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Click on the video that corresponds to your platform:

EiffelStudio on Windows – Download and installation

Direct link: http://youtu.be/18Xo5pMo-A4

EiffelStudio on Windows – Activation

Direct link: http://youtu.be/UL8O6DNkvu0

EiffelStudio on Linux – Download and Installation

Direct link: http://youtu.be/KQGCy1edArI

EiffelStudio on Linux – Activation

Direct link: http://youtu.be/OG2D3F69pbk

Installing EiffelStudio on Mac OS X

Direct link: http://youtu.be/fiG74NyPs4s

Your first Eiffel Program

Direct link: http://youtu.be/jBMOSSnCMCk


For more in-depth videos on Eiffel and EiffelStudio, make sure to visit and subscribe to our Youtube channel. We wish you an excellent evaluation and hope that you will decide to use EiffelStudio for your upcoming projects. If you wish to purchase, need a trial extension, or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, The Eiffel Software Team

Best regards,

The Eiffel Software Team

About Eiffel Software

Eiffel Software is recognized as the thought leader in making software projects predictable and controllable. EiffelStudio, the company's flagship product and Integrated Development Environment (IDE), enables software developers to quickly develop systems that work the first time around and that are easy to adapt when the world and the needs change.

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