note description: "Interface for accessing JWT token from the database." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ES_CLOUD_STORAGE_NULL inherit ES_CLOUD_STORAGE_I feature -- Error handler error_handler: ERROR_HANDLER -- Error handler. do create Result.make end feature -- Access: plan plans: LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN]} Result.make (0) end plan (a_plan_id: INTEGER): detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN do end feature -- Change save_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN) do end delete_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN) do end feature -- Access: redeem tokens redeem_tokens (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN; a_version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): LIST [ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN]} Result.make (0) end unused_redeem_tokens_count (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): INTEGER do end redeem_token (a_token_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN do end feature -- Change: redeem tokens create_redeem_token (a_token: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN) do end save_redeem_token (a_token: ES_CLOUD_REDEEM_TOKEN) do end feature -- Licenses licenses: LIST [TUPLE [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE, detachable ES_CLOUD_USER, detachable READABLE_STRING_8, detachable ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION]] -- Licenses do check False then end end licenses_for_plan (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): like licenses do check False then end end license (a_license_id: INTEGER_64): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE do end license_by_key (a_license_key: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE do end license_subscription (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION do end user_id_for_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): INTEGER_64 do end user_has_license (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_license_id: INTEGER_64): BOOLEAN do end users_licenses: LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE] do check False then end end user_licenses (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER_LICENSE] do check False then end end email_for_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do end email_licenses (a_email: READABLE_STRING_8): LIST [ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE] do check False then end end feature -- Element change: license save_license (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) do end subscribed_licenses (a_order_ref: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_LICENSE] do end save_license_subscription (a_sub: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE_SUBSCRIPTION) do end assign_license_to_user (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER) do end assign_license_to_email (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE; a_email: READABLE_STRING_8) do end move_email_license_to_user (a_email_license: ES_CLOUD_EMAIL_LICENSE; a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER) do assign_license_to_user (a_email_license.license, a_user) end archive_license (lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) do end feature -- Subscriptions subscriptions: LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN_SUBSCRIPTION] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN_SUBSCRIPTION]} Result.make (0) end feature -- Access: organization organizations: LIST [ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION]} Result.make (0) end organization_by_id (oid: like {ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION}.id): detachable ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION do end user_organizations (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION] do end save_organization (org: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION) do end delete_organization (org: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION) do end organization_members (org: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION; a_role: INTEGER): LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER] do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ES_CLOUD_USER]} Result.make (0) end save_membership (org: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION; a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_role: INTEGER) do end feature -- Access: subscriptions user_plan_subscription (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN_SUBSCRIPTION do end organization_plan_subscription (org: ES_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION): detachable ES_CLOUD_PLAN_SUBSCRIPTION do end plan_subscriptions_for (a_plan: ES_CLOUD_PLAN): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_PLAN_SUBSCRIPTION] do end feature -- Access: installations user_installations (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER): LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do check False then end end all_user_installations: LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do check False then end end installation (a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_license_id: like {ES_CLOUD_LICENSE}.id): detachable ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION do end installations (a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do end license_installations (a_license_id: like {ES_CLOUD_LICENSE}.id): LIST [ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION] do check False then end end feature -- Access: sessions last_user_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_installation: detachable ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION): detachable ES_CLOUD_SESSION do end last_license_session (a_license: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE): detachable ES_CLOUD_SESSION do end user_sessions (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_only_active: BOOLEAN): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] do end installation_sessions (a_install_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_only_active: BOOLEAN): detachable LIST [ES_CLOUD_SESSION] do end user_session (a_user: ES_CLOUD_USER; a_install_id, a_session_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ES_CLOUD_SESSION do end feature -- Change save_user_subscription (sub: ES_CLOUD_PLAN_USER_SUBSCRIPTION) do end discard_user_subscription (sub: ES_CLOUD_PLAN_USER_SUBSCRIPTION) do end save_organization_subscription (sub: ES_CLOUD_PLAN_ORGANIZATION_SUBSCRIPTION) do end discard_organization_subscription (sub: ES_CLOUD_PLAN_ORGANIZATION_SUBSCRIPTION) do end save_installation (inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION) do end discard_installation (inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION; a_user: detachable ES_CLOUD_USER) do end update_installation_license (inst: ES_CLOUD_INSTALLATION; a_lic: ES_CLOUD_LICENSE) do end save_session (a_session: ES_CLOUD_SESSION) do end cleanup_sessions (dt: DATE_TIME) do end note copyright: "2011-2017, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end