note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_PROFILES_HANDLER}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_PROFILES_HANDLER inherit CMS_HANDLER rename make as make_with_cms_api end WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_HANDLER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE; a_mod_api: ES_CLOUD_API) do make_with_cms_api (a_mod_api.cms_api) module := a_module es_cloud_api := a_mod_api end feature -- API module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE es_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API feature -- Execution execute (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. do if api.has_permissions (<<{ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_view_cloud_profiles, {ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_view_es_accounts, {ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_manage_es_accounts>>) then if req.is_get_request_method then get_cloud_profiles (req, res) else send_bad_request (req, res) end else send_access_denied (req, res) end end get_cloud_profiles (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response s: STRING nb: INTEGER l_profile: ES_CLOUD_USER_PROFILE l_page_helper: CMS_PAGINATION_GENERATOR s_pager: STRING l_show_all: BOOLEAN lst: ITERABLE [ES_CLOUD_USER_PROFILE] do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_cloud.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_cloud.css", Void), Void) r.set_title ("Profiles...") s := "" l_show_all := attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("show") as p and then p.same_string ("all") if not l_show_all then create s_pager.make_empty create l_page_helper.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info + "?page={page}&size={size}", api.user_api.users_count.as_natural_64, 25) l_page_helper.get_setting_from_request (req) if l_page_helper.has_upper_limit and then l_page_helper.pages_count > 1 then l_page_helper.append_to_html (r, s_pager) if l_page_helper.page_size > 25 then s.append (s_pager) end end lst := es_cloud_api.cloud_user_profiles (create {CMS_DATA_QUERY_PARAMETERS}.make (l_page_helper.current_page_offset, l_page_helper.page_size)) else lst := es_cloud_api.cloud_user_profiles (Void) -- all profiles! end if lst /= Void then across lst as ic loop l_profile := ic.item if not l_profile.is_empty then nb := nb + 1 s.append ("
View profile for: ") s.append (">> View " + html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (l_profile.cms_user)) + "") s.append ("
%N") else s.append ("
No profile for:") s.append (">> View " + html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (l_profile.cms_user)) + "") s.append ("
%N") end end end if l_show_all and nb = 0 then r.add_message ("No public profile", Void) end if s_pager /= Void then s.append (s_pager) s.append (" Show all") end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end note copyright: "2011-2017, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end