view (a_block_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Get block object identified by `a_block_id` and associate with `a_response`. -- Warning: be carefully with caching, if get_block_view is altering `a_response` -- as linking with css, js ... It should be done in `setup_block_view`. do if attached es_cloud_api as l_cloud_api then if a_block_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("cloud_account_summary") then if attached l_cloud_api.cms_api.user as u then a_response.add_block (new_account_summary_block (create {ES_CLOUD_USER}.make (u), l_cloud_api, a_response), "content") end elseif a_block_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("cloud_store") then if a_response.request.is_get_request_method then a_response.add_block (new_store_block (l_cloud_api, a_response), "content") a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/pricing.css", Void), Void) end elseif a_block_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("cloud_buy") then if a_response.request.is_get_request_method then if l_cloud_api.cms_api.has_permission ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_buy_es_license) then a_response.add_block (new_buy_block (l_cloud_api, a_response), "content") a_response.add_style (a_response.module_resource_url (Current, "/files/css/es_cloud.css", Void), Void) end end end end end new_account_summary_block (a_user: CMS_USER; api: ES_CLOUD_API; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE): CMS_CONTENT_BLOCK local l_html: STRING l_active_count: INTEGER lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE do create l_html.make (1024) l_html.append ("
") if attached api.user_licenses (a_user) as lst and then not lst.is_empty then across lst as ic loop lic := ic.item.license if lic.is_active then l_active_count := l_active_count + 1 end api.append_short_license_view_to_html (lic, a_user, Current, l_html) end end if l_active_count = 0 then l_html.append ("No active license...") end l_html.append ("
") l_html.append ("Your installations ...") l_html.append ("
") l_html.append ("
%N") create Result.make_raw ("cloud_account_summary", Void, l_html, a_response.api.formats.full_html) end new_buy_block (api: ES_CLOUD_API; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE): CMS_BLOCK local s: STRING_8 do if attached smarty_template_block (Current, "cloud_buy", a_response.api) as l_tpl_block then l_tpl_block.set_value (a_response.url ("/" + root_location, Void), "escloud_url") l_tpl_block.set_value (a_response.url ("/" + licenses_location, Void), "escloud_licenses_url") Result := l_tpl_block else s := "
" create {CMS_CONTENT_BLOCK} Result.make_raw ("cloud_buy", Void, s, a_response.api.formats.full_html) end end new_store_block (api: ES_CLOUD_API; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE): CMS_CONTENT_BLOCK local l_html: STRING l_item: ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM tb: STRING_TABLE [ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM]] lst: ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM] l_plan_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_interval_type: READABLE_STRING_8 l_int_id: STRING_8 l_is_first: BOOLEAN l_intervals: STRING_TABLE [INTEGER] do create l_html.make (1024) l_html.append ("
") if attached (Void, False) as l_store then create tb.make_caseless (3) across l_store.items as ic loop l_item := ic.item if l_item.is_published and then attached as l_name then lst := tb [l_name] if lst = Void then create lst.make (1) tb [l_name] := lst end lst.force (l_item) end end create l_intervals.make_caseless (2) l_html.append ("
") -- l_html.append ("
") l_is_first := True across l_store.items as ic loop l_item := ic.item if attached store_item_interval_name (l_item) as l_interval_name then create l_int_id.make_from_string (html_encoded (l_interval_name)) l_int_id.replace_substring_all (" ", "-") if not l_intervals.has (l_int_id) then l_intervals.force (1, l_int_id) l_html.append ("") l_html.append ("%N") l_is_first := False else l_intervals.force (l_intervals [l_int_id] + 1, l_int_id) end end end if attached {CMS_SMARTY_TEMPLATE_BLOCK} smarty_template_block (Current, "side_header", api.cms_api) as tpl then across a_response.values as tb_ic loop tpl.set_value (tb_ic.item, tb_ic.key) end tpl.set_value (a_response.url ("/" + root_location, Void), "escloud_url") tpl.set_value (a_response.url ("/" + licenses_location, Void), "escloud_licenses_url") tpl.append_to_html (a_response.theme, l_html) end -- l_html.append ("
") l_html.append ("
") across tb as tb_ic loop l_plan_name := tb_ic.key if attached api.plan_by_name (l_plan_name) as pl then l_html.append ("
%N") l_html.append ("

"+ html_encoded (pl.title_or_name) + "

") across tb_ic.item as ic loop l_item := ic.item l_interval_type := store_item_interval_name (l_item) l_html.append ("
%N") l_html.append ("
") if l_item.is_free then l_html.append ("Free") else l_html.append (html_encoded (l_item.price_as_string)) if l_item.is_onetime then if attached l_item.price_title as l_price_title then l_html.append (" ") l_html.append (html_encoded (l_price_title)) l_html.append ("") elseif l_item.onetime_month_duration = 12 then -- l_html.append (" for one year") elseif l_item.onetime_month_duration = 1 then -- l_html.append (" for one month") elseif l_item.onetime_month_duration > 1 then l_html.append (" for " + l_item.onetime_month_duration.out + " months") end elseif l_interval_type /= Void then l_html.append (" /" + l_interval_type) end end l_html.append ("
%N") l_html.append ("
") if attached {SHOP_MODULE} api.cms_api.module ({SHOP_MODULE}) as l_shop_module then if not l_item.is_free then l_html.append ("") end end l_html.append ("
%N") -- actions l_html.append ("
%N") -- option end if attached pl.description as l_desc then l_html.append ("
") l_html.append (utf_8_encoded (l_desc)) l_html.append ("
") end -- l_html.append ("
") -- l_html.append ("") ---- l_html.append ("Try now") -- l_html.append ("
") -- actions l_html.append ("
") -- plan end end l_html.append ("
") -- plans end l_html.append ("
") -- pricings create Result.make_raw ("cloud_store", Void, l_html, a_response.api.formats.full_html) end store_item_interval_name (a_item: ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM): detachable STRING do if a_item.is_monthly then Result := "month" elseif a_item.is_yearly then Result := "year" elseif a_item.is_weekly then Result := "week" elseif a_item.is_daily then Result := "day" else Result := "onetime" end end store_item_interval_title (a_item: ES_CLOUD_STORE_ITEM): detachable STRING do -- if attached store_item_interval_name (a_item) as l_sub_name then -- Result := "per " + l_sub_name if a_item.is_monthly then Result := "Monthly payment" elseif a_item.is_yearly then Result := "Yearly payment" elseif a_item.is_weekly then Result := "Weekly payment" elseif a_item.is_daily then Result := "Daily payment" elseif a_item.is_onetime then if a_item.onetime_month_duration = 12 then Result := "One-time payment" end end end end