To install EiffelWeasel ======================= In the following UNPACK_DIR is the directory where you put the distribution file eweasel.tar.gz. INSTALL_DIR is the directory where you want to install EiffelWeasel. 1. Unpack the distribution: [Put eweasel.tar.gz in UNPACK_DIR] cd UNPACK_DIR gunzip eweasel.tar.gz cd INSTALL_DIR tar xvf UNPACK_DIR/eweasel.tar Creates eweasel directory tree in INSTALL_DIR. 2. Set EWEASEL environment variable: setenv EWEASEL INSTALL_DIR/eweasel eweasel is the main EiffelWeasel directory that has sub-directories source, bin, and so forth. For me, this is setenv EWEASEL /marten/eweasel 3. Repeat this step once for each platform on which you want to install EiffelWeasel: Make sure ISE_EIFFEL and ISE_PLATFORM environment variables are set correctly for the platform. Execute the eweasel compilation shell script: $EWEASEL/compilation/install_eweasel [-keep] This compiles all C code needed by EiffelWeasel, builds library eweasel.a in platform-specific directory, compiles EiffelWeasel itself (finalizes it) in platform-specific directory, compiles the generated C code and copies the executable to: $EWEASEL/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin/eweasel If you do not specify the "-keep" option, all *.o files and the entire EIFGEN tree from compiling eweasel are deleted at the end. To run EiffelWeasel =================== Make sure the following environment variables are correctly set: EWEASEL ISE_EIFFEL ISE_PLATFORM Set the following csh alias (or equivalent in another shell): alias ew '$EWEASEL/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/bin/eweasel -d HOME /home/dhollen -d INCLUDE $EWEASEL/control -d EWEASEL $EWEASEL -d ISE_EIFFEL $ISE_EIFFEL -d ISE_PLATFORM $ISE_PLATFORM -d VERSION 5.2 \!* $EWEASEL/control/init $EWEASEL/control/catalog /marten/test' In the above alias, you'll need to change "/home/dhollen" to your home directory (not sure if this is used for anything). You must also change "/marten/test" to the output directory you want to use (directory where tests are executed). If you want to use a different version of the compiler, just change the value of the $ISE_EIFFEL and/or $ISE_PLATFORM environment variables. You can then run tests with commands like: ew -f 'test generic-zero-parms' Run test generic-zero-parms ew -k -f 'test generic-zero-parms' Also keep output directory ew -f 'kw pass' Run all tests with keyword "pass" ew Run all tests Before running any of the tests, you'll need a precompiled EiffelBase. You should create it by copying the file eiffelbase_precomp.ace in this directory to $ISE_EIFFEL/precomp/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/base/Ace.ace and then precompiling EiffelBase. Please contact me if you have any problems or if you have any questions about how EiffelWeasel works. -- Dave