note description: "Summary description for {WDOCS_EDIT_BOX}." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WDOCS_EDIT_BOX inherit WDOCS_EDITOR EV_SHARED_APPLICATION WDOCS_DATA_ACCESS create make, make_embedded feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do create close_actions create updated_actions create saved_actions build_widget reset end make_embedded do is_embedded := True make end build_widget local lab: EV_LABEL box: EV_VERTICAL_BOX l_name_tf: EV_TEXT_FIELD src: EV_TEXT hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX but: EV_BUTTON cbut: EV_CHECK_BUTTON consts: EV_LAYOUT_CONSTANTS do -- Create object create source_text create preview_check_button create save_button create apply_button create cancel_button -- Initialize create consts create box widget := box create hb box.extend (hb) box.disable_item_expand (hb) create lab.make_with_text ("Editing:") hb.extend (lab) hb.disable_item_expand (lab) create l_name_tf.make_with_text ("") hb.extend (l_name_tf) name_field := l_name_tf -- toolbar create hb hb.set_padding_width (consts.tiny_padding_size) hb.set_border_width (consts.small_border_size) box.extend (hb) box.disable_item_expand (hb) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("+Link", agent on_insert_wiki_link_menu_event) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("+Image", agent on_insert_wiki_image_menu_event) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("+Template", agent on_insert_wiki_template_menu_event) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("H1", agent apply_heading_on_text_selection (1)) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("H2", agent apply_heading_on_text_selection (2)) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("H3", agent apply_heading_on_text_selection (3)) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("Bold", agent apply_bold_on_text_selection) hb.extend (but) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("Italic", agent apply_italic_on_text_selection) hb.extend (but) -- Source/text src := source_text box.extend (src) src.change_actions.extend (agent on_text_changed) src.key_press_actions.extend (agent on_key_pressed) -- Apply/Save... create hb hb.set_padding_width (consts.tiny_padding_size) hb.set_border_width (consts.small_border_size) box.extend (hb) box.disable_item_expand (hb) create but.make_with_text_and_action ("Reset", agent on_reset_operation) hb.extend (but) but.set_minimum_width (consts.default_button_width) but := cancel_button but.set_text ("Cancel") but.select_actions.extend (agent on_cancel_operation) if not is_embedded then hb.extend (but) end but.set_minimum_width (consts.default_button_width) but := apply_button but.set_text ("Apply") but.select_actions.extend (agent on_apply_operation) hb.extend (but) but.set_minimum_width (consts.default_button_width) but := save_button but.set_text ("Save") but.select_actions.extend (agent on_save_operation) hb.extend (but) but.set_minimum_width (consts.default_button_width) cbut := preview_check_button cbut.set_text ("Preview ?") cbut.select_actions.extend (agent on_preview_selected (cbut)) hb.extend (cbut) cbut.enable_select end feature -- Element change set_page (wp: like page; m: WDOCS_EDIT_MANAGER) do manager := m m.reload_data m.set_edited_page (wp, Current) page := wp reset if wp = Void or else wp.path = Void then save_button.disable_sensitive end end set_manager (m: like manager) do manager := m end feature -- Access is_embedded: BOOLEAN wiki_text: READABLE_STRING_8 do Result := source_text.text end manager: detachable WDOCS_EDIT_MANAGER page: detachable WIKI_PAGE feature -- Access: callbacks updated_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE] saved_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE [page: WIKI_PAGE; title_updated: BOOLEAN]] close_actions: ACTION_SEQUENCE [TUPLE] feature -- Access: widget widget: EV_WIDGET cancel_button, apply_button, save_button: EV_BUTTON preview_check_button: EV_CHECK_BUTTON name_field: EV_TEXT_FIELD feature {NONE} -- Implementation: widget source_text: EV_TEXT feature -- Basic operation reset local s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do if attached page as wp then if attached manager as m then s := m.wiki_text (wp) name_field.set_text (wp.title) else name_field.remove_text end else name_field.remove_text end if s = Void then source_text.remove_text else source_text.set_text (s) end end feature -- UI request_invoke_updated_actions local l_timer: like invoke_updated_actions_timer do l_timer := invoke_updated_actions_timer if l_timer = Void then create l_timer.make_with_interval (1_000) invoke_updated_actions_timer := l_timer l_timer.actions.extend (agent invoke_updated_actions) end l_timer.set_interval (1_000) end invoke_updated_actions_timer: detachable EV_TIMEOUT invoke_updated_actions do if attached invoke_updated_actions_timer as l_timer then l_timer.destroy invoke_updated_actions_timer := Void end if page /= Void then (Void) end end feature -- Editor operation insert_link_at_text_position (a_wiki_name: STRING; a_title: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) do if a_title /= Void then source_text.insert_text ("[[" + a_wiki_name + "|" + a_title + "]]") else source_text.insert_text ("[[" + a_wiki_name + "]]") end end insert_image_at_text_position (a_wiki_name: STRING; a_title: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) do if a_title /= Void then source_text.insert_text ("[[Image:" + a_wiki_name + "|thumb|center|220px|" + a_title + "]]") else source_text.insert_text ("[[Image:" + a_wiki_name + "|thumb|center|220px]]") end end insert_template_at_text_position (a_wiki_name: STRING; a_code: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) do if a_code /= Void then source_text.insert_text ("{{" + a_wiki_name + "|" + a_code + "}}%N") else source_text.insert_text ("{{" + a_wiki_name + "}}%N") end end apply_heading_on_text_selection (a_level: INTEGER) local s: STRING do if attached source_text.selected_text as l_selected_text and then not l_selected_text.is_empty then source_text.delete_selection create s.make_filled ('=', a_level) source_text.insert_text (s + " " + l_selected_text + " " + s + "%N") end end apply_bold_on_text_selection do if attached source_text.selected_text as l_selected_text and then not l_selected_text.is_empty then source_text.delete_selection source_text.insert_text ("'''" + l_selected_text + "'''") end end apply_italic_on_text_selection do if attached source_text.selected_text as l_selected_text and then not l_selected_text.is_empty then source_text.delete_selection source_text.insert_text ("''" + l_selected_text + "''") end end feature -- Dialog popup (a_widget: EV_WIDGET; a_parent: detachable EV_WIDGET): EV_POPUP_WINDOW local pop: EV_POPUP_WINDOW w,h: INTEGER do create pop.make_with_shadow pop.extend (a_widget) if a_parent /= Void then w := a_parent.width h := a_parent.height w := (0.9 * w).truncated_to_integer h := (0.9 * h).truncated_to_integer pop.set_position (a_parent.screen_x + (a_parent.width - w) // 2, a_parent.screen_y + (a_parent.height - h) // 2) else end w := a_widget.minimum_width.max (w) h := a_widget.minimum_height.max (h) pop.set_size (w, h) pop.show_actions.extend_kamikaze (agent a_widget.set_focus) pop.focus_out_actions.extend (agent pop.destroy) Result := pop end popup_menu (a_menu: EV_MENU; a_parent: detachable EV_WIDGET) local g: EV_GRID pop: like popup do create g pop := popup (g, a_parent) g.enable_tree g.set_column_count_to (1) g.row_expand_actions.extend (agent (i_g: EV_GRID; i_r: EV_GRID_ROW) do i_g.column (1).resize_to_content end (g, ?)) append_menu_to_grid (a_menu, g, agent pop.destroy) g.column (1).resize_to_content g.set_minimum_width (g.column (1).width + 3) end feature -- Events close do (Void) end on_key_pressed (a_key: EV_KEY) local do if attached {EV_APPLICATION} ev_application as l_app and then l_app.ctrl_pressed and then not l_app.shift_pressed then if l_app.alt_pressed then if a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_L then on_insert_wiki_link_menu_event elseif a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_I then on_insert_wiki_image_menu_event elseif a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_T then on_insert_wiki_template_menu_event end elseif a_key.code = {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_S then on_save_operation end end end on_insert_wiki_link_menu_event local m,sm: EV_MENU l_current_book_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do create m.make_with_text ("Insert Wiki link") if attached manager as l_manager then l_current_book_name := l_manager.current_book_name_for (Current) if l_current_book_name /= Void and then attached {WIKI_BOOK} (l_current_book_name) as l_book then create sm.make_with_text (l_current_book_name) append_wiki_link_to_menu (l_book.pages, sm) if not sm.is_empty then m.extend (sm) end end across l_manager.book_names as ic loop if l_current_book_name = Void or else not l_current_book_name.is_case_insensitive_equal (ic.item) then if attached (ic.item) as l_book then create sm.make_with_text (ic.item) append_wiki_link_to_menu (l_book.pages, sm) if not sm.is_empty then m.extend (sm) end end end end else create sm.make_with_text ("INTERNAL_ERROR: missing manager!") m.extend (sm) end popup_menu (m, source_text) -- end append_menu_to_grid (a_menu: EV_MENU; a_grid: EV_GRID; a_post_selected_action: detachable PROCEDURE) require is_tree_enabled: a_grid.is_tree_enabled local glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM r,sr: EV_GRID_ROW do a_grid.insert_new_row (a_grid.row_count + 1) r := a_grid.row (a_grid.row_count) create glab.make_with_text (a_menu.text) r.set_item (1, glab) across a_menu.select_actions as ic loop glab.select_actions.extend (ic.item) end if a_post_selected_action /= Void then glab.select_actions.extend (a_post_selected_action) end across a_menu as ic loop if attached {EV_MENU} ic.item as m then append_menu_to_grid (m, a_grid, a_post_selected_action) else r.insert_subrow (r.subrow_count + 1) sr := r.subrow (r.subrow_count) create glab.make_with_text (ic.item.text) across ic.item.select_actions as act_ic loop glab.select_actions.extend (act_ic.item) end if a_post_selected_action /= Void then glab.select_actions.extend (a_post_selected_action) end sr.set_item (1, glab) end end end append_wiki_link_to_menu (a_pages: ITERABLE [WIKI_PAGE]; a_menu: EV_MENU) local lnk: EV_MENU_ITEM do across a_pages as ic loop create lnk.make_with_text (ic.item.title) lnk.select_actions.extend (agent insert_link_at_text_position (ic.item.title, Void)) a_menu.extend (lnk) end end on_insert_wiki_image_menu_event local m,sm: EV_MENU lnk: EV_MENU_ITEM l_current_book_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL utf: UTF_CONVERTER do create m.make_with_text ("Insert Wiki Image") if attached manager as l_manager then l_current_book_name := l_manager.current_book_name_for (Current) across as ic loop if not ic.item.is_empty then if ic.key.is_whitespace then create sm.make_with_text ("Global") else create sm.make_with_text (ic.key) end across ic.item as img_ic loop create lnk.make_with_text (img_ic.key) lnk.select_actions.extend (agent insert_image_at_text_position (utf.escaped_utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (img_ic.key), Void)) -- sm.extend (lnk) end if not sm.is_empty then m.extend (sm) end end end else create sm.make_with_text ("INTERNAL_ERROR: Missing manager!") m.extend (sm) end -- popup_menu (m, source_text) end on_insert_wiki_template_menu_event local m,sm: EV_MENU lnk: EV_MENU_ITEM l_current_book_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL utf: UTF_CONVERTER do create m.make_with_text ("Insert Wiki Template") if attached manager as l_manager then l_current_book_name := l_manager.current_book_name_for (Current) across as ic loop if not ic.item.is_empty then if ic.key.is_whitespace then create sm.make_with_text ("Global") else create sm.make_with_text (ic.key) end across ic.item as tpl_ic loop create lnk.make_with_text (tpl_ic.key) lnk.select_actions.extend (agent insert_template_at_text_position (utf.escaped_utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (tpl_ic.key), Void)) -- sm.extend (lnk) end if not sm.is_empty then m.extend (sm) end end end else create sm.make_with_text ("INTERNAL_ERROR: Missing manager!") m.extend (sm) end -- popup_menu (m, source_text) end on_text_changed do if preview_check_button.is_selected then request_invoke_updated_actions end end on_reset_operation do reset (Void) end on_cancel_operation do on_reset_operation close end on_apply_operation do (Void) end on_save_operation do on_apply_operation if attached page as wp then if attached manager as l_manager then l_manager.save_wiki_text (wp, wiki_text) if attached name_field.text as l_name and then not l_name.is_whitespace and then not l_name.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (wp.title) then -- Title changed! l_manager.change_page_title (wp, l_name) ([wp, True]) else ([wp, False]) end end end if not is_embedded then close end end on_preview_selected (cbut: EV_CHECK_BUTTON) do request_invoke_updated_actions if cbut.is_selected then apply_button.disable_sensitive -- apply_button.hide else apply_button.enable_sensitive -- end end append_wiki_page_xhtml_to (a_wiki_page: WIKI_PAGE; a_manager: WDOCS_MANAGER; a_output: STRING) local l_xhtml: detachable STRING_8 wvis: WDOCS_WIKI_XHTML_GENERATOR -- p: PATH -- d: DIRECTORY -- f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- l_wiki_page_date_time: detachable DATE_TIME -- l_version_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do -- l_version_id := a_manager.version_id create l_xhtml.make_empty create wvis.make (l_xhtml) wvis.set_link_resolver (a_manager) wvis.set_image_resolver (a_manager) wvis.set_template_resolver (a_manager) wvis.set_file_resolver (a_manager) wvis.visit_page (a_wiki_page) l_xhtml.append ("") a_output.append (l_xhtml) end end