note description: "API to handle Stripe paymnent." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class STRIPE_API inherit CMS_MODULE_API rename make as make_api redefine initialize end REFACTORING_HELPER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_api: CMS_API; a_config: STRIPE_CONFIG) do config := a_config make_api (a_api) initialize end initialize -- do Precursor -- Storage initialization if attached as l_storage_sql then create {STRIPE_STORAGE_SQL} stripe_storage.make (l_storage_sql) else -- FIXME: in case of NULL storage, should Current be disabled? create {STRIPE_STORAGE_NULL} stripe_storage end end feature -- Settings config: STRIPE_CONFIG feature {CMS_MODULE} -- Access nodes storage. stripe_storage: STRIPE_STORAGE_I feature -- Constant stripe_api_url: STRING = "" feature -- API helpers is_valid_api_response (a_response: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE): BOOLEAN do Result := not a_response.error_occurred and then a_response.status /= 404 and then a_response.status /= 400 end valid_api_json_object_response (a_response: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE): detachable JSON_OBJECT local jsonp: JSON_PARSER do if is_valid_api_response (a_response) and then attached a_response.body as l_body then create jsonp.make_with_string (l_body) jsonp.parse_content if jsonp.is_parsed and then jsonp.is_valid then Result := jsonp.parsed_json_object end end end feature -- Payment intents new_card_payment_intent (a_amount: NATURAL_32; a_currency: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT -- `a_amount` in cents, a_currency is lowercase. require a_amount_not_zero: a_amount /= 0 local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("amount", a_amount.out) ctx.add_form_parameter ("currency", a_currency) ctx.add_form_parameter ("payment_method_types[]", "card") if attached ("payment_intents", ctx, Void) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end payment_intent (a_payment_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "invoice.payment_intent") ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "") if attached sess.get ("payment_intents/" + url_encoded (a_payment_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end feature -- Event event (a_event_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_EVENT local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached sess.get ("events/" + url_encoded (a_event_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end feature -- Subscriptions new_subscription (a_default_payment_method_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER; a_plan: STRIPE_PLAN; a_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable ANY]): detachable STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION do Result := new_subscription_with_ids (a_default_payment_method_id,, <<[, {NATURAL_32} 1]>>, a_metadata) end new_multiple_plans_subscription (a_default_payment_method_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER; a_plan_list: LIST [TUPLE [plan: STRIPE_PLAN; quantity: NATURAL_32]]; a_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable ANY]): detachable STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION local lst: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [plan_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; quantity: NATURAL_32]] do create lst.make (a_plan_list.count) across a_plan_list as ic loop lst.force ([, ic.item.quantity]) end Result := new_subscription_with_ids (a_default_payment_method_id,, lst, a_metadata) end new_subscription_with_ids (a_default_payment_method_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_plan_list: ITERABLE [TUPLE [plan_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; quantity: NATURAL_32]]; a_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [detachable ANY]): detachable STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT i: INTEGER do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("customer", a_customer_id) if a_default_payment_method_id /= Void then ctx.add_form_parameter ("default_payment_method", a_default_payment_method_id) end across a_plan_list as ic loop ctx.add_form_parameter ("items[" + i.out + "][plan]", ic.item.plan_id) if ic.item.quantity /= 1 then ctx.add_form_parameter ("items[" + i.out + "][quantity]", ic.item.quantity.out) end i := i + 1 end if a_metadata /= Void then across a_metadata as ic loop if attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} ic.item as v then ctx.add_form_parameter ("metadata[" + cms_api.utf_8_encoded (ic.key) + "]", v) end end end ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "latest_invoice.payment_intent") if attached ("subscriptions", ctx, Void) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end invoice (a_invoice_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_INVOICE local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "customer") ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "payment_intent") ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "subscription") if attached sess.get ("invoices/" + url_encoded (a_invoice_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end subscription (a_sub_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("expand[]", "latest_invoice.payment_intent") if attached sess.get ("subscriptions/" + url_encoded (a_sub_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end cancel_subscription (a_subscription: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION): detachable STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached sess.delete ("subscriptions/" +, ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end subscription_customer (a_sub: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION): detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER require a_sub.has_id do if attached a_sub.customer_id as cid then Result := customer (cid) elseif attached a_sub.latest_invoice as l_invoice then if attached l_invoice.customer_id as cid then Result := customer (cid) elseif attached l_invoice.customer_email as l_email then Result := customer_by_email (l_email) end end end process_payment_intent (a_payment: STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT; cust: detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER; a_order_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) local l_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER l_validation: STRIPE_PAYMENT_VALIDATION do l_customer := cust if a_payment.succeeded then cms_api.log_debug ({STRIPE_MODULE}.name, "New stripe payment #" +, Void) if l_customer = Void then if attached a_payment.customer_id as l_cust_id then l_customer := customer (l_cust_id) end if attached a_payment.receipt_email as l_cust_email then if l_customer = Void then create l_customer.make_with_email (l_cust_email) elseif attached as e and then not e.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_cust_email) then l_customer.set_email (l_cust_email) end end end if l_customer /= Void then --FIXME!!!! create l_validation.make_from_payment_intent (a_payment, l_customer) if a_metadata /= Void then l_validation.import_metadata (a_metadata) end if a_order_id /= Void then l_validation.set_order_id (a_order_id) end record_payment_intent (a_payment) invoke_validate_payment (l_validation) end end end process_new_subscription (sub: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION; cust: detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER; a_order_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) local l_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER l_validation: STRIPE_PAYMENT_VALIDATION l_invoice: STRIPE_INVOICE do l_customer := cust if sub.is_active then cms_api.log_debug ({STRIPE_MODULE}.name, "New stripe subscription #" +, Void) if l_customer = Void then l_customer := subscription_customer (sub) end if l_customer /= Void then l_invoice := sub.latest_invoice create l_validation.make_from_subscription_creation (sub, l_invoice, l_customer) if a_metadata /= Void then l_validation.import_metadata (a_metadata) end if a_order_id /= Void then l_validation.set_order_id (a_order_id) end if l_invoice /= Void then if l_invoice.payment_intent_id = Void and then attached invoice ( as inv then l_invoice := inv end if l_invoice.payment_intent_id /= Void then record_invoice (l_invoice) else cms_api.log_error ({STRIPE_MODULE}.name, "Invoice "+ +" without payment intent id!", Void) end end invoke_validate_payment (l_validation) end end end process_subscription_cycle (sub: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION; a_invoice: STRIPE_INVOICE) require attached sub attached a_invoice local l_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER l_validation: STRIPE_PAYMENT_VALIDATION do if sub.is_active then cms_api.log_debug ({STRIPE_MODULE}.name, "Subscription cycle #" +, Void) if attached a_invoice.customer_id as l_cust_id then l_customer := customer (l_cust_id) end if l_customer = Void then l_customer := subscription_customer (sub) end if l_customer /= Void then create l_validation.make_from_subscription_cycle (sub, a_invoice, l_customer) if attached a_invoice.metadata as md then l_validation.import_metadata (md) end if attached a_invoice.metadata_string_item ("", True) as l_order_id then l_validation.set_order_id (l_order_id) end invoke_validate_payment (l_validation) else cms_api.log_debug ({STRIPE_MODULE}.name, "Stripe missing customer for subscription: " + html_encoded (, Void) end end end feature -- Payment method attach_payment_method_to_customer (a_payment_method_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER) require a_customer.has_id local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT l_response: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("customer", l_response := ("payment_methods/" + url_encoded (a_payment_method_id) + "/attach", ctx, Void) if l_response /= Void then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then debug print (j.representation) end end end end end feature -- Customers customer_by_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER do if attached customer_ids_by_email (a_email) as lst then across lst as ic until Result /= Void loop Result := customer (ic.item) end end if Result = Void then if attached customers (0) as lst then across lst as ic until Result /= Void loop Result := ic.item if attached as s and then a_email.is_case_insensitive_equal (s) then -- Found else Result := Void end end end if Result /= Void then save_customer_id_with_email (a_email, end end end customer (a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached sess.get ("customers/" + url_encoded (a_customer_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end customers (nb: INTEGER): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRIPE_CUSTOMER] local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if nb > 0 then ctx.add_query_parameter ("limit", nb.out) end if attached sess.get ("customers", ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then if attached j.array_item ("data") as j_arr then create Result.make (j_arr.count) across j_arr as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as jo then Result.force (create {STRIPE_CUSTOMER}.make_with_json (jo)) end end end end end end end new_customer (a_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER): detachable STRIPE_CUSTOMER local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT l_response: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached a_customer.description as l_description then ctx.add_form_parameter ("description", l_description) end if attached as l_name then ctx.add_form_parameter ("name", l_name) end if attached as l_email then ctx.add_form_parameter ("email", l_email) end if attached as l_phone then ctx.add_form_parameter ("phone", l_phone) end if attached a_customer.invoice_settings as l_invoice_settings then -- if attached l_invoice_settings.custom_fields as l_custom_fields then -- ctx.add_form_parameter ("invoice_settings[custom_fields]", l_custom_fields) -- end if attached l_invoice_settings.default_payment_method_id as l_default_payment_method_id then ctx.add_form_parameter ("invoice_settings[default_payment_method]", l_default_payment_method_id) end if attached l_invoice_settings.footer as l_footer then ctx.add_form_parameter ("invoice_settings[footer]", l_footer) end end if attached a_customer.address as l_address then if attached l_address.line1 as l_line1 then ctx.add_form_parameter ("address[line1]", l_line1) end if attached l_address.line2 as l_line2 then ctx.add_form_parameter ("address[line2]", l_line2) end if attached as l_city then ctx.add_form_parameter ("address[city]", l_city) end if attached l_address.postal_code as l_postal_code then ctx.add_form_parameter ("address[postal_code]", l_postal_code) end if attached l_address.state as l_state then ctx.add_form_parameter ("address[state]", l_state) end if attached as l_country then ctx.add_form_parameter ("address[country]", l_country) end end if a_customer.has_id then l_response := ("customers/" + url_encoded (, ctx, Void) else l_response := ("customers", ctx, Void) end if l_response /= Void then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) if Result.has_id and then attached as l_email then if attached cms_api.user as u and then attached as u_email and then u_email.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_email) then save_customer_id (u, else save_customer_id_with_email (l_email, end end end end end end customer_ids_by_uid (a_user: CMS_USER): detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] require a_user.has_id do Result := stripe_storage.customers_by_uid (a_user) end customer_ids_by_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] require not a_email.is_whitespace do Result := stripe_storage.customers_by_email (a_email) end user_by_customer_id (a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable CMS_USER do Result := stripe_storage.user_by_customer_id (a_customer_id) end save_customer_id (a_user: CMS_USER; a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require a_user.has_id do stripe_storage.save_customer_id (a_customer_id,, end save_customer_id_with_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_customer_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do stripe_storage.save_customer_id (a_customer_id, 0, a_email) end feature -- Payment records record_invoice (a_invoice: STRIPE_INVOICE) do stripe_storage.record_invoice (a_invoice) end record_payment_intent (pi: STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT) do stripe_storage.record_payment_intent (pi) end is_payment_processed (a_payment_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN do Result := stripe_storage.is_payment_processed (a_payment_id) end payment_records (a_ref: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD] do Result := stripe_storage.payment_records (a_ref) end subscription_payment_records (a_ref: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable LIST [STRIPE_PAYMENT_RECORD] do Result := stripe_storage.subscription_payment_records (a_ref) end feature -- Plans ensure_plan_exists (a_plan: STRIPE_PLAN; a_default_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Ensure `a_plan` exists, if not create or update `a_plan`. local pl: STRIPE_PLAN l_pl_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT do l_pl_name := a_plan.identifier if l_pl_name = Void then l_pl_name := a_default_id end pl := plan_by_id_or_nickname (l_pl_name) if pl = Void then if attached a_plan.product as prod then create l_product.make_service_with_name (prod) else check has_product_id: False end create l_product.make_service_with_name (l_pl_name) end pl := new_plan (a_plan.amount, a_plan.currency, a_plan.interval, l_product, l_pl_name) end if pl /= Void and then pl.has_id then a_plan.set_id ( end end plan (a_plan_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached sess.get ("plans/" + url_encoded (a_plan_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end plan_by_nickname (a_nickname: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN do if attached plans (Void, 0) as lst then across lst as ic until Result /= Void loop Result := ic.item if attached Result.nickname as n and then a_nickname.is_case_insensitive_equal (n) then else Result := Void end end end end plan_by_id_or_nickname (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN do Result := plan (v) if Result = Void then Result := plan_by_nickname (v) end end plans (a_prod_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; nb: INTEGER): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRIPE_PLAN] local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if a_prod_id /= Void then ctx.add_query_parameter ("product", a_prod_id) end if nb > 0 then ctx.add_query_parameter ("limit", nb.out) end if attached sess.get ("plans", ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then if attached j.array_item ("data") as j_arr then create Result.make (j_arr.count) across j_arr as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as jo then Result.force (create {STRIPE_PLAN}.make_with_json (jo)) end end end end end end end new_daily_plan (a_amount: NATURAL_32; a_currency: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT; a_nickname: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN do Result := new_plan (a_amount, a_currency, "day", a_product, a_nickname) end new_weekly_plan (a_amount: NATURAL_32; a_currency: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT; a_nickname: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN do Result := new_plan (a_amount, a_currency, "week", a_product, a_nickname) end new_monthly_plan (a_amount: NATURAL_32; a_currency: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT; a_nickname: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN do Result := new_plan (a_amount, a_currency, "month", a_product, a_nickname) end new_yearly_plan (a_amount: NATURAL_32; a_currency: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT; a_nickname: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN do Result := new_plan (a_amount, a_currency, "year", a_product, a_nickname) end new_plan (a_amount: NATURAL_32; a_currency, a_interval: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT; a_nickname: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PLAN -- `a_amount` in cents, a_currency is lowercase. local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("amount", a_amount.out) ctx.add_form_parameter ("currency", a_currency.as_lower) ctx.add_form_parameter ("interval", a_interval.as_lower) if a_product.has_id then ctx.add_form_parameter ("product", elseif attached as l_product_name and then not l_product_name.is_whitespace then ctx.add_form_parameter ("product[name]", l_product_name) end if a_nickname /= Void then ctx.add_form_parameter ("nickname", a_nickname) end if attached ("plans", ctx, Void) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end feature -- Products product (a_product_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PRODUCT local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached sess.get ("products/" + url_encoded (a_product_id), ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end product_by_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PRODUCT do if attached products (0) as lst then across lst as ic until Result /= Void loop Result := ic.item if attached as n and then a_name.is_case_insensitive_equal (n) then else Result := Void end end end end products (nb: INTEGER): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [STRIPE_PRODUCT] local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if nb > 0 then ctx.add_query_parameter ("limit", nb.out) end if attached sess.get ("products", ctx) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then if attached j.array_item ("data") as j_arr then create Result.make (j_arr.count) across j_arr as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as jo then Result.force (create {STRIPE_PRODUCT}.make_with_json (jo)) end end end end end end end new_service_product (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PRODUCT do Result := new_product (a_name, "service") end new_good_product (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PRODUCT do Result := new_product (a_name, "good") end new_product (a_name, a_type: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable STRIPE_PRODUCT -- New product with name `a_name`, and type either "service" or "good" require a_type.is_case_insensitive_equal ("service") or a_type.is_case_insensitive_equal ("good") local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create cl if attached cl.new_session (stripe_api_url) as sess then sess.set_credentials (config.secret_key, "") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required ctx.add_form_parameter ("name", a_name) ctx.add_form_parameter ("type", a_type.as_lower) if attached ("products", ctx, Void) as l_response then if attached valid_api_json_object_response (l_response) as j then create Result.make_with_json (j) debug print (Result) end end end end end feature -- Hook invokation invoke_prepare_payment (a_pay: STRIPE_PAYMENT) do if attached cms_api.hooks.subscribers ({STRIPE_HOOK}) as lst then across lst as ic loop if attached {STRIPE_HOOK} ic.item as h then h.prepare_payment (a_pay) end end end end invoke_validate_payment (a_validation: STRIPE_PAYMENT_VALIDATION) do if attached cms_api.hooks.subscribers ({STRIPE_HOOK}) as lst then across lst as ic loop if attached {STRIPE_HOOK} ic.item as h then h.validate_payment (a_validation) end end end end note copyright: "2011-2019, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end