note description: "[ Summary description for {STRIPE_INVOICE}. See also: ]" author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" EIS: "name=invoices", "protocol=URI", "src=" class STRIPE_INVOICE inherit STRIPE_OBJECT redefine make_with_json end create make_with_json feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_json (j: like json) local pi: STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT cust: STRIPE_CUSTOMER sub: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION ch: STRIPE_PAYMENT_CHARGE do create id.make_empty create lines.make (0) Precursor (j) if not j.is_empty then id := safe_string_8_item (j, "id", id) account_name := string_32_item (j, "account_name") customer_email := string_8_item (j, "customer_email") customer_name := string_32_item (j, "customer_name") if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j.item ("customer") as j_customer then create cust.make_with_json (j_customer) customer := cust customer_id := if customer_email = Void then customer_email := end if customer_name = Void then customer_name := end else customer_id := string_8_item (j, "customer") end amount_due := natural_32_item (j, "amount_due") amount_paid := natural_32_item (j, "amount_paid") amount_remaining := natural_32_item (j, "amount_remaining") billing_reason := string_8_item (j, "billing_reason") if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j.item ("charge") as j_charge then create ch.make_with_json (j_charge) charge := ch charge_id := else charge_id := string_8_item (j, "charge") end currency := string_8_item (j, "currency") creation_timestamp := integer_32_item (j, "created") hosted_invoice_url := string_8_item (j, "hosted_invoice_url") invoice_pdf := string_8_item (j, "invoice_pdf") if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j.item ("lines") as j_lines and then attached {JSON_ARRAY} j_lines.item ("data") as j_data then across j_data as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as j_line then lines.force (create {STRIPE_INVOICE_LINE}.make_with_json (j_line)) end end end if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j.item ("payment_intent") as j_pi then create pi.make_with_json (j_pi) payment_intent := pi payment_intent_id := else payment_intent_id := string_8_item (j, "payment_intent") end if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j.item ("subscription") as j_sub then create sub.make_with_json (j_sub) subscription := sub subscription_id := else subscription_id := string_8_item (j, "subscription") end status := string_8_item (j, "status") metadata := table_item (j, "metadata") end end feature -- Access account_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 customer: detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER customer_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 customer_email: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 customer_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 amount_due, amount_paid, amount_remaining: NATURAL_32 currency: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 creation_timestamp: INTEGER hosted_invoice_url, invoice_pdf: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 billing_reason: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 status: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 charge: detachable STRIPE_PAYMENT_CHARGE charge_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 payment_intent: detachable STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT payment_intent_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 subscription: detachable STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION subscription_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 lines: ARRAYED_LIST [STRIPE_INVOICE_LINE] metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable ANY] -- Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. -- This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. metadata_string_item (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_is_recursive: BOOLEAN): detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL local l_line: STRIPE_INVOICE_LINE res: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 has_conflict: BOOLEAN do if attached metadata as md then if attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} md [v] as s then Result := s end end if Result = Void and a_is_recursive then across lines as ic loop l_line := ic.item if attached l_line.metadata as md then if attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} md [v] as s then res := s else res := Void end if Result = Void then Result := res elseif res /= Void and then not res.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (Result) then has_conflict := True end end end if has_conflict then Result := Void end end end feature -- Query description: detachable STRING_32 do if attached lines as l_lines then across l_lines as ic loop if attached ic.item.description as d then if Result = Void then Result := d else Result := Result + "%N" + d end end end end end end