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Thank you for downloading EiffelStudio.

Release {$number/}

This is an evaluation version. It will expire 30 days after your first use.
It requires an evaluation CD Key which is provided below.
Note: the evaluation CD key can not be used to activate the product, the activation requires a valid customer CD key.

Click here to download EiffelStudio: {$number/}


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We wish you an excellent evaluation and hope that you will decide to use EiffelStudio for your upcoming projects. If you wish to purchase, need a trial extension, or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

The Eiffel Software Team

About Eiffel Software

Eiffel Software is recognized as the thought leader in making software projects predictable and controllable. EiffelStudio, the company's flagship product and Integrated Development Environment (IDE), enables software developers to quickly develop systems that work the first time around and that are easy to adapt when the world and the needs change.

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