class ELAPSED_TIME inherit ARGUMENT_SINGLE_PARSER rename make as make_argument end create make feature make do make_argument (True, True) execute (agent benchmark) end feature {NONE} -- Benchmarking benchmark -- Benchmark specified example. local test_name: detachable STRING_32 directory: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL process: PROCESS start_time: DATE_TIME stop_time: DATE_TIME duration: INTEGER_64 count: INTEGER n: INTEGER minimum: INTEGER_64 maximum: INTEGER_64 total: INTEGER_64 time: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER_64] sorter: SORTER [INTEGER_64] skip_first_count: INTEGER skip_maximum_count: INTEGER processor_count: INTEGER adjusted_command: detachable STRING_32 mean: INTEGER_64 total_square_differences, total_differences: INTEGER_64 deviation: INTEGER_64 deviation_value: detachable ANY do if attached option_of_name (name_switch) as s then -- Use specified name. test_name := s.value end if attached option_of_name (directory_switch) as d then -- Use specified working directory. directory := d.value else -- Use current working directory. directory := "." end if attached option_of_name (count_switch) as c then -- Use specified repeat count. count := c.value.to_integer else -- Run one time. count := 1 end n := count if attached option_of_name (skip_first_switch) as c then -- Use specified count to skip the first runs. skip_first_count := c.value.to_integer n := n + skip_first_count else -- Do not skip first runs. skip_first_count := 0 end if attached option_of_name (skip_maximum_switch) as c then -- Use specified count to skip runs with maximum time. skip_maximum_count := c.value.to_integer n := n + skip_maximum_count else -- Do not skip runs with maximum time. skip_maximum_count := 0 end if attached option_of_name (processor_count_switch) as p and then p.value.to_integer > 0 then -- Limit processor usage to the given number of processors. if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then adjusted_command := {STRING_32} "cmd /c start /w /affinity " elseif {PLATFORM}.is_unix then adjusted_command := {STRING_32} "/usr/bin/taskset " end if attached adjusted_command then processor_count := p.value.to_integer adjusted_command.append_string_general (((1 |<< processor_count) - 1).to_hex_string) adjusted_command.append_character (' ') end else -- Do not limit processor usage. end check from_initialization: attached values [1] as command then if attached adjusted_command then adjusted_command.append_string (command) else adjusted_command := command end from create time.make (n.as_integer_32) until n = 0 loop process := (create {PROCESS_FACTORY}).process_launcher_with_command_line (adjusted_command, directory) process.redirect_output_to_agent (agent (s: STRING_8) do end) process.set_on_fail_launch_handler ( agent (c: STRING_32) do io.error.put_string ("Failed to start command %"") localized_print_error (c) io.error.put_string ("%".") io.error.put_new_line end (adjusted_command) ) create start_time.make_now_utc process.launch if process.launched then process.wait_for_exit create stop_time.make_now_utc else -- Reset all measurements. count := 0 skip_first_count := 0 skip_maximum_count := 0 time.wipe_out stop_time := start_time -- Exit from the loop. n := 1 end if n <= count + skip_maximum_count then -- This is not one of the first runs that should be skipped. duration := (stop_time.relative_duration (start_time).fine_seconds_count * 1_000).truncated_to_integer_64 time.extend (duration) end n := n - 1 end -- Sort results. create {QUICK_SORTER [INTEGER_64]} sorter.make (create {COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR [INTEGER_64]}) sorter.sort (time) -- Remove measurements with maximum time. from time.finish until time.count = count loop time.remove time.back end across time as t from minimum := minimum.max_value total := 0 loop duration := t.item if minimum > duration then minimum := duration end if maximum < duration then maximum := duration end total := total + duration end if count > 0 then mean := total // count if count > 1 then -- Compensated variance algorithm is taken from "". from time.start -- Skip `skip_maximum_count' measurements with maxiumum values. n := count until n = 0 loop duration := time.item total_square_differences := total_square_differences + (duration - mean) * (duration - mean) total_differences := total_differences + (duration - mean) time.forth n := n - 1 end deviation := m.sqrt((total_square_differences - total_differences * total_differences // count) // (count - 1)).truncated_to_integer_64 deviation_value := deviation end -- Report execution times. report (<< [{STRING_32} "Name", test_name], [{STRING_32} "Processors", processor_count], [{STRING_32} "Count", count], [{STRING_32} "Minimum (ms)", minimum], [{STRING_32} "Maximum (ms)", maximum], [{STRING_32} "Average (ms)", mean], [{STRING_32} "Standard deviation (ms)", deviation_value], [{STRING_32} "Command", command], [{STRING_32} "Directory", directory], [{STRING_32} "Skip first count", skip_first_count], [{STRING_32} "Skip maximum count", skip_maximum_count] >>) end end end feature {NONE} -- Output report (data: ARRAY [TUPLE [name: STRING_32; value: detachable ANY]]) -- Report results of the test runs. local s: STRING do if not attached option_of_name (format_switch) as f or else f.value.same_string (format_text_value.out) then -- Text output. across data as c loop if has_option (header_switch) then localized_print ( io.put_string (": ") end if attached c.item.value as v then io.put_string (v.out) end io.put_new_line end else -- CSV output. if has_option (header_switch) then -- Output header line. across data as c loop if not c.is_first then -- Output a separator. io.put_character (',') end localized_print ( end io.put_new_line end -- Output values line. across data as d loop if not d.is_first then -- Output a separator. io.put_character (',') end if attached d.item.value as v then s := v.out if s.has ('"') then -- Enclose value in quotes and duplicate each occurrence of a quote. across s as c loop io.put_character (c.item) if c.item = '"' then -- Duplicate a quote. io.put_character ('"') end end elseif s.has (',') or s.has ('%R') or s.has ('%N') then -- Enclose value in quotes. io.put_character ('"') io.put_string (s) io.put_character ('"') else -- Output value as is. io.put_string (s) end end end io.put_new_line end end feature {NONE} -- Usage name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- do Result := "Eiffel Benchmark utility" end version: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- do Result := "1.1" end copyright: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- do Result := "Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Eiffel Software. All Rights Reserved." end feature {NONE} -- Switches non_switched_argument_name: STRING = "command" -- non_switched_argument_description: STRING = "Command to be executed." -- non_switched_argument_type: STRING = "Command line" -- directory_switch: STRING = "w" -- A switch to specify working directory. count_switch: STRING = "c" -- A switch to specify repeat count. format_switch: STRING = "f" -- A switch to specify output format. format_text_value: CHARACTER_8 = 't' -- Value of the switch `format_switch' for text. format_csv_value: CHARACTER_8 = 'c' -- Value of the switch `format_switch' for CSV. header_switch: STRING = "h" -- A switch to specify that a header should be output. name_switch: STRING = "n" -- A switch to specify a name. skip_maximum_switch: STRING = "skip_maximum" -- A switch to skip runs with maximum time. skip_first_switch: STRING = "skip_first" -- A switch to skip the first run. processor_count_switch: STRING = "p" -- A switch to specify maximum number of logical processors that can be used. switches: ARRAYED_LIST [ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- local format: HASH_TABLE [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32, CHARACTER_32] once create format.make (2) format [format_text_value] := "Text" format [format_csv_value] := "CSV - comma-separated values" create Result.make_from_array (<< create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (name_switch, "Name of the test run", True, False, "name", "String to identify the test", False), create {ARGUMENT_NATURAL_SWITCH}.make_with_range (count_switch, "Repeat count", True, False, "count", "Number of runs to be included in the results", False, 0, {INTEGER}.max_value.as_natural_64), create {ARGUMENT_NATURAL_SWITCH}.make_with_range (skip_first_switch, "Skip the first runs", True, False, "count", "Number of runs to drop from results", False, 0, 5), create {ARGUMENT_NATURAL_SWITCH}.make_with_range (skip_maximum_switch, "Skip runs with maximum time", True, False, "count", "Number of runs to drop from results", False, 0, 5), create {ARGUMENT_NATURAL_SWITCH}.make_with_range (processor_count_switch, "Restrict the number of processors that can be used", True, False, "count", "Number of logical processors", False, 0, 64), create {ARGUMENT_FLAG_SWITCH}.make (format_switch, "Output format", True, False, "kind", "Kind of a format to be used", False, format, True), create {ARGUMENT_DIRECTORY_SWITCH}.make (directory_switch, "Working directory", True, False, "dir", "Directory path (current directory by default)", False), create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (header_switch, "Generate headers", True, False) >>) end feature {NONE} -- Statistics m: DOUBLE_MATH -- Arithmetics. once create Result end end