note description: "[ Eiffel tests that can be executed by testing tool. ]" author: "EiffelStudio test wizard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" testing: "type/manual" class ESA_API_CLIENT_TEST inherit EQA_TEST_SET feature -- Test routines test_login_fail -- New test routine local cfg: ESA_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION login: ESA_SUPPORT_LOGIN do -- !Note -- Launch the esa_api create cfg.make_with_config create login.make (cfg) login.attempt_logon ("bad_user", "bad_user", False) assert ("Not logged in", not login.is_logged_in) end test_login_success -- New test routine local cfg: ESA_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION login: ESA_SUPPORT_LOGIN do -- !Note -- Launch the esa_api create cfg.make_with_config create login.make (cfg) login.attempt_logon ("javierv", "test", False) assert ("is logged in", login.is_logged_in) login.force_logout assert ("not logged", not login.is_logged_in) end test_report_problem -- New test routine local cfg: ESA_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION reporter: ESA_SUPPORT_BUG_REPORTER report: ESA_SUPPORT_BUG_REPORT do create report.make ("testing client", "testing client", "testing client") report.set_environment ("Win") report.set_to_reproduce ("to_reproduce") create cfg.make_with_config create reporter.make (cfg) reporter.attempt_logon ("javierv", "test", False) reporter.report_bug (report) end test_user_account -- New test routine local cfg: ESA_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION account: ESA_SUPPORT_ACCOUNT do create cfg.make_with_config create account.make (cfg) account.attempt_logon ("test", "test", False) --! Change to a valid user name and password assert ("is logged in", account.is_logged_in) if attached account.account_details as l_account_details then assert ("display name",l_account_details.displayed_name.is_equal ("test test")) --! change to a valid first and last name or update the comparison. end end test_register_user_missing_data -- New test routine local cfg: ESA_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION register: ESA_SUPPORT_USER_REGISTER user: ESA_USER_REGISTER retried: BOOLEAN exception: EXCEPTION do -- missing password and check password if not retried then create user.make user.set_first_name ("u1") user.set_last_name ("u2") user.set_email ("") user.set_user_name ("uu") create cfg.make_with_config create register.make (cfg) register.user_register (user) else assert ("Check exception",exception /= Void) end rescue retried := True if attached (create {EXCEPTION_MANAGER_FACTORY}).exception_manager.last_exception as l_exception then exception := l_exception end retry end test_register_user -- New test routine local cfg: ESA_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION register: ESA_SUPPORT_USER_REGISTER user: ESA_USER_REGISTER do create user.make user.set_first_name ("u") user.set_last_name ("u") user.set_email ("") user.set_user_name ("uu6") user.set_password ("test") user.set_check_password ("test") create cfg.make_with_config create register.make (cfg) register.user_register (user) end end