note description: "[ Enter class description here! ]" class TEST_ES_CLOUD create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Instantiate Current object. local cl: HTTP_CLIENT sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION ctx: detachable HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT resp: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE j: like json l_access_token, l_refresh_key: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 l_es_cloud_href: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 l_jwt_access_token_href: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do create {DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT} cl sess := cl.new_session (service_url) sess.add_header ("Content-Type", "application/json") if False and attached loaded_data as d then l_access_token := d.access_token l_refresh_key := d.refresh_key end if l_access_token /= Void then ctx := new_ctx_jwt (l_access_token) else ctx := new_ctx_basic ("foo", "bar") end resp := get_request ("/es", sess, ctx) if not resp.error_occurred then j := json (resp.body) if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "_links|jwt:access_token|href") as v then l_jwt_access_token_href := v.unescaped_string_8 end if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "_links|es:cloud|href") as v then l_es_cloud_href := v.unescaped_string_8 end end if l_access_token = Void and then l_jwt_access_token_href /= Void then ctx.add_form_parameter ("applications", "eiffelstudio,testing") resp := post_request (l_jwt_access_token_href, sess, ctx, Void) if not resp.error_occurred then j := json (resp.body) if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "access_token") as j_access_token then l_access_token := j_access_token.unescaped_string_8 end if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "refresh_key") as j_refresh_key then l_refresh_key := j_refresh_key.unescaped_string_8 end if l_access_token /= Void then save (l_access_token, l_refresh_key) ctx := new_ctx_jwt (l_access_token) end end end if l_access_token /= Void and l_jwt_access_token_href /= Void then -- Display all jwt access tokens for user. resp := get_request (l_jwt_access_token_href, sess, ctx) if not resp.error_occurred then j := json (resp.body) if attached {JSON_ARRAY} json_field (j, "access_tokens") as j_arr then across j_arr as ic loop if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (ic.item, "token") as js then print (js.unescaped_string_8) if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (ic.item, "applications") as js_apps then print (" apps=" + js_apps.unescaped_string_8) end print ("%N") end end end end if l_es_cloud_href /= Void then -- Let's use the es cloud web API resp := get_request (l_es_cloud_href, sess, ctx) if not resp.error_occurred then j := json (resp.body) if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "_links|es:account|href") as j_es_account_href then resp := get_request (j_es_account_href.unescaped_string_8, sess, ctx) if not resp.error_occurred then j := json (resp.body) if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "es:plan|name") as j_plan and then attached {JSON_NUMBER} json_field (j, "es:plan|days_remaining") as j_days_remaining then print ("Plan: " + j_plan.unescaped_string_8 + "%N") print ("Days remaining: " + j_days_remaining.integer_64_item.out + "%N") end debug print (resp.url) print ("%N") print ("status code=" + resp.status.out + "%N") print (resp.raw_header) print (resp.body) end end end end end if l_jwt_access_token_href /= Void and l_access_token /= Void and l_refresh_key /= Void then refresh_token (l_jwt_access_token_href, l_access_token, l_refresh_key, sess, ctx) if attached loaded_data as d then l_access_token := d.access_token l_refresh_key := d.refresh_key if l_access_token /= Void then ctx := new_ctx_jwt (l_access_token) end end if l_access_token /= Void and l_refresh_key /= Void then refresh_token (l_jwt_access_token_href, l_access_token, l_refresh_key, sess, ctx) end if attached loaded_data as d then l_access_token := d.access_token l_refresh_key := d.refresh_key if l_access_token /= Void then ctx := new_ctx_jwt (l_access_token) end end end end end refresh_token (a_jwt_access_token_href: READABLE_STRING_8; a_access_token, a_refresh_key: READABLE_STRING_8; sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION; ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT) local l_access_token, l_refresh_key: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 resp: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE j: like json do print ("Refreshing jwt token ...%N") ctx.add_form_parameter ("token", a_access_token) ctx.add_form_parameter ("refresh", a_refresh_key) resp := post_request (a_jwt_access_token_href, sess, ctx, Void) if not resp.error_occurred then j := json (resp.body) if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "access_token") as j_access_token then l_access_token := j_access_token.unescaped_string_8 else l_access_token := Void end if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "refresh_key") as j_refresh_key then l_refresh_key := j_refresh_key.unescaped_string_8 else l_refresh_key := Void end if l_access_token /= Void and l_refresh_key /= Void then print ("-> token=" + l_access_token + " refresh=" + l_refresh_key + "%N") save (l_access_token, l_refresh_key) else print ("-> Issue with refresh!%N") end end end feature -- Request get_request (a_path: READABLE_STRING_8; a_session: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION ; ctx: detachable HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT): HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE do print (">> GET (" + a_path + ", ctx) -> ") Result := a_session.get (a_path, ctx) print (Result.status.out) print ("%N") if attached Result.body as b then print ("-------------%N") print (b) print ("%N") print ("-------------%N") else print ("No Body!%N") end end post_request (a_path: READABLE_STRING_8; a_session: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION ; ctx: detachable HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT; a_data: detachable READABLE_STRING_8): HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE do print (">> POST (" + a_path + ", ctx, a_data) -> ") Result := (a_path, ctx, a_data) print (Result.status.out) print ("%N") if attached Result.body as b then print ("-------------%N") print (b) print ("%N") print ("-------------%N") else print ("No Body!%N") end end feature -- Factory new_ctx_basic (u,p: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT local httpauth: HTTP_AUTHORIZATION do create Result.make create httpauth.make_basic_auth ("foo", "bar") if attached httpauth.http_authorization as l_auth then Result.add_header ("Authorization", l_auth) end end new_ctx_jwt (a_jw_token: READABLE_STRING_8): HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do create Result.make Result.add_header ("Authorization", "Bearer " + a_jw_token) end feature -- Constants service_url: STRING = "http://localhost:9090" feature -- Storage save (a_access_token: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_refresh_key: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) local j: JSON_OBJECT f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create j.make_with_capacity (2) if attached a_access_token then j.put_string (a_access_token, "access_token") end if attached a_refresh_key then j.put_string (a_refresh_key, "refresh_key") end create f.make_with_name (".test-pref") f.create_read_write f.put_string (j.representation) f.put_new_line f.close end loaded_data: detachable TUPLE [access_token: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; refresh_key: detachable READABLE_STRING_8] local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE nb: INTEGER do create f.make_with_name (".test-pref") if f.exists then nb := f.count f.open_read f.read_stream (nb) f.close if attached json (f.last_string) as j and then attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "access_token") as j_tok then if attached {JSON_STRING} json_field (j, "refresh_key") as j_key then Result := [j_tok.unescaped_string_8 , j_key.unescaped_string_8] else Result := [j_tok.unescaped_string_8 , Void] end end end end feature -- Query json (s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8): detachable JSON_VALUE local jp: JSON_PARSER do if s /= Void then create jp.make_with_string (s) jp.parse_content if not jp.has_error then Result := jp.parsed_json_value end end end json_field (j: detachable JSON_VALUE; a_fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable JSON_VALUE local exp: LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_obj: detachable JSON_OBJECT l_val: detachable JSON_VALUE do if j /= Void then if attached {JSON_OBJECT} j as jo then exp := a_fn.split ('|') from exp.start l_obj := jo l_val := l_obj until exp.after or l_obj = Void loop l_val := l_obj.item (exp.item) if exp.islast then -- Result in `l_val` else if attached {JSON_OBJECT} l_val as o then l_obj := o end l_val := Void end exp.forth end Result := l_val end end end end