--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General Public --| License version 2. Newly discovered bugs and deficiencies in the EiffelWeasel tester: ================================================================= 1. When eweasel runs many tests, it gradually runs out of file descriptors, starting with the highest numbered one available and working down. Eventually, it stops with the error "Too many open files". I have not yet been able to pin this bug down. It does not seem to be my error. It might be an OS bug. For now, either don't run too many tests at once (it died after 266 tests on my machine) or use the command `limit descriptors 256' to increase the number of file descriptors available. 2. The batch compiler does not always detect that a file has changed if the change occurs less than one second after the previous change. Due to this bug, I have modified eweasel to wait one second before copying a file, but only when necessary to avoid problems. This slows eweasel down a little bit, but ensures that incrementality tests give the correct results. 3. Predefined substitution variables such as TEST and CLUSTER can be redefined by a test. This should probably not be allowed. 4. The `execute_result' instruction currently only allows `ok' as the result. 5. Line number may not be omitted in a compile_result instruction such as `compile_result syntax_error TEST 15'. 6. Very deeply nested includes cause a "too many open files" error. This should not cause any practical problems. Known bugs and deficiencies in the EiffelWeasel tester: ====================================================== 1. Parentheses around a substitution variable to set it off from surrounding text has not been implemented. Also, a reference to a substitution variable which has no defined value usually does not elicit an error message (although it should), but the test will usually fail in an obvious way since the substitution is not performed. 2. The cpu_limit instruction is parsed and error checked, but has no effect when the test control file is executed. 3. The append_output and manual_check instructions are not implemented at all. 4. There should be more advanced facilities for selecting tests from the catalog for execution. Filters should be extended to allow and, or, xor, nor, minus and not operators. 5. Tests in the test suite catalog which include the keywords "loop", "very_long" or "not_done" should not be executed since they will either loop, take a *very* long time or not work properly.