note description : "tests application root class" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class APPLICATION inherit ARGUMENTS create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Run application. do -- execute_read_example -- execute_write_example -- execute_guest_reports -- execute_row_count -- execute_report_guest -- execute_iterator -- test_add_user -- test_countries -- test_registration_token -- test_membership_creation_date -- test_user_role -- test_role_description -- test_security_questions -- test_question_from_email -- test_user_creation_date -- test_user_from_email -- test_user_form_username -- test_categories -- test_classes -- test_severities -- test_priorities -- test_initialize_problem_report -- test_temporary_problem_report -- test_problem_reports_guest_2 -- test_responsibles -- test_row_count_responsible_default -- test_problem_report_responsibles -- test_token_from_username -- test_row_count_responsible_by_user -- test_problem_report_by_uer -- test_temporary_interaction -- test_row_count_problem_by_user db_setup ("EiffelFromDB") end execute_read_example local l_prov: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_prov.make (connection) -- across l_prov.problem_reports ("jvelilla", False, 15, 3) as c loop -- print (c.item.string_8) -- io.put_new_line -- end end execute_guest_reports local l_prov: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do print ("%NGuest Reports") create l_prov.make (connection) l_prov.connect -- across l_prov.problem_reports_guest_2 (1, 2, 0, 0) as c loop -- print (c.item.string_8) -- end l_prov.disconnect end execute_write_example local l_prov: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_prov.make (connection) print (l_prov.new_problem_report_id ("jvelilla")) end execute_report_guest local l_prov: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_prov.make (connection) print (l_prov.problem_report (18628)) end execute_iterator local l_prov: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_prov.make (connection) -- across l_prov.problem_reports ("jvelilla", False, 0, 0) as c loop -- print (c.item) -- io.put_new_line -- end end test_add_user local ld: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER ll: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create ld.make (connection) create ll.make (connection) ld.add_user ("test008", "test008","test006", "test008", "test008", "answer", "token", 1) if attached ll.user_from_username ("test008") then print ("User exist") else print ("user does not exist") end end test_token_from_username local ll: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create ll.make (connection) if attached ll.token_from_username ("jvelilla") as l_token then print ("User activated") else print ("User not activated") end end test_countries local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect across l_db.countries as c loop print (c.item.ouput) end l_db.disconnect end test_registration_token local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) print (l_db.token_from_email ("test001")) end test_membership_creation_date local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) print (l_db.membership_creation_date ("jvelilla")) end test_user_role local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) print (l_db.role ("jvelilla")) print (l_db.role ("raphaels")) end test_role_description local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) print (l_db.role_description ("Responsible")) end test_security_questions local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect across l_db.security_questions as c loop print (c.item.output) end l_db.disconnect end test_question_from_email local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect print (l_db.question_from_email ("")) end test_user_creation_date local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect print (l_db.user_creation_date ("jvelilla")) end test_user_from_email local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER l_tuple: detachable TUPLE [first_name: READABLE_STRING_32; last_name: READABLE_STRING_32; user_name: READABLE_STRING_32] do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect l_tuple := l_db.user_from_email ("") print ( (1).out +"%N") print ( (2).out +"%N") print ( (3).out +"%N") end test_user_form_username local l_db: LOGIN_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect print (l_db.user_from_username ("jvelilla").name) end test_categories local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect across l_db.categories ("jvelilla") as c loop print (c.item.string) io.put_new_line end l_db.disconnect end test_classes local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect across l_db.classes as c loop print (c.item.string) io.put_new_line end l_db.disconnect end test_severities local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect across l_db.severities as c loop print (c.item.string) io.put_new_line end l_db.disconnect end test_priorities local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.connect across l_db.priorities as c loop print (c.item.string) io.put_new_line end l_db.disconnect end test_initialize_problem_report local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) l_db.initialize_problem_report (l_db.new_problem_report_id ("jvelilla"), "1", "1", "1", "1", "True", "test", "14.05", "Win8", "Test", "Test") end test_temporary_problem_report local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER l_tuple: detachable TUPLE [synopsis: detachable STRING_32; release: detachable STRING; confidential: detachable STRING; environment: detachable STRING; description: detachable STRING_32; toreproduce: detachable STRING_32; priority_synopsis: detachable STRING_32; category_synopsis: detachable STRING; severity_synopsis: detachable STRING; class_synopsis: detachable STRING; user_name: detachable STRING; responsible: detachable STRING] l_report_number: INTEGER do create l_db.make (connection) l_report_number := l_db.new_problem_report_id ("jvelilla") l_db.initialize_problem_report (l_report_number, "1", "1", "1", "1", "True", "test", "14.05", "Win8", "Test", "Test") l_tuple := l_db.temporary_problem_report (l_report_number) end test_problem_reports_guest_2 local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do -- Number, Synopsis, ProblemReportCategories.CategorySynopsis, SubmissionDate, StatusID create l_db.make (connection) across l_db.problem_reports_guest (1, 2, 0, "1,2,3", "CategorySynopsis", 1, "","",0) as c loop print (c.item.string_8) end end test_responsibles local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) across l_db.responsibles as c loop print (c.item.string_8) end end test_row_count_responsible_default local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) print (l_db.row_count_problem_report_responsible (0,0,0,0,"1,2,3,4,5","", Void, 0)) end test_row_count_responsible_by_user local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) -- l_db.row_count_problem_report_user (a_username: STRING_8, a_category: INTEGER_32, a_status, a_filter: READABLE_STRING_32, a_content: INTEGER_32) print (l_db.row_count_problem_report_user ("jvelilla", 0, "1,2,3,4","", 0)) end test_problem_report_responsibles local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) -- l_db.problem_reports_responsibles (a_page_number, a_rows_per_page, a_category, a_severity, a_priority, a_responsible: INTEGER_32, a_column: READABLE_STRING_32, a_order: INTEGER_32, a_status, a_username: READABLE_STRING_32, a_filter: detachable READABLE_STRING_32, a_content: INTEGER_32) across l_db.problem_reports_responsibles (1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, "number", 1, "1,2,3,4", "", Void,0) as c loop print (c.item.string_8) end end test_problem_report_by_uer local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) -- across l_db.problem_report (1) as c loop -- print (c.item.string_8) -- end end test_temporary_interaction local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) if attached l_db.temporary_interaction_2 (17745) as l_tuple then if attached as l_item1 then print (l_item1); io.put_new_line end if attached as l_item1 then print (l_item1); io.put_new_line end if attached as l_item1 then print (l_item1); io.put_new_line end if attached as l_item1 then print (l_item1); io.put_new_line end end end test_row_count_problem_by_user local l_db: REPORT_DATA_PROVIDER do create l_db.make (connection) print (l_db.row_count_problem_report_user ("jvelilla",0,"1,2,3,4","",0)) end feature -- Implementation connection: DATABASE_CONNECTION once create {DATABASE_CONNECTION_ODBC}Result.make_common end to_hexadecimal (a_string: STRING): STRING -- Convert Current bit sequence into the corresponding -- hexadecimal notation. local l_ic: STRING_ITERATION_CURSOR l_string: STRING do create Result.make_empty create l_ic.make (a_string) across l_ic as c loop l_string := c.item.code.to_hex_string l_string.prune_all_leading ('0') Result.append_string(l_string) end end db_setup (a_database_name: STRING) local l_connection: DATABASE_CONNECTION l_handler: DATABASE_HANDLER l_parameters: STRING_TABLE[ANY] l_sql: STRING do create l_parameters.make (0) -- Connection create {DATABASE_CONNECTION_ODBC} l_connection.login_with_connection_string ("Driver={SQL Server};Server=JVELILLA;Database=test;Uid=sa;Pwd=Eiffel1405;") l_sql := read_file ("create_db_sql2000.sql") l_sql.replace_substring_all ("$(database_name)", a_database_name) -- Create Database create {DATABASE_HANDLER_IMPL} l_handler.make (l_connection) l_handler.set_query (create {DATABASE_QUERY}.data_reader (l_sql, l_parameters)) l_handler.execute_change -- Table, SP, View and User Defined Functions -- Initilize Basic Data end read_file (a_name: STRING): STRING local f: RAW_FILE content: STRING do create f.make_open_read (Current_dir + a_name) if f.exists and then f.is_readable then f.read_stream (f.count) f.close content := f.last_string print("%N Content of the file:%N" + content) else print("%N the file does not exist") end Result := content end current_dir: STRING do Result := (create {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}).current_working_directory Result.append_character ((create {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}).directory_separator) Result.append ("..") Result.append_character ((create {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}).directory_separator) Result.append ("..") Result.append_character ((create {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}).directory_separator) Result.append ("database") Result.append_character ((create {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}).directory_separator) Result.append ("mssql") Result.append_character ((create {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}).directory_separator) end end