note description: "Summary description for {SHOP_MODULE}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SHOP_MODULE inherit CMS_MODULE_WITH_SQL_STORAGE rename module_api as shop_api redefine initialize, setup_hooks, shop_api, permissions end -- CMS_WITH_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION CMS_WITH_WEBAPI CMS_HOOK_MENU_SYSTEM_ALTER STRIPE_HOOK CMS_HOOK_AUTO_REGISTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do version := "1.1" description := "Shopping system" package := "shop" add_dependency ({CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MODULE}) end feature -- Access name: STRING = "shop" feature {CMS_MODULE} -- Access control permissions: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] -- do Result := Precursor Result.force ("manage shop") end feature {CMS_API} -- Module Initialization initialize (api: CMS_API) -- local cfg: SHOP_CONFIG l_shop_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 do Precursor (api) if shop_api = Void then if attached api.module_configuration_by_name ({SHOP_MODULE}.name, "config") as l_cfg then l_shop_name := l_cfg.resolved_text_item ("") if l_shop_name = Void then l_shop_name := api.setup.site_name end create cfg.make (l_shop_name) if attached l_cfg.resolved_text_item ("") as s then cfg.set_shop_id (s.to_string_8) end if attached l_cfg.resolved_text_item ("shop.cookie_name") as s then cfg.set_cookie_name (s.to_string_8) end if attached l_cfg.resolved_text_item ("shop.currency") as s then cfg.set_default_currency (s.to_string_8) end if attached l_cfg.utf_8_text_item ("shop.base_path") as l_base_path then if l_base_path.starts_with_general ("/") then cfg.set_base_path (l_base_path) else cfg.set_base_location (l_base_path) end end create shop_api.make (Current, api, cfg) end end end feature {NONE} -- Administration -- administration: SHOP_MODULE_ADMINISTRATION -- do -- create Result.make (Current) -- end feature {NONE} -- Webapi webapi: SHOP_MODULE_WEBAPI do create Result.make (Current) end feature {CMS_API, CMS_MODULE_API, CMS_MODULE} -- Access: API shop_api: detachable SHOP_API -- feature -- Access: router setup_router (a_router: WSF_ROUTER; a_api: CMS_API) -- do if attached shop_api as l_mod_api then a_router.handle (l_mod_api.config.base_path + "/not_available", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent handle_not_available (?,?, a_api)), a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle (l_mod_api.config.base_path + "/", create {SHOP_HANDLER}.make (Current, l_mod_api, l_mod_api.config.base_path), a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle (l_mod_api.config.base_path + "/" + cart_sub_location, create {SHOP_CART_HANDLER}.make (Current, l_mod_api, l_mod_api.config.base_path), a_router.methods_get_post) end end cart_sub_location: STRING = "cart/" feature -- Helper -- checkout_link (a_category: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_product: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): READABLE_STRING_8 -- -- Payment url for category `a_category` and product `a_product`. -- do -- if attached shop_api as l_shop_api and then l_shop_api.config.is_valid then -- Result := l_shop_api.config.base_path + "/pay/" + html_encoded (a_category) + "/" + html_encoded (a_product) -- else -- Result := {SHOP_CONFIG}.default_base_path + "/not_available" -- end -- end wipe_out_cart_link (a_cart: SHOPPING_CART): READABLE_STRING_8 do if attached shop_api as l_shop_api and then l_shop_api.config.is_valid then Result := l_shop_api.config.base_path + "/" + cart_sub_location + "?remove=all" if attached as l_sec then Result := Result + "&security=" + url_encoded (l_sec) end else Result := {SHOP_CONFIG}.default_base_path + "/not_available" end end submit_single_item_link (a_provider: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_item_code: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): READABLE_STRING_8 do if attached shop_api as l_shop_api and then l_shop_api.config.is_valid then Result := l_shop_api.config.base_path + "/" + cart_sub_location + "?itemProvider=" + url_encoded (a_provider) + "&itemCode=" + url_encoded (a_item_code) else Result := {SHOP_CONFIG}.default_base_path + "/not_available" end end feature -- Routes handle_not_available (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: CMS_API) -- If shop configuration is not valid, return not available response. local r: GENERIC_VIEW_CMS_RESPONSE do create r.make (req, res, api) r.set_main_content ("

Not available

") r.execute end feature -- Hooks configuration setup_hooks (a_hooks: CMS_HOOK_CORE_MANAGER) -- Module hooks configuration. do a_hooks.subscribe_to_menu_system_alter_hook (Current) a_hooks.subscribe_to_hook (Current, {STRIPE_HOOK}) end feature -- Hook menu_system_alter (a_menu_system: CMS_MENU_SYSTEM; a_response: CMS_RESPONSE) -- Hook execution on collection of menu contained by `a_menu_system' -- for related response `a_response'. local lnk: CMS_LOCAL_LINK do if attached shop_api as l_shop_api then if attached l_shop_api.active_shopping_cart (a_response.request) as l_cart and then l_cart.count > 0 then create lnk.make ({STRING_32} "%/128722/" + {STRING_32} "(" + l_cart.count.out + ")", a_response.location_url ("shop/cart/", Void)) lnk.set_weight (100) lnk.add_css_class ("shopping-cart-live") a_menu_system.primary_menu.extend (lnk) end end end feature -- Hook prepare_payment (pay: STRIPE_PAYMENT) local l_cart: SHOPPING_CART cname: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_sub_item: STRIPE_PAYMENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ITEM l_onetime_item: STRIPE_PAYMENT_ONETIME_ITEM l_plan: STRIPE_PLAN l_product_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_price_in_cents: NATURAL_32 do if attached shop_api as l_shop_api and then pay.category.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_shop_api.config.shop_id) then if attached pay.checkout_id as pn then cname := pn if attached l_shop_api.cms_api.user as u then pay.set_customer_name (l_shop_api.cms_api.user_display_name (u)) pay.set_customer_email ( l_cart := l_shop_api.user_shopping_cart (u) if l_cart /= Void then if not l_cart.is_identified_by (cname) then l_cart := Void end end else l_cart := l_shop_api.guest_shopping_cart (cname) end if l_cart /= Void then l_cart.set_currency (pay.currency) l_shop_api.invoke_shop_fill_cart (l_cart) if l_cart.has_incomplete_item then -- Should not happen!!! else pay.set_title (l_cart.cart_title (Void)) pay.set_code (l_cart.cart_name (Void)) pay.set_business_name (l_cart.provider_name (l_shop_api.config.shop_name)) pay.set_price (l_cart.price_in_cents, l_cart.currency) pay.set_order_id (l_cart.identifier) across l_cart.items as ic loop if attached {SHOPPING_ITEM} ic.item as l_shop_item and then attached {SHOPPING_ITEM_DETAILS} l_shop_item.details as l_details then if l_details.is_onetime then create l_onetime_item.make (l_shop_item.provider, l_details.price_in_cents, l_details.currency) pay.add_item (l_onetime_item) else l_product_id := l_shop_item.provider + "." + l_shop_item.code -- yearly, monthly, ... l_price_in_cents := l_details.price_in_cents * l_shop_item.quantity if l_details.is_yearly then create l_plan.make_yearly (l_price_in_cents, l_details.currency, l_details.interval_count, l_product_id) elseif l_details.is_monthly then create l_plan.make_monthly (l_price_in_cents, l_details.currency, l_details.interval_count, l_product_id) elseif l_details.is_weekly then create l_plan.make_weekly (l_price_in_cents, l_details.currency, l_details.interval_count, l_product_id) elseif l_details.is_daily then create l_plan.make_daily (l_price_in_cents, l_details.currency, l_details.interval_count, l_product_id) else create l_plan.make_yearly (l_price_in_cents, l_details.currency, l_details.interval_count, l_product_id) end create l_sub_item.make (if attached l_plan.identifier as l_id then l_id else l_product_id end, l_plan, l_shop_item.quantity) pay.add_item (l_sub_item) end end end pay.mark_prepared end end end end end validate_payment (a_validation: STRIPE_PAYMENT_VALIDATION) local l_invoice: STRIPE_INVOICE l_email_addr: READABLE_STRING_8 l_customer_name: READABLE_STRING_32 l_order_id: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 vars: STRING_TABLE [detachable ANY] l_shop_cart: SHOPPING_CART l_order: SHOPPING_ORDER i: INTEGER l_provider, l_code: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_quantity: NATURAL_32 l_shop_item: SHOPPING_ITEM l_units,l_cents: STRING s: STRING do if attached shop_api as l_shop_api then l_order_id := a_validation.order_id l_invoice := a_validation.invoice l_email_addr := l_customer_name := if l_email_addr = Void then if l_invoice /= Void then l_email_addr := l_invoice.customer_email elseif attached l_shop_api.cms_api.user as u then l_email_addr := end end if l_customer_name = Void then if l_invoice /= Void then l_customer_name := l_invoice.customer_name elseif attached l_shop_api.cms_api.user as u then l_customer_name := u.profile_name if l_customer_name = Void then l_customer_name := end end end l_order := l_shop_api.order (l_order_id) if l_order /= Void and a_validation.is_subscription_cycle then if l_order.reference_id = Void and then attached a_validation.reference_id as ref then l_order.set_reference_id (ref) end l_shop_cart := l_order.associated_cart if l_email_addr = Void then l_email_addr := end else if l_order_id /= Void then l_shop_cart := l_shop_api.shopping_cart (l_order_id) end if l_shop_cart = Void then if attached l_shop_api.cms_api.user as u then l_shop_cart := l_shop_api.user_shopping_cart (u) elseif l_email_addr /= Void then l_shop_cart := l_shop_api.shopping_cart_by_email (l_email_addr) else check has_cart: False end end end if l_shop_cart = Void and then l_invoice /= Void then -- Try to compute the cart from the invoice, if any. l_shop_cart := l_shop_api.new_guest_cart l_shop_cart.set_currency (l_invoice.currency) if attached l_invoice.lines as l_lines then across l_lines as ic loop if attached ic.item as l_invoice_line and then l_invoice_line.is_subscription_type and then attached l_invoice_line.plan as l_plan and then attached l_plan.nickname as l_plan_nickname then i := l_plan_nickname.index_of ('.', 1) if i > 0 then l_provider := l_plan_nickname.head (i - 1) l_code := l_plan_nickname.substring (i + 1, l_plan_nickname.count) l_quantity := l_invoice_line.quantity create l_shop_item.make (l_code, l_provider) l_shop_item.set_quantity (l_quantity) l_shop_cart.add_item (l_shop_item) end end end end end end if l_email_addr = Void and l_shop_cart /= Void then l_email_addr := end if l_email_addr /= Void then create vars.make_caseless (3) vars ["payment_validation"] := a_validation vars ["receipt_or_invoice_urls"] := a_validation.receipt_or_invoice_urls vars ["products"] := a_validation.products if a_validation.amount_paid > 0 then s := a_validation.amount_paid.out s.adjust if s.count > 2 then l_units := s.substring (1, s.count - 2) else l_units := "0" end l_cents := s.substring (s.count - 1, s.count) if l_cents.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("00") then vars ["amount_paid"] := l_units else vars ["amount_paid"] := l_units + "." + l_cents end vars ["currency"] := a_validation.currency end vars ["customer_name"] := l_customer_name if l_shop_cart /= Void and then attached l_shop_cart.provider_name (l_shop_api.config.shop_name) as l_prov_name then vars ["business_name"] := l_prov_name else vars ["business_name"] := l_shop_api.config.shop_name end if l_invoice /= Void then vars ["invoice"] := l_invoice vars ["invoice_url"] := l_invoice.hosted_invoice_url vars ["invoice_pdf"] := l_invoice.invoice_pdf end if a_validation.is_subscription_cycle then if attached l_shop_api.subscription_cycle_confirmation_email (l_email_addr, vars) as e then l_shop_api.cms_api.process_email (e) end else if attached l_shop_api.order_confirmation_email (l_email_addr, vars) as e then l_shop_api.cms_api.process_email (e) end end end if l_shop_cart /= Void then check l_order_id /= Void implies l_shop_cart.is_identified_by (l_order_id) end if l_email_addr /= Void and = Void then l_shop_cart.set_email (l_email_addr) end if l_order = Void then l_order := l_shop_api.cart_to_order (l_shop_cart, a_validation.reference_id) end l_shop_api.invoke_commit_cart (l_shop_cart, l_order) else l_shop_api.cms_api.log_debug (name, "Missing shopping cart information during payment validation.", Void) end end end end