note description: "Interface for accessing stripe data from the database." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class STRIPE_STORAGE_SQL inherit STRIPE_STORAGE_I CMS_PROXY_STORAGE_SQL CMS_STORAGE_SQL_I create make feature -- Store customers_by_uid (a_user: CMS_USER): detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] local s: READABLE_STRING_32 do reset_error create {ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]} Result.make (0) sql_query (sql_select_customer_by_uid, sql_parameters (1, <<["uid",]>>)) sql_start if not has_error then from sql_start until sql_after or has_error loop s := sql_read_string_32 (1) if s /= Void and then not s.is_whitespace then Result.force (s) end sql_forth end end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_customer_by_uid) end customers_by_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] local s: READABLE_STRING_32 do reset_error create {ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]} Result.make (0) sql_query (sql_select_customer_by_email, sql_parameters (1, <<["email", a_email]>>)) sql_start if not has_error then from sql_start until sql_after or has_error loop s := sql_read_string_32 (1) if s /= Void and then not s.is_whitespace then Result.force (s) end sql_forth end end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_customer_by_email) end user_by_customer_id (a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable CMS_USER local uid: INTEGER_64 do reset_error sql_query (sql_select_user_by_customer_id, sql_parameters (1, <<["customer", a_customer_id]>>)) sql_start if not has_error and not sql_after then uid := sql_read_integer_64 (2) end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_user_by_customer_id) if uid > 0 then Result := resolved_user (create {CMS_PARTIAL_USER}.make_with_id (uid)) end end save_customer_id (a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_user_id: like {CMS_USER}.id; a_email: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local l_params: like sql_parameters l_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_uid: INTEGER_64 l_same_uid, l_same_email: BOOLEAN do reset_error sql_query (sql_select_user_by_customer_id, sql_parameters (1, <<["customer", a_customer_id]>>)) if not has_error and not sql_after then l_uid := sql_read_integer_64 (2) l_email := sql_read_string (3) if l_email /= Void and then l_email.is_whitespace then l_email := Void end end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_user_by_customer_id) l_same_uid := l_uid = a_user_id if l_email = Void then l_same_email := a_email = Void elseif a_email /= Void then l_same_email := l_email.same_string (a_email) end if l_uid = 0 and l_email = Void then -- New association l_params := sql_parameters (3, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, detachable ANY]]} <<["customer", a_customer_id], ["uid", a_user_id], ["email", a_email]>>) sql_insert (sql_insert_customer, l_params) sql_finalize_insert (sql_insert_customer) elseif not (l_same_uid and l_same_email) then -- Update existing association ! if l_uid = 0 then l_uid := a_user_id end if l_email = Void then l_email := a_email end l_params := sql_parameters (3, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, detachable ANY]]} <<["customer", a_customer_id], ["uid", l_uid], ["email", l_email]>>) sql_modify (sql_update_customer, l_params) sql_finalize_modify (sql_update_customer) end end feature -- Payment record_invoice (a_invoice: STRIPE_INVOICE) local l_params: like sql_parameters pi: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do reset_error pi := a_invoice.payment_intent_id if pi /= Void then l_params := sql_parameters (5, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, detachable ANY]]} << ["pi", a_invoice.payment_intent_id], ["sub", a_invoice.subscription_id], ["status", a_invoice.status], ["event_date", create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc], ["data", a_invoice.to_json_string] >>) sql_insert (sql_insert_payment, l_params) sql_finalize_insert (sql_insert_payment) else check has_payment_intent_id: False end end end record_payment_intent (pi: STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT) local l_params: like sql_parameters do reset_error l_params := sql_parameters (5, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, detachable ANY]]} << ["pi",], ["sub", Void], ["status", pi.status], ["event_date", create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc], ["data", pi.to_json_string] >>) sql_insert (sql_insert_payment, l_params) sql_finalize_insert (sql_insert_payment) end is_payment_processed (a_payment_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN local s: READABLE_STRING_8 do reset_error sql_query (sql_select_last_payment_by_id, sql_parameters (1, <<["pi", a_payment_id]>>)) if not has_error and not sql_after then s := sql_read_string_8 (4) if s /= Void then Result := s.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("paid") or s.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("succeeded") end end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_last_payment_by_id) end payment_records (a_payment_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD] local rec: STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD do reset_error sql_query (sql_select_payments_by_id, sql_parameters (1, <<["pi", a_payment_id]>>)) if not has_error then create Result.make (5) from sql_start until sql_after or has_error loop rec := fetch_payment_record if rec /= Void then check rec.payment_id.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (a_payment_id) end Result.extend (rec) end sql_forth end end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_payments_by_id) end subscription_payment_records (a_subscription_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD] local rec: STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD do reset_error sql_query (sql_select_payments_by_subscription_id, sql_parameters (1, <<["sub", a_subscription_id]>>)) if not has_error then create Result.make (5) from sql_start until sql_after or has_error loop rec := fetch_payment_record if rec /= Void then check attached rec.subscription_payment_id as s and then s.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (a_subscription_id) end Result.extend (rec) end sql_forth end end sql_finalize_query (sql_select_payments_by_subscription_id) end fetch_payment_record: detachable STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD local s: READABLE_STRING_32 dt: DATE_TIME do s := sql_read_string_32 (2) dt := sql_read_date_time (5) if dt = Void then create dt.make_now_utc end if s /= Void and then not s.is_whitespace then create Result.make (s, dt) s := sql_read_string_32 (3) if s /= Void and then not s.is_whitespace then Result.set_subscription_payment_id (s) end Result.set_status (sql_read_string_8 (4)) Result.set_data (sql_read_string_8 (6)) end end feature {NONE} -- Queries sql_select_user_by_customer_id: STRING = "SELECT customer, uid, email FROM stripe_customers WHERE customer=:customer;" sql_select_customer_by_uid: STRING = "SELECT customer, uid, email FROM stripe_customers WHERE uid=:uid ;" sql_select_customer_by_email: STRING = "SELECT customer, uid, email FROM stripe_customers WHERE email=:email ;" sql_insert_customer: STRING = "INSERT INTO stripe_customers (customer, uid, email) VALUES (:customer, :uid, :email);" sql_update_customer: STRING = "UPDATE stripe_customers SET uid=:uid, email=:email WHERE customer=:customer;" sql_insert_payment: STRING = "INSERT INTO stripe_payments (pi, sub, status, event_date, data) VALUES (:pi, :sub, :status, :event_date, :data);" sql_select_last_payment_by_id: STRING = "SELECT id, pi, sub, status, event_date, data FROM stripe_payments WHERE pi=:pi ORDER BY event_date DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1;" sql_select_payments_by_id: STRING = "SELECT id, pi, sub, status, event_date, data FROM stripe_payments WHERE pi=:pi ORDER BY event_date DESC, id DESC;" sql_select_payments_by_subscription_id: STRING = "SELECT id, pi, sub, status, event_date, data FROM stripe_payments WHERE sub=:sub ORDER BY event_date DESC, id DESC;" feature {NONE} -- Implementation resolved_user (a_user: CMS_USER): CMS_USER do if attached {CMS_PARTIAL_USER} a_user as l_partial_user and then l_partial_user.has_id and then attached api as l_api and then attached l_api.user_api.user_by_id ( as u then Result := u else Result := a_user end end note copyright: "2011-2020, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end