We need to add the following table to enable Login with Cookies in Support Site. The implementation follows the following ideas described here. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244882/what-is-the-best-way-to-implement-remember-me-for-a-website "Improved Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice" When the user successfully logs in with Remember Me checked, a login cookie is issued in addition to the standard session management cookie. The login cookie contains a series identifier and a token. The series and token are unguessable random numbers from a suitably large space. Both are stored together in a database table, the token is hashed (sha256 is fine). When a non-logged-in user visits the site and presents a login cookie, the series identifier is looked up in the database. If the series identifier is present and the hash of the token matches the hash for that series identifier, the user is considered authenticated. A new token is generated, a new hash for the token is stored over the old record, and a new login cookie is issued to the user (it's okay to re-use the series identifier). CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Auth_Session]( [ContactID] [int] NOT NULL, [Access_token] [varchar](64) NOT NULL, [Created] [datetime] NOT NULL, [MaxAge] [int] NOT NULL )