note description: "Summary description for {SHOP_BASKET}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SHOPPING_CART create make, make_guest, make_with_id, make_from_json feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_guest (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) do make (create {CMS_USER}.make ("Guest"), a_name) is_guest := True end make (a_user: like owner; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) do currency := "usd" owner := a_user email := create items.make (1) identifier := a_name end make_with_id (a_id: like id; a_user: like owner; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) do id := a_id make (a_user, a_name) end make_from_json (a_json: READABLE_STRING_8) do make (create {CMS_PARTIAL_USER}.make_with_id (0), "undefined") import_json_string (a_json) end feature -- Access id: INTEGER_64 identifier: READABLE_STRING_8 -- Shopping cart identifier (key) is_guest: BOOLEAN owner: CMS_USER assign set_owner email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 security: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 items: ARRAYED_LIST [SHOPPING_ITEM] modification_date: detachable DATE_TIME data: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 assign set_data currency: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 default_currency: STRING_8 = "usd" feature -- Status report has_details: BOOLEAN do across items as ic until Result loop if ic.item.has_details then Result := True end end end feature -- Query is_identified_by (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN do if v.is_case_insensitive_equal (identifier) then -- Same shopping cart name Result := True elseif v.is_integer_64 and then v.to_integer_64 = id then -- Same shopping cart id Result := True else Result := False end end count: NATURAL_32 do across items as ic loop Result := Result + ic.item.quantity end end is_onetime: BOOLEAN do Result := not is_empty across items as ic loop Result := Result and ic.item.is_onetime end end is_yearly: BOOLEAN do Result := not is_empty across items as ic loop Result := Result and ic.item.is_yearly end end is_monthly: BOOLEAN do Result := not is_empty across items as ic loop Result := Result and ic.item.is_monthly end end is_weekly: BOOLEAN do Result := not is_empty across items as ic loop Result := Result and ic.item.is_weekly end end is_daily: BOOLEAN do Result := not is_empty across items as ic loop Result := Result and ic.item.is_daily end end cart_title (a_dft: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 local l_item: SHOPPING_ITEM l_has_conflict: BOOLEAN v: READABLE_STRING_32 do create Result.make_empty across items as ic until l_has_conflict loop l_item := ic.item v := l_item.title if v = Void then v := l_item.code end if not Result.is_empty and then not v.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (Result) then Result.append (", ") l_has_conflict := True end Result.append (v) end if (Result.is_empty or l_has_conflict) and a_dft /= Void then create Result.make_from_string_general (a_dft) end end cart_name (a_dft: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 local l_item: SHOPPING_ITEM l_has_conflict: BOOLEAN v: STRING_32 do create Result.make_empty across items as ic until l_has_conflict loop l_item := ic.item v := l_item.code if not Result.is_empty and then not v.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (Result) then Result.append (", ") l_has_conflict := True end Result.append (v) end if (Result.is_empty or l_has_conflict) and a_dft /= Void then create Result.make_from_string_general (a_dft) end end provider_name (a_dft: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 local l_item: SHOPPING_ITEM l_has_conflict: BOOLEAN do across items as ic until l_has_conflict loop l_item := ic.item if Result /= Void and then not l_item.provider.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (Result) then Result := Void l_has_conflict := True else Result := l_item.provider end end if Result = Void or l_has_conflict then create Result.make_from_string_general (a_dft) end end price_in_cents: NATURAL_32 local l_item: SHOPPING_ITEM l_cart_currency: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_cart_currency := currency across items as ic loop l_item := ic.item if attached l_item.details as l_details then if l_details.currency.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_cart_currency) then Result := Result + l_item.quantity * l_details.price_in_cents else check same_currency: False end end else check has_details: False end end end end currency_sign: detachable CHARACTER_32 do Result := {SHOPPING_CURRENCY_HELPER}.iso_currency_as_sign (currency) end price_as_string: STRING_32 -- Price as string, using currency symbol when possible. do Result := {SHOPPING_CURRENCY_HELPER}.price_in_cents_as_string (price_in_cents, currency) end price_as_iso_string: STRING_8 -- Price as string, using ISO currency text. local l_total: NATURAL_32 p,c: NATURAL_32 do l_total := price_in_cents p := l_total // 100 c := l_total \\ 100 create Result.make (10) Result.append_natural_32 (p) if c > 0 then Result.append_character ('.') if c <= 9 then Result.append_integer (0) end Result.append_natural_32 (c) end Result.append_character (' ') Result.append_string (currency) end item (a_code, a_provider: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable SHOPPING_ITEM local i: detachable SHOPPING_ITEM do create i.make (a_code, a_provider) across items as ic until Result /= Void loop if i.same_item (ic.item) then Result := ic.item end end end feature -- Status report has_id: BOOLEAN do Result := id > 0 end is_empty: BOOLEAN do Result := items.is_empty or else across items as ic all ic.item.quantity = 0 end end feature -- Validation is_currency_accepted (a_currency: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN do if attached currency as l_cart_currency then Result := a_currency.is_case_insensitive_equal (l_cart_currency) else Result := True end end is_item_compatible (a_item: SHOPPING_ITEM): BOOLEAN require has_details: a_item.has_details local l_interval_type: NATURAL_8 nb: NATURAL_8 do if count = 0 then Result := True elseif attached a_item.details as l_details then l_interval_type := l_details.interval_type nb := l_details.interval_count Result := True across items as ic until not Result loop if attached ic.item.details as d then Result := d.interval_type = l_interval_type and then d.interval_count = nb else Result := False end end end end has_incomplete_item: BOOLEAN do across items as ic until Result loop Result := ic.item.details = Void end end remove_incomplete_items require has_incomplete_item do from items.start until items.after loop if items.item.details = Void then items.remove else items.forth end end ensure not has_incomplete_item end feature -- Conversion import_json_string (a_json: READABLE_STRING_8) local jp: JSON_PARSER htdate: HTTP_DATE do create jp.make_with_string (a_json) jp.parse_content if jp.is_parsed and then jp.is_valid and then attached jp.parsed_json_object as jo then if attached jo.number_item ("id") as j_id then id := j_id.integer_64_item end if attached jo.string_item ("name") as j_name then identifier := j_name.unescaped_string_8 end if attached jo.number_item ("uid") as j_uid then create {CMS_PARTIAL_USER} owner.make_with_id (j_uid.integer_64_item) end if attached jo.string_item ("email") as j_email then set_email (j_email.unescaped_string_8) end if attached jo.boolean_item ("is_guest") as j_guest then is_guest := j_guest.item end if attached jo.string_item ("currency") as j_currency then currency := j_currency.unescaped_string_8 end if attached jo.number_item ("changed_timestamp") as j_timestamp then create htdate.make_from_timestamp (j_timestamp.integer_64_item) modification_date := htdate.date_time end if attached jo.string_item ("items") as j_items then set_items_from_json_string (j_items.unescaped_string_8) end if attached jo.string_item ("data") as j_data then data := j_data.unescaped_string_8 end if attached jo.string_item ("security") as j_security then security := j_security.unescaped_string_32 end end end to_json_string: STRING local jo: JSON_OBJECT vis: JSON_SERIALIZATION_VISITOR htdate: HTTP_DATE do create jo.make_with_capacity (10) jo.put_integer (id, "id") if attached identifier as n then jo.put_string (n, "name") end jo.put_integer (, "uid") if attached email as e then jo.put_string (e, "email") end if is_guest then jo.put_boolean (True, "is_guest") end jo.put_string (currency, "currency") if attached modification_date as dt then create htdate.make_from_date_time (dt) jo.put_integer (htdate.timestamp, "changed_timestamp") end jo.put_string (items_to_json_string, "items") if attached data as l_data then jo.put_string (l_data, "data") end if attached security as l_security then jo.put_string (l_security, "security") end create Result.make (512) create vis.make (Result) jo.accept (vis) end items_to_json_string: STRING local j: JSON_ARRAY jo, jd: JSON_OBJECT vis: JSON_SERIALIZATION_VISITOR do create j.make_empty across items as ic loop if attached ic.item as l_shopping_item then create jo.make_with_capacity (4) jo.put_string (l_shopping_item.code, "code") jo.put_string (l_shopping_item.provider, "provider") jo.put_natural (l_shopping_item.quantity, "quantity") if attached l_shopping_item.details as d then create jd.make_with_capacity (5) jd.put_natural (d.price_in_cents, "price_in_cents") jd.put_string (d.currency, "currency") inspect d.interval_type when {SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS}.interval_type_daily then jd.put_string ("day", "interval") when {SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS}.interval_type_weekly then jd.put_string ("week", "interval") when {SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS}.interval_type_monthly then jd.put_string ("month", "interval") when {SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS}.interval_type_yearly then jd.put_string ("year", "interval") else -- onetime (default) end if d.interval_count /= 1 then jd.put_natural (d.interval_count, "interval_count") end jo.put (jd, "details") end if attached as l_data then jo.put_string (l_data, "data") end j.add (jo) end end create Result.make (512) create vis.make (Result) j.accept (vis) end set_items_from_json_string (s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) local jp: JSON_PARSER l_code, l_provider: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_item: SHOPPING_ITEM l_item_details: SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS l_currency: READABLE_STRING_8 i: NATURAL_8 do if s = Void then items.wipe_out else create jp.make_with_string (s) jp.parse_content if jp.is_parsed and then jp.is_valid and then attached jp.parsed_json_array as j_array then across j_array as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as j then if attached j.string_item ("code") as j_code and then attached j.string_item ("provider") as j_provider then l_code := j_code.unescaped_string_32 l_provider := j_provider.unescaped_string_32 if l_code /= Void and then not l_code.is_whitespace and then l_provider /= Void and then not l_provider.is_whitespace then create l_item.make (l_code, l_provider) if attached j.number_item ("quantity") as j_qu then l_item.quantity := j_qu.natural_64_item.to_natural_32 end if attached j.object_item ("details") as j_details then create l_item_details if attached j_details.string_item ("currency") as j_currency then l_currency := j_currency.unescaped_string_8 end if attached j_details.number_item ("price_in_cents") as j_price_in_cents then l_item_details.set_price_in_cents (j_price_in_cents.natural_64_item.to_natural_32, l_item_details.currency) end if attached j_details.number_item ("interval_count") as j_interval_count then i := j_interval_count.natural_64_item.to_natural_8 else i := 1 end if attached j_details.string_item ("interval") as j_interval then if j_interval.same_caseless_string ("day") then l_item_details.set_daily (i) elseif j_interval.same_caseless_string ("week") then l_item_details.set_weekly (i) elseif j_interval.same_caseless_string ("month") then l_item_details.set_monthly (i) elseif j_interval.same_caseless_string ("year") then l_item_details.set_yearly (i) else l_item_details.set_onetime end end end if attached j.string_item ("data") as j_data then := j_data.unescaped_string_8 end add_item (l_item) end end end end end end end feature -- Element change set_identifier (v: READABLE_STRING_8) do identifier := v end add_item (a_item: SHOPPING_ITEM) local l_existing_item: detachable SHOPPING_ITEM do across items as ic until l_existing_item /= Void loop if a_item.same_item (ic.item) then ic.item.increment_quantity (a_item.quantity) l_existing_item := ic.item end end if l_existing_item = Void then items.force (a_item) end end remove_item (a_item: SHOPPING_ITEM) local i: detachable SHOPPING_ITEM do from items.start until items.after loop i := items.item if i.same_item (a_item) then items.remove else items.forth end end end set_owner (u: like owner) do owner := u if u.has_email then set_email ( end is_guest := not u.has_id end set_email (e: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) do email := e end set_security (v: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do if v = Void then security := Void else create security.make_from_string_general (v) end end set_currency (v: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) do if v = Void then currency := default_currency else currency := v end end set_modification_date (dt: like modification_date) do modification_date := dt end set_data (v: like data) do data := v end feature {CMS_STORAGE_SQL_I} -- Element change update_id (a_id: like id) do id := a_id end end