note description: "Summary description for {ES_CLOUD_PLAN}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_PLAN create make, make_with_id_and_name feature {NONE} -- Creation make (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) do create name.make_from_string (a_name) trial_period_in_days := default_trial_period_in_days -- Default trial_max_period_in_days := 0 end make_with_id_and_name (a_pid: INTEGER; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) do id := a_pid make (a_name) end feature -- Access has_id: BOOLEAN do Result := id > 0 end id: INTEGER name: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 title: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 description: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- HTML description (could contain Unicode symbols) is_public: BOOLEAN has_price: BOOLEAN -- Has a price (as opposed to free). installations_limit: NATURAL -- Maximum number of installation for the same plan. -- `0` means no limit platforms_limit: NATURAL -- Maximum number of different platforms for the same plan. -- `0` means no limit concurrent_sessions_limit: NATURAL -- Maximum number of concurrent sessions for the same plan. -- `0` means no limit usage_limitations_data: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Usage limitations for current plan, mostly related to IDE tools and services. additional_data: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] -- Other data not (yet) mapped to any specific attribute. feature -- Constant default_trial_period_in_days: NATURAL = 30 feature -- Access: private heartbeat: NATURAL -- Delay between each ping in seconds -- `0` means no constraint. weight: INTEGER -- Weight of Current plan among other plans -- used to sort list of plans. trial_period_in_days: NATURAL assign set_trial_period_in_days -- Trial period in days. trial_max_period_in_days: NATURAL assign set_trial_max_period_in_days -- Max trial period in days. data: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 local s: STRING_32 do create s.make (50) s.append ("install.limit="); s.append_natural_32 (installations_limit) s.append (";platforms.limit="); s.append_natural_32 (platforms_limit) s.append (";session.limit="); s.append_natural_32 (concurrent_sessions_limit) s.append (";session.heartbeat="); s.append_natural_32 (heartbeat) s.append (";order.weight="); s.append_integer (weight) s.append (";trial.days="); s.append_natural_32 (trial_period_in_days) s.append (";trial.max_days="); s.append_natural_32 (trial_max_period_in_days) s.append (";price=") if has_price then s.append ("yes") else s.append ("no") end s.append (";public=") if is_public then s.append ("yes") else s.append ("no") end if attached additional_data as o then across o as ic loop s.append (";") s.append (ic.key) s.append ("=") if attached ic.item as v then s.append (v) end end end create Result.make_from_string_32 (s) end data_names: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do Result := << "install.limit", "platforms.limit", "session.limit", "platforms.heartbeat", "order.weight", "trial.days", "trial.max_days", "price", "public" >> end feature -- Status report same_plan (pl: detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN): BOOLEAN -- Is Current same plan as `pl`? do if pl /= Void then if has_id then Result := id = else Result := name.same_string ( end end end feature -- Query title_or_name: READABLE_STRING_32 do if attached title as t then Result := t else Result := name.as_string_32 end end feature -- Element change set_data (a_data: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local sess,inst,platfs,l_heartbeat, l_trial_days, l_max_trial_days: NATURAL l_weight: INTEGER s,k,v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL p: INTEGER do sess := 0 inst := 0 platfs := 0 l_heartbeat := 0 l_weight := 0 l_trial_days := 0 l_max_trial_days := 0 additional_data := Void if a_data /= Void then across a_data.split (';') as ic loop s := ic.item p := s.index_of ('=', 1) if p = 0 then -- Skip ... else k := s.head (p - 1) v := s.substring (p + 1, s.count) if k.starts_with ("install.limit") then inst := v.to_natural elseif s.starts_with ("platforms.limit") then platfs := v.to_natural elseif s.starts_with ("session.limit") then sess := v.to_natural elseif s.starts_with ("session.heartbeat") then l_heartbeat := v.to_natural elseif s.starts_with ("order.weight") then l_weight := v.to_integer elseif s.starts_with ("trial.days") then l_trial_days := v.to_natural elseif s.starts_with ("trial.max_days") then l_max_trial_days := v.to_natural elseif s.starts_with ("price") then has_price := v.is_case_insensitive_equal ("yes") elseif s.starts_with ("public") then is_public := v.is_case_insensitive_equal ("yes") else record_additional_data (v, k) end end end end installations_limit := inst platforms_limit := platfs concurrent_sessions_limit := sess heartbeat := l_heartbeat if l_trial_days = 0 then l_trial_days := default_trial_period_in_days end trial_period_in_days := l_trial_days if l_max_trial_days > l_trial_days then trial_max_period_in_days := l_max_trial_days end weight := l_weight end record_additional_data (V, K: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local l_others: like additional_data do l_others := additional_data if l_others = Void then create l_others.make_caseless (1) additional_data := l_others end l_others.force (v, k) end set_trial_period_in_days (n: NATURAL) do trial_period_in_days := n end set_trial_max_period_in_days (n: NATURAL) do trial_max_period_in_days := n end set_name (s: READABLE_STRING_8) do create name.make_from_string (s) end set_title (s: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do if s = Void then title := Void else create title.make_from_string_general (s) end end set_description (d: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do if d = Void then description := Void else create description.make_from_string_general (d) end end set_usage_limitations_data (s: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do if s /= Void then usage_limitations_data := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (s) else usage_limitations_data := Void end end feature {CMS_STORAGE_SQL_I} -- Element change update_id (a_id: like id) do id := a_id end end