note description: "Summary description for {STRIPE_MODULE}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class STRIPE_MODULE_WEBAPI inherit CMS_MODULE_WEBAPI [STRIPE_MODULE] redefine setup_hooks end CMS_HOOK_AUTO_REGISTER -- WSF_REQUEST_EXPORTER -- STRIPE_HOOK create make feature {NONE} -- Router/administration setup_webapi_router (a_router: WSF_ROUTER; a_api: CMS_API) -- local cfg: STRIPE_CONFIG l_base_path: READABLE_STRING_8 wh: STRIPE_WEBAPI_HOOK_HANDLER do if attached module.stripe_api as l_mod_api then cfg := l_mod_api.config l_base_path := cfg.base_path a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/public-key", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent get_public_key (?,?,l_mod_api)), a_router.methods_get) a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/payment_intents", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent post_payment_intents (?,?,l_mod_api)), a_router.methods_post) a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/payment_confirmation", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent post_payment_intents_confirmation (?,?,l_mod_api)), a_router.methods_post) a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/customer_subscription", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent post_customer_subscription (?,?,l_mod_api)), a_router.methods_post) a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/subscription_confirmation", create {WSF_URI_AGENT_HANDLER}.make (agent post_subscription_confirmation (?,?,l_mod_api)), a_router.methods_post) create wh.make (l_mod_api) a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/callback/{version}", wh, a_router.methods_post) a_router.handle (l_base_path + "/callback", wh, a_router.methods_post) end end feature -- API helpers is_valid_api_response (a_response: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE): BOOLEAN do Result := not a_response.error_occurred and then a_response.status /= 404 end valid_api_json_object_response (a_response: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE): detachable JSON_OBJECT local jsonp: JSON_PARSER do if is_valid_api_response (a_response) and then attached a_response.body as l_body then create jsonp.make_with_string (l_body) jsonp.parse_content if jsonp.is_parsed and then jsonp.is_valid then Result := jsonp.parsed_json_object end end end feature -- Handle get_public_key (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: STRIPE_API) local rep: like new_response do rep := new_response (req, res, api) if api.config.is_valid then rep.add_string_field ("publicKey" , api.config.public_key) else rep.add_boolean_field ("error", True) rep.add_string_field ("error_message", "stripe configuration is not valid!") end rep.execute end post_payment_intents (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: STRIPE_API) local l_amount: NATURAL_32 l_payment_intent: STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT buf: STRING jp: JSON_PARSER rep: like new_response pay: STRIPE_PAYMENT do if attached req.content_type as ct and then ct.same_string ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.application_json) then create buf.make (req.content_length_value.to_integer_32) req.read_input_data_into (buf) create jp.make_with_string (buf) jp.parse_content if jp.is_parsed and then jp.is_valid and then attached jp.parsed_json_object as jo then if attached jo.string_item ("metadataOrderId") as j_order_id and attached jo.string_item ("productCategory") as j_prod_cat and attached jo.string_item ("currency") as j_currency then create pay.make (j_prod_cat.unescaped_string_32, j_order_id.unescaped_string_32) if attached jo.string_item ("productTitle") as j_prod_title then pay.set_title (j_prod_title.unescaped_string_32) end if attached jo.string_item ("productName") as j_prod_name then pay.set_code (j_prod_name.unescaped_string_32) end pay.set_price (0, j_currency.unescaped_string_8) api.invoke_prepare_payment (pay) l_amount := pay.price_in_cents if api.config.is_valid and then l_amount /= 0 then l_payment_intent := api.new_card_payment_intent (l_amount, pay.currency) end end end end rep := new_response (req, res, api) if l_payment_intent /= Void then if attached {JSON_WEBAPI_RESPONSE} rep as jrep then jrep.import_json_object (l_payment_intent.to_json_string) else rep.add_string_field ("client_secret", l_payment_intent.client_secret) rep.add_integer_64_field ("amount", l_payment_intent.amount) rep.add_string_field ("currency", l_payment_intent.currency) end else rep.add_boolean_field ("error", True) if not api.config.is_valid then rep.add_string_field ("error_message", "stripe configuration is not valid!") end end rep.execute end post_payment_intents_confirmation (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: STRIPE_API) local buf: STRING jp: JSON_PARSER rep: like new_response l_payment: STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT l_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_order_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL cust: STRIPE_CUSTOMER do if attached req.content_type as ct and then ct.same_string ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.application_json) then create buf.make (req.content_length_value.to_integer_32) req.read_input_data_into (buf) create jp.make_with_string (buf) jp.parse_content if jp.is_parsed and then jp.is_valid and then attached jp.parsed_json_object as jo then if api.config.is_valid then if attached jo.string_item ("paymentId") as j_payment_id then l_payment := api.payment_intent (j_payment_id.unescaped_string_32) end if attached {JSON_OBJECT} jo.item ("customer") as j_customer then if attached j_customer.string_item ("email") as j_email then create cust.make_with_email (j_email.unescaped_string_8) if attached j_customer.string_item ("name") as j_name then cust.set_name (j_name.unescaped_string_32) end end end if attached jo.object_item ("metadata") as j_metadata then create l_metadata.make_caseless (j_metadata.count) across j_metadata as ic loop if attached {JSON_STRING} ic.item as j_item then l_metadata.force (j_item.unescaped_string_32, ic.key.unescaped_string_32) end end end if attached jo.string_item ("order_id") as j_order_id then if l_metadata = Void then create l_metadata.make_caseless (1) end l_metadata.force (j_order_id.unescaped_string_32, "") l_order_id := j_order_id.unescaped_string_32 end end end end rep := new_response (req, res, api) if l_payment /= Void then if attached {JSON_WEBAPI_RESPONSE} rep as jrep then jrep.import_json_object (l_payment.to_json_string) else rep.add_string_field ("payment_id", end rep.execute api.process_payment_intent (l_payment, cust, l_order_id, l_metadata) else rep.add_boolean_field ("error", True) if not api.config.is_valid then rep.add_string_field ("error_message", "stripe configuration is not valid!") end end rep.execute end post_customer_subscription (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: STRIPE_API) local buf: STRING jp: JSON_PARSER rep: like new_response l_customer_email: READABLE_STRING_8 l_customer: STRIPE_CUSTOMER l_payment_method_id: READABLE_STRING_8 l_plan: STRIPE_PLAN l_subscription: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION lst: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [plan: STRIPE_PLAN; quantity: NATURAL_32]] l_identifier: READABLE_STRING_32 l_quantity: NATURAL_32 i: INTEGER l_metadata: detachable STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_order_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if attached req.content_type as ct and then ct.same_string ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.application_json) then create buf.make (req.content_length_value.to_integer_32) req.read_input_data_into (buf) create jp.make_with_string (buf) jp.parse_content if jp.is_parsed and then jp.is_valid and then attached jp.parsed_json_object as jo then if attached jo.string_item ("email") as j_email and then attached jo.string_item ("payment_method") as j_payment_method and api.config.is_valid then l_customer_email := j_email.unescaped_string_8 l_customer := api.customer_by_email (l_customer_email) l_payment_method_id := j_payment_method.unescaped_string_8 if l_customer = Void then create l_customer.make_with_email (l_customer_email) end if l_customer /= Void then if attached jo.object_item ("customer") as j_customer then if attached j_customer.object_item ("address") as j_address then l_customer.set_address (create {STRIPE_ADDRESS}.make_with_json (j_address)) end if attached j_customer.string_item ("name") as j_phone then l_customer.set_name (j_phone.unescaped_string_32) end if attached j_customer.string_item ("phone") as j_phone then l_customer.set_phone (j_phone.unescaped_string_8) end end if attached api.new_customer (l_customer) as l_new_customer then l_customer := l_new_customer end end if l_customer /= Void and then l_customer.has_id then api.attach_payment_method_to_customer (l_payment_method_id, l_customer) if attached jo.array_item ("items") as j_items and then not j_items.is_empty then create lst.make (j_items.count) across j_items as ic loop if attached {JSON_OBJECT} ic.item as j_item and then attached j_item.string_item ("identifier") as j_identifier then l_identifier := j_identifier.unescaped_string_32 l_plan := api.plan_by_id_or_nickname (l_identifier) if l_plan = Void then -- Try without the provider name i := l_identifier.index_of ('.', 1) if i > 0 then l_plan := api.plan_by_id_or_nickname (l_identifier.substring (i + 1, l_identifier.count)) end -- l_plan := api.new_plan (a_amount: NATURAL_32, a_currency, a_interval: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL, a_product: STRIPE_PRODUCT, a_nickname: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) end if l_plan /= Void then l_quantity := 1 if attached {JSON_NUMBER} j_item.number_item ("quantity") as q then l_quantity := q.natural_64_item.to_natural_32 end lst.force ([l_plan, l_quantity]) end end end end if attached jo.object_item ("metadata") as j_metadata then create l_metadata.make_caseless (j_metadata.count) across j_metadata as ic loop if attached {JSON_STRING} ic.item as j_item then l_metadata.force (j_item.unescaped_string_32, ic.key.unescaped_string_32) end end end if attached jo.string_item ("order_id") as j_order_id then if l_metadata = Void then create l_metadata.make_caseless (1) end l_metadata.force (j_order_id.unescaped_string_32, "") l_order_id := j_order_id.unescaped_string_32 end if lst /= Void and then not lst.is_empty then l_subscription := api.new_multiple_plans_subscription (l_payment_method_id, l_customer, lst, l_metadata) else check should_not_occur: False end end end end end end rep := new_response (req, res, api) if l_subscription /= Void then api.process_new_subscription (l_subscription, l_customer, l_order_id, l_metadata) if attached {JSON_WEBAPI_RESPONSE} rep as jrep then jrep.import_json_object (l_subscription.to_json_string) else rep.add_string_field ("subscription_id", end rep.execute else rep.add_boolean_field ("error", True) if not api.config.is_valid then rep.add_string_field ("error_message", "stripe configuration is not valid!") end rep.execute end end post_subscription_confirmation (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: STRIPE_API) local buf: STRING jp: JSON_PARSER rep: like new_response l_subscription: STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION do if attached req.content_type as ct and then ct.same_string ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.application_json) then create buf.make (req.content_length_value.to_integer_32) req.read_input_data_into (buf) create jp.make_with_string (buf) jp.parse_content if jp.is_parsed and then jp.is_valid and then attached jp.parsed_json_object as jo then if attached jo.string_item ("subscriptionId") as j_subscription_id and api.config.is_valid then l_subscription := api.subscription (j_subscription_id.unescaped_string_32) end end end rep := new_response (req, res, api) if l_subscription /= Void then api.process_new_subscription (l_subscription, Void, Void, Void) if attached {JSON_WEBAPI_RESPONSE} rep as jrep then jrep.import_json_object (l_subscription.to_json_string) else rep.add_string_field ("subscription_id", end rep.execute else rep.add_boolean_field ("error", True) if not api.config.is_valid then rep.add_string_field ("error_message", "stripe configuration is not valid!") end rep.execute end end feature -- Hooks configuration setup_hooks (a_hooks: CMS_HOOK_CORE_MANAGER) -- Module hooks configuration. do -- a_hooks.subscribe_to_webapi_response_alter_hook (Current) -- a_hooks.subscribe_to_hook (Current, {STRIPE_HOOK}) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation new_response (req: WSF_REQUEST; res: WSF_RESPONSE; api: STRIPE_API): HM_WEBAPI_RESPONSE do create {JSON_WEBAPI_RESPONSE} Result.make (req, res, api.cms_api) end note copyright: "2011-2017, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end