--!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! Styled HTML filter for EiffelStudio documentation output. --!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! default.css is copied into documentation root directory. --! goto.html is generated in documentation root directory. --!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! $Date: 2017-10-19 12:29:30 +0300 (Чт, 19 окт 2017) $ --! $Revision: 100939 $ --!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- file_separator |/ suffix |html -- File declaration: class_declaration |%N% %%N% %%N% %%N% %$html_meta$% %%N% %%N% %$title$%N% %%N% %%N% %%N% %%N% %
%N% %
%N% %

Generated by ISE EiffelStudio

%N% %%N% %%N feature_declaration |* -- Hyperlinking items: menu_bar |

menu_item				|*%N
class_menu_item			|*%N
menu_item_disabled		|*%N

cluster_name			|*

-- Skip origin comments. Display a tooltip instead.
origin_comment			|
tooltip					|*

-- Use possible hyperlinks inside strings and comments:
comment_url				|*
string_url				|*

features				|*
keyword_features		|*
symbol_features			|*
class_name				|*

-- Eiffel syntax items:
non_generated_cluster	|*
non_generated_class		|*
non_generated_feature	|*
keyword					|*
reserved_word			|*
symbol					|*
comment					|*
quoted					|*
string					|*
character				|*
number					|*
local_symbol			|*
assertion_tag			|*
indexing_tag			|*
generic					|*
.						|*

-- Whitespace
new_line				|*
tab						|%T

-- In case there are sequential spaces, use this for all subsequent spaces.
multiple_spaces			| %;

-- Characters that need to be escaped in HTML
escape>					|>
escape<					|<
escape&					|&
escape"					|"

--! Eiffel Software
--! 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA
--! Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869
--! Website http://www.eiffel.com
--! Customer support http://support.eiffel.com