note description: "[ The data used for filling a bug report. See: (login required) ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ESA_SUPPORT_BUG_REPORT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_synopsis: like synopsis; a_desc: like description; a_release: like release) -- Initialize a bug report with the required data require a_synopsis_attached: a_synopsis /= Void not_a_synopsis_is_empty: not a_synopsis.is_empty a_desc_attached: a_desc /= Void not_a_desc_is_empty: not a_desc.is_empty a_release_attached: a_release /= Void not_a_release_is_empty: not a_release.is_empty do synopsis := a_synopsis description := a_desc release := a_release -- Default value severity := severtiy_serious -- Default values category := 15 -- EiffelStudio. priority := 1 -- High class_issue := 1 -- bug attachments := "" ensure synopsis_set: synopsis.same_string (a_synopsis) description_set: description.same_string (a_desc) release_set: release.same_string (a_release) end feature -- Query synopsis: STRING_GENERAL assign set_synopsis -- Title description: STRING_GENERAL assign set_description -- Detail release: STRING_GENERAL assign set_release -- Eiffel Studio release version environment: detachable STRING_GENERAL assign set_environment -- Environment to_reproduce: detachable STRING_GENERAL assign set_to_reproduce -- Way to reproduce confidential: BOOLEAN assign set_confidential -- Indicates if bug report should be marked as confidential severity: INTEGER assign set_severity -- Severity -- One value from severity enumeration in this class category: INTEGER -- Category -- One value from a list of categories. priority: INTEGER -- Priority -- One value from a list of priorities. class_issue: INTEGER -- class -- One value from a list of class of issues. attachments: STRING_GENERAL -- attachments feature -- Command set_synopsis (a_synopsis: STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `synopsis' with `a_synopsis' require a_synopsis_attached: a_synopsis /= Void not_a_synopsis_is_empty: not a_synopsis.is_empty do synopsis := a_synopsis ensure synopsis_set: synopsis.same_string (a_synopsis) end set_description (a_description: STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `description' with `a_description' require a_description_attached: a_description /= Void not_a_description_is_empty: not a_description.is_empty do description := a_description ensure description_set: description.same_string (a_description) end set_release (a_release: STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `release' with `a_release'. require a_release_attached: a_release /= Void not_a_release_is_empty: not a_release.is_empty do release := a_release ensure release_set: release.same_string (a_release) end set_environment (a_environment: detachable STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `environment' with `a_environment' require a_environment_attached: a_environment /= Void not_a_environment_is_empty: not a_environment.is_empty do environment := a_environment ensure environment_set: a_environment /= Void implies attached environment as e and then e.same_string (a_environment) end set_to_reproduce (a_to_reproduce: detachable STRING_GENERAL) -- Set `to_reproduce' with `a_to_reproduce' require a_to_reproduce_attached: a_to_reproduce /= Void not_a_to_reproduce_is_empty: not a_to_reproduce.is_empty do to_reproduce := a_to_reproduce ensure to_reproduce_set: a_to_reproduce /= Void implies attached to_reproduce as t and then t.same_string (a_to_reproduce) end set_confidential (a_confidential: like confidential) -- Set `confidential' with `a_confidential' do confidential := a_confidential ensure confidential_set: confidential = a_confidential end set_severity (a_value: like severity) -- Set `severity' with `a_value' require valid: is_severity_valid (a_value) do severity := a_value ensure set: severity = a_value end feature -- Enumeration severity_critical: INTEGER = 1 -- Severtiy critical severtiy_serious: INTEGER = 2 -- Severity serious severity_non_critical: INTEGER = 3 -- Severity non-critical feature -- Contract support is_severity_valid (a_value: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- If `a_value' a valid severity value? do Result := a_value = severity_critical or a_value = severtiy_serious or a_value = severity_non_critical end invariant synopsis_attached: synopsis /= Void not_synopsis_is_empty: not synopsis.is_empty description_attached: description /= Void not_description_is_empty: not description.is_empty release_attached: release /= Void not_release_is_empty: not release.is_empty end