note description: "[ Objects that ... ]" author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEST_WIKIDOCS inherit ANY undefine default_create end SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT undefine default_create end EQA_TEST_SET redefine on_prepare, on_clean end feature {NONE} -- Events on_prepare -- local cfg: WDOCS_DEFAULT_SETUP d: DIRECTORY p: PATH n: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL s: STRING lst: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] i: INTEGER ut: FILE_UTILITIES l_version: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do create d.make_with_path (execution_environment.current_working_path.extended ("tmp")) -- if d.exists then -- d.recursive_delete -- Execution_environment.sleep (1_000_000) -- end from i := 0 p := d.path.extended ("root") until not ut.directory_path_exists (p) loop i := i + 1 p := d.path.extended ("root_" + i.out) end create cfg.make (p, Void) create d.make_with_path (cfg.documentation_dir) assert ("directory does not exists", not d.exists) l_version := cfg.documentation_default_version if l_version = Void then l_version := "current" end p := cfg.documentation_dir.extended (l_version) wikidocs_dir := p create d.make_with_path (p) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end create book_infos.make (3) book_infos.put (Void, "Book_Three") book_infos.put (Void, "Book_Two") book_infos.put (Void, "Book_One") across book_infos as ic loop n := ic.key create d.make_with_path (p.extended (n)) d.recursive_create_dir create s.make_from_string ("Overview of ") s.append_string_general (n) create lst.make (4) if n.is_case_insensitive_equal ("Book_One") then save_page (n, "index", s, <<["weight","1"]>>) elseif n.is_case_insensitive_equal ("Book_Two") then save_page (n, "index", s, <<["weight","2"]>>) elseif n.is_case_insensitive_equal ("Book_Three") then save_page (n, "index", s, <<["weight","3"]>>) end lst.force ("index") save_page (n, "one", "First page",<<["weight","1"]>>) lst.force ("one") save_page (n, "two", "Second page",<<["weight","2"]>>) lst.force ("two") save_page (n, "three", "Third page",<<["weight","3"]>>) lst.force ("three") book_infos.force (lst, ic.key) end create wdocs.make (p, l_version, cfg.temp_dir) wdocs.refresh_data end on_clean local p: PATH d: DIRECTORY do p := wdocs.tmp_dir create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then d.recursive_delete end p := wdocs.wiki_database_path create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then d.recursive_delete end end save_page (a_book_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_page_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_content: READABLE_STRING_8; a_metadata: detachable ITERABLE [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) local f: RAW_FILE do create f.make_with_path (wikidocs_dir.extended (a_book_name).extended (a_page_name).appended_with_extension ("wiki")) f.create_read_write f.put_string (a_content) f.close if a_metadata /= Void then create f.make_with_path (wikidocs_dir.extended (a_book_name).extended (a_page_name).appended_with_extension ("data")) f.create_read_write across a_metadata as ic loop f.put_string ( f.put_character ('=') f.put_string (ic.item.value) f.put_new_line end f.close end end wdocs: WDOCS_MANAGER wikidocs_dir: PATH feature -- Tests data book_infos: STRING_TABLE [detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]] -- book_names: ARRAYED_SET [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] local l_infos: like book_infos do l_infos := book_infos create Result.make (l_infos.count) across l_infos as ic loop Result.extend (ic.key) end end feature -- Tests test_books note testing: "execution/isolated" local lst: STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] do create lst.make (3) across wdocs.book_names as ic loop lst.force (ic.item, ic.item) end assert("expected list of books", across book_names as ic all lst.has (ic.item) end) end test_pages note testing: "execution/isolated" local s,s1: STRING_32 do across book_infos as ic loop if attached (ic.key) as wb then create s.make_empty if attached wb.root_page as rp and then attached rp.pages as rp_pages then across rp_pages as p_ic loop s.append_string_general (p_ic.item.title) s.append_string_general (",") end end s1 := s create s.make_empty if attached ic.item as l_page_names then across l_page_names as p_ic loop s.append_string_general (p_ic.item) s.append_string_general (",") assert ({STRING_32} "Page " + p_ic.item.to_string_32 + " exists", (ic.key, p_ic.item) /= Void) end end assert("same ordered pages", s.tail (s.count - ("index,").count).same_string (s1)) else assert ({STRING_32} "Book " + ic.key.to_string_32 + " exists", False) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation end