note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_STATISTICS_HANDLER}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_STATISTICS_HANDLER inherit CMS_HANDLER rename make as make_with_cms_api end WSF_URI_TEMPLATE_HANDLER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_mod: ES_CLOUD_MODULE; a_mod_api: ES_CLOUD_API) do es_cloud_module := a_mod make_with_cms_api (a_mod_api.cms_api) es_cloud_api := a_mod_api end feature -- API es_cloud_module: ES_CLOUD_MODULE es_cloud_api: ES_CLOUD_API feature -- Execution execute (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) -- Execute handler for `req' and respond in `res'. do if api.has_permission ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_access_es_stats) then if req.is_get_request_method then process_get (req, res) else send_bad_request (req, res) end else send_access_denied (req, res) end end process_get (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE) local r: like new_generic_response lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE f: CMS_FORM f_select: WSF_FORM_SELECT f_opt: WSF_FORM_SELECT_OPTION f_div: WSF_WIDGET_DIV f_cb: WSF_FORM_CHECKBOX_INPUT l_plan_filter: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_expiring_before_n_days_filter: INTEGER lics: LIST [TUPLE [license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; org: detachable ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION]] s: STRING l_inc_expired: BOOLEAN do r := new_generic_response (req, res) r.add_javascript_url (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/js/es_cloud.js", Void)) r.add_style (r.module_name_resource_url ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.name, "/files/css/es_cloud.css", Void), Void) r.set_title ("EiffelStudio Statistics") s := "" if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("plan") as p_plan then l_plan_filter := p_plan.value if l_plan_filter.is_whitespace then l_plan_filter := Void end end if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("with_expired") as p_include_expired then l_inc_expired := p_include_expired.is_case_insensitive_equal ("yes") end if attached {WSF_STRING} req.query_parameter ("expiring_before_n_days") as p_expiring_before_n_days then l_expiring_before_n_days_filter := p_expiring_before_n_days.value.to_integer_32 if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter <= 0 then l_expiring_before_n_days_filter := 0 end end if l_plan_filter /= Void then if l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ("$") then create s.make_from_string ("

Licenses for priced plans

") else create s.make_from_string ("

Licenses for plan %"" + html_encoded (l_plan_filter) + "%"

") end else create s.make_from_string ("


") end s.append ("Filters: ") create f.make (req.percent_encoded_path_info, "licenses-filter") f.set_method_get f.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") if attached es_cloud_api.sorted_plans as l_sorted_plans then create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") create f_select.make ("plan") f_div.extend (f_select) create f_opt.make ("", "All plans") f_select.add_option (f_opt) create f_opt.make ("$", "has price") f_select.add_option (f_opt) if l_plan_filter /= Void and then l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ("$") then f_opt.set_is_selected (True) end across l_sorted_plans as ic loop create f_opt.make (, ic.item.title_or_name) f_select.add_option (f_opt) if l_plan_filter /= Void and then l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ( then f_opt.set_is_selected (True) end end f_select.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") end if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 or l_plan_filter /= Void then f.extend_html_text (" | All the licenses") end -- Licenses expiring before 7 days ? f.extend_html_text (" | ") if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 then create f_cb.make_with_value ("expiring_before_n_days", l_expiring_before_n_days_filter.out) f_cb.set_title ("expiring before " + l_expiring_before_n_days_filter.out + " days") f_cb.set_checked (True) else create f_cb.make_with_value ("expiring_before_n_days", "7") f_cb.set_title ("expiring before 7 days") end f_cb.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") f_div.extend (f_cb) -- Include expired licenses? f.extend_html_text (" | ") create f_cb.make_with_value ("with_expired", "yes") if l_inc_expired then f_cb.set_checked (True) end f_cb.set_title ("with expired licenses") f_cb.add_html_attribute ("onchange", "this.form.submit();") create f_div.make f.extend (f_div) f_div.add_css_style ("display: inline-block") f_div.extend (f_cb) f.append_to_html (r.wsf_theme, s) if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 then s.append ("
Currently listing licenses expiring before " + l_expiring_before_n_days_filter.out + " days.") end -- Filter licenses if l_plan_filter /= Void then if l_plan_filter.is_case_insensitive_equal ("$") then lics := es_cloud_api.licenses from lics.start until lics.after loop if lics.item.license.plan.has_price then lics.forth else lics.remove end end elseif attached es_cloud_api.plan_by_name (l_plan_filter) as pl then lics := es_cloud_api.licenses_for_plan (pl) else lics := es_cloud_api.licenses end else lics := es_cloud_api.licenses end if l_expiring_before_n_days_filter > 0 then from lics.start until lics.after loop lic := lics.item.license if lic.is_expired and l_inc_expired then --Keep lics.forth elseif lic.expiration_date = Void then -- No expiration lics.remove elseif lic.days_remaining <= l_expiring_before_n_days_filter then --Keep lics.forth else lics.remove end end end if not l_inc_expired then from lics.start until lics.after loop if lics.item.license.is_expired then lics.remove else lics.forth end end end -- List of licenses s.append ("
") if lics /= Void and then not lics.is_empty then s.append ("
Count="+ lics.count.out + "
") across lics as ic loop lic := ic.item.license if attached lic then append_license_to_html (lic, ic.item.user,, s) end end end s.append ("
") if api.has_permission ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_manage_es_licenses) then s.append ("
Admin licenses
") end r.set_main_content (s) r.execute end append_license_to_html (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; u: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER; a_email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; s: STRING_8) local l_plan: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN l_email: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_email := a_email if l_email = Void and u /= Void then u.update_user (api) l_email := end l_plan := lic.plan s.append ("
") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (l_plan.title_or_name)) s.append (" ") s.append ("
License: ") s.append ("") s.append (html_encoded (lic.key)) s.append ("") s.append ("") if lic.platforms /= Void or lic.version /= Void then s.append ("") if attached lic.platforms_as_csv_string as l_platforms then s.append (" platforms:" + html_encoded (l_platforms)) end if attached lic.version as l_version then s.append (" version:" + html_encoded (l_version)) end s.append ("") end if u /= Void then s.append ("User ") if api.has_permission ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_manage_es_accounts) then s.append (es_cloud_api.account_html_administration_link (u)) elseif api.has_permission ({ES_CLOUD_MODULE}.perm_view_es_accounts) then s.append (es_cloud_api.user_cloud_profile_link (u)) elseif api.has_permission ({CMS_CORE_MODULE}.perm_view_users) then s.append (api.user_html_link (u)) else s.append (html_encoded (api.real_user_display_name (u))) end if l_email /= Void then s.append (" <") s.append (html_encoded (l_email)) s.append (">") end s.append (" ") elseif l_email /= Void then s.append ("Email ") s.append (" <") s.append (html_encoded (l_email)) s.append (">") s.append (" ") end s.append ("
") s.append ("") if attached es_cloud_api.last_license_session (lic) as sess then s.append ("Used: "+ api.formatted_date_time_ago (sess.last_date) +"") else s.append ("Never used") end s.append ("Created: ") s.append (date_time_to_iso8601_string (lic.creation_date)) s.append ("") if lic.is_active then if attached lic.expiration_date as exp then s.append ("") s.append (lic.days_remaining.out) s.append (" days remaining") s.append ("") else s.append ("Active") end elseif lic.is_fallback then s.append ("Fallback license") else s.append ("Expired") end if lic.plan.has_price and then attached es_cloud_api.license_subscription (lic) as sub then s.append ("") if sub.is_onetime then s.append ("one-time") elseif sub.is_monthly then s.append ("monthly") elseif sub.is_yearly then s.append ("yearly") elseif sub.is_weekly then s.append ("weekly") elseif sub.is_daily then s.append ("daily") else -- if attached sub.subscription_reference as ref then -- s.append (html_encoded (ref)) -- s.append (",") -- end -- s.append ("type#" + sub.interval_type.out + ",interval#" + sub.interval_count.out) end s.append ("") end s.append ("
") end note copyright: "2011-2020, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end