note description: "[ API to manage CMS Motion List. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class CMS_MOTION_API inherit CMS_MODULE_API REFACTORING_HELPER feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_storage (a_api: CMS_API; a_motion_storage: CMS_MOTION_LIST_STORAGE_I) -- Create an object with api `a_api' and storage `a_motion_storage'. do motion_storage := a_motion_storage make (a_api) ensure motion_storage_set: motion_storage = a_motion_storage end feature {CMS_MODULE} -- Access: Motion List storage. motion_storage: CMS_MOTION_LIST_STORAGE_I -- storage interface. feature -- Access: Motion List row_count_motion_list (a_category: INTEGER; a_status: STRING; a_filter: STRING; a_content:INTEGER ): INTEGER -- Row count for motion list do Result := motion_storage.row_count_motion_list (a_category, a_status, a_filter, a_content) end motion_list (a_page_number: INTEGER; a_rows_per_page: INTEGER; a_category: INTEGER; a_status: STRING; a_column: READABLE_STRING_32; a_order: INTEGER; a_filter:STRING; a_content:INTEGER): LIST [CMS_MOTION_LIST] -- All Motion items, filter by page `a_page_numer' and rows per page `a_row_per_page' do Result := motion_storage.motion_list (a_page_number, a_rows_per_page, a_category, a_status, a_column, a_order, a_filter, a_content) end motion_by_id (a_wid: INTEGER): detachable CMS_MOTION_LIST -- Motion item for the given id `a_wid', if any. require valid_id: a_wid > 0 do Result := motion_storage.motion_by_id (a_wid) if Result /= Void then if attached motion_storage.motion_interactions (a_wid) as l_interactions then Result.set_interactions (l_interactions) across l_interactions as c loop c.item.set_attachments (motion_storage.motion_attachments (a_wid, end end if attached motion_storage.motion_attachments (a_wid, 0) as l_attachments then Result.set_attachments (l_attachments) end end end motion_attachments (a_wid: INTEGER_64): LIST [CMS_MOTION_FILE] -- Motion attachments for a given wish `a_wid', if any. do if attached motion_storage.motion_attachments (a_wid, 0) as l_list then Result := l_list else create {ARRAYED_LIST [CMS_MOTION_FILE]} Result.make (0) end end motion_interactions_attachments (a_wid: INTEGER_64; a_interaction_id: INTEGER_64): LIST [CMS_MOTION_FILE] -- Motion attachments for a given wish `a_wid', if any. do if attached motion_storage.motion_attachments (a_wid, a_interaction_id) as l_list then Result := l_list else create {ARRAYED_LIST [CMS_MOTION_FILE]} Result.make (0) end end is_author_of_motion (u: CMS_USER; a_wish: CMS_MOTION_LIST): BOOLEAN -- Is the user `u' owner of the wish `a_wish'. do if attached motion_storage.motion_author (a_wish) as l_author then Result := u.same_as (l_author) end end vote_motion (u: CMS_USER; a_motion: CMS_MOTION_LIST): INTEGER -- Has the user `u' vote for the motion `a_wish'. -- 0 no vote -- 1 like -- -1 not like do Result := motion_storage.vote_motion (u, a_motion) end feature -- Change Motion votes add_motion_like (a_user: CMS_USER; a_wid: INTEGER_64) -- User `a_user' add like to motion `a_wid'. require valid_user: a_user.has_id valid_motion: a_wid > 0 do motion_storage.add_motion_like (a_user, a_wid) end add_motion_not_like (a_user: CMS_USER; a_wid: INTEGER_64) -- User `a_user' add not like to motion `a_wid'. require valid_user: a_user.has_id valid_motion: a_wid > 0 do motion_storage.add_motion_not_like (a_user, a_wid) end feature -- Permission Scope: Node has_permission_for_action_on_motion (a_action: READABLE_STRING_8; a_wish: CMS_MOTION_LIST; a_user: detachable CMS_USER; ): BOOLEAN -- Has permission to execute action `a_action' on wish `a_wish', by eventual user `a_user'? local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := a_wish.type Result := cms_api.user_has_permission (a_user, a_action + " any " + l_type_name) if not Result and a_user /= Void then if is_author_of_motion (a_user, a_wish) then Result := cms_api.user_has_permission (a_user, a_action + " own " + l_type_name) end end end feature -- Change: Motion list save_motion (a_motion: CMS_MOTION_LIST) -- Save a new motion `a_motion'. do motion_storage.save_motion (a_motion) end save_motion_interaction (a_motion_interaction: CMS_MOTION_LIST_INTERACTION) -- Save a new motion `a_motion_interaction' interaction. do motion_storage.save_motion_interaction (a_motion_interaction) end upload_motion_attachment (a_id: INTEGER_64; a_file: CMS_MOTION_FILE) -- Save attachement `a_file' for the motion list item associated with the id `a_id'. do motion_storage.upload_motion_attachment (a_id, 0, a_file.size, a_file.content, end upload_motion_interaction_attachment (a_id: INTEGER_64; a_interaction_id: INTEGER_64; a_file: CMS_MOTION_FILE) -- Save attachement `a_file' for the motion list item associated with the id `a_id'. do motion_storage.upload_motion_attachment (a_id, a_interaction_id, a_file.size, a_file.content, end remove_motion_attachments (a_id: INTEGER_64) -- Remove all attachments associated with `a_id'. do motion_storage.remove_motion_attachments (a_id, 0) end remove_motion_interaction_attachments (a_id: INTEGER_64; a_interaction_id: INTEGER_64) -- Remove all attachments associated with `a_id'. do motion_storage.remove_motion_attachments (a_id, a_interaction_id) end remove_motion_attachment_by_name (a_id: INTEGER_64; a_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Remove attachment with name `a_name' associated with wish `a_id'. do motion_storage.remove_motion_attachment_by_name (a_id, 0, a_name) end remove_wish_interaction_attachment_by_name (a_id: INTEGER_64; a_interaction_id: INTEGER_64; a_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Remove attachment with name `a_name' associated with motion `a_id'. do motion_storage.remove_motion_attachment_by_name (a_id, a_interaction_id, a_name) end feature -- Access - Categories categories_count: INTEGER_64 -- Number of categories. do Result := motion_storage.categories_count end recent_categories (params: CMS_DATA_QUERY_PARAMETERS): ITERABLE [CMS_MOTION_LIST_CATEGORY] -- List of the `a_rows' most recent categories starting from `a_offset'. do Result := motion_storage.recent_categories (params.offset.to_integer_32, params.size.to_integer_32) end categories: LIST [CMS_MOTION_LIST_CATEGORY] -- List of wish list categories. do Result := motion_storage.categories end category_by_id (a_id: INTEGER_64): detachable CMS_MOTION_LIST_CATEGORY -- Category for the given id `a_id', if any. do Result := motion_storage.category_by_id (a_id) end category_by_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable CMS_MOTION_LIST_CATEGORY -- Category for the given name`a_name', if any. do Result := motion_storage.category_by_name (a_name) end feature -- Change - Category save_category (a_category: CMS_MOTION_LIST_CATEGORY) -- Save category `a_category'. do motion_storage.save_category (a_category) end feature -- Access - Status status: LIST [CMS_MOTION_LIST_STATUS] -- List of motion list status. do Result := motion_storage.status end feature -- Resource Access name, collection: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 -- Resource name, also -- used as a collection of resources -- like wish_list deferred end resource_path: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 -- Path to the resource -- For example "/resources" deferred end item: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 -- Element in a collection of resources -- for example wish in a wish_list deferred end end