note description: "Summary description for {SHOPPING_ORDER}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SHOPPING_ORDER create make_from_cart, make_with_user, make_with_email feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_from_cart (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_cart: SHOPPING_CART) do make_with_user (a_name, a_cart.owner, create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) if email = Void and then attached as l_cart_email then set_email (l_cart_email) end if a_cart.is_yearly then set_yearly (1) elseif a_cart.is_monthly then set_monthly (1) elseif a_cart.is_weekly then set_weekly (1) elseif a_cart.is_daily then set_daily (1) else set_ontime end end make_with_user (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_user: CMS_USER; a_creation_date: DATE_TIME) do user := a_user creation_date := a_creation_date create name.make_from_string (a_name) if attached as l_email then set_email (l_email) end end make_with_email (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_email: READABLE_STRING_8; a_creation_date: DATE_TIME) do set_email (a_email) creation_date := a_creation_date create name.make_from_string (a_name) end feature -- Access name: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 user: detachable CMS_USER email: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 creation_date: DATE_TIME reference_id: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 associated_cart: detachable SHOPPING_CART feature -- Interval interval: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 interval_count: INTEGER set_interval (a_int: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_int_count: INTEGER) do if a_int = Void then set_ontime elseif a_int.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("year") then set_yearly (a_int_count) elseif a_int.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("mnnth") then set_monthly (a_int_count) elseif a_int.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("week") then set_weekly (a_int_count) elseif a_int.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("day") then set_daily (a_int_count) else set_ontime end end set_yearly (nb: INTEGER) do interval := "year" interval_count := nb end set_monthly (nb: INTEGER) do interval := "month" interval_count := nb end set_weekly (nb: INTEGER) do interval := "week" interval_count := nb end set_daily (nb: INTEGER) do interval := "day" interval_count := nb.min (1) end set_ontime do interval := Void interval_count := 0 end is_yearly (nb: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is every `nb` years? -- if nb = 0 then consider any interval_count. do Result := attached interval as i and then i.is_case_insensitive_equal ("year") and then (nb = 0 or else interval_count = nb) end is_monthly (nb: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is every `nb` months? -- if nb = 0 then consider any interval_count. do Result := attached interval as i and then i.is_case_insensitive_equal ("month") and then (nb = 0 or else interval_count = nb) end is_weekly (nb: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is every `nb` weeks? -- if nb = 0 then consider any interval_count. do Result := attached interval as i and then i.is_case_insensitive_equal ("week") and then (nb = 0 or else interval_count = nb) end is_daily (nb: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is every `nb` days? -- if nb = 0 then consider any interval_count. do Result := attached interval as i and then i.is_case_insensitive_equal ("day") and then (nb = 0 or else interval_count = nb) end is_ontime: BOOLEAN do Result := interval = Void end feature -- Element change update_user (a_user: CMS_USER) require same_user: attached user as u implies a_user.same_as (u) do user := a_user end set_reference_id (a_ref: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do create reference_id.make_from_string_general (a_ref) end set_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_8) do create email.make_from_string (a_email) end set_associated_cart (a_cart: SHOPPING_CART) do associated_cart := a_cart end set_associated_cart_with_json_data (a_json_data: READABLE_STRING_8) do create associated_cart.make_from_json (a_json_data) end end