--| Copyright (c) 1993-2020 University of Southern California, Eiffel Software and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General Public --| License version 2. -- This is a test catalog. source_path $BUGS -- Code analysis test ca-simple-violation codeanalysis001 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-load-preferences codeanalysis002 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-forced-rules-preferences codeanalysis003 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-various-warnings codeanalysis004 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-024-bug-001 codeanalysis005 tcf fail code_analysis test ca-071-bug-001 codeanalysis006 tcf pass code_analysis ca071 test ca-080-bug-001 codeanalysis007 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-030-001 codeanalysis008 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-051-001 codeanalysis009 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-059-001 codeanalysis010 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-060-001 codeanalysis011 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-063-001 codeanalysis012 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-064-001 codeanalysis013 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-065-001 codeanalysis014 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-066-001 codeanalysis015 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-079-001 codeanalysis016 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-088-001 codeanalysis017 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-089-001 codeanalysis018 tcf pass code_analysis test ca-unread-variable-leftover codeanalysis019 tcf pass code_analysis ca020 test ca-obsolete-feature-call codeanalysis020 tcf pass code_analysis ca069 obsolete_call test ca-obsolete-assigner-query codeanalysis021 tcf pass code_analysis ca069 obsolete_call test ca-obsolete-assigner-command codeanalysis022 tcf pass code_analysis ca069 obsolete_call test ca-obsolete-feature-call-date codeanalysis023 tcf pass code_analysis ca069 obsolete_call test ca-obsolete-feature-date codeanalysis024 tcf pass code_analysis ca070 obsolete_call test ca-query-in-agent-failure codeanalysis025 tcf pass code_analysis ca045 test ca-local-only-initializes-result codeanalysis026 tcf pass code_analysis ca050 test ca-self-comparison codeanalysis027 tcf pass code_analysis ca071 test ca-inequality-in-conditional codeanalysis028 tcf pass code_analysis ca046 test ca-empty-compound-in-conditional codeanalysis029 tcf pass code_analysis ca017 test ca-manifest-array-type-mismatch codeanalysis030 tcf pass code_analysis ca093 test ca-local-used-in-creation-argument codeanalysis031 tcf pass code_analysis ca020 test ca-unused-local-assignment-from-detachable codeanalysis032 tcf pass code_analysis ca020 test ca-unreachable-branching-code codeanalysis033 tcf pass code_analysis ca022 -- EiffelTime tests test make-from-string datetimestring001 tcf pass time test time-duration duration001 tcf pass time test date-duration duration002 tcf pass time test date-time-duration duration003 tcf pass time test large-date-time-duration duration004 tcf pass time test time-bug-reports time001 tcf pass time test date-duration-with-leap-years time002 tcf pass time test date-time-with-epoch time003 tcf pass time test date-make-by-days time004 tcf pass time test date-make-by-days-min-value time005 tcf fail time test mt-date-time-duration-failure time006 tcf pass time test mt-cdate-bogus time007 tcf fail used_to_pass time -- EiffelBase tests test array-is-equal array001 tcf pass array test array-consistency array002 tcf pass array array2 test array-has array003 tcf pass array test array-occurrences array004 tcf pass array test array2-wipe-out array005 tcf pass array array2 test manifest-array-invariant array006 tcf pass array test array-force array007 tcf pass array test array2-basics array008 tcf pass array array2 test array-force-precondition array009 tcf pass array test array-binary-search-overflow array010 tcf fail array test array-force2 array011 tcf fail array test array-operation-violations array012 tcf pass array test array-force_and_fill array013 tcf pass array test list-is-equal list001 tcf pass list test list-put-extend list002 tcf pass list test clone-list list003 tcf pass list test merge-arrayed-list list004 tcf pass list test remove-prune-arrayed-list list005 tcf pass list test duplicate-arrayed-list list006 tcf pass list test insert-arrayed-list list007 tcf pass list test arrayed-list-prune-all list008 tcf pass list test arrayed-list-put-* list009 tcf pass list test fixed-list-queries list010 tcf pass list test merging-compatible-arrayed-list list011 tcf pass list test sorted-two-way-list-invariant-violation list012 tcf pass list test do-all-with-index-arrayed-list list013 tcf pass list test two-way-list-merge list014 tcf pass list test chain-move list015 tcf pass list test linked-list-operations list016 tcf fail list test two-way-list-merge-right list017 tcf fail list test priority-queue-basics queue001 tcf pass queue test heap-priority-queue-remove queue002 tcf pass queue test queue-linear queue003 tcf pass queue test arrayed_queue_is_equal queue004 tcf fail queue test disjoint-sets set001 tcf pass set test disjoint-sets-expanded set001a tcf pass set test disjoint-sets-heterogenous set001b tcf pass set test symdif-sets set002 tcf pass set test symdif-sets-heterogenous set002a tcf pass set test prune-tree-set set003 tcf pass set test linear-subset-move set004 tcf pass set test void-items-set-crash set005 tcf fail used_to_pass set test various-set-operations set006 tcf pass set test various-set-operations2 set007 tcf fail set test linear-subset-operations set008 tcf fail set test linked-set-operations set009 tcf fail set test subset-strategy-generic-disjoint set010 tcf fail set test subset-strategy-hashable set011 tcf fail set test traversable-subset-is-subset set012 tcf fail set test two-way-sorted-set-operations set013 tcf fail set test linear_subset_valid_index set014 tcf pass set test linked-set-wrong-postcondition set015 tcf fail set test duplicate-postcondition set016 tcf pass set test two-way-sorted-set-prune-all set017 tcf fail set test tree-is-equal tree001 tcf pass tree test tree-clone tree002 tcf pass tree test tree-tests tree003 tcf pass tree test tree-copy tree004 tcf pass tree test binary-tree-various-operations tree005 tcf fail tree test two-way-tree-fill tree006 tcf fail tree test tree-various-operations tree007 tcf fail tree test two-way-tree-operations tree008 tcf fail tree test string-regression string001 tcf pass string unicode test check-lower-upper-unicode string002 tcf pass string unicode test manifest-string32-constants string003 tcf pass string test string-concatenation-conversion string004 tcf pass string unicode conversion test insert-default-key table001 tcf pass table test replace_key_cycle table002 tcf pass table test replace_key_conflict_not_found table003 tcf pass table test replace_key_replace_item table004 tcf pass table test iteration-with-default-key table005 tcf pass table iteration test infinite-loop-on-removal-then-addition table006 tcf pass table test remove-default-key table007 tcf pass table test current_keys_void_safe table008 tcf pass table test extend-after-removal-failures table009 tcf pass table test valid-iteration-index-failure table010 tcf pass table test table-disjoint table011 tcf pass table test hash-table-is-equal table012 tcf fail table test string-table-duplicate-caseless-insertion table013 tcf pass table test hash_table-remove-precondition table014 tcf pass table test recursive-delete-with-symlinks directory001 tcf pass directory test directory-multibyte-delete directory002 tcf pass directory library unicode test basic-iterations iteration001 tcf pass iteration test iteration-cursor-two-generics iteration002 tcf pass iteration formal generic test indexable-iteration-cursor iteration003 tcf pass iteration test iteration-with-renaming iteration004 tcf pass iteration test chain-count chain001 tcf fail chain test integer_interval_size interval001 tcf fail interval test linked-stack-operations stack001 tcf fail stack -- EiffelNet test test net-out-of-descriptor net001 tcf pass net test net-connect-failure net002 tcf pass net multithreaded -- EiffelStore test test eiffelstore_various_functions eiffelstore001 tcf fail used_to_pass eiffelstore -- Unicode test unicode_manifest_string_char_and_constants unicode001 tcf pass unicode test unicode_free_operator unicode002 tcf pass unicode test big_extended_ascii_src unicode003 tcf pass unicode test extended_ascii_string_compatibility unicode004 tcf pass unicode test manifest-string-with-null-character unicode005 tcf pass unicode test invalid-manifest-string-8-with-unicode unicode006 tcf pass unicode test unicode-white-space-character unicode007 tcf pass unicode test unicode-multibyte-utf_8 unicode008 tcf pass unicode -- Non Conforming Inheritance test basic-non-conforming-inheritance noncon001 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-inheritance-conformance noncon002 tcf pass non-conforming conformance test non-conforming-inheritance-incrementality noncon003 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-inheritance-parent-incrementality noncon004 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-inheritance-is-selectable noncon005 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-parent-can-be-frozen noncon006 tcf pass non-conforming test at-least-one-conforming-inheritance-path noncon007 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-inheritance-client-incrementality noncon008 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-finalization-postcondition-violation noncon009 tcf pass non-conforming test no-repeated-non-conforming-inheritance noncon010 tcf pass used_to_pass non-conforming test repeated-non-conforming-inheritance-of-generic-type noncon011 tcf pass non-conforming test repeated-non-conforming-inheritance-of-generic-type-from-parents noncon012 tcf pass non-conforming test feature-inherits-export-status noncon013 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conform-once-inheritance noncon014 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conform-generic-class noncon015 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conform-arguments noncon016 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conform-infinite-loop noncon017 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conform-precondition-inheritance noncon019 tcf pass non-conforming test incorrect-vrle-error noncon020 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-reference-attribute-access noncon021 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-constant-access noncon022 tcf pass non-conforming test non-conforming-crash noncon023 tcf pass non-conforming test finalize-with-nonconforming-inheritance noncon024 tcf pass finalizing non-conforming test inline-with-nonconforming-inheritance noncon025 tcf pass finalizing non-conforming inlining test non-conforming-inheritance-export-status noncon026 tcf pass non-conforming validity export -- Replication test replicate-precursor replication001 tcf pass replication test replicated-feature-merge replication002 tcf pass replication test wrong-vdpr-error replication003 tcf fail used_to_pass replication test vmcs-warning1 replication004 tcf pass replication test vmcs-warning2 replication005 tcf fail used_to_pass replication test repeated-onces replication006 tcf pass replication test nc-replication-not-apply-vmcs replication007 tcf fail used_to_pass replication test undefinition-after-assertion-replication replication008 tcf pass replication assertion test precompile-with-replication replication009 tcf fail used_to_pass replication precompilation -- For testing only -- test keep-recompiling fake001 tcf testing test test-auto-resize fake002 tcf pass test many-similar-class-names fake003 tcf pass test test1 fake004 tcf pass test test2 fake005 tcf pass test whip-it-good fake006 tcf pass -- Syntax tests test generic-zero-parms syntax001 tcf pass syntax test no-index-tag syntax002 tcf pass syntax test semicolons-not-optional syntax003 tcf pass syntax test empty-export-feature-list syntax004 tcf pass syntax test empty-multi-branch-choices syntax005 tcf pass syntax test zero-equals-zero syntax006 tcf pass syntax test syntax-disagreements-1 syntax007 tcf pass syntax test creation-client-no-feats syntax008 tcf pass syntax test empty-strip-expression syntax009 tcf pass syntax test empty-manifest-array syntax010 tcf pass syntax test valid-anchored-decl syntax011 tcf fail syntax test empty-index-list syntax013 tcf pass syntax test free-operator-reject syntax014 tcf fail syntax test long-string-constant syntax015 tcf pass syntax test strip-no-prefix-opers syntax016 tcf fail syntax test std-operator-case-sensitive syntax017 tcf pass syntax test syntax-disagreements-2 syntax018 tcf pass syntax test illegal-multi-branch syntax019 tcf pass syntax test reserved-words-not syntax020 tcf pass syntax test invalid-generic-constraint3 syntax021 tcf pass syntax test std-operator-trailing-null syntax022 tcf pass syntax test not-all-chars-significant syntax023 tcf pass syntax test manifest-string-blank-lines syntax024 tcf fail syntax test null-or-ctrl-a-syntax syntax025 tcf pass syntax test fairly-long-identifier syntax026 tcf pass syntax test routine-empty-arg-list syntax027 tcf pass syntax test manifest-string-percent-space syntax028 tcf fail syntax test external-lower-case-c-lang syntax029 tcf pass syntax test include-missing-last-delimiter syntax030 tcf pass syntax test external-tab-after-macro syntax031 tcf pass syntax test external-proc-sig-return-type syntax032 tcf pass syntax test point-e-one-real-constant syntax033 tcf pass syntax test qualified-call-e-forty-seven syntax034 tcf pass syntax test alias-pass-feature-address syntax035 tcf pass syntax test assign-addr-expr-to-pointer syntax036 tcf fail syntax test cast-arg-type-with-parens syntax037 tcf fail syntax test bogus-string-syntax-error syntax038 tcf pass syntax test trailing-indexing-no-semicolon syntax039 tcf fail used_to_pass syntax test external-with-punctuation syntax040 tcf pass syntax test generic-create-empty-feat-list syntax041 tcf fail syntax test external-nonwhite-chars-ignored syntax042 tcf pass syntax test agent-parens-zero-args syntax043 tcf pass syntax agent test empty-convert-clause syntax044 tcf fail syntax test verbatim-manifest-string syntax045 tcf pass syntax test integer-constant-range syntax046 tcf pass syntax test multi-syntax-error syntax047 tcf pass syntax test indexing-notes-syntax syntax048 tcf pass syntax indexing note test loop-variant-syntax syntax049 tcf pass syntax loop variant test assigner-on-creation-expression syntax050 tcf pass syntax assigner test external-dll-name syntax051 tcf pass syntax external test attached_tuple_element syntax052 tcf pass syntax tuple attached test obsolete-inline-agent syntax053 tcf fail syntax agent obsolete_call test invalid-manifest-type-char-constant syntax054 tcf pass syntax test note-syntax syntax055 tcf pass syntax test attached-syntax syntax056 tcf pass syntax attached test external-with-invalid-use syntax057 tcf pass syntax test bracket-expression-on-manifest-type syntax058 tcf pass syntax bracket_expression test across-loop-syntax syntax059 tcf pass syntax loop variant invariant across iteration test object-test-expression syntax060 tcf pass syntax object_test test constrained-generic-without-type syntax061 tcf pass syntax formal generic test loop-instruction-as-expression syntax062 tcf pass syntax loop instruction expression across iteration test non-conforming-inheritance-empty-select syntax063 tcf pass syntax non-conforming test multiple-semicolons-after-feature syntax064 tcf fail syntax test non-decimal-percent-char-codes syntax065 tcf pass syntax test number-end-without-break syntax066 tcf fail syntax test empty-array-tuple-wrong-error-line syntax067 tcf pass syntax test once-followed-by-static-call syntax068 tcf fail syntax test syntax-obsolete-typed-string syntax069 tcf pass syntax test inline-separate-instruction-syntax syntax070 tcf pass syntax scoop separate test object-test-with-operators syntax071 tcf fail syntax attached_types void_safe test bracket-expression-as-bracket-target syntax072 tcf pass syntax bracket_expression test across-loop-unicode-syntax syntax073 tcf pass syntax loop across iteration unicode pretty test built-in-unicode-operators-syntax syntax074 tcf pass syntax unicode expression execution test renaming-to-multiple-aliases syntax075 tcf pass syntax rename alias test operators-and-aliases-with-slashes syntax076 tcf pass syntax operator alias -- Validity tests test bad-class-end-comment valid001 tcf pass validity test bad-infix-feature valid002 tcf pass validity test class-not-in-universe valid003 tcf pass validity test invalid-local-rescue valid004 tcf pass validity test local-same-as-formal valid005 tcf pass validity test invalid-precondition valid006 tcf pass validity test invalid-use-of-old valid007 tcf pass validity test invalid-entity-assertion-tag valid008 tcf pass validity test anchored-type-violation valid011 tcf pass validity test invalid-creation-instruction valid012 tcf pass validity test inherited-assign-violation valid013 tcf pass validity test illegal-formal-generic valid014 tcf pass validity test none-as-formal-generic valid015 tcf pass validity test require-else-ensure-then valid016 tcf pass validity test void-as-bool-or-int valid017 tcf pass validity test illegal-address-use valid018 tcf pass validity test redefine-subclause-violation valid019 tcf pass validity test expanded-type-violation2 valid020 tcf pass validity test expanded-type-avail-viol valid021 tcf pass validity test anchored-formal-generic valid022 tcf pass validity test invalid-generic-constraint2 valid023 tcf pass validity test export-validity-viol valid024 tcf pass validity test bad-external-language valid025 tcf pass validity test basic-type-generic-deriv valid026 tcf pass validity test bad-generic-deriv-creation-type valid027 tcf pass validity test generic-parm-conform valid028 tcf pass validity test deferred-root-class valid029 tcf pass validity test expanded-redeclaration valid030 tcf pass validity test valid-feature-rename valid031 tcf pass validity test valid-repeated-inheritance valid032 tcf pass validity test valid-like-generic-deriv valid033 tcf pass validity test valid-repeated-inheritance2 valid034 tcf pass validity test conformance-inconsistency valid035 tcf pass validity conformance test multi-branch-empty-intervals valid036 tcf pass validity test op-feat-cant-be-used valid037 tcf pass validity test addr-args-not-pointer valid038 tcf pass validity test valid-once-redefine valid039 tcf pass validity test valid-once-undefine valid040 tcf pass validity test result-in-none-func valid041 tcf pass validity test repeat-inher-vmrc-violation valid042 tcf pass validity test manifest-array-conform valid043 tcf pass validity test vtct-on-generic-5 valid045 tcf pass validity test actual-generic-anchor-feat valid046 tcf pass validity test valid-actual-generic valid047 tcf pass validity test redecl-violation valid048 tcf pass validity test local-entity-wrong-error valid049 tcf pass validity test vuar-called-vuex valid050 tcf pass validity test generic-constrained-by-generic valid052 tcf pass validity test vuar-called-vuar2 valid054 tcf pass validity test vtug-called-vtug3 valid055 tcf pass validity test pointer-ref-conformance valid056 tcf pass validity conformance test spurious-vgcc2 valid057 tcf pass validity test illegal-attributes valid058 tcf pass validity test rename-feature-to-self valid059 tcf pass validity test generic-expanded-client2 valid060 tcf pass validity test old-in-precond-bogus-vaol2 valid061 tcf pass validity test old-result valid062 tcf pass validity test exclude-recompile-vd14 valid063 tcf pass validity test expanded-multi-creation-procs valid064 tcf pass validity test vreg-formal-multiple valid065 tcf pass validity test nonexistent-vlec valid066 tcf fail validity test old-void valid067 tcf pass validity test veen-on-hashable-default valid068 tcf pass validity test all-unique-bogus-vomb-3 valid069 tcf fail validity test vtug1-called-vtug2 valid070 tcf pass validity test vtug2-called-vtug1 valid071 tcf pass validity test vgcc5-called-vgcc6 valid072 tcf fail validity test undefine-external-make-internal valid073 tcf pass validity test vgcc4-called-vgcc6 valid074 tcf fail validity test vqmc-extra-bogus-vffd7 valid075 tcf pass validity test undef-mult-precursors valid076 tcf fail validity test vjaw-called-vuar1 valid077 tcf pass validity test vkcn-sneak valid078 tcf pass validity test replicated-feat-multiple-select valid079 tcf fail validity test double-assigned-to-real valid080 tcf pass validity test precondition-too-secret valid081 tcf pass validity test selective-export-operator-feat valid082 tcf pass validity test operator-feat-export-to-self valid083 tcf pass validity test vape-involving-current valid084 tcf pass validity test secret-precondition-heir-export valid085 tcf pass validity test secret-func-arg-in-precondition valid086 tcf pass validity test vtct-on-valid-class valid087 tcf pass validity test creation-proc-secret-precond valid088 tcf fail validity test join-features-invalid-vuex valid089 tcf pass validity test switch-parents-vuex-gone valid090 tcf fail validity test inspect-char-inside-inspect-int valid091 tcf pass validity inspect test vomb2-called-veen valid092 tcf pass validity test vtcg-instead-of-vtug2 valid093 tcf pass validity test misleading-vhrc2-and-vhrc3 valid094 tcf pass validity test precond-call-chain-vape valid095 tcf pass validity test like-current-generic-vlec valid096 tcf pass validity test generic-attr-call-bad-type valid097 tcf pass validity test expanded-generic-conformance valid098 tcf pass validity conformance test bogus-vtcg valid099 tcf pass validity test creation-bad-actual-generic valid100 tcf pass validity test inheritance-bad-actual-generic valid101 tcf pass validity test attribute-anchored-to-generic valid102 tcf pass validity test two-anchored-actual-generics valid103 tcf pass validity test merge-anchored-bogus-vdjr valid104 tcf pass validity test replicate-then-share valid105 tcf fail validity test inherit-any-not-ancestor valid106 tcf pass validity test compare-procedure-to-void valid107 tcf pass validity test explicit-creation-bad-generic valid108 tcf pass validity test tricky-constraint-with-generic valid109 tcf pass validity test vgcc-called-vuar1 valid112 tcf pass validity test procedure-in-tuple valid113 tcf pass validity tuple test generic-constraint-not-used valid114 tcf pass validity test two-generic-precursors valid115 tcf pass validity test invariant-result-address valid116 tcf pass validity test two-precursors-same-parent valid117 tcf pass validity test bogus-vdpr2 valid118 tcf fail validity test nonconforming-generic-creation valid119 tcf pass validity test unreferenced-locals valid120 tcf pass validity array2 test default-create-no-vd27 valid121 tcf pass validity test agent-bad-actual-generic valid122 tcf pass validity agent test restricted-creation-wrong-vtcg valid123 tcf pass validity test inherited-vgcc valid124 tcf pass validity test inherited-vjar valid125 tcf pass validity test generic-like-current-vjar valid126 tcf pass validity test vwoe-on-integer-remainder valid127 tcf pass validity test generic-static-vtcg valid128 tcf pass validity test inconsistent-vsta1 valid129 tcf pass validity test bogus-vd43 valid130 tcf pass validity test anchored-argument-bogus-vdjr valid131 tcf pass validity test vdrd3-ensure-then valid132 tcf pass validity test indirect-vlec valid133 tcf pass validity test generic-create-deferred valid134 tcf fail validity test assign-minimum-integer-vjar valid137 tcf pass validity test anchored-bogus-vsrp2 valid138 tcf pass validity test default-create-vtcg valid139 tcf pass validity test clients-duplicate-class-name valid140 tcf fail validity test manifest-string-vqmc-sneak valid141 tcf pass validity test c-inline-without-alias valid142 tcf pass validity test cpp-delete-anchored-arg valid143 tcf pass validity test pass-manifest-array-expanded valid144 tcf pass validity test expanded-expanded-conformance valid145 tcf pass validity conformance test precompiled-vdcn-sneak valid146 tcf pass validity test cluster-include-std-class-file valid147 tcf pass validity test nested-manifest-array-vuar valid148 tcf pass validity test undefine-external-vdus2 valid149 tcf pass validity test static-ext-inherit-assertion valid150 tcf pass validity instance_free test deferred-change-signature valid151 tcf fail validity test agent-open-operand-generic valid152 tcf fail validity agent test prefix-at-not-equal valid153 tcf pass validity test convert-from-array-none valid154 tcf pass validity test expanded-formal-generic valid155 tcf fail validity test convert-manifest-array-to-array valid156 tcf pass validity test convert-on-precursor-and-anchors valid157 tcf pass validity test vtug-not-reported-on-anchor valid158 tcf pass validity test inspect-with-anchor-type valid159 tcf pass validity inspect test array-double-array-none valid160 tcf pass validity test missing-vuar-on-argument-anchor valid161 tcf fail validity test vtat-reported-on-valid-anchoring valid162 tcf pass validity test valid-manifest-arrays-tuples valid163 tcf pass validity tuple test agent-on-anchored-target valid164 tcf pass validity agent test creation-on-anchor-which-is-formal valid165 tcf pass validity test formal-conversion-to-reference valid166 tcf pass validity test like-boolean-in-boolean-expressions valid167 tcf pass validity test like-anchor-instantiation-in-generic valid168 tcf pass validity test incorrect-vgcc1-error valid169 tcf pass validity test like-current-as-actual-generic valid170 tcf pass validity test inherit-like-anchor-to-like-current valid171 tcf pass validity test conversion-on-type-with-like-current valid172 tcf pass validity test open-agen-target-wrong_type valid173 tcf pass validity test override-bogus-export-error valid174 tcf pass validity test static-call-on-formal-generic-type valid175 tcf pass validity test inherited-generic-type-validation valid176 tcf pass validity test invalid-assignment-to-like-curent valid177 tcf pass validity test named-tuple-creation valid178 tcf pass validity tuple test formal-as-argument-no-conformance valid179 tcf pass validity conformance test inherited-infix-type-checking-failure valid180 tcf pass validity test inherited-agent-with-formal-in-assertions valid181 tcf pass validity agent test expanded-conformance valid182 tcf pass validity conformance test expanded-none-conformance valid183 tcf pass validity conformance test once-inline-agent valid184 tcf pass validity agent test precursor-in-invariant valid185 tcf pass validity test precursor-in-inline-agent valid186 tcf pass validity agent test octal-integer-error valid187 tcf pass validity test binary-integer-error valid188 tcf pass validity test binary-octal-representation valid189 tcf pass validity test manifest-character-encoding valid190 tcf pass validity test character-encoded-too-large valid191 tcf pass validity test creation-procedure-restriction valid192 tcf pass validity test inspect-on-different-unique valid193 tcf pass validity unique inspect test excessive-unique-constants valid194 tcf pass validity unique test convert-to-current-type valid195 tcf fail validity vycq convert test convert-to-possible-actual-type valid196 tcf fail validity vycq convert test convert-to-base-class valid197 tcf fail validity vycq convert test convert-to-base-class-inherited valid198 tcf pass validity vycq convert test convert-to-base-class-inherited2 valid199 tcf pass validity vycq convert test convert-to-base-class-inherited3 valid200 tcf pass validity vycq convert test formal-as-base-type-for-generic valid201 tcf pass validity formal generic test single-constraint-formal-renaming valid202 tcf pass validity formal generic test inherit-from-expanded valid203 tcf fail used_to_pass validity frozen expanded test recheck-assertion-feature-renamed valid204 tcf pass validity assertion renaming test recursive-generic-constraint-with-creation valid205 tcf pass validity test named-tuple-in-parent-constraint-clauses valid206 tcf pass validity tuple test valid-generic-derivation valid207 tcf pass validity test creation-constraint-like-current-deferred valid208 tcf pass validity test creation-constraint-like-current-deferred2 valid209 tcf pass validity test vtcg-expanded valid210 tcf pass validity test vtcg-generic valid211 tcf pass validity test wrong-vgcc valid212 tcf pass validity test named-tuple-convert-conformance valid213 tcf pass validity tuple conformance test nested-generics-creation-readiness valid214 tcf pass validity test static-comparison-test valid215 tcf pass validity test generic-creation-constraint valid216 tcf fail validity test precursor-once valid217 tcf fail validity test freezing-like-current valid218 tcf pass validity test obsolete-warning-in-obsolete-feature valid219 tcf pass validity obsolete_call test ancestor-anchor-type valid220 tcf pass validity test vtug2-not-reported-crash valid221 tcf pass validity test invalid-redefinition valid222 tcf pass validity test void-safe-static-call valid223 tcf pass validity attached_types test vrft-in-nested-tuple-type valid224 tcf pass validity tuple test extra-vtcg-with-full-checking valid225 tcf pass validity test reference-generic-expanded-actual valid226 tcf pass validity test expanded-generic-reference-actual valid227 tcf pass validity test bogus-vevi-on-invalid-inspect valid228 tcf pass validity inspect test bogus-vevi-on-inspect-empty-interval valid229 tcf pass validity inspect test inline-c-external-without-alias valid230 tcf fail validity test validity-in-empty-case valid231 tcf pass validity test redefine-deferred-to-effective valid232 tcf fail validity test redefine-2-deferred-to-effective valid233 tcf pass validity test redefine-effective-to-deferred valid234 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test undefine-renamed-deferred valid235 tcf pass validity test undefine-redefine-to-effective valid236 tcf fail validity test effective-redefinition valid237 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test selecting-renamed-feature valid238 tcf fail validity test diamond-pattern-vmrc valid239 tcf pass validity test explicit-attachment-mark-convert-fail valid240 tcf pass validity test indirect-type-evaluation valid241 tcf pass validity formal multiconstraint generic anchored_type test undetected-vycp-vycq-with-generic valid242 tcf fail validity test inherited-binary-with-generic valid243 tcf pass validity formal generic binary operator multiconstraint test bogus-vuta-on-procedure-target valid244 tcf pass validity attached void_safe test explicit-anchored-expanded-creation-type valid245 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test inherited-conversion-to-like-current valid246 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test undetected-vycq-error valid247 tcf pass validity conversion test infix-prefix-alias-compatibility valid248 tcf pass validity test assigner-validity-rules valid249 tcf pass assigner validity test assigner-wrong-vbac valid250 tcf pass assigner validity test bogus-veen-on-object-test-local valid251 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test undetected-vuot-error valid252 tcf pass validity test equality-of-conforming-classes valid253 tcf pass validity equality conformance attached_types test missing-vhpr-with-different-generic-derivation valid255 tcf pass validity incrementality test wrong-vdpr-errors valid256 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test wrong-manifest-array-attached-type valid257 tcf pass validity test select-stable-attribute valid258 tcf pass validity stable attribute test precompilation-task-failure valid259 tcf pass validity test manifest_char_type valid260 tcf pass validity test inherited-generic-agent-argument valid261 tcf pass validity formal generic agent test conversion_without_binary_operator valid262 tcf pass validity test manifest-real-to-real-32-conformance valid263 tcf pass validity ieee test generic-rename-with-alias valid264 tcf fail validity generic rename test variant-with-anchored-type valid265 tcf pass validity test vtcg7-precondition-violation valid266 tcf pass validity test bogus-vdrd2-error valid267 tcf fail validity test crash-on-veen2a valid268 tcf pass validity test bogus-vsrp3-with-require-else-false valid269 tcf fail used_to_pass validity test spurious-vuot-in-assertion valid270 tcf pass validity object_test test spurious-vweq-warning valid271 tcf pass validity test non-conforming-missing-vmss3 valid272 tcf pass validity non-conforming test spurious-vtgc3-with-vmfn valid273 tcf fail validity test duplicate-vfac1 valid274 tcf pass validity assigner test non-conforming-equality valid275 tcf pass validity conformance non-conforming equality warning test missing-assigner-feature valid276 tcf pass validity assigner fixed test insufficiently-exported-assigner-feature valid277 tcf pass validity assigner test invalid-static-inspect-constant valid278 tcf pass validity inspect test wrong-tuple-type-in-descendants valid279 tcf fail validity test bogus-vjar-error valid280 tcf pass validity anchored_type test bogus-vdrd6-error valid281 tcf fail validity test missing-vuar2-error valid282 tcf pass validity anchored_type system-validity test missing-vuar2-error-2 valid283 tcf pass validity anchored_type system-validity test missing-vjar-error valid284 tcf pass validity anchored_type system-validity test missing-vjar-error-2 valid285 tcf pass validity anchored_type system-validity test parenthesis-alias-tuple-vuar valid286 tcf pass validity parenthesis_alias conversion tuple conformance test conversion-on-separate-target valid287 tcf fail validity conversion scoop test wrong-type-for-manifest-array-in-across valid288 tcf pass validity manifest_array across test obsolete-feature-call-with-body valid289 tcf pass validity warning attribute obsolete_call test obsolete-assigner-query valid290 tcf pass validity warning obsolete_call test obsolete-assigner-command valid291 tcf pass validity warning obsolete_call test typed-manifest-array-item-validity valid292 tcf pass validity manifest_array test typed-manifest-array-type-validity valid293 tcf pass validity manifest_array test identifier-scope-validity valid294 tcf pass validity scope argument local object_test separate iteration agent test identifier-scope-validity-recompilation valid295 tcf pass validity scope argument local object_test separate iteration agent incrementality test obsolete-feature-call-date valid296 tcf pass validity warning obsolete_call test redeclaration-export-status valid297 tcf fail validity export test adaptation-export-status valid298 tcf fail validity export test anchored-argument-on-merged-feature valid299 tcf pass validity anchored_type -- Multiple error reporting tests test multi-error-degree-4 multierr001 tcf pass multi-errors test degree-5-forget-error multierr002 tcf pass multi-errors test degree-5-infinite-loop multierr003 tcf pass multi-errors test multi-invalid-signature multierr004 tcf pass multi-errors test error-in-manifest-array-tuple multierr005 tcf pass multi-errors tuple test error-in-elsif multierr006 tcf pass multi-errors test failing-to-recompile-descendant multierr007 tcf pass multi-errors test recompile-descendant-code multierr008 tcf pass multi-errors test recompile-assertion-descendant-code multierr009 tcf pass multi-errors test precondition-vdpr-fail-to-check-body multierr010 tcf pass multi-errors test binary-op-fail-to-check-second-operand multierr011 tcf fail used_to_pass multi-errors -- System validity tests test svalid-infix-with-conversion svalid001 tcf pass system-validity assigner test svalid-rename-constant-inspect svalid002 tcf pass system-validity inspect test svalid-incremental-check svalid003 tcf pass system-validity test precursor-validity svalid004 tcf fail used_to_pass system-validity test obsolete-warning-not-repeated svalid005 tcf pass system-validity test proper-conversion-validity svalid006 tcf pass system-validity test svalid-conversion-with-formal svalid007 tcf pass system-validity test svalid-conversion-export-error svalid008 tcf pass system-validity test svalid-inherit-labeled-tuple svalid009 tcf pass system-validity test svalid-inherit-labeled-tuple-assign svalid010 tcf pass system-validity test conversion-take-deanchored-form svalid011 tcf pass system-validity conversion test inherited-conversion-crash svalid012 tcf pass system-validity conversion test unused-local-warning-not-repeated svalid013 tcf pass system-validity test inline-agent-inherited-crash svalid014 tcf pass system-validity agent test svalid-multi-constraint-inheritance svalid015 tcf pass system-validity multiconstraint test svalid-conversion-validity-error svalid016 tcf pass system-validity test svalid-inherited-invariant-not-checked svalid017 tcf fail system-validity test svalid-invalid-parent svalid018 tcf pass system-validity conversion test svalid-conversion-with-binary svalid019 tcf pass system-validity conversion test svalid-undetected-vwoe svalid020 tcf pass system-validity conversion test svalid-conversion-detachable svalid022 tcf pass system-validity conversion void_safety test svalid-missing-recheck svalid023 tcf fail system-validity conversion test inspect-inherited-static-access-missing-library svalid024 tcf pass system-validity inspect test svalid-inherited-agent-with-formal-switch svalid025 tcf pass system-validity agent test svalid-redefined-precursor-not-checked svalid026 tcf fail system-validity test svalid-conversion-forget svalid027 tcf fail system-validity conversion test svalid-generic-rename-with-alias svalid028 tcf pass system-validity generic rename test svalid-inherited-renamed-prefix svalid029 tcf pass system-validity rename test svalid-generic-creation svalid030 tcf pass system-validity generic test svalid-remove-bracket-alias-via-rename svalid031 tcf pass system-validity bracket_expression test svalid-inherit-like-argument svalid032 tcf fail system-validity anchored_type -- Exceptions test old-expression-exception except001 tcf pass exception test invariant-violation-on-entry except002 tcf pass exception test exception-during-evaluation-of-invariant-on-entry except003 tcf pass exception test exception-during-evaluation-of-precondition except004 tcf pass exception test precondition-violation except005 tcf pass exception test attached-target-violation-in-routine-body except006 tcf pass exception test exception-during-evaluation-of-invariant-on-exit except007 tcf pass exception test invariant-violation-on-exit except008 tcf pass exception test exception-during-evaluation-of-postcondition-on-exit except009 tcf pass exception test postcondition-violation except010 tcf pass exception test exception-in-rescue except011 tcf pass exception test raise-and-catch-user-defined-exception except012 tcf pass exception test ignoring-developer-exception except013 tcf pass exception test raising-catching-exception-in-once except014 tcf pass exception test stack-trace-indefinitely-grows except015 tcf pass exception test queries_of_exceptions_class_1 except016 tcf pass exception test queries_of_exceptions_class_2 except017 tcf pass exception test no_routine_failure_on_rescue_exception except018 tcf pass exception test memory_leak_when_retried except019 tcf fail used_to_pass exception test corrupted_trace except020 tcf pass exception test top_n_call_incorrect except021 tcf pass exception test incorrect_local_restoration except022 tcf pass exception test native_signal_number_in_exception except023 tcf pass exception test native_error_number_in_exception except024 tcf pass exception test native_error_number_ise_io_error except025 tcf fail used_to_pass exception test buffer_overflows_printing_trace except026 tcf pass exception test static_buffer_for_trace_not_thread_safe except027 tcf pass exception multithreaded test assertion_violations_in_onces except028 tcf pass exception test exception_on_invalid_object_has_no_trace except029 tcf pass exception test incorrect_once_trace_at_first_call except030 tcf pass exception test every_trace_has_root except031 tcf pass exception test trace_has_no_pass except032 tcf pass exception test precondition-violation-infinite-loop except033 tcf pass exception test last-exception-not-cleared except034 tcf pass exception test code-compatible-io-failure except035 tcf pass exception test original_routines_in_exceptions except036 tcf pass exception test exception_cause except037 tcf pass exception test io_exception_code except038 tcf pass exception test unicode_in_exception except039 tcf pass exception unicode -- Catcall tests test simple-catcall catcall001 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test simple-catcall-generic catcall002 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test catcall-check-failure-recursive-generic catcall003 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test catcall-generic catcall004 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test catcall-generic-numeric catcall005 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test catcall-at-runtime-detection catcall006 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test wrong-catcall-reported-on-generic-expanded catcall007 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test wrong-catcall-on-function-tuple catcall008 tcf fail catcall test catcall-on-tuple-insertion catcall009 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall tuple test simple-catcall-2 catcall010 tcf fail catcall test catcall-on-tuple-insertion-2 catcall011 tcf fail catcall test spurious-catcall-errors catcall012 tcf fail catcall test catcall-crash-with-conversion catcall013 tcf fail used_to_pass catcall test catcall-crash-at-runtime catcall014 tcf pass catcall -- Incrementality tests test vlec-sneak incr001 tcf pass incrementality test chg-inspect-const-type incr002 tcf pass incrementality inspect test vscn-sneak incr003 tcf pass incrementality test vuex-sneak incr004 tcf pass incrementality test vcfg-sneak incr005 tcf pass incrementality test vdrd-sneak incr006 tcf pass incrementality test vwbe-sneak incr007 tcf pass incrementality test vjrv-sneak incr008 tcf pass incrementality test vuar-sneak incr009 tcf pass incrementality test vtat-sneak incr010 tcf pass incrementality test veen-sneak incr011 tcf pass incrementality test vd29-sneak incr014 tcf pass incrementality test vtec-compiler-wrong incr015 tcf pass incrementality test chg-class-name incr016 tcf pass incrementality test switch-class-names incr017 tcf pass incrementality test vlec-compiler-wrong incr018 tcf pass incrementality test vdrd-compiler-wrong incr019 tcf pass incrementality test vd10-becomes-syntax-error incr021 tcf pass incrementality test generic-pass-one-twice incr022 tcf pass incrementality test expanded-deferred-exception incr023 tcf pass incrementality test vtug-retry incr024 tcf pass incrementality test valid-like-generic-deriv incr025 tcf pass incrementality test cut-long-client-chain incr026 tcf pass incrementality test generic-root-vcfg incr027 tcf pass incrementality test pass4-melt-exception incr028 tcf pass incrementality test deferred-to-const-attr incr029 tcf pass incrementality test repeated-func-to-attr incr030 tcf pass incrementality test external-info-exception incr031 tcf pass incrementality test mystery-bug incr032 tcf pass incrementality test dispatch-unit-exception incr033 tcf pass incrementality test unsolved-type incr034 tcf pass incrementality test chg-expanded-actual-generic incr035 tcf pass incrementality test chg-root-class-name incr036 tcf pass incrementality test del-add-kernel-cluster incr037 tcf pass incrementality test cannot-update-types incr038 tcf pass incrementality test add-generic-constraint incr039 tcf pass incrementality test intro-vwoe-precondition incr040 tcf pass incrementality test change-delete-invariant incr041 tcf pass incrementality test delete-add-invariant incr042 tcf pass incrementality test unique-not-unique incr043 tcf pass incrementality test unique-not-consecutive incr044 tcf pass incrementality test expanded-class-bad-behavior incr046 tcf pass incrementality test expanded-generic-exec-panic incr047 tcf pass incrementality test call-proc-print-attr incr048 tcf pass incrementality test remove-inheritance-cycle incr049 tcf pass incrementality test rename-secret-attribute incr050 tcf pass incrementality test add-vscn-violation incr051 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vd27 incr052 tcf pass incrementality test expand-attribute incr053 tcf pass incrementality test vdrd7-sneak incr054 tcf pass incrementality test move-external-make-do incr055 tcf pass incrementality test fix-constrained-actual-generic incr056 tcf pass incrementality test vtec-sneak incr057 tcf pass incrementality test chg-inspect-const-value incr058 tcf pass incrementality inspect test bogus-vaol incr059 tcf pass incrementality test vgcc-sneak incr060 tcf pass incrementality test cannot-write-updt incr061 tcf pass incrementality test change-generic-derived-external incr062 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vaol2 incr063 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vd27-2 incr064 tcf pass incrementality test nonexistent-vmrc incr065 tcf pass incrementality test vd38-sneak incr066 tcf pass incrementality test del-creation-proc-add-two incr067 tcf pass incrementality test invariant-expanded-generic incr068 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vcfg incr069 tcf fail incrementality test chg-invariant-expr-type incr070 tcf pass incrementality test delete-finite-add-back incr071 tcf pass incrementality attribute test expand-generic-no-creation-call incr072 tcf pass incrementality test change-attr-expanded-type incr073 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vlec incr074 tcf pass incrementality test vwst-sneak incr076 tcf pass incrementality test vjaw-delete-creation-clause incr080 tcf pass incrementality test name-exists-invariant incr082 tcf pass incrementality test exclude-any-add-back incr083 tcf pass incrementality test create-chg-to-nonexpanded incr085 tcf pass incrementality test frozen-feat-bogus-vd27 incr086 tcf pass incrementality test vomb-sneak incr087 tcf pass incrementality test new-ace-root-still-vscn incr088 tcf fail incrementality test delete-generic-class-header incr089 tcf pass incrementality test intro-vtat-attr-to-proc incr091 tcf pass incrementality test vomb2-called-vomb5 incr092 tcf pass incrementality test vcfg1-called-vffd7 incr093 tcf fail incrementality test bogus-vdrs incr094 tcf pass incrementality test vwst-cant-find-feature incr095 tcf pass incrementality test vgcp-sneak incr096 tcf pass incrementality test anchored-constraint-touch-file incr097 tcf pass incrementality test redef-external-chg-to-effect incr098 tcf pass incrementality test vjaw-sneak incr099 tcf pass incrementality test external-with-alias-new-root incr100 tcf pass incrementality test vdrd-weasel incr103 tcf pass incrementality test ext-with-alias-new-cluster incr104 tcf pass incrementality test veen-cant-find-feature incr105 tcf pass incrementality test no-precomp-chg-class-name incr106 tcf pass incrementality test root-none-remove-cluster incr107 tcf pass incrementality test veen2-called-veen22 incr108 tcf pass incrementality test chg-expanded-source-freeze incr110 tcf pass incrementality test melt-chg-attr-type-freeze incr111 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-sneak incr113 tcf pass incrementality test vtat1-called-vtcg incr114 tcf pass incrementality test new-root-cluster-bogus-vscn incr115 tcf pass incrementality test delete-ace-resume-compile incr116 tcf pass incrementality test new-precomp-cluster-bogus-vd41 incr117 tcf pass incrementality test vuar1-called-veen incr120 tcf pass incrementality test none-then-string-generic incr121 tcf pass incrementality test switch-expanded-attributes incr122 tcf pass incrementality test add-attribute-wrong-strip incr123 tcf pass incrementality test switch-parents-assertion-order incr124 tcf pass incrementality test change-numeric-formal-argument incr125 tcf pass incrementality test generic-veen-sneak incr126 tcf pass incrementality test add-unused-formal-generic incr127 tcf pass incrementality test make-generic-expanded-freeze incr128 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-in-generic-constraint incr129 tcf pass incrementality test vtct-vtcg-die-degree-5 incr130 tcf pass incrementality test finalize-remove-expanded-type incr131 tcf pass incrementality test external-arg-signature-mismatch incr132 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vd28 incr133 tcf pass incrementality test remove-part-of-external-decl incr134 tcf pass incrementality test cast-external-add-white-space incr135 tcf pass incrementality test make-visible-class-unreachable incr136 tcf fail incrementality test fix-veen-add-vrfa incr137 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-weasel incr138 tcf pass incrementality test rename-get-new-precursor incr139 tcf pass incrementality test add-remove-root-generic incr140 tcf pass incrementality test none-then-tuple-generic incr141 tcf pass incrementality tuple test make-root-expanded-freeze incr142 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-remove-creation-feat incr144 tcf fail incrementality test add-remove-vsrt incr145 tcf pass incrementality test add-remove-constraint-vtcg incr146 tcf pass incrementality test melt-then-empty-ace incr147 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-creator-try-again incr148 tcf pass incrementality test unreachable-syntax-error incr149 tcf fail incrementality test add-remove-veen-freeze incr150 tcf pass incrementality test finalize-move-attribute incr151 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-remove-creation-clause incr152 tcf fail incrementality test change-once-to-do incr153 tcf pass incrementality test invalid-expanded-generic incr154 tcf fail used_to_pass incrementality test vjar-sneak incr155 tcf pass incrementality test resume-vtcg-none-actual incr156 tcf pass incrementality test constraint-cycle-change-generic incr157 tcf pass incrementality test vsrt-vtct-vcfg-die incr158 tcf pass incrementality test vtct-vcfg-vsrt-die incr159 tcf pass incrementality test alternate-vd27-and-vsrt incr160 tcf pass incrementality test missing-rescue-clause incr161 tcf pass incrementality test vdpr-sneak incr162 tcf pass incrementality test switch-generics-tricky-vtcg incr163 tcf fail incrementality test delete-parent-vtcg-sneak incr164 tcf pass incrementality test switch-generics-tricky-vdrd incr165 tcf pass incrementality test change-external-melt incr166 tcf pass incrementality test make-synonyms-vdpr-sneak incr167 tcf pass incrementality test add-alternative-precondition incr168 tcf pass incrementality test change-created-actual-generic incr169 tcf pass incrementality test vmfn-new-deferred-ancestor incr170 tcf pass incrementality test external-routine-madness incr171 tcf pass incrementality test resume-ace-syntax-error incr172 tcf pass incrementality test byte-node-disaster incr173 tcf pass incrementality test vxrc-sneak incr174 tcf pass incrementality test set-has-loop-disaster incr175 tcf pass incrementality test backup-directory-disaster incr176 tcf pass incrementality config test finalize-then-melt incr177 tcf pass incrementality test freeze-expanded-finalize incr179 tcf pass incrementality test make-const-variable-freeze incr180 tcf pass incrementality test constant-variable-function incr181 tcf pass incrementality test add-inherited-assertions incr182 tcf pass incrementality test default-create-add-body incr183 tcf pass incrementality test turn-off-multithreaded incr184 tcf pass incrementality multithreaded test change-cplusplus-to-c incr185 tcf pass incrementality test redefine-to-rename-refreeze incr186 tcf pass incrementality test env-in-braces-bogus-vd01 incr187 tcf pass incrementality test constant-variable-constant incr188 tcf pass incrementality test freeze-print-int64-array incr189 tcf pass incrementality test vsta-sneak incr190 tcf pass incrementality instance_free test refinalize-with-assertions incr191 tcf pass incrementality test freeze-const-freeze-finalize incr192 tcf pass incrementality test move-class-bogus-vd16 incr193 tcf pass incrementality test change-agent-return-type incr194 tcf pass incrementality agent test change-agent-noexp-return-type incr195 tcf pass incrementality agent test new-cluster-vscn-sneak incr196 tcf pass incrementality test create-sub-cluster-bogus-vd30 incr197 tcf pass incrementality test vgcc-weasel incr198 tcf pass incrementality test add-vuar-remove-finalize incr199 tcf pass incrementality test vtec-weasel incr200 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-then-syntax-error-then-ok incr201 tcf pass incrementality test implicit-def-create-finalize incr202 tcf pass incrementality test remove-syntax-warning-yes incr203 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vtec incr204 tcf pass incrementality test vgcc-remove-generic-creator incr205 tcf pass incrementality test expand-generic-remove-creation incr206 tcf pass incrementality test chg-indexing-tag-to-attribute incr207 tcf pass incrementality test external-make-precondition-true incr209 tcf pass incrementality test unexpand-class-no-conformance incr210 tcf pass incrementality conformance test uninherit-any-vdpr2-sneak incr211 tcf pass incrementality test c-inline-change-arg-order incr212 tcf pass incrementality test chg-generic-c-inline-function incr213 tcf pass incrementality test freeze-no-c-compile-melt incr214 tcf fail incrementality test chg-constraint-add-create incr215 tcf pass incrementality test chg-external-function-type incr217 tcf pass incrementality test make-agent-target-expanded incr218 tcf pass incrementality agent test expand-unexpand-agent-target incr219 tcf pass incrementality agent test remove-constraint-veen-sneak incr220 tcf fail incrementality test vuex-weasel incr221 tcf pass incrementality test change-system-name incr222 tcf pass incrementality test function-attribute-constant incr223 tcf pass incrementality test vdpr-weasel incr224 tcf pass incrementality test change-anchor-type-finalize incr225 tcf pass incrementality test precompile-again incr226 tcf fail incrementality test remove-ace-object-clause incr227 tcf fail incrementality test add-del-static-ext-assertion incr228 tcf pass incrementality instance_free test generic-agent-add-constraint incr229 tcf fail incrementality agent test remove-vtcg-still-complains incr230 tcf pass incrementality test vncp-sneak incr231 tcf fail incrementality test vifi-sneak incr232 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vtct incr233 tcf pass incrementality test expanded-main-entry-vanished incr234 tcf pass incrementality test once-status-change incr235 tcf pass incrementality multithreaded test generic-status-change incr236 tcf pass incrementality test remove-convert-clause incr237 tcf pass incrementality test infinite-recompilation incr238 tcf pass incrementality test typed-pointer-remove-expanded-derivation incr239 tcf pass incrementality test change-unique-in-inspect incr240 tcf pass incrementality inspect test like-anchor-recompile-in-generic-class incr241 tcf pass incrementality test remove-two-classes-crash incr242 tcf pass incrementality test manifest-array-recompilation-crash incr243 tcf pass incrementality test vtct-vcfg-vsrt-die2 incr244 tcf pass incrementality test remove-add-root-cluster-crash incr245 tcf pass incrementality test replicated-once-recompilation incr246 tcf fail incrementality test change-manifest-type-expr incr247 tcf pass incrementality test manifest-type-expr-none incr248 tcf pass incrementality test internal-incrementality incr249 tcf pass incrementality test move-implementation incr250 tcf pass incrementality test assigner-for-synonym incr251 tcf pass incrementality assigner test add-unique incr252 tcf pass incrementality test remove-rename-class incr253 tcf pass incrementality test add-generic-creation-specification incr254 tcf pass incrementality test remove-used-library incr255 tcf pass incrementality test cluster-into-library-error incr256 tcf pass incrementality test agent-add-arguments incr257 tcf pass incrementality agent test agent-add-derivation incr258 tcf pass incrementality agent test chg-class-with-inline-agent incr259 tcf pass incrementality agent test lazy-call-on-attribute-agent incr260 tcf pass incrementality test auto-properties-recompilation incr261 tcf pass incrementality dotnet assigner test detect-override incr263 tcf pass incrementality test vtug-override incr264 tcf pass incrementality test add-remove-inline-agent incr265 tcf pass incrementality agent test chg-class-with-inline-agent incr266 tcf pass incrementality agent test resume-after-error-in-class-with-inline-agent incr267 tcf pass incrementality agent test change-generic-type-of-agent-target incr268 tcf pass incrementality agent test inline-agent-with-local-in-inherited-assertion incr269 tcf pass incrementality agent test class-conflict-error-sneak incr270 tcf pass incrementality test type-getting-confused incr271 tcf pass incrementality test wiping-out-types incr272 tcf pass incrementality test noclass-syntax incr273 tcf pass incrementality test gc-crash-in-melted-agent-creation incr274 tcf pass incrementality agent test expanded-not-expanded incr275 tcf pass incrementality test finalize-changed-agent-to-changed-feature incr276 tcf pass incrementality agent test inline-agent-from-scratch-bug incr277 tcf pass incrementality agent test changing-formals-invariant-not-removed incr278 tcf pass incrementality test changing-formals-precursor-crash incr279 tcf pass incrementality test console-setting-change incr280 tcf pass incrementality test vtcg-add-remove-missing-error incr281 tcf fail used_to_pass incrementality test funky-removal-of-type incr282 tcf pass incrementality test multi-constraint-incremental-crash incr283 tcf fail used_to_pass incrementality test removing-formal-crashes incr284 tcf pass incrementality test partial-generic-addition-crash incr285 tcf pass incrementality test change-export-create-generic-contraint-error-ignored incr286 tcf fail incrementality test inherit-crash-after-update incr287 tcf pass incrementality test large-formal-changes incr288 tcf pass incrementality test change-system-crash incr289 tcf pass incrementality test unresolved-c-externals incr290 tcf pass incrementality test unresolved-c-externals-2 incr291 tcf pass incrementality test bogus-vmrc-2 incr292 tcf pass incrementality test inherited-code-checking-crash incr293 tcf pass incrementality test invalid-root-procedure incr294 tcf pass incrementality test generic-replication-nc-crash incr295 tcf pass incrementality test consecutive-error-fix-sequence-crash incr296 tcf pass incrementality test add-empty-create-clause incr297 tcf fail incrementality test change-expanded-class-name incr298 tcf pass incrementality test add-feature-invalidate-generic-rename incr299 tcf fail incrementality test generic-call-renamed-default-create incr300 tcf pass incrementality test ececil-undefined-symbol incr301 tcf fail incrementality attribute test pattern-of-id-crash incr302 tcf pass incrementality attribute test add-default-create-invalid-vtec incr303 tcf pass incrementality test change-base-library-to-base-safe incr304 tcf pass incrementality test add-then-remove-vlec-via-generic incr305 tcf fail incrementality test attempt-on-expanded-then-reference incr306 tcf pass incrementality test formal-generic-constraint-rename-crash incr307 tcf pass incrementality test generic-attach-mark-change-bogus-vevi incr308 tcf pass incrementality test real-feature-id-crash incr309 tcf pass incrementality test change-class-to-deferred-vtcg-sneak incr310 tcf fail incrementality test remove-and-add-base-eats-memory incr311 tcf pass incrementality skip test generate-final-c-body-crash incr312 tcf pass incrementality test remove-convert-clause-undetected-vjar incr313 tcf pass incrementality test add-inherit-clause-undetected-vycp incr314 tcf fail incrementality test add-remove-expanded-mark-generic-class incr315 tcf pass incrementality test make-parent-expanded-call-precursor incr316 tcf pass incrementality test remove-convert-clause-crash incr317 tcf pass incrementality test remove-convert-clause-bogus-vncp incr318 tcf pass incrementality test execution-failure-after-vevi incr319 tcf pass incrementality attribute test switch-to-conforming-inheritance incr320 tcf pass incrementality test eif-gen-conf-init-crash incr321 tcf pass incrementality test function-to-attribute-refinalize incr322 tcf pass incrementality test change-obsolete-syntax-to-transitional incr323 tcf pass incrementality test vd71-called-syntax-error incr324 tcf pass incrementality test c-syntax-error incr325 tcf pass incrementality test override-checkin-crash incr326 tcf pass incrementality termination test bogus-vfav incr327 tcf pass incrementality vfav test vfav-sneak incr328 tcf fail used_to_pass incrementality vfav test add-class-then-make-expanded incr329 tcf pass incrementality test dead-code-removal-crash incr330 tcf pass incrementality test return-value-type-mismatch incr331 tcf pass incrementality test generate-wrapper-crash incr332 tcf pass incrementality test ececil-undefined-symbol-2 incr333 tcf fail incrementality test efrozen-undefined-symbol incr334 tcf pass incrementality test ececil-undefined-symbol-3 incr335 tcf fail incrementality test can-be-inlined-crash incr336 tcf pass incrementality if WINDOWS test shared-library-definition-update incr337 tcf pass incrementality windows dll test bogus-construct-not-supported incr338 tcf pass incrementality test bracket-trigger-c-compilation-error incr339 tcf pass incrementality c_compilation bracket_expression test class-name-mismatch-internal-error incr340 tcf pass incrementality test nonexistent-veen incr341 tcf pass incrementality test formulate-inherited-assertions-crash incr342 tcf pass incrementality test feature_b-process-crash incr343 tcf pass incrementality test new-generic-deriv-attribute-agent incr344 tcf fail incrementality agent test supports-step-in-crash incr345 tcf pass incrementality test is-expanded-crash incr346 tcf pass incrementality test class-removal-crash-freeze incr347 tcf pass incrementality test melted-agent-creation-crash incr348 tcf pass incrementality agent test storable-version-update incr349 tcf pass incrementality reflection storable test formal-creation-crash incr350 tcf pass incrementality test inline-agent-invariant-crash incr351 tcf pass incrementality agent test qat-change-remote-anchor-name incr352 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test qat-change-remote-anchor-type incr353 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test qat-none-crash incr354 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test resume-vlec-eat-memory incr355 tcf fail incrementality expanded test qat-is-expanded-crash incr356 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test change-expanded-anchor-type incr357 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test qat-is-expanded-crash-2 incr358 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test qat-is-expanded-crash-3 incr359 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test bogus-vtcg-2 incr360 tcf fail incrementality generic anchored_type test formal-entry-crash incr361 tcf pass incrementality generic anchored_type test qat-nonexistent-veen incr362 tcf pass incrementality generic anchored_type test qat-static-type-id-crash incr363 tcf pass incrementality generic anchored_type test qat-resume-veen-compiler-error incr364 tcf pass incrementality generic anchored_type test renamed-type-crash incr365 tcf pass incrementality generic test once-per-object-add-descendant incr366 tcf pass incrementality once test change-constraint-rename-crash incr367 tcf pass incrementality generic anchored_type test qat-change-parent-actual-generic incr368 tcf pass incrementality generic anchored_type test qat-veen-instead-of-vtat incr369 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test qat-constrained-type-in-crash-2 incr370 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test rename-routine-error incr371 tcf pass incrementality test qat-finalize-panic-cascade incr372 tcf pass incrementality test finalize-feature-name-crash incr373 tcf pass incrementality test static-type-id-crash incr374 tcf pass incrementality test rout-entry-crash incr375 tcf pass incrementality test finalize-once-per-object-wrong incr376 tcf pass incrementality test retry-missing-library-file incr377 tcf pass incrementality test saving-generic-class-crash incr378 tcf pass incrementality test change-target-inheritance incr379 tcf pass incrementality test config-remove-root-element incr380 tcf pass incrementality config test remove-base-library-add-back incr381 tcf pass incrementality test disk-item-io-error incr382 tcf pass incrementality test compiler-panic incr383 tcf pass incrementality test descriptor-list-put-crash incr384 tcf pass incrementality test deep-twin-agent-infinite-loop incr385 tcf pass incrementality manual agent test conform-to-precondition-violation incr386 tcf pass incrementality test disk-item-io-error-2 incr387 tcf pass incrementality test static-type-id-crash-2 incr388 tcf pass incrementality test remove-occurrence-precondition-violation incr389 tcf pass incrementality instance_free test constant-suppliers-crash incr390 tcf fail incrementality test rout-entry-crash-2 incr391 tcf pass incrementality test is-less-equal-postcondition-violation incr392 tcf pass incrementality test once-per-object-change-body incr393 tcf pass incrementality test add-vsrt4-to-expanded-then-remove incr394 tcf fail incrementality test same-generic-derivation-as-crash incr395 tcf pass incrementality test new-poly-table-crash incr396 tcf pass incrementality test once-per-object-change-expansion incr397 tcf pass incrementality once test once-per-object-remove-constraint incr398 tcf pass incrementality once test once-per-object-change-inheritance incr399 tcf pass incrementality once test qat-change-constant-anchor-type incr400 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test renaming-class-in-constraint-crash incr401 tcf pass incrementality renaming test fix-expanded-generic-vlec-infinite-loop incr402 tcf pass incrementality expanded manual test qat-change-agent-target-type incr403 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type agent test once-per-object-link-failure incr404 tcf fail incrementality once test is-expanded-crash-2 incr405 tcf pass incrementality test once-per-object-add-attributes incr406 tcf fail incrementality once test once-per-object-to-attribute incr407 tcf fail incrementality once test non-conforming-remove-precondition incr408 tcf pass incrementality non-conforming test has-stable-attribute-crash incr409 tcf fail incrementality stable attached_types test type-to-create-crash incr410 tcf pass incrementality attached_types test rout-entry-crash-3 incr411 tcf fail incrementality test create-qualified-explicit-crash incr412 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test adding-removing-transient incr413 tcf pass incrementality transient test removing-descendant-crash incr414 tcf pass incrementality test system-change-crash incr415 tcf fail incrementality test recompilation-forces-freeze incr416 tcf pass incrementality test qat-spurious-veen incr417 tcf pass incrementality validity test qat-precursor-anchored-to-caller incr418 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test static-type-id-crash-3 incr419 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type test internal-search-crash incr420 tcf pass incrementality skip test change-application-options incr421 tcf pass incrementality test fix-vlec-infinite-recursion incr422 tcf pass incrementality scoop expanded test duplicate-vlec-after-resume incr423 tcf fail incrementality expanded test inline-agent-removal-crash incr424 tcf fail incrementality agent test inline-agent-removal-crash-2 incr425 tcf fail incrementality agent test finalization-with-error-crash incr426 tcf fail incrementality agent finalizing test create-generic-remove-generic-inheritance incr427 tcf fail incrementality generic test config-remove-library-indirectly incr428 tcf pass incrementality config test ececil-undefined-symbol-4 incr429 tcf fail incrementality test qat-vwce-sneak incr430 tcf pass incrementality anchored_type conditional expression test unique-recompile-crash incr431 tcf pass incrementality test infinite-recursion-scoop-recompile incr432 tcf pass incrementality scoop test attribute-removal-addition-execution-crash incr433 tcf fail incrementality -- Melting test divide-melt-panic melt001 tcf pass melting test manifest-array-with-old melt003 tcf pass melting test ref-actual-expanded-formal melt004 tcf pass melting test real-const-arith-to-double melt005 tcf pass melting test multiple-unary-free-ops melt006 tcf pass melting test chained-assertion-melt melt007 tcf pass melting assertion test melted-putreal-wrong melt008 tcf pass melting test invariant-melt-panic melt009 tcf pass melting test manifest-array-int-double melt011 tcf pass melting test raise-exception-call-self melt012 tcf pass melting test creation-proc-modify-target melt014 tcf pass melting test nested-expanded-creation melt015 tcf pass melting test chg-external-to-internal melt016 tcf pass melting test melted-invariant-memory-leak melt017 tcf pass melting test expanded-melted-equal-current melt018 tcf pass melting test postcondition-veen-then-restore melt019 tcf pass melting test invariant-veen-skip-invariant melt020 tcf pass melting test chg-argless-func-to-constant melt021 tcf pass melting test ensure-extend-linked-list melt022 tcf pass melting test old-expanded-melted-creations melt023 tcf fail melting test manifest-array-expanded-generic melt024 tcf pass melting test manifest-array-of-expanded melt026 tcf pass melting test expanded-clone-of-clone melt027 tcf pass melting test named-constant-call-out melt029 tcf pass melting test evaluate-old-when-retry melt031 tcf pass melting test eval-precondition-when-retry melt032 tcf pass melting test melted-two-level-rescue melt033 tcf pass melting test who-gets-exp-local-exception melt034 tcf fail melting test when-init-expanded-local melt035 tcf fail melting test manifest-array-elem-eval-order melt036 tcf pass melting test old-expression-eval-order melt037 tcf fail melting test pass-expanded-like-current melt038 tcf pass melting test generic-local-expanded-actual melt039 tcf pass melting test infix-integer-real-double melt040 tcf pass melting test put-double-five-over-two melt042 tcf pass melting test expanded-creation-alloc-memory melt043 tcf pass melting test melted-creation-pass-target melt044 tcf pass melting test once-result-uninitialized melt045 tcf pass melting test melted-attribute-address melt046 tcf pass melting test null-in-debug-key melt047 tcf pass melting test melted-short-integers melt048 tcf pass melting test wide-char-comparison melt049 tcf pass melting test add-root-creation-arg melt050 tcf pass melting test wrong-field-count melt051 tcf pass melting test invariant-melted-once-function melt052 tcf pass melting test melted-integer-compare melt053 tcf pass melting test eval-precondition-on-retry melt054 tcf pass melting test melt-call-real-external melt055 tcf pass melting test melted-expanded-like-current melt056 tcf pass melting test melted-long-class-name melt057 tcf pass melting test melt-pass-bit-shift melt058 tcf pass melting test inspect-integer-64-one melt059 tcf pass melting inspect test melted-profile-system melt060 tcf pass melting profile test integer-16-minus-one melt061 tcf pass melting test melted-invariant-invalid-object melt062 tcf pass melting test melted-void-expanded-arg melt063 tcf pass melting test melted-local-referers melt064 tcf pass melting test melted-profinfo-wrong-dir melt065 tcf pass melting test expanded-generic-anchored-local melt067 tcf pass melting test melted-old-expanded-result melt068 tcf pass melting test expanded-list-like-current melt069 tcf pass melting test special-expanded-creation melt070 tcf pass melting special test melt-old-expression-in-redefinition melt071 tcf pass melting execution test compare-var-attribute-addrs melt072 tcf fail melting execution test increment-character melt073 tcf pass melting execution test int64-cast-uint64 melt074 tcf pass melting execution test character_32-inspect melt075 tcf pass melting execution inspect test invariant-check-melted-agent-callee melt076 tcf pass melting execution agent test dollar-with-tuple melt077 tcf pass melting execution tuple test dollar-with-expanded-attribute melt078 tcf fail used_to_pass melting execution test runtime-stack-corruption melt079 tcf pass melting execution test nan-comparison melt080 tcf pass melting execution ieee test melted-special-creation-crash melt081 tcf pass melting execution special test melted-external-call melt082 tcf pass melting execution test melted-agent-call-on-void-target melt083 tcf fail execution melting agent test inherited-like-current-object-test melt084 tcf fail execution melting test melted-anchored-precursor-object-test melt085 tcf pass execution melting test melted-anchored-precursor-in-tuple melt086 tcf pass execution melting test redefined-once-with-alt-precondition melt087 tcf fail execution melting test character_32-constant melt088 tcf pass execution melting test alt-precondition-call-on-void-target melt089 tcf pass execution melting test melted-object-test-with-anchored-none melt090 tcf pass execution melting test melted-creation-crash melt091 tcf pass execution melting test melted-agent-exception-crash melt092 tcf pass execution melting agent test raise-exception-inspect-branch melt093 tcf pass execution melting inspect test dollar-with-expanded-attribute-in-generic melt094 tcf pass execution melting test wrong-line-number-in-trace melt095 tcf pass execution melting attribute test bad-melted-infix melt096 tcf pass execution melting test new-type-type-melted melt097 tcf pass execution melting test melted-type-of-generic melt098 tcf pass execution melting reflection test melted-tuple-expression-order melt099 tcf fail used_to_pass execution melting tuple test melted-creation-constrained-generic melt100 tcf fail execution melting generic test melted-once-creation-of-generic melt101 tcf fail execution melting generic test melted-special-creation-crash-2 melt102 tcf pass melting execution special test melted-on-character-32 melt103 tcf pass melting execution test melted-address-expression melt104 tcf pass melting execution test melted-address-current melt105 tcf pass melting execution test object-test-on-expanded-crash melt106 tcf pass melting execution object_test expanded test type-invalid-in-melted-mode melt107 tcf pass execution melting test melted-natural-8-interval-conversion melt108 tcf pass executon melting conversion test melted-basic-conversion-assignment melt109 tcf pass executon melting conversion test melted-character_32-is_character_8 melt110 tcf pass executon melting -- Freezing test frozen-xor-precedence-error freez002 tcf pass freezing test frozen-high-bit-characters freez004 tcf pass freezing test who-gets-old-exception freez005 tcf pass freezing test expanded-local-no-creation freez006 tcf pass freezing if not DOTNET test init-expanded-local-when-retry freez007 tcf fail freezing test redefine-expanded-to-attribute freez008 tcf pass freezing test assign-attempt-exp-to-ref freez009 tcf pass freezing test compare-frozen-high-bit-chars freez011 tcf pass freezing test compare-frozen-real-arg freez012 tcf pass freezing test frozen-retried-precondition freez013 tcf pass freezing test tuple-expanded-and-integer freez014 tcf pass freezing tuple test address-of-redefined-routine freez015 tcf pass freezing test integer-8-generating-type freez016 tcf pass freezing test frozen-agent-lighter-argument freez017 tcf pass freezing agent test frozen-prefix-attribute freez018 tcf pass freezing test tuple-i16-plus-i8 freez019 tcf pass freezing tuple test minus-minus-double freez020 tcf pass freezing test dispose-with-rescue freez021 tcf pass freezing test anchored-double-function freez022 tcf pass freezing test real-times-real-postcondition freez023 tcf pass freezing test inspect-high-bit-integer8 freez024 tcf pass freezing inspect test frozen-bitwise-and-local freez025 tcf pass freezing test wrong-generic-type-caching freez026 tcf pass freezing test freeze-with-unused-locals freez027 tcf pass freezing test freeze-with-conversion freez028 tcf pass freezing test object-test-with-generic-type freez029 tcf pass freezing test invariant-qualified-call-on-constant freez030 tcf fail freezing test expanded-like-current-void-precursor freez031 tcf fail freezing test boolean-hash-code freez032 tcf pass freezing -- Finalizing test finalize-expanded-not-equal final001 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-debug-inst-not-kept final002 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-manifest-array-call final003 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-ensure-keep-dead final004 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-pass-wrong-argument final005 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-expand-creation-order final007 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-expanded-arg-result final008 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-array-optimization final009 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-random-arrayed-list final010 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-skip-rescue-clause final011 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-cast-func-result final012 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-array-opt-expanded final013 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-redef-external-macro final014 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-inline-precursor final015 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-array-opt-2 final016 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-delayed-deferred-call final017 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-inline-none-proc final018 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-generic-assign-attempt final019 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-or-else-true final020 tcf pass finalizing execution test finalize-mult-double-constant final021 tcf pass finalizing execution test expanded-generic-return-type final022 tcf pass finalizing execution test finalize-skip-invariant final024 tcf pass finalizing test inline-pass-expanded final025 tcf pass finalizing inlining test c-inline-function-ten-args final026 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-linked-list-expanded final027 tcf pass finalizing inlining test vicious-finalize-bug final028 tcf pass finalizing test inline-arrayed-list-expanded final029 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-void-argument final030 tcf pass finalizing inlining test precursor-call-current-instead-of-precursor final031 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-manifest-type-expr final032 tcf pass finalizing test inline-once-string final033 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-deferred-routine-with-only-one-implementation final034 tcf pass finalizing inlining test dynamic-deferred-routine-implemented-in-generic final035 tcf pass finalizing test inline-deferred-routine-with-one-external-implementation final036 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-deferred-routine-with-constants-implementations final037 tcf pass finalizing inlining test agent_to_feature_of_generic_class final038 tcf pass finalizing test wrong-attribute-dynamic-binding final039 tcf pass finalizing test dead-code-catcall final040 tcf pass finalizing test oms-ec-precondition-violation final041 tcf pass finalizing ec_precondition test inlining-finalization-crash final042 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-on-named-tuple-crash final043 tcf pass finalizing tuple inlining test wrong-dynamic-dispatch-on-generic final044 tcf pass finalizing test change-generic-finalization-crash final045 tcf pass finalizing test polymorphic-call-leak final046 tcf pass finalizing test inlining-with-anchor final047 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-deferred-from-other-branch final048 tcf pass finalizing inlining test polymorphic-call-on-formal-seed final049 tcf pass finalizing test inlining-with-anchor-2 final050 tcf pass finalizing inlining test wrong-polymorphic-wrapper final051 tcf pass finalizing test wrong-call-when-merging final052 tcf pass finalizing test wrong-polymorphic-wrapper-2 final053 tcf pass finalizing test wrong-polymorphic-external-wrapper final054 tcf pass finalizing test inlining-with-anchor-3 final055 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-with-formal final056 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-wrong-argument-reuse final057 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-missing-gc-hooks final058 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-with-inline-externals final059 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-with-formal-2 final060 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-with-less-formals final061 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-with-less-formals-2 final062 tcf pass finalizing inlining test unresolved-c-externals-on-inline-agents final063 tcf pass finalizing agent test bad-c-inline-agent final064 tcf pass finalizing agent test inline-expanded-return final065 tcf pass finalizing inlining test wrong-generic-type-generation final066 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-agent-crash-final final067 tcf pass finalizing agent test inlined-generic-expanded-type final068 tcf fail used_to_pass finalizing inlining expanded generic test change-actual-generic-to-expanded final069 tcf pass finalizing expanded generic incrementality multithreaded test finalize-expanded-unref-local final070 tcf fail finalizing expanded test finalize-all-classes-true final071 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-self-init-attribute final072 tcf pass finalizing attribute test finalize-invariant-wrong-class-name final073 tcf fail finalizing test finalize-bogus-invariant-violation final074 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-external-creation-procedure final075 tcf fail finalizing test finalize-inline-attribute-body final076 tcf pass finalizing inlining attribute test finalize-creation-expression-corruption final077 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-inline-precursor-2 final078 tcf pass finalizing multiconstraint inlining test finalize-attribute-access-crash final079 tcf pass finalizing attribute test finalize-inline-attribute-body-2 final080 tcf pass finalizing inlining attribute test finalize-inline-external-redef-constant final081 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-inherited-agent-redef-routine final082 tcf fail used_to_pass finalizing agent test finalize-inline-with-generic final083 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-wrong-type final084 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-min-used-crash final085 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-object-test-side-effects final086 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-inline-merged-routine final087 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-inline-check-void-target final088 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-qat-object-test final089 tcf pass finalizing anchored_type test finalize-attached-dcr-missing final090 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-inline-same-generic-derivation-crash final091 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-c-code-redeclared-identifier final092 tcf fail finalizing test finalize-create-expanded-generic final093 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-static-access-multicon-formal final094 tcf pass finalizing multiconstraint test finalize-generic-once-per-object final095 tcf fail finalizing once test finalize-qat-object-test-2 final096 tcf pass finalizing anchored_type test inline-deferred-with-one-implementation final097 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-with-generic-argument final098 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-inline-merged-routine-2 final099 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-deferred-with-generic-descendant final100 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-deferred-with-generic-descendant-2 final101 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-inherited-routine-with-less-generics final102 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inline-inherited-routine-with-less-generics-2 final103 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-wrong-generating-type final104 tcf pass finalizing expanded test inlining-parent-with-less-formals final105 tcf pass finalizing inlining test inlining-in-parent-with-child-with-less-formals final106 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-argument-anchors-formal final107 tcf fail finalizing anchored_type test finalize-external-invariant-skipped final108 tcf pass finalizing assertions external test inline-manifest-type final109 tcf pass finalizing test profile-once-per-process-function final110 tcf pass finalizing test inline-qat-static-external final111 tcf pass finalizing inlining anchored_type test finalize-keep-once-strings final112 tcf pass finalizing test finalize-inline-attribute-with-body final113 tcf pass finalizing inlining attribute test finalize-inline-across-loop final114 tcf pass finalizing inlining test finalize-inline-none-generic-derivation final115 tcf fail finalizing test profile-crash-on-override final116 tcf pass finalizing profile test tight-loop-integer-constant-infinite-loop final117 tcf pass finalizing manual test finalize-once-strings-in-invariant final118 tcf fail finalizing test equation-evaluation-sequence final119 tcf fail finalizing test comparison-involving-allocation final120 tcf pass finalizing test bracket-wrong-dispatch final121 tcf pass finalizing bracket_expression assigner test wrong-boolean-branch-optimization final122 tcf pass finalizing test inline-internal-locals final123 tcf pass finalizing inlining loop iteration object_test scoop test inline-attribute-with-body final124 tcf pass finalizing inlining attribute test agent-call-gc-corruption final125 tcf pass finalizing runtime test reference-equality-gc-protection final126 tcf pass finalizing gc test optimized-is_equal-call final127 tcf pass finalizing code_removal test dead-code-removal-with-conversion final128 tcf pass finalizing code_removal test dead-code-removal-qat-and-generic final129 tcf pass finalizing code_removal test dead-code-removal-new_instance final130 tcf pass finalizing code_removal test dead-code-removal-sed_facilities final131 tcf pass finalizing code_removal storable test dead-code-removal-storable final132 tcf pass finalizing code_removal storable test finalized-agent-call final133 tcf fail finalizing test finalize-single-non-object-call final134 tcf pass finalizing instance_free call execution -- Runtime test gc-tracking-001 runtime001 tcf pass runtime test gc-tracking-002 runtime002 tcf pass runtime test gc-expanded-in-special runtime003 tcf pass runtime expanded special test gc-expanded-allocating-memory-in-special runtime004 tcf pass runtime expanded special if not DOTNET test adopt-wean-freeze-unfreeze-multithreaded runtime005 tcf fail runtime multithreaded test gc-expanded-allocating-memory-in-special-2 runtime006 tcf fail used_to_pass runtime expanded special test gc-tracking-003 runtime007 tcf pass runtime test memory_leak_with_invariant_on runtime008 tcf fail used_to_pass runtime multithreaded test missing-marking-with-no-gc runtime009 tcf pass runtime test zero-sized-objects-slowdown runtime010 tcf pass runtime test tuple-special-twin-bug runtime011 tcf pass runtime special test overflow-special-resizing runtime012 tcf pass runtime special manual test overflow-special-expanded-resizing runtime013 tcf pass runtime special expanded manual if WINDOWS test console-in-windows-dll runtime014 tcf pass runtime windows console input output dll test array-allocation-failure runtime015 tcf fail used_to_pass runtime special expanded array memory allocation exception if not DOTNET test special-copy-data runtime016 tcf pass runtime special memory test weak-reference runtime017 tcf pass runtime weak_reference test memory-leak-with-dynamic-dispatch runtime018 tcf pass runtime test special-expanded-referring-new-object runtime019 tcf fail used_to_pass runtime special test standard-stream-redirection runtime020 tcf pass runtime console file input output library test generational-gc-expanded-semantics runtime021 tcf pass runtime gc expanded reattachment test gc-tracking-in-expanded-argument runtime022 tcf pass runtime gc expanded argument test gc-tracking-in-expanded-argument-copy runtime023 tcf pass runtime gc expanded argument copy twin -- Thread test cond-timedwait-failure thread001 tcf pass multithreaded test nested-thread-exit-failure thread002 tcf pass multithreaded test memory-leak-in-eif-thr-wait thread003 tcf pass multithreaded test creating-string-runtime-panic thread004 tcf pass multithreaded test mem-info-update-crash-after-threads thread005 tcf pass multithreaded test panic-when-too-many-allocation thread006 tcf pass multithreaded test join-with-no-children-leaks thread007 tcf pass multithreaded test memory-referers-not-thread-safe thread008 tcf pass multithreaded test exception-in-thread-failure thread009 tcf pass multitheaded test nested-thread-exit-failure-2 thread010 tcf pass multithreaded test deadlock-when-not-joining thread011 tcf pass multithreaded test deadlock-when-thread-not-exiting thread012 tcf pass multithreaded test synchronization-objects thread013 tcf pass multithreaded test launching-n-threads-on-same-object thread014 tcf pass multithreaded test join-with-timeout-failure thread015 tcf pass multithreaded test multithreaded-bogus-catcall thread016 tcf pass multithreaded test main-thread-terminates-before-child thread017 tcf pass multithreaded test shared-mutex-hang thread018 tcf pass multithreaded test thread-join-crash thread019 tcf pass multithreaded test thread-profiling-crash thread020 tcf pass multithreaded profile test thread-crashes-on-die thread021 tcf pass multithreaded if UNIX test thread-hangs-on-fork thread022 tcf pass multithreaded test root-thread-exit-continues thread023 tcf pass multithreaded test multiple-thread-gc-crash thread024 tcf pass multithreaded test thread-terminated-attribute-renaming thread025 tcf pass multithreaded -- SCOOP if not DOTNET test scoop-access-smoke scoop001 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-argument-validity scoop002 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity expanded if not DOTNET test scoop-hanging-1 scoop003 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-basic-argument-formal-nested scoop004 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-like-current scoop005 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-result-validity scoop006 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity expanded attribute if not DOTNET test scoop-external-call scoop007 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-freeze-condition scoop008 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution incrementality if not DOTNET test scoop-wait-condition scoop009 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution assertion if not DOTNET test scoop-request-chain-exception scoop011 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution exception if not DOTNET test scoop-false-wait-condition scoop012 tcf manual scoop multithreaded execution assertion exception if not DOTNET test scoop-inline-separate-call scoop013 tcf pass scoop multithreaded finalizing inlining if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-expanded scoop014 tcf pass scoop multithreaded expanded if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-patterns-crash scoop015 tcf pass scoop multithreaded finalizing stable attribute if not DOTNET test scoop-finalize-c-failure scoop016 tcf pass scoop multithreaded finalizing c_compilation if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-call-to-constant scoop017 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-once-per-object scoop018 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution incrementality once if not DOTNET test scoop-top-exception scoop019 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-formal scoop020 tcf pass scoop multithreaded formal generic conformance validity if not DOTNET test scoop-object-test scoop021 tcf fail used_to_pass scoop multithreaded formal generic conformance object_test execution if not DOTNET test scoop-undetected-vuer scoop022 tcf fail scoop multithreaded validity incrementality if not DOTNET test scoop-expanded-class-constrained-generic scoop023 tcf pass scoop multithreaded termination expanded generic if not DOTNET test scoop-multi-dot-call-chain scoop024 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution assigner if not DOTNET test scoop-expanded-separate scoop025 tcf fail used_to_pass scoop multithreaded expanded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-unnested-logging scoop026 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-lock-passing-on-separate-creation scoop027 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution lock_passing if not DOTNET test scoop-sequential-processor-creation scoop028 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-recursive-processor-creation scoop029 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-agent-validity scoop030 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity expanded agent conformance if not DOTNET test scoop-agent-call scoop031 tcf pass scoop multithreaded agent execution if not DOTNET test scoop-corrupted-string scoop032 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-lock-passing-same-target scoop033 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution lock_passing if not DOTNET test scoop-corrupted-polymorphic-call scoop034 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-null-reference-call scoop035 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-nested-chain-uncontrolled-check scoop036 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-run-time-crash scoop037 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-agent-creation-rule scoop038 tcf pass scoop multithreaded agent if not DOTNET test scoop-agent-expression-uncontrolled scoop039 tcf pass scoop multithreaded agent if not DOTNET test scoop-agent-expression-controlled scoop040 tcf pass scoop multithreaded agent if not DOTNET test scoop-wait-condition-controlled scoop041 tcf manual scoop multithreaded execution lock_passing assertion if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-precondition scoop042 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-control-flow scoop043 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-separate-callback scoop044 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-accountability-handover scoop045 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-small-tests scoop046 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-import scoop047 tcf fail scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-combinations scoop048 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-impersonation-lockpassing scoop049 tcf pass scoop multithreaded deadlock lock_passing if not DOTNET test scoop-lockpassing-query scoop050 tcf pass scoop multithreaded deadlock lock_passing if not DOTNET test scoop-nested-separate-callback scoop051 tcf pass scoop multithreaded deadlock lock_passing if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-unlock scoop052 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception deadlock if not DOTNET test scoop-exceptions-dispose scoop053 tcf fail scoop multithreaded exception execution if not DOTNET test scoop-named-tuple-validity scoop054 tcf pass scoop multithreaded tuple validity if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-instruction-fresh-id scoop055 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-instruction-dependent-arguments scoop056 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-instruction-non-separate scoop057 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-instruction-execution scoop058 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-gc-stress-test scoop059 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-assigner-command-validity scoop060 tcf pass scoop multithreaded assigner validity if not DOTNET test scoop-named-tuple-execution scoop061 tcf pass scoop multithreaded tuple assigner execution if not DOTNET test scoop-generating-type-deadlock scoop062 tcf manual scoop multithreaded if not DOTNET test scoop-conformance scoop063 tcf pass scoop multithreaded generic conformance object_test execution if not DOTNET test scoop-agent-with-reference-argument scoop064 tcf manual scoop multithreaded agent execution if not DOTNET test scoop-impersonation-tests scoop065 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-passive-processors scoop066 tcf pass scoop multithreaded if not DOTNET test scoop-passive-processor-exception scoop067 tcf pass scoop multithreaded exception if not DOTNET test scoop-estring_crash scoop068 tcf fail scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-generic-argument-check scoop069 tcf pass scoop multithreaded validity if not DOTNET test scoop-impersonation-region-id scoop070 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-once-value-adoption scoop071 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-asynchronous-expanded scoop072 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-locking-expanded-argument scoop073 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-controlled-object-test scoop074 tcf pass scoop multithreaded object_test validity execution if not DOTNET test scoop-temporary-pointer-variable scoop075 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-callback-region-adoption scoop076 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution if not DOTNET test scoop-across-iteration-loop scoop077 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution across iteration loop validity if not DOTNET test scoop-creation-class-invariant scoop078 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution invariant assertion if not DOTNET test scoop-creation-exception-access scoop079 tcf fail scoop multithreaded execution creation exception if not DOTNET test scoop-separate-call-class-invariant scoop080 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution invariant assertion if not DOTNET test scoop-recursive-precondition scoop081 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution precondition assertion if not DOTNET test scoop-creation-instruction-without-arguments scoop082 tcf fail scoop c_compilation bug#19507 if not DOTNET test scoop-call-with-basic-generic-argument scoop083 tcf pass scoop multithreaded execution test deadlock-simple-symmetric-cycle deadlock001 tcf manual scoop multithreaded deadlock test deadlock-simple-asymmetric-cycle deadlock002 tcf manual scoop multithreaded deadlock test deadlock-synchronous-2-cycle deadlock003 tcf manual scoop multithreaded deadlock lock_passing test deadlock-synchronous-3-cycle deadlock004 tcf manual scoop multithreaded deadlock lock_passing test deadlock-synchronous-n-cycle deadlock005 tcf manual scoop multithreaded deadlock -- Execution test print-double exec001 tcf pass execution test real-conform-double exec003 tcf pass execution test power-operator exec004 tcf pass execution test once-routine-precond-fail exec005 tcf pass execution test wrong-int-div exec006 tcf pass execution test old-current-ne-current exec007 tcf pass execution test plus-before-free-unary exec008 tcf pass execution test free-binary-wrong-precedence exec009 tcf pass execution test divide-by-real-zero exec010 tcf fail execution test expanded-creation-order exec011 tcf pass execution test redecl-implicit-precond exec012 tcf pass execution test variable-attr-wrong-address exec014 tcf pass execution test readline-long-line-wrong exec015 tcf pass execution test rescue-floating-exception exec016 tcf pass execution test strip-wont-c-compile exec017 tcf pass execution test strip-with-void exec018 tcf pass execution test manifest-array-concat exec019 tcf pass execution test very-deep-clone exec021 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test out-of-locals exec022 tcf pass execution test prefix-oper-attribute exec023 tcf pass execution test long-linked-list-fails exec024 tcf pass execution test malloc-free-collect-coalesce exec026 tcf pass execution test memory-leak exec027 tcf pass execution skip test external-feature-address exec029 tcf pass execution test null-char-in-string exec030 tcf pass execution test uninit-root-class-arg exec031 tcf pass execution test int-equal-int exec032 tcf pass execution test wrong-oper-int-convert exec033 tcf pass execution test invariant-empty-property exec034 tcf pass execution test expanded-but-void-attribute exec035 tcf pass execution test expanded-creation-panic exec036 tcf pass execution test create-integer-then-incr exec037 tcf pass execution test once-expanded-result exec038 tcf pass execution test create-zero-len-bool-string exec039 tcf pass execution test merge-sort-panic exec040 tcf pass execution test random-memory-alloc-panic exec041 tcf pass execution test auto-resize-exp-arrayed-list exec044 tcf pass execution test reference-to-sub-object exec045 tcf pass execution if not DOTNET test class-invariant-fail-panic exec046 tcf pass execution test clearer-ref-to-sub-object exec047 tcf pass execution test inline-external-root-proc exec048 tcf pass execution inlining test wrong-alt-precondition-order exec049 tcf fail execution test join-effect-precond-skipped exec050 tcf fail execution test attribute-postcondition-lost exec051 tcf fail execution test arrayed-list-clone-not-equal exec052 tcf pass execution test root-no-class-invariant exec053 tcf pass execution test integer-ref-gt-integer exec054 tcf pass execution test expanded-generic-like-current exec055 tcf pass execution test skip-deferred-feat-assertions exec056 tcf fail execution assertion test array-of-expanded-insert-fails exec057 tcf pass execution test inherit-array-of-expanded exec060 tcf pass execution test conforms-to-with-generics exec062 tcf pass execution test deep-clone-panic exec063 tcf pass execution test random-string-blank-panic exec064 tcf pass execution test random-array-alloc-loop exec065 tcf pass execution test many-locals-deep-recursion exec066 tcf pass execution test big-expanded-attributes exec067 tcf pass execution test big-manifest-array-of-strings exec068 tcf pass execution test keep-on-stripping exec069 tcf pass execution test deep-exception-in-rescue exec070 tcf pass execution skip test few-locals-deep-recursion exec071 tcf pass execution test expanded-create-big-string exec072 tcf pass execution test negative-eiffel-memory-used exec075 tcf pass execution test strip-with-expanded-attr exec077 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test manifest-array-of-strip exec078 tcf pass execution test rescue-recurse-many-retries exec079 tcf pass execution test print-null-get-nothing exec081 tcf pass execution test cloned-int-passed-to-double exec082 tcf pass execution test retry-forget-in-assertion exec084 tcf pass execution assertion test rescue-show-exception-meaning exec085 tcf pass execution test clone-integer-boolean-character exec087 tcf pass execution if not DOTNET test expanded-local-void-in-rescue exec088 tcf pass execution test print-char-dot-is-digit exec090 tcf pass execution test expanded-skip-class-invariant exec091 tcf pass execution test parent-invariants-reverse-order exec092 tcf pass execution test external-routine-skip-assertion exec093 tcf pass execution test many-big-expanded-locals exec094 tcf pass execution test internal-exception-memory-leak exec095 tcf fail execution test expanded-local-raise-exception exec096 tcf pass execution test generic-attributes-not-equal exec097 tcf pass execution test inherit-generic-wrong-call exec099 tcf pass execution test generic-constrained-by-double exec100 tcf pass execution test strip-bad-linked-list exec101 tcf pass execution test manifest-array-of-tiny-strings exec102 tcf pass execution test expanded-pass-current exec103 tcf pass execution test exception-in-dispose exec104 tcf fail execution test freeze-expanded-tuple-attr exec105 tcf pass execution tuple test put-character-255 exec106 tcf pass execution test out-of-memory-panic exec107 tcf pass execution test redefine-expanded-as-attribute exec108 tcf pass execution test compare-var-to-default exec109 tcf pass execution test strip-memory-leak exec110 tcf fail execution test numeric-discrepancies exec111 tcf pass execution test melt-call-precomp-external exec112 tcf pass execution test all-chars-debug-key exec113 tcf fail execution test is-integer-ignores-null exec114 tcf pass execution test dynamic-runtime-bad-library exec115 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test agent-expanded-target exec116 tcf pass execution agent test print-integer64 exec117 tcf pass execution test print-max-negative-smallint exec118 tcf pass execution test safe-call-from-rescue exec119 tcf pass execution test multithreaded-string-blank exec120 tcf pass execution multithreaded test assign-attempt-affects-source exec121 tcf pass execution test wrong-generating-type exec122 tcf pass execution test long-tuple-corrupts-memory exec123 tcf pass execution tuple test replace-substring-with-self exec124 tcf pass execution test generic-generating-type exec125 tcf pass execution test create-tuple-of-tuples exec126 tcf fail execution tuple test print-big-constant exec127 tcf pass execution test assign-attempt-redefined-type exec128 tcf pass execution test melted-boolean-to-integer exec129 tcf pass execution test negative-integer-8 exec130 tcf pass execution test melted-memory-copy exec131 tcf pass execution test is-integer-accepts-invalid exec132 tcf pass execution test agent-lighter-tuple-arg exec133 tcf pass execution tuple agent test insert-hash-table-zero exec134 tcf pass execution table test store-expanded-retrieve-wrong exec135 tcf pass execution storable test store-expanded-retrieve-dies exec136 tcf pass execution storable test array-expanded-not-deep-equal exec137 tcf pass execution test expanded-no-default-create exec138 tcf fail execution test retr-expanded-not-deep-equal exec139 tcf pass execution test linked-queue-linear-rep exec140 tcf pass execution test inspect-high-bit-char exec141 tcf pass execution inspect test invariant-changes-current exec142 tcf pass execution test is-special-any-type-lies exec143 tcf pass execution special test indep-store-big-array exec144 tcf pass execution storable test recursive-once-create-result exec145 tcf pass execution test frozen-floor-ceiling exec146 tcf pass execution test special-of-expanded exec147 tcf fail used_to_pass execution special finalization test generic-conformance-two-params exec148 tcf pass execution conformance test real-const-with-underscores exec149 tcf pass execution test interior-null-in-debug-key exec150 tcf fail execution test huge-memory-leak exec151 tcf pass execution test bit-64-operations exec152 tcf pass execution test nested-manifest-array-gen-type exec153 tcf pass execution test explicit-expanded-creation exec154 tcf pass execution test expanded-add-default-create exec155 tcf fail execution test inherit-create-like-current exec156 tcf pass execution test inspect-big-integer-64 exec158 tcf pass execution inspect test long-name-exception-trace exec159 tcf pass execution test bigger-generation-object-limit exec160 tcf pass execution test negative-incremental-gc-stats exec161 tcf pass execution test many-generic-parameters exec162 tcf fail execution test odd-gc-chunk-size exec163 tcf pass execution test gc-expanded-expanded-attrs exec164 tcf pass execution test negative-hex-constant exec165 tcf pass execution test expanded-arg-macro-with-cast exec166 tcf pass execution test external-precond-string-arg exec167 tcf pass execution test external-infix-feature exec168 tcf pass execution test multithreaded-memory-leak exec169 tcf pass execution multithreaded test external-precursor exec170 tcf pass execution test very-big-gc-chunk-size exec171 tcf fail execution skip test external-static-access exec172 tcf pass execution instance_free test static-access-generic-function exec173 tcf pass execution test inherit-create-like-attr exec174 tcf pass execution test generating-type-of-any exec175 tcf pass execution test assign-attempt-anchored-tuple exec176 tcf pass execution tuple test generic-agent-generating-type exec177 tcf fail execution agent test agent-like-current-target exec178 tcf pass execution agent test area-wrong-generating-type exec179 tcf pass execution test unavailable-exception-trace exec180 tcf pass execution test wrong-exp-attribute-type exec181 tcf pass execution test wrong-dynamic-type exec182 tcf pass execution test special-expanded-access exec183 tcf pass execution special test once-manifest-string exec184 tcf pass execution multithreaded test array-expanded-expanded exec185 tcf pass execution test once-optimization exec186 tcf pass execution test negative-hexadecimal exec187 tcf pass execution test integer-overflow-type exec188 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test global-once-feature exec189 tcf pass execution multithreaded test once-in-generic-class exec190 tcf fail used_to_pass execution multithreaded test once-with-exception exec191 tcf pass execution multithreaded test system-return-code exec192 tcf pass execution test catch-stack-overflow exec193 tcf pass execution test thread-assertion-monitoring exec194 tcf pass execution multithreaded assertion test last-exception-after-call exec195 tcf pass execution test inspect-on-character-interval exec196 tcf pass execution inspect test basic-type-conversion exec197 tcf pass execution test bit-test-on-integer exec198 tcf pass execution test creation-of-formal-redefined-attribute exec199 tcf pass execution test anchor-argument-anchored-on-feature-or-formal exec200 tcf pass execution test tuple-real-double exec201 tcf pass execution tuple test developer-exception-with-null exec202 tcf pass execution test nested-expanded-copy exec203 tcf pass execution test old-expressions-evaluated-when-they-should-not exec204 tcf pass execution test manifest-array-waste-locals exec205 tcf pass execution test like-current-generic-parameter exec206 tcf pass execution test result-lost-in-manifest-arrays-tuples exec207 tcf pass execution tuple test expanded-type-intrinsic-feature exec208 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test once-manifest-string-in-once exec209 tcf pass execution test external-redeclared-to-attribute exec210 tcf pass execution test expanded-reattachment exec211 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test bad-invariant-code-in-expanded exec212 tcf pass execution test inherited-attribute-and-assigner exec213 tcf pass execution assigner test attribute-and-assigner-coupling exec214 tcf pass execution assigner test signed-unsigned-binary-operations exec215 tcf pass execution test empty-once-function exec216 tcf pass execution test inherited-expanded-generic exec217 tcf pass execution test any-expanded-agent exec218 tcf fail used_to_pass execution agent test to-character-32-truncated exec219 tcf pass execution test character-32-truncated exec220 tcf pass execution test melted-dispose-panic exec221 tcf pass execution test expanded-reverse-attachment exec222 tcf pass execution expanded attachment assigner test extended-agent-test exec223 tcf pass execution agent test named-tuple-test exec224 tcf pass execution tuple test expanded-generic-use exec225 tcf pass execution expanded generic test generic-named-tuple exec226 tcf pass execution tuple test expanded-assignment-attempt exec227 tcf pass execution test routine-valid-operands exec228 tcf pass execution test double-clone exec229 tcf pass execution test infix-power-taking-double exec230 tcf pass execution test insert-expanded-in-list-of-any exec231 tcf pass execution test modification-of-basic-variable exec232 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test assertion-inline-agents-with-locals exec233 tcf pass execution assertion agent test inlined-array exec234 tcf pass execution test inline-agents-and-generics exec235 tcf pass execution agent test inline-agents-reordering exec236 tcf pass execution agent test inline-agent-manifest-expr exec237 tcf pass execution agent test name-renaming-with-inline-agent-assertion exec238 tcf pass execution assertion agent test correct-vpir-violation exec239 tcf pass execution test inline-agent-of-generic-type exec240 tcf pass execution agent test agent-in-inherited-assertion exec241 tcf pass execution assertion agent test deferred-inline-agent exec242 tcf pass execution agent test external-inline-agent exec243 tcf pass execution agent test invariant-encapsulated-inline-agents exec244 tcf pass execution agent test remove-fake-inline-agent-from-invariant exec245 tcf pass execution agent test remove-feature-with-inline-agent exec246 tcf pass execution agent test type-check-invariant-inline-agent exec247 tcf pass execution agent test nan-min-max exec248 tcf pass execution ieee test agent-in-nested-call-failure exec249 tcf pass execution agent test feature-only-referenced-by-dollar-op exec250 tcf pass execution test dollar-op-to-deferred-feature exec251 tcf pass execution test add-dollar-op-to-frozen-system exec252 tcf pass execution test creation-information-lost exec253 tcf pass execution test integer-constant-access exec254 tcf pass execution test cloning-disable-gc-tracking exec255 tcf pass execution test precursor-calling-itself exec256 tcf pass execution test numeric-type-comparison exec257 tcf pass execution test expanded-with-generics-in-generic-class exec258 tcf fail execution test expanded-with-generics-failure exec259 tcf pass execution test equality-on-expanded exec260 tcf pass execution test inspect-int-nat-big-endian exec261 tcf pass execution inspect test anchor-on-feature-with-formal exec262 tcf pass execution test generating-type-of-type-parameter exec263 tcf pass execution test agent-on-attribute-with-open-target exec264 tcf pass execution agent test generator-on-typed-pointer exec265 tcf pass execution test feature-call-on-basic-generic exec266 tcf pass execution generic basic test expanded-formal-attached-to-reference exec267 tcf pass execution generic basic test tuple-with-basic-type exec268 tcf fail used_to_pass execution generic basic tuple test signed-unsigned-in-inspect exec269 tcf pass execution inspect test mixed-basic-type-operations exec270 tcf pass execution inspect test wrong-agent-creation-type exec271 tcf pass execution inspect agent test expanded-derivation-reattachment exec272 tcf pass execution expanded generic test expanded-creation-semantics exec273 tcf pass execution expanded creation attachment clone test agent-for-expanded-derivation exec274 tcf pass execution expanded generic agent test merging-feature-with-formal exec275 tcf pass execution expanded generic merging test entry-point-defined exec276 tcf fail used_to_pass execution expanded generic merging test derivation-reverse-attachment exec277 tcf pass execution expanded generic attachment test expanded-creation-correctness exec278 tcf fail execution expanded test special-base-address exec279 tcf pass execution expanded special test default-create-not-called exec280 tcf pass execution test not-equal-operator-failure exec281 tcf pass execution expanded test all-defaults-failure exec282 tcf pass execution expanded test clear-all-on-special exec283 tcf pass execution expanded special test wrong-expanded-generic-type exec284 tcf pass execution expanded test wrong-polymorphic-call-with-select exec285 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test wrong-formal-type-specification exec286 tcf pass execution test conversion-for-tuple-assignment-crash exec287 tcf pass execution tuple test wrong-formal-type-local-initialization exec288 tcf pass execution test wrong-finalized-invariant-check exec289 tcf pass execution finalizing test wrong-optimization-of-as-attached exec290 tcf pass execution finalizing test crash-on-divisible exec291 tcf fail used_to_pass execution finalizing test wrong-inherited-formal-type exec292 tcf pass execution finalizing attached_types test access-by-label-on-void-tuple exec293 tcf pass execution tuple test self-init-attribute-non-void-safe exec294 tcf pass execution attribute test check-invariant-attached-by-default exec295 tcf pass execution test self-init-attribute-void-safe exec296 tcf pass execution attribute test check-invariant-void-safe exec297 tcf pass execution test out-wrong-for-natural-attribute exec298 tcf pass execution test invariant-crash-with-attached-parent exec299 tcf pass execution test deep-twin-expanded-type exec300 tcf pass execution test attempt-on-type-none exec301 tcf pass execution test self-init-attribute-call-to-precursor exec302 tcf pass execution attribute manual test out-on-nan-violates-invariant exec303 tcf pass execution ieee test operations-on-numeric-generic exec304 tcf fail execution test expanded-object-test-infinite-recursion exec305 tcf pass execution manual test expanded-generic-call-on-void-target exec306 tcf fail execution test bogus-catcall-on-basic-type-agent exec307 tcf pass execution catcall agent test conversion-from-basic-through-any exec308 tcf fail execution test expanded-object-test-creates-objects exec309 tcf fail execution test out-on-long-attribute-buffer-overflow exec310 tcf pass execution multithreaded test profile-with-invariant exec311 tcf pass execution profile test small-eif-memory-scavenge exec312 tcf pass execution test static-access-on-like-current exec313 tcf pass execution test manifest-type-expr-generating-type exec314 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test manifest-type-singletons exec315 tcf pass execution test wrong-type-creation exec316 tcf fail execution test long-string-to-double exec317 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test ref-exp-polymorphism exec318 tcf fail execution test loop-expression-smoke-test exec319 tcf pass loop expression test expanded-deep-physical-size exec320 tcf fail execution test check-instruction-smoke-test exec321 tcf pass execution check instruction exception test ieee-arithmetic exec322 tcf pass execution ieee test eiffel-ieee-comparison exec323 tcf pass execution ieee test do-nothing-optimization exec324 tcf pass execution test assertion-incorrect-type exec325 tcf pass execution assertion test ieee-min-max-values exec326 tcf pass execution ieee test assertion-reset-with-check exec327 tcf pass execution assertion test default-on-expanded-string exec328 tcf fail execution expanded test ieee-abs-minus-zero exec329 tcf pass execution ieee test catcall-in-expanded-class-invariant exec330 tcf fail execution catcall test once-string-seg-fault exec331 tcf pass execution test object-test-wrong-with-expanded-generic exec332 tcf pass execution test tracing-memory-corruption exec333 tcf pass execution test special-make-empty exec334 tcf pass execution special test standard-twin-on-formal exec335 tcf pass execution test gc-after-rescue-in-once exec336 tcf pass execution once test gc-after-rescue-in-attribute exec337 tcf pass execution attribute test compare-generic-to-basic exec338 tcf pass execution test standard-twin-correctness exec339 tcf pass execution test plus-with-mixed-types exec340 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test static-assigner exec341 tcf pass execution assigner test generating-type-on-typed-pointer exec342 tcf fail used_to_pass execution expanded generic test deep-twin-control-c exec343 tcf pass execution manual test wrong-argument-type-in-tuple exec344 tcf pass execution tuple test wrong-attribute-type-in-tuple exec345 tcf fail used_to_pass execution tuple test ptr-is-default-pointer exec346 tcf pass execution test small-eif-memory-scavenge-2 exec347 tcf pass execution test environment-setting exec348 tcf pass execution eweasel test none-and-attachement exec349 tcf pass execution conformance test wrong-type-in-tuple exec350 tcf fail used_to_pass execution tuple test nested-expanded-copy-2 exec351 tcf pass execution expanded test integer-is-greater-equal-seg exec352 tcf fail used_to_pass execution test equality-operator-semantics exec353 tcf fail used_to_pass execution equality attached_types test agent-target-expanded exec354 tcf pass execution expanded test conditional-expression-smoke-test exec355 tcf pass execution conditional expression test parenthesis-alias-smoke-test exec356 tcf pass execution expression parenthesis_alias test parenthesis-alias-tuple-convention exec357 tcf pass execution expression parenthesis_alias conversion tuple conformance test conditional-expression-constant exec358 tcf pass execution conditional expression conformance test invalid-conversion-to-tuple exec359 tcf pass execution parenthesis_alias conversion tuple conformance test expanded-hash-table exec360 tcf pass execution expanded test conversion-in-assigner-command exec361 tcf pass execution assigner conversion test formal-generic-tuple-constraint exec362 tcf pass execution parenthesis_alias conversion tuple conformance formal generic constraint test formal-generic-tuple-unfolding exec363 tcf pass execution parenthesis_alias conversion tuple conformance formal generic constraint test void-safe-like-argument exec364 tcf pass execution attached_types anchored_type test once-manifest-string-extended-ascii exec365 tcf pass execution test ieee-nan-deep-comparison exec366 tcf pass execution ieee test types-and-attachement exec367 tcf pass execution conformance void_safe test manifest-array-type-computation exec368 tcf pass execution manifest_array test conditional-expression-type-computation exec369 tcf pass execution conditional expression test conditional-expression-expanded-type exec370 tcf pass execution conditional expression test old-expression-in-feature-body exec371 tcf fail execution old expression test target-manifest-array-type-computation exec372 tcf pass execution manifest_array test type-with-none exec373 tcf pass execution conformance test floating-point-comparison exec374 tcf pass execution ieee test anchored-tuple-creation exec375 tcf pass execution creation anchored_type tuple test manifest-array-of-qualified-types exec376 tcf pass execution manifest_array -- Once specific test once-per-object-exec once001 tcf pass once test once-per-object-exec-with-exception once002 tcf pass once exception test once-per-object-redefinition once003 tcf pass once redefine test once-per-object-removal once004 tcf pass once redefine test once-key-validity once005 tcf pass once validity test once-per-object-called-via-precursor once006 tcf pass once test once-per-object-with-inheritance once007 tcf pass once test once-per-object-finalized-crash once008 tcf pass once test once-per-object-effect-deferred once009 tcf pass once test once-per-object-empty-body once010 tcf pass once test once-per-object-anchored-or-generic once011 tcf pass once test once-per-object-returning-expanded once012 tcf pass once test once-per-object-precursor-descendant once013 tcf pass once test once-per-object-inherited-chained once014 tcf pass once test once-per-object-callee-exception once015 tcf fail once test once-per-object-recursive-call once016 tcf fail once test once-per-object-rescue-gc once017 tcf pass once test once-per-object-nonconforming-inheritance once018 tcf pass once non-conforming test once-per-object-redefined-precursor once019 tcf fail once test once-per-object-nonconforming-2 once020 tcf pass once non-conforming test once-per-object-generic-precursor once021 tcf pass once test once-per-object-array-of-expanded once022 tcf fail once test once-per-object-inherited-twice once023 tcf fail once test once-class-creation-semantics once024 tcf pass once once_creation test once-class-reference-attribute once025 tcf pass once once_creation test once-class-reference-initialization once026 tcf pass once once_creation test once-class-creation-procedure once027 tcf pass once once_creation test once-class-uniqueness once028 tcf pass once once_creation test once-class-separateness-difference once029 tcf pass once once_creation test once-class-without-creator once030 tcf pass once once_creation -- Compiler termination (exception trace, panic, etc.) test add-inheritance-cycle term001 tcf pass termination test remove-root-creation-proc term002 tcf pass termination test long-identifiers term003 tcf pass termination test anchored-creation-type term004 tcf pass termination test like-current-generic-constraint term005 tcf pass termination test function-with-many-args term006 tcf pass termination test unusual-none-use term007 tcf pass termination test void-as-variant term008 tcf pass termination test none-as-actual-generic term009 tcf pass termination test invalid-generic-constraint term010 tcf pass termination test manifest-array-call-target term011 tcf pass termination test deeply-nested-when term014 tcf pass termination test manifest-array-call-target2 term015 tcf pass termination test empty-external-feat-alias term016 tcf pass termination test none-as-actual-generic2 term018 tcf pass termination test expanded-client-cycle term020 tcf pass termination test function-returning-none term023 tcf pass termination test expanded-local-panic term025 tcf pass termination test bad-generic-deriv-creation-type2 term026 tcf pass termination test many-same-generics term027 tcf pass termination test precompiled-missing-cluster term028 tcf pass termination test generic-constrained-by-its-class term029 tcf pass termination test expanded-client-3-cycle term030 tcf pass termination test generic-constr-by-generic-deriv term031 tcf pass termination test current-dot-void term032 tcf pass termination test real-decl-integer-constant term033 tcf pass termination test vlec-cycle-with-generics term034 tcf pass termination manual test create-negative-double-const term035 tcf pass termination test minimal-set-of-classes term036 tcf pass termination test def-int-func-redefine-none term037 tcf pass termination test root-none-creation-proc term039 tcf pass termination test expanded-generic-constr-by-self term041 tcf pass termination test redef-anchored-to-self-version term042 tcf pass termination test generic-constraint-cycle term043 tcf pass termination test explicit-create-def-gen-parent term044 tcf pass termination test strip-attribute-of-type-none term045 tcf pass termination test two-creation-clauses-one-empty term047 tcf pass termination test long-anchored-decl-chain term048 tcf pass termination test anchored-generic-multi-dot-call term049 tcf pass termination test formal-generic-in-constraint term050 tcf pass termination test generic-constraint-with-expand term051 tcf pass termination test vtcg-expanded-generic term052 tcf pass termination test expanded-manifest-array-item term053 tcf pass termination test nested-manifest-array-feat-call term054 tcf pass termination test long-comment term055 tcf pass termination test long-white-space term056 tcf pass termination test no-precomp-big-manifest-array term057 tcf pass termination test heavy-anded-bool-panic term058 tcf pass termination test feature-address-in-invariant term060 tcf pass termination test manifest-array-at-sign term062 tcf pass termination test non-windows-dll-external term063 tcf pass termination test external-omit-signature-args term064 tcf pass termination test finalize-big-inline-size term065 tcf pass termination inlining test finalize-inline-remove-dead term067 tcf pass termination inlining test too-many-signature-arguments term069 tcf pass termination test very-long-token term070 tcf pass termination test finalize-prefix-attribute term071 tcf pass termination test finalize-deferred-feature-call term072 tcf pass termination test finalize-array-opt-remove-dead term073 tcf pass termination test finalize-inline-strip-expr term074 tcf pass termination inlining test assign-creation-expression term075 tcf pass termination test finalize-inline-array-expanded term077 tcf pass termination inlining test finalize-inline-small-classes term078 tcf pass termination inlining test simple-explicit-generic-create term079 tcf pass termination test generic-constrained-by-tuple term080 tcf pass termination tuple test invariant-creation-expr term081 tcf pass termination test generic-nonexistent-creator term082 tcf pass termination test generic-nonexistent-infix term083 tcf pass termination test finalize-creation-expression term084 tcf pass termination test finalize-inline-delayed-call term085 tcf pass termination inlining test invariant-delayed-closed-target term086 tcf pass termination test generic-creation-no-constraint term087 tcf pass termination test none-delayed-call term088 tcf pass termination test undef-external-call-precursor term089 tcf pass termination test generic-delayed-call-result term090 tcf fail termination test creation-constrained-by-generic term091 tcf pass termination test generic-constrained-by-none term092 tcf pass termination test generic-constrained-by-self term093 tcf pass termination test inherit-generic-and-any term094 tcf pass termination test generic-constrained-by-integer term095 tcf pass termination test finalize-inline-infix-external term096 tcf pass termination inlining test long-system-name term098 tcf fail termination test external-c-plus-plus term100 tcf pass termination test slash-in-cluster-tag term101 tcf pass termination test finalize-missing-server-file term102 tcf pass termination test precomp-lib-wrong-version term103 tcf pass termination manual test generic-anchor-call-precursor term104 tcf pass termination test temporary-bug-1 term105 tcf pass termination test print-array-anchored-generic term106 tcf pass termination test add-remove-vcch-freeze term107 tcf pass termination test generic-static-constant term108 tcf pass termination test static-call-on-none term109 tcf pass termination test assign-attempt-manifest-array term110 tcf pass termination test finalize-nested-if term111 tcf pass termination test inherit-from-chain term112 tcf pass termination test msil-generation-yes term113 tcf pass termination config test remove-formal-generic term114 tcf pass termination test change-generic-create term115 tcf pass termination test change-sysname-and-root term116 tcf pass termination test inline-numeric-plus-numeric term117 tcf pass termination inlining test finalize-many-expanded-attrs term118 tcf pass termination test remove-constraint-veen-die term119 tcf pass termination test inspect-big-range term120 tcf pass termination skip inspect test expanded-like-current-vlec term121 tcf pass termination test creation-expr-anchor-none term122 tcf pass termination test assign-address-expr term123 tcf pass termination test agent-open-operand-none term124 tcf pass termination agent test finalize-if-false term125 tcf pass termination test unreachable-visible-generic term126 tcf pass termination test manifest-array-to-array-conformance term127 tcf pass termination conformance test infinite-loop-expanded-generics term128 tcf pass termination manual test create-generic-result-any term129 tcf pass termination test inline-routine-with-formal-conversion term130 tcf pass termination inlining test finalize-manifest-array-with-anchor term131 tcf pass termination test anchored-generic-like-type term132 tcf pass termination test dynamic-generic-type term133 tcf pass termination test address-of-expanded-attribute term134 tcf pass termination test unary-on-formal term135 tcf pass termination test multiple-replicated-once term136 tcf pass termination test unknown-manifest-constant-type term137 tcf pass termination test invalid-constant-in-iterval-list term138 tcf pass termination test special-conformance term139 tcf pass termination conformance special test generic-renamed-in-expanded term140 tcf pass termination expanded generic rename test agent-on-feature-with-like-argument term141 tcf pass termination agent test separate-panic term142 tcf pass termination test creation-expression-in-inherited-assertion term143 tcf fail used_to_pass termination test inspect-using-static-procedure term144 tcf pass termination inspect test constraint-type-comparison term145 tcf pass termination generic test missing-actual-generic-crash term146 tcf pass termination generic test actual-generic-none-crash term147 tcf pass termination generic test complex-generics-crash term148 tcf pass termination generic test agent-with-anchor-crash term149 tcf pass termination generic agent test expanded-generic-crash term150 tcf pass termination generic test integer-like-constant term151 tcf pass termination test qualified-call-on-procedure-failure term152 tcf pass termination test crash-for-redefined-feature-with-wrong-anchor term153 tcf pass termination test agent-return-type-crash term154 tcf pass termination agent test nested-like-code-generation-crash term155 tcf pass termination test assertion-regeneration-crash term156 tcf pass termination test vkcn-error-reporting-failure term157 tcf pass termination test invalid-case-crash term158 tcf pass termination test conversion-in-closed-argument-crash term159 tcf pass termination test formal-generic-creation-crash term160 tcf pass termination test array-with-anchor-crash term161 tcf pass termination dotnet test crash-when-calling-out-on-a-formal term162 tcf pass termination dotnet test bad_formal_types term163 tcf pass validity test crash-in-conversion-clause term164 tcf pass validity test crash-in-checking-inherited-code term165 tcf pass validity test catcall-and-full-class-checking term166 tcf fail used_to_pass termination system-validity test single-constraint-with-renaming-crash term167 tcf pass termination attribute test inline-agent-with-attribute-body term168 tcf pass termination agent attribute test self-init-attribute-returning-current term169 tcf pass termination self_init void_safe attribute test self-init-attribute-crash term170 tcf pass termination attribute test keyword-in-multi-constraint-generic-crash term171 tcf pass termination test catcall-crash-is-covariant-to term172 tcf fail termination catcall test conversion-query-constant-attribute term173 tcf pass termination convert test create-generic-constrained-by-none term174 tcf fail termination test create-constrained-generic-crash term175 tcf pass termination test remove-syntax-error-crash term176 tcf pass termination test argument-anchors-formal-crash term177 tcf pass termination test small-eif-stack-chunk term178 tcf pass termination test inherit-inline-agent-with-formal term179 tcf pass termination agent test create-constrained-generic-crash-2 term181 tcf pass termination test expanded-indirect-like-current term182 tcf pass termination expanded anchored_type test expanded-indirect-like-current-2 term183 tcf pass termination expanded anchored_type test create-generic-with-rename term184 tcf fail termination generic test generic-derivation-constraint term185 tcf pass termination formal generic constraint test across-keyword-as-feature-name term186 tcf pass termination test chained-generic-constraints term187 tcf pass termination formal generic constraint test static-access-on-generic-in-inspect term188 tcf pass termination formal generic inspect test vmfn-reporting-crash term189 tcf pass termination validity test conform-to-type-precondition-violation term190 tcf pass termination validity test generated-id-assertion-violation term191 tcf fail termination multiconstraint expanded test skeleton-adapted-in-crash term192 tcf pass termination test is-valid-for-class-precondition term193 tcf pass termination test is-less-equal-postcondition-violation-2 term194 tcf pass termination test testing-class-removal-crash term195 tcf pass termination test across-with-constrained-generic-crash term196 tcf pass termination test shared-library-with-generic-root term197 tcf fail termination test iteration-over-inline-agent term198 tcf pass termination agent test expanded-constrained-generic-root-crash term199 tcf fail termination expanded generic test check-instruction-invalid-code term200 tcf pass termination check instruction validity test inherit-generic-with-self-as-formal term201 tcf fail used_to_pass termination anchored_type test inherit-formal-as-second-formal term202 tcf pass termination dotnet test inherit-generic-of-expanded term203 tcf pass termination dotnet test ise-ec-flags-missing-final-quote term204 tcf pass termination test inherited-feature-unadapted term205 tcf pass termination test generic-constrained-by-self-2 term206 tcf fail termination generic test inherited-static-access-on-generic term207 tcf fail termination formal generic test agent-in-postcondition term208 tcf pass termination agent test long-string-constants-crash term209 tcf pass termination test empty-class-file-crash term210 tcf pass termination test root-class-none term211 tcf pass termination test bad-library-class term212 tcf fail termination test across-on-tuple term213 tcf pass termination across iteration test qat-greater-number-of-formal term214 tcf pass validity anchored_type system-validity test large-integer-64-crash term215 tcf pass syntax test conversion-by-constant-attribute term216 tcf pass termination conversion test generic-assignment-to-tuple-field term217 tcf pass termination tuple assigner test sequence-type-computation-hanging term218 tcf pass manifest_array conditional expression -- Config test config-override config001 tcf pass config test config-debug-disabled config002 tcf pass config test config-quick-melt-override config003 tcf pass config test config-target-extends-itself config004 tcf pass config test config-remove-library config005 tcf pass config test config-debugs config006 tcf pass config test config-rename-change config007 tcf pass config test config-missing-name-attribute config008 tcf pass config test config-override-crash config009 tcf pass config test config-system-name-with-space config010 tcf pass config test config-class-file-name-mismatch config011 tcf pass config test config-root-class-file-name-mismatch config012 tcf pass config test config-class-file-name-mismatch-2 config013 tcf pass config test config-class-file-name-update config014 tcf pass config test config-library-options-redefinition config015 tcf pass config test config-library-options-setting config016 tcf pass config test config-nonstandard-source-extension config017 tcf fail used_to_pass config test config-keyword-root-class config018 tcf pass config test config-invalid-root-type config019 tcf pass config test config-invalid-actual-generic config020 tcf pass config test config-undetected-vlec config021 tcf fail config test config-invalid-vsrt2 config022 tcf fail config test config-generic-root-type-extra-chars config023 tcf pass config test config-generic-root-with-expanded config024 tcf fail config generic expanded test config-unclosed-element config025 tcf pass config test config-undetected-vtcg config026 tcf fail config test config-invalid-vd75 config027 tcf fail config incrementality test config-change-library-location config028 tcf pass config incrementality test config-process-group-crash config029 tcf pass config incrementality test config-root-class-precursor config030 tcf pass config test config-extra-trailing-text config031 tcf pass config test config-4kb-config-file config032 tcf pass config test config-multiple-system-elements config033 tcf fail config test config-custom-tags-of-the-same-name config034 tcf pass config test config-variables-with-same-name config035 tcf fail used_to_pass config test config-library-with-uppercase config036 tcf pass config test config-cycled-library-dependency config037 tcf pass config test config-unexistent-cluster-with-changes config038 tcf pass config test config-too-many-excludes config039 tcf pass config test capability-library-support config040 tcf pass config capability test capability-library-use config041 tcf pass config capability test capability-target-support config042 tcf pass config capability test capability-target-use config043 tcf pass config capability test capability-condition-support config044 tcf pass config capability test capability-condition-use config045 tcf pass config capability test capability-library-inheritance config046 tcf pass config capability test capability-precompile-inheritance config047 tcf pass config capability test capability-precompile-propagation config048 tcf pass config capability test capability-library-project-setting config049 tcf pass config capability test config-redirection-uuid-warning config050 tcf fail config -- Lace test lace-no-cluster-props lace003 tcf pass lace config test lace-no-creation-proc lace007 tcf pass lace config test lace-empty-include-exclude lace011 tcf pass lace config test chg-cluster-name lace014 tcf pass lace config test remove-unneeded-cluster lace015 tcf pass lace config test root-cluster-case-sensitive lace016 tcf pass lace config test class-named-none lace021 tcf pass lace config test visible-export-nonexistent-feat lace022 tcf fail lace config test lace-debug-key-subset lace024 tcf pass lace config test visible-cluster-case-sensitive lace025 tcf pass lace config test visible-under-same-name lace029 tcf fail lace config test inlining-size-non-integer lace030 tcf pass lace inlining config test lace-system-special-chars lace031 tcf pass lace special config -- C code compilation/linking test void-gets-void ccomp001 tcf pass c_compilation test weird-operator-feat-name ccomp002 tcf fail c_compilation test weird-operator-feat-name2 ccomp003 tcf pass c_compilation test implies-wont-c-compile ccomp004 tcf pass c_compilation test divide-by-zero ccomp005 tcf pass c_compilation test visible-finalize-wont-link ccomp006 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-assertion-all ccomp007 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-void-parse-error ccomp008 tcf pass c_compilation test invariant-zero-equals-zero ccomp009 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-inh-root-creation-proc ccomp011 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-ext-root-creation-proc ccomp012 tcf pass c_compilation test strip-empty-list-freeze-cc ccomp013 tcf pass c_compilation test expanded-dead-code-removal ccomp014 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-inh-exp-creation-proc ccomp015 tcf pass c_compilation test assign-attempt-basic-local-addr ccomp016 tcf pass c_compilation test assign-attempt-basic-type ccomp017 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-expanded-to-reference ccomp018 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-expanded-return-type ccomp019 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-expanded-ext-creation ccomp020 tcf pass c_compilation test inherit-integer-call-remainder ccomp021 tcf pass c_compilation test expanded-generic-dead-code ccomp022 tcf pass c_compilation test external-func-with-signature ccomp023 tcf pass c_compilation test external-tab-between-includes ccomp024 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-call-undef-external ccomp026 tcf pass c_compilation test expanded-arg-with-cast ccomp027 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-array-opt-pointers ccomp028 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-wont-trace-visible ccomp029 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-create-deferred-type ccomp030 tcf pass c_compilation test freeze-generic-creation-expr ccomp032 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-precomp-assertion-all ccomp033 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-deferred-delayed-call ccomp034 tcf pass c_compilation test address-of-generic-attribute ccomp035 tcf pass c_compilation test address-of-default-rescue ccomp036 tcf pass c_compilation test inline-prefix-call ccomp037 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test finalize-prefix-constant ccomp038 tcf pass c_compilation test frozen-real-constant ccomp039 tcf pass c_compilation test c-header-mismatch ccomp040 tcf pass c_compilation test generic-create-double ccomp041 tcf pass c_compilation test minus-minus-real ccomp042 tcf pass c_compilation test c-header-mismatch-2 ccomp043 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-precomp-no-dead ccomp044 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-ext-exp-inline-create ccomp045 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test inline-c-ten-pass-local ccomp046 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test inline-c-arg-prefix-other ccomp047 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test pass-void-to-double ccomp048 tcf pass c_compilation test slash-power-on-formal-bad-code ccomp049 tcf pass c_compilation test print-pointer-local-address ccomp050 tcf pass c_compilation test inline-expanded-conversion ccomp051 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test create-generic-conform-double ccomp052 tcf pass c_compilation test long-string-generation ccomp053 tcf pass c_compilation test inline-incorrect-with-cpp ccomp054 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test polymorphic-dollar-agent-incorrect-wrapper ccomp055 tcf pass c_compilation agent test bad-macro-wrapping ccomp056 tcf pass c_compilation test bad-boolean-inline ccomp057 tcf pass c_compilation inlining test agent-on-constant-attribute ccomp058 tcf pass c_compilation agent test add-generic-c-compile-failure ccomp059 tcf pass c_compilation test last-reverse-assignment-to-expanded ccomp060 tcf pass c_compilation expanded test adding-removing-classes-c-compile-error ccomp061 tcf pass c_compilation expanded test once-manifest-string-in-cpp-file ccomp062 tcf pass c_compilation test feature-call-via-cecil ccomp063 tcf fail used_to_pass c_compilation test deferred-to-string-constant ccomp064 tcf pass finalizing multithreaded test built-in-unary-plus ccomp065 tcf fail c_compilation test expanded-generic-conformance-c-bad-finalization ccomp066 tcf pass c_compilation conformance if WINDOWS test dll-generation-failure ccomp067 tcf fail c_compilation test once-global-procedure-c-failure ccomp068 tcf pass c_compilation multithreaded test line-generation-finalize-bug ccomp069 tcf pass c_compilation test code-formatting ccomp070 tcf pass c_compilation test assign-attempt-on-basic-type ccomp071 tcf pass c_compilation test polymorphic-feature-address-bad-code ccomp072 tcf pass c_compilation test agent-with-like-bad-declaration ccomp073 tcf pass c_compilation agent test expanded-generic-wrong-c-with-multiple-ancestor ccomp074 tcf pass c_compilation test missing-undef-c-compiler-error ccomp075 tcf pass c_compilation test missing-protection-in-inline-c-code ccomp076 tcf pass c_compilation test bad-c-code-from-argument-anchor ccomp077 tcf fail c_compilation test bad-c-code-on-debug-clause ccomp078 tcf pass c_compilation test missing-makefile-for-precompile ccomp079 tcf pass c_compilation test bad-c-code-from-argument-anchor-2 ccomp080 tcf pass c_compilation test bad-c-code-for-expanded-definition ccomp081 tcf pass c_compilation expanded test expanded-generic-object-test ccomp082 tcf pass c_compilation expanded test c-header-mismatch-3 ccomp083 tcf pass c_compilation test large-real-constant-c-compile-failure ccomp084 tcf fail c_compilation test c-header-sequence ccomp085 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-without-then-with-assertions ccomp086 tcf pass c_compilation test finalize-expanded-generic-c-error ccomp087 tcf fail c_compilation test finalize-inline-with-dollar-operator ccomp088 tcf pass c_compilation test real64-constant-zero ccomp089 tcf pass c_compilation test removing-type-c-compilation-error ccomp090 tcf pass c_compilation incrementality test object-test-on-basic-types ccomp091 tcf pass c_compilation object_test execution -- Storable tests test freeze-retrieval-mismatch store001 tcf pass storable test retrieve-corrupted-file store002 tcf pass storable test melt-retrieval-mismatch store003 tcf pass storable test melted-retrieve-list-expanded store004 tcf pass storable expanded test store-tuple-integer store005 tcf pass storable tuple test store-generic-reference-class-used-as-expanded store006 tcf fail storable expanded test various-storable-format-testing store007 tcf pass storable test missing-type-retrieval store008 tcf pass storable test store-expanded-as-reference store009 tcf pass storable expanded test store-expanded-class-type store010 tcf pass storable expanded test tuple-57-unretrievable store011 tcf pass storable tuple test retrieve-corrupted-file-thread-freezes store012 tcf pass storable multithreaded test storable-formats store013 tcf pass storable test storable-formats-2 store014 tcf pass storable test retrieve-mismatch-serialization-failure store015 tcf pass storable exception test storable-formats-3 store016 tcf pass storable test storable-with-attached-type store017 tcf pass storable attached_types test storable-with-attached-type-by-62 store018 tcf fail used_to_pass storable attached_types test storable-with-attached-type-1 store019 tcf pass storable attached_types test storable-with-attached-type-by-63 store020 tcf pass storable attached_types test storable-removing-attachment-marks store021 tcf pass storable attached_types test store-expanded-class-type-2 store022 tcf pass storable expanded test store-transient-attributes store023 tcf pass storable transient test stream-independent-store store024 tcf pass storable stream special test attached-independent-store store025 tcf pass storable void_safe test storable-formats-63 store026 tcf pass storable test storable-with-special-type store027 tcf pass storable test storable-with-tuple-type store028 tcf pass storable test storable-formats-63-2 store029 tcf pass storable test store-retrieve-transient-attributes store030 tcf pass storable transient test store-retrieve-with-version store031 tcf pass storable test store-in-different-thread store032 tcf pass storable multithreaded test store-bounded-queues-stacks store033 tcf pass storable test old-hashtable-retrieval store034 tcf pass storable table test store-retrieve-bogus-version-mismatch store035 tcf pass storable test correct-mismatch-memory-corruption store036 tcf pass storable test store-retrieve-non-void-safe store037 tcf pass storable attached_types test storable-performance-testing store038 tcf pass storable performance test storable-with-long-nested-generics store039 tcf pass storable test storable-with-qualified-anchors store040 tcf pass storable test storable-with-qualified-anchors-reject store041 tcf pass storable test storable-failure-unstable-state store042 tcf pass storable test storable-formal-generic-constraint-changed store043 tcf fail storable test store-retrieve-different-expanded-id store044 tcf pass storable test retrieve-old-routine store045 tcf fail storable agent -- Library class tests if UNIX test basic-unix-path-operations path001 tcf pass library file path if not UNIX test basic-windows-path-operations path002 tcf pass library file path test unix-file-start-precond-error lib001 tcf pass library file test string-copy-valid-count lib002 tcf pass library file test file-copy-to lib003 tcf pass library file test putenv-with-null lib004 tcf pass library file test append-empty-arrayed_list lib005 tcf pass library file test string-incorrect-hash-code lib006 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-go lib007 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-move lib008 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-nextline lib009 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-file-append lib010 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-position lib011 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-read-character lib012 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-read-stream lib013 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-recede lib014 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-start lib015 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-read-line lib016 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-back lib017 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-close lib018 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-count lib019 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-create lib020 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-extend lib021 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-finish lib022 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-forth lib023 tcf pass library file test file-change-name lib024 tcf pass library file test file-read-xxx-routines lib025 tcf pass library file test ptf-file-forth-2 lib026 tcf pass library file test ptf-read-number-routines lib027 tcf fail used_to_pass library file test es-encoding-conversion lib028 tcf pass library encoding test ptf-read-number-routines-2 lib029 tcf fail used_to_pass library file test file-type-queries-wrong lib030 tcf pass library file test file-append-not-thread-safe lib031 tcf pass library file multithreaded test boolean-class-invariant lib032 tcf pass library basic invariant test file-read-write-access lib033 tcf pass library file test file-flush lib034 tcf pass library file test file-position-bad-file-pointer lib035 tcf pass library file test format-double-crash lib036 tcf pass library ieee test ptf-file-read-to-string lib037 tcf pass library file test managed-pointer-invariant lib038 tcf pass library invariant test file-info-not-duplicated lib039 tcf pass library file test argument_parser-missing-non-switched-argument lib040 tcf fail library argument_parser test library-process-wait_timeout lib041 tcf pass library process test library-process-read-output lib042 tcf pass library process test library-reversed-hash_table-cursor lib043 tcf pass library table iteration loop across test library-removed-hash_table-cursor lib044 tcf pass library table iteration loop across test library-hexadecimal-to-natural lib045 tcf pass library string_parse test library-arguments-command-line-start lib046 tcf pass library arguments command_line test library-sortable-array-empty-search lib047 tcf pass library test character_8-as_lower-as_upper lib048 tcf pass library character unicode test character-to_hexa_digit lib049 tcf pass library character unicode test library-space-character lib050 tcf pass library character unicode space test utf-16-basics utf001 tcf pass library unicode test utf-8-basics utf002 tcf pass library unicode test library-utf_converter-is_valid_utf_16 utf003 tcf pass library unicode -- TUPLE tests test tuple-manipulation tuple001 tcf pass tuple test named-tuple-validation tuple002 tcf pass tuple test named-tuple-as-argument tuple003 tcf pass tuple test tuple-hashcode tuple004 tcf pass tuple test tuple-comparison tuple005 tcf pass tuple test tuple-twining tuple006 tcf pass tuple test named-tuple-assignment tuple007 tcf pass tuple test named-tuple-same-labels tuple008 tcf pass tuple test named-tuple-same-labels-crash tuple009 tcf pass tuple test internal-tuple-creation tuple010 tcf pass tuple test tuple-creation-crash tuple011 tcf pass tuple test wrong-label-in-inheritance tuple012 tcf pass tuple test wrong-label-in-generics tuple013 tcf pass tuple test wrong-manifest-tuple-type tuple014 tcf pass tuple test attached-tuple-element-validity tuple015 tcf pass tuple test tuple-basic-to-reference tuple016 tcf pass tuple basic_types test named-tuple-in-generic-constraint tuple017 tcf fail tuple formal multiconstraint generic test named-tuple-constraint-validity tuple018 tcf fail tuple formal multiconstraint generic validity test tuple-field-non-conforming-assignment tuple019 tcf pass tuple assigner validity -- ~ operator test test tilde-on-basic-type tilde001 tcf pass tilde test tilde-on-expanded-type tilde002 tcf pass tilde test tilde-on-formal-type tilde003 tcf pass tilde -- Systematic validity tests test validity-vsrt1-one-generic vsrt101 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt1-two-generics vsrt102 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt1-many-generics vsrt103 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt1-add-generics vsrt104 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt1-new-root vsrt105 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt1-zero-generics vsrt106 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt2-vsrp2-ok vsrt201 tcf pass validity vsrt vsrp test validity-vsrt3-deferred-root vsrt301 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrt3-chg-deferred vsrt302 tcf pass validity vsrt test validity-vsrp2-no-arguments vsrp201 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-one-good-arg vsrp202 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-one-conform-arg vsrp203 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-one-bad-arg vsrp204 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-many-arguments vsrp205 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-bad-then-good vsrp206 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-two-procedures vsrp207 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp2-multi-procedures vsrp208 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vsrp3-precondition vsrp301 tcf pass validity vsrp test validity-vscn-same-cluster vscn001 tcf pass validity vscn test validity-vscn-diff-cluster vscn002 tcf pass validity vscn test validity-vscn-add-class vscn003 tcf pass validity vscn test validity-vcch-add-del vcch001 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vdjr2-basic vdjr201 tcf pass validity vdjr test validity-vdrs4-merge-same-seed vdrs401 tcf pass validity vdrs vdrs4 test validity-vdrs4-merge-other-seed vdrs402 tcf pass validity vdrs vdrs4 test validity-vdrs4-merge-undefined vdrs403 tcf pass validity vdrs vdrs4 test validity-vcch1-no-def-header vcch101 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch1-add-def-feat vcch102 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch1-del-def-header vcch103 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch1-inherit-def vcch104 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch1-undef-effective vcch105 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-def-header1 vcch201 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-def-header2 vcch202 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-add-def-header1 vcch203 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-add-def-header2 vcch204 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-del-def-feat vcch205 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-chg-def-feat vcch206 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcch2-inh-effective vcch207 tcf pass validity vcch test validity-vcfg1-basic vcfg101 tcf pass validity vcfg test validity-vcfg1-add-class vcfg102 tcf pass validity vcfg test validity-vcfg1-chg-generic vcfg103 tcf pass validity vcfg test validity-vcfg2-basic vcfg201 tcf pass validity vcfg test validity-vcfg2-root vcfg202 tcf pass validity vcfg test validity-vcrn-basic vcrn001 tcf pass validity vcrn test validity-vfav1-basic vfav101 tcf pass validity vfav test validity-vfav2-basic vfav201 tcf pass validity vfav test validity-vfav3-basic vfav301 tcf pass validity vfav test validity-vfav3-duplicated-1 vfav302 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav3-argumentless-1 vfav303 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav3-duplicated-2 vfav304 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav3-duplicated-3 vfav305 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav3-duplicated-4 vfav306 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav3-argumentless-2 vfav307 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav3-argumentless-3 vfav308 tcf pass validity vfav parenthesis_alias test validity-vfav5-basic vfav501 tcf pass validity vfav test validity-vffd1-attribute vffd101 tcf pass validity vffd attribute test validity-vffd2-basic vffd201 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd2-diff-decls vffd202 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd3-basic vffd301 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd4-basic vffd401 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd5-basic vffd501 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd6-basic vffd601 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd7-once-generic vffd701 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd7-once-anchored vffd702 tcf pass validity vffd test validity-vffd8-once-scoop vffd801 tcf pass validity vffd vffd8 once scoop test validity-vffd8-once-proc-scoop vffd802 tcf pass validity vffd vffd8 once scoop test validity-vhpr1-self vhpr101 tcf pass validity vhpr test validity-vhpr1-other vhpr102 tcf pass validity vhpr test validity-vhpr1-long-cycle vhpr103 tcf pass validity vhpr test validity-vhrc-switch-names vhrc001 tcf pass validity vhrc test validity-vhrc-shift-names vhrc002 tcf pass validity vhrc test validity-vhrc1-basic vhrc101 tcf pass validity vhrc test validity-vhrc2-basic vhrc201 tcf pass validity vhrc test validity-vhrc3-basic vhrc301 tcf pass validity vhrc test validity-vlec1-self vlec101 tcf pass validity vlec test validity-vlec1-other vlec102 tcf pass validity vlec test validity-vlec1-self-generic vlec103 tcf pass validity vlec test validity-vlec1-other-generic vlec104 tcf pass validity vlec manual test validity-vlcp-basic vlcp001 tcf pass validity vlcp test validity-vlel1-mult-diff vlel101 tcf pass validity vlel test validity-vlel1-mult-same vlel102 tcf pass validity vlel test validity-vlel2-basic vlel201 tcf pass validity vlel test validity-vlel3-mult-same vlel301 tcf pass validity vlel test validity-vlel3-mult-diff vlel302 tcf pass validity vlel test validity-vmfn2-basic vmfn201 tcf pass validity vmfn test validity-vrfa-basic vrfa001 tcf pass validity vrfa test validity-vrfa-inherited vrfa002 tcf pass validity vrfa test validity-vreg-same vreg001 tcf pass validity vreg test validity-vreg-diff vreg002 tcf pass validity vreg test validity-vrrr-basic vrrr001 tcf pass validity vrrr test validity-vrle1-basic vrle101 tcf pass validity vrle test validity-vrle2-basic vrle201 tcf pass validity vrle test validity-vape-basic vape001 tcf pass validity vape test validity-vaol1-basic vaol101 tcf pass validity vaol test validity-vaol2-basic vaol201 tcf pass validity vaol test validity-vuex2-in-multibranch vuex201 tcf pass validity vuex inspect test bracket-expression-on-current vwbr101 tcf pass validity vwbr anchored_type bracket_expression test validity-vwce-basic vwce001 tcf pass validity vwce conditional expression test validity-vwce-type-compatibility vwce002 tcf pass validity vwce conditional expression conformance compatibility test validity-vwmq-string-conversion vwmq001 tcf pass validity vwmq -- Systematic Lace validity tests test lace-vd01-basic vd01001 tcf pass validity vd01 test lace-vd04-basic vd04001 tcf pass validity vd04 test lace-vd10-basic vd10001 tcf pass validity vd10 test lace-vd13-basic vd13001 tcf pass validity vd13 test lace-vd16-basic vd16001 tcf pass validity vd16 test lace-vd19-basic vd19001 tcf pass validity vd19 test lace-vd20-basic vd20001 tcf pass validity vd20 test lace-vd23-basic vd23001 tcf pass validity vd23 test lace-vd25-basic vd25001 tcf pass validity vd25 test lace-vd27-basic vd27001 tcf pass validity vd27 -- Regression tests of bugs which have been fixed test no-leading-white-space fixed001 tcf pass fixed test empty-creation-list fixed003 tcf pass fixed test bad-feature-decl fixed004 tcf pass fixed test syntax-wrong-positions fixed005 tcf pass fixed test empty-rename-list fixed006 tcf pass fixed test empty-inheritance-clauses fixed007 tcf pass fixed test big-strings fixed008 tcf pass fixed test inherit-index-small-enough fixed010 tcf pass fixed test creation-proc-function fixed011 tcf pass fixed test empty-free-operator fixed012 tcf pass fixed test class-name-confusion fixed013 tcf pass fixed test frozen-and-deferred fixed014 tcf pass fixed test case-sensitive-feature fixed015 tcf pass fixed test violate-has-a-new-name fixed016 tcf pass fixed test expanded-type-violation fixed017 tcf pass fixed test invalid-creation-instruction2 fixed018 tcf pass fixed test invalid-actual-generic fixed019 tcf pass fixed test empty-debug-key fixed020 tcf pass fixed test empty-when-part-list fixed021 tcf pass fixed test invalid-actual-generic2 fixed022 tcf pass fixed test invalid-actual-generic3 fixed023 tcf pass fixed test invalid-actual-generic4 fixed024 tcf pass fixed test invalid-actual-generic5 fixed025 tcf pass fixed test result-in-precondition fixed026 tcf pass fixed test invalid-select-change fixed027 tcf pass fixed test assign-rule-client-change fixed028 tcf pass fixed test inherit-chg-skip-pass fixed029 tcf pass fixed test precond-valid-cursor-index fixed030 tcf pass fixed test deep-function-nest fixed032 tcf pass fixed test multi-branch-empty-else fixed033 tcf pass fixed test multi-branch-interval fixed034 tcf pass fixed test conditional-empty-then fixed035 tcf pass fixed test repeated-rescue-panic fixed036 tcf pass fixed test creation-once-routine fixed037 tcf pass fixed test cluster-modified-viol fixed038 tcf pass fixed test chg-class-to-nonexistent fixed039 tcf pass fixed test nonexistent-root-class fixed041 tcf pass fixed test missing-class-header fixed042 tcf pass fixed test lace-syntax-error-retry fixed043 tcf pass fixed test invalid-actual-generic6 fixed044 tcf pass fixed test const-and-boolean-op fixed045 tcf pass fixed test lace-string-case fixed046 tcf pass fixed test lace-invalid-root-name fixed048 tcf pass fixed test lace-nonexistent-options fixed050 tcf pass fixed test lace-null-class-name2 fixed052 tcf pass fixed test lace-null-class-name3 fixed054 tcf pass fixed test debug-with-keys fixed055 tcf pass fixed test lace-remove-cluster fixed056 tcf pass fixed test change-debug-option fixed057 tcf pass fixed test wrong-real-arithmetic fixed058 tcf pass fixed test bool-const-no-output fixed059 tcf pass fixed test finalize-appl fixed061 tcf pass fixed test deferred-feature-call fixed062 tcf pass fixed test expanded-anchor fixed063 tcf pass fixed test nongeneric-to-generic fixed064 tcf pass fixed test undefine-subclause-violation fixed065 tcf pass fixed test non-boolean-exit fixed066 tcf pass fixed test entity-rule-violation fixed067 tcf pass fixed test misleading-vmfn-error fixed068 tcf pass fixed test time-checker-error fixed069 tcf pass fixed test intro-assign-rule-viol fixed070 tcf pass fixed ec_precondition test once-function-void fixed071 tcf pass fixed test vuex-violation fixed072 tcf pass fixed test invalid-local-entity-assign fixed073 tcf pass fixed test precond-good-cluster fixed074 tcf pass fixed test creation-instruction-sneak fixed075 tcf pass fixed test generic-root-to-nongeneric fixed076 tcf pass fixed test lace-remove-creation-proc fixed077 tcf pass fixed test debug-keys-case-sensitive fixed078 tcf pass fixed test invalid-identifier fixed079 tcf pass fixed test comment-assertion-with-tag fixed080 tcf pass fixed test invalid-characters fixed081 tcf pass fixed test deferred-feature-bad-header fixed082 tcf pass fixed test invalid-redefine-subclause fixed083 tcf pass fixed test old-name-inherit-clauses fixed084 tcf pass fixed test general-conformance fixed085 tcf pass fixed conformance test old-in-precondition fixed086 tcf pass fixed test none-conform-expanded fixed087 tcf pass fixed test delete-inheritance fixed088 tcf pass fixed test melt-inherit-bug fixed089 tcf pass fixed test change-generic-parm-count fixed090 tcf pass fixed test expanded-client-violation fixed091 tcf pass fixed test local-entity-violation fixed092 tcf pass fixed test hidden-expanded-client fixed093 tcf pass fixed test expanded-type-hidden fixed094 tcf pass fixed test add-delete-type-error fixed095 tcf pass fixed test generic-deriv-slide fixed096 tcf pass fixed test real-double-print fixed097 tcf pass fixed test unknown-entity-type fixed098 tcf pass fixed test fix-vuar-error fixed099 tcf pass fixed test freezing-good-type-id fixed100 tcf pass fixed test chg-generic-constraint fixed101 tcf pass fixed test remove-external-routine fixed102 tcf pass fixed test refreeze-table-size fixed103 tcf pass fixed test inherit-generic-more-complex fixed104 tcf pass fixed test melting-make-update fixed105 tcf pass fixed test invalid-feature-redeclaration fixed106 tcf pass fixed test expanded-client-inherited fixed107 tcf pass fixed test expanded-client-death fixed108 tcf pass fixed test make-byte-code-void-ref fixed109 tcf pass fixed test unknown-problem fixed110 tcf pass fixed test real-const-attr-panic fixed111 tcf pass fixed test many-locals fixed112 tcf pass fixed test generic-expanded-client fixed113 tcf pass fixed test lace-opt-cluster-mark fixed114 tcf pass fixed test lace-assertion-option fixed118 tcf pass fixed test lace-remove-cluster2 fixed119 tcf pass fixed test whip-that-ace fixed120 tcf failed used_to_pass fixed test creation-generic-types-in-onces fixed124 tcf pass fixed test reference-assign-tuple-fail-gc fixed125 tcf pass fixed tuple test infix-inherited-assertions fixed126 tcf pass fixed test inline-special-infix-at fixed127 tcf pass fixed inlining special test synonyms-with-indexing fixed128 tcf pass fixed test elseif-with-compound fixed129 tcf pass fixed test attribute-in-inherited-assertion fixed130 tcf pass fixed test external-inline-boolean fixed131 tcf pass fixed inlining test class-name-in-multiline-string fixed132 tcf pass fixed test generic-constraint-to-none fixed133 tcf pass fixed test crash-degree-minus-1 fixed134 tcf pass fixed test roundtrip-test rdtp001 tcf pass parsing attribute test roundtrip-number-denoted-character rdtp002 tcf pass parsing test roundtrip-equivalence rdtp003 tcf pass parsing attribute test parsing-manifest-arrays-tuples rdtp004 tcf pass parsing -- Tests for assertion monitoring test supplier-preconditions assert001 tcf pass assertions execution test use-application-options-assertions assert002 tcf pass assertions execution test undefined-assertion-merge assert003 tcf fail used_to_pass assertions test false-postcondition assert004 tcf pass assertions execution unreachable_code test false-postcondition-on-empty-routine assert005 tcf pass assertions execution unreachable_code test supplier-preconditions-not-checked-after-invariant assert006 tcf pass assertions execution -- Multi Constraint Tests test multi-constraint-basics multicon001 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-creation multicon002 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-renaming multicon003 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-inheritance multicon004 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-assertions multicon005 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-tuple multicon006 tcf pass multiconstraint tuple test multi-constraint-anchor multicon007 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-root multicon008 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-agents multicon009 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-inline-agents multicon010 tcf pass multiconstraint agent test multi-constraint-formal-creation-constraint multicon011 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-formal-heavy-renaming multicon012 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-vtgc multicon013 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-vtmc multicon014 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-vtgd multicon015 tcf fail used_to_pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-rename-conflict multicon016 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-non-existent-renamed multicon017 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-infix-renamed multicon018 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-is-inherited multicon019 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-vtgd-create multicon020 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-add-gen-constraint multicon021 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-renaming1 multicon022 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-renaming2 multicon023 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-check-constraints multicon024 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-actual-type multicon025 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-rename-formal multicon026 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-creation-through-formal multicon027 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-abstract-creation multicon028 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-creation-crash01 multicon029 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-code-generation-crash01 multicon030 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-renamed-creation-feature multicon031 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-single-constraint-renaming multicon032 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-single-constraint-renaming2 multicon033 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-recursion-bug multicon034 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-nested-calls multicon035 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-vtmc4 multicon036 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-tuples multicon037 tcf pass multiconstraint tuple test multi-constraint-tuples2 multicon038 tcf pass multiconstraint tuple test multi-constraint-rename-alias multicon039 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-assigner multicon040 tcf pass multiconstraint assigner test multi-constraint-recursive-generic multicon041 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-rename-clause-crash multicon042 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-order-affects-semantic multicon043 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-alias multicon045 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-constrained-twice multicon046 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-renaming-to-existing-feature multicon047 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-any-numeric-crash multicon048 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-parallel-renaming multicon049 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-alias-renamed multicon050 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-alias multicon051 tcf pass multiconstraint system-validity test multi-constraint-light-roundtrip multicon052 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-constrained-twice-2 multicon053 tcf fail multiconstraint test multi-constraint-constrained-by-self multicon054 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-make-byte-code-crash multicon055 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-static-access multicon056 tcf pass multiconstraint test multi-constraint-static-access-2 multicon057 tcf pass multiconstraint test inherited-unary-with-generic multicon058 tcf pass multiconstraint formal test multi-constraint-real-type-in-crash multicon059 tcf pass multiconstraint formal test saving-multiconstraint-generic-class-crash multicon060 tcf fail used_to_pass multiconstraint formal incrementality test expanded-generic-with-multiconstraint multicon061 tcf fail used_to_pass multiconstraint formal execution test multi-constraint-with-bracket multicon062 tcf pass multiconstraint validity bracket_expression -- tests for expanded types test expanded-array-attached-reference-array expanded001 tcf pass expanded test expanded-reverse-assignment expanded002 tcf pass expanded test array-of-user-defined-expanded expanded003 tcf pass expanded test expanded-formal-multiconstraint expanded004 tcf pass expanded test expanded-formal-multiconstraint2 expanded005 tcf pass expanded test wrong-type-in-expanded-generic-in-generic expanded006 tcf pass expanded test complex-expanded-generic-inheritance-crash expanded007 tcf pass expanded test expanded-with-references-crash expanded008 tcf pass expanded test external-with-expanded-crash expanded009 tcf pass expanded test expanded-attribute-crash-with-tiny expanded010 tcf fail used_to_pass expanded test expanded-result-not-gc-tracked expanded011 tcf pass expanded test basic-value-creation expanded012 tcf fail basic expanded test basic-value-set_item expanded013 tcf fail basic expanded test filename-classname-mismatch-warning warn001 tcf pass warning test ephemeral-basics ephemeral001 tcf fail ephemeral -- Tests for agents test agent-optimization-failure agent001 tcf pass agent test agent-with-like agent002 tcf pass agent test agent-with-basic agent003 tcf fail agent finalizing test agent-crash agent004 tcf pass agent test agent-too-many-arguments agent005 tcf pass agent test incorrect-agent-type agent006 tcf fail agent test agent-dotnet-failure agent007 tcf pass agent dotnet test agent-on-tuple-label agent008 tcf pass agent tuple test agent-on-with-attached-operands agent009 tcf pass agent tuple test agent-calling-attribute-with-formal-type agent010 tcf pass agent formal generic test various-agent-creation-and-calls agent011 tcf pass agent test agent-basic-type-mismatch agent012 tcf fail used_to_pass agent finalizing test agent-descendant-final-crash agent013 tcf pass agent finalizing test agent-third-formal-finalization agent014 tcf pass agent finalizing test agent-introspection-open-argument agent015 tcf pass agent library -- Tests for instance-free features test instance_free-declaration free001 tcf pass instance_free declaration validity test instance_free-validity free002 tcf pass instance_free call validity test instance_free-call free003 tcf pass instance_free call execution test instance_free-call-redeclaration free004 tcf pass instance_free call execution anchored_type test instance_free-call-derivation free005 tcf pass instance_free call execution formal generic test instance_free-call-on-deferred free006 tcf pass instance_free call execution test instance_free-external-assertion free007 tcf pass instance_free call validity test instance_free-redeclaration-of-class free008 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-merging free009 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-joining free010 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-redeclaration-to-class free011 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-redeclaration-validity free012 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-merging-validity free013 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-joining-validity free014 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-valid-explicit-redeclaration free015 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-valid-implicit-redeclaration free016 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-invalid-explicit-redeclaration free017 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-invalid-implicit-redeclaration free018 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-valid-explicit-merging free019 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-valid-implicit-merging free020 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-invalid-explicit-merging free021 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-invalid-implicit-merging free022 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-valid-explicit-joining free023 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-invalid-explicit-joining free024 tcf pass instance_free declaration adaptation validity test instance_free-qualified-call-argument free025 tcf pass instance_free call argument validity -- Tests for platform specific results test print-large-pointer platform001 tcf pass platform -- Tests for attached types and void-safe constructs test object-test-semantics attach001 tcf pass execution object_test expanded attached_types test object-test-local-scope attach002 tcf pass validity object_test scope local attached_types test like-current-object-test-no-defaults attach003 tcf pass object_test attached_types test object-test-with-local-use-failure attach004 tcf pass object_test attached_types test current-is_attached-no-defaults attach005 tcf pass attached_types test anchored-attached-type-failure-no-defaults attach006 tcf pass attached_types anchored_type test attached-formal-generic attach007 tcf pass conformance attached_types test object-test-in-invariant attach008 tcf pass object_test attached_types test attached-basic-type attach009 tcf pass conformance basic_types attached_types test attached-generic-type-conformance attach010 tcf pass conformance attached_types test correct-attached-predicate-precedence-semantics attach011 tcf pass object_test execution attached_types test object-test-chain attach012 tcf pass object_test execution attached_types test object-test-code-generation attach013 tcf pass object_test execution attached_types test read-only-void-test-in-assertion attach014 tcf pass attached_types scope local test scope-after-combined-expression attach015 tcf pass attached_types scope local test anchored-object-test-local attach016 tcf pass object_test attached_types anchored_type test object-test-in-assertion attach017 tcf pass object_test system-validity attached_types test object-test-finalization-crash attach018 tcf pass object_test attached_types test object-test-invariant-any-to-expanded attach019 tcf pass object_test expanded invariant attached_types test detached-type-target-conversion attach020 tcf pass attached_types system-validity test explicit-attached-formal-conformance attach021 tcf pass attached_types system-validity conformance if not DOTNET test attached-external-check attach022 tcf pass attached_types external generic anchored_type test attached-wrong-initialization attach023 tcf pass attached_types test attached-like-feature-formal-crash attach024 tcf pass attached_types test attached-formal-constraint attach025 tcf pass attached_types generic test attached-attribute-init attach026 tcf pass attached_types self_init attribute test redefine-attached-attribute-init attach027 tcf pass attached_types self_init attribute test generic-attached-attribute-init attach028 tcf pass attached_types self_init generic attribute test full-void-safe-compilation attach029 tcf pass void_safe attached_types test attribute-init-code-generation-correct attach030 tcf pass self_init incrementality melting attached_types attribute test parent-attribute-init attach031 tcf pass self_init attached_types attribute test like-current-is-detached attach032 tcf pass attached_types anchored_type system-validity test attached-type-creation-internal attach033 tcf pass attached_types reflection test anchored-generic-carries-attachment attach034 tcf pass attached_types generic test object-test-in-precondition attach035 tcf pass object_test attached_types test default-in-special-access attach036 tcf pass special attached_types test attached-type-set-in-conditional attach037 tcf pass attached_types test object-test-local-same-lower-name attach038 tcf pass attached_types test void-safe-inherited-precursor attach039 tcf pass void_safe precursor attached_types test object-test-not-visible-to-old-express attach040 tcf pass object_test system-validity attached_types test current-in-self-init-attribute attach041 tcf pass attached_types self_init void_safe validity attribute test agent-attached-by-default attach042 tcf pass attached_types void_safe incrementality c_compilation agent test empty-agent-argument-attached-by-default attach043 tcf pass attached_types void_safe agent test attached-type-attribute-attachment attach044 tcf pass attached_types reflection test attached-inherited-argument attach045 tcf pass attached_types void_safe scope test attribute-initialization-in-rescue attach046 tcf pass attached_types void_safe validity test argument-type-correct attach047 tcf pass attached_types test operator-undetected-call-on-void-target attach048 tcf pass attached_types test scope-with-non-boolean-operator attach049 tcf pass void_safe object_test scope attached_types test vevi-missed-for-once-routine attach050 tcf pass void_safe attached_types test detach-to-attach-assignment attach051 tcf pass void_safe validity dotnet attached_types test same-object-test-local-failure attach052 tcf pass void_safe attached_types test various-object-tests attach053 tcf pass void_safe attached_types test recursive-once-function-call-on-void-target attach054 tcf fail void_safe attached_types test bogus-vevi-when-inherit-expanded attach055 tcf pass void_safe attached_types test stable-attribute-redeclaration attach056 tcf pass stable attribute redeclaration validity test stable-attribute-caps attach057 tcf pass stable attribute attached_types test void-safety-level attach058 tcf pass void_safe validity dotnet attached_types test voidness-cap-in-assertion attach059 tcf pass void_safe scope stable attribute test like-current-void-safety attach060 tcf pass void_safe anchored_type test object-test-in-inherited-assertions attach061 tcf pass void_safe object_test fixed test detaching-attached-variable-in-loop attach062 tcf pass void_safe scope validity test void-assigned-to-stable-attribute attach063 tcf pass void_safe stable attribute validity test void-assigned-to-object-test-with-create attach064 tcf pass void_safe object_test test object-test-code-generation attach065 tcf pass object_test test detachable-for-attached-constraint attach066 tcf pass void_safe attached_types generic conformance validity test call-on-detachable-generic attach067 tcf pass void_safe attached_types generic validity test conversion-from-cap-attached attach068 tcf pass void_safe attached_types conversion test attached-special-creation attach069 tcf pass attached_types special test stable-attribute-in-rescue attach070 tcf pass void_safe validity stable attribute scope test self-init-attribute-non-void-safe attach071 tcf pass attached_types self_init void_safe attribute test default-create-missing-check attach072 tcf pass attached_types void_safe test bogus-vevi-expanded-formal-generic attach073 tcf pass attached_types void_safe test vevi-on-once-per-object-routine attach074 tcf pass attached_types void_safe once test once-per-object-creation-procedure attach075 tcf pass attached_types void_safe once test attached-to-none attach076 tcf pass attached_types void_safe once test attached-attribute-initialization attach077 tcf pass attached_types void_safe validity test detachable-formal-attached-constraint attach078 tcf pass attached_types formal generic constraint conformance validity test empty-attribute-body-bogus-vevi attach079 tcf pass attached_types validity attribute test bogus-object-test attach080 tcf pass attached_types object_test execution test nonconforming-inheritance-bogus-vevi attach081 tcf pass attached_types non-conforming attribute test repeated-inheritance-bogus-vevi attach082 tcf pass attached_types attribute test self-initializing-attribute-gc attach083 tcf pass attached_types void_safe attribute self_init execution test manifest-string-type attach084 tcf pass attached_types void_safe execution test initialized-after-unreachable attach085 tcf pass attached_types void_safe unreachable_code test self-initializing-attribute-gc-2 attach086 tcf pass attached_types void_safe stable attribute self_init execution test like-current-default-attachment attach087 tcf pass attached_types void_safe attribute validity test none-attachment-mark attach088 tcf pass attached_types void_safe validity test none-to-reference-formal attach089 tcf pass attached_types void_safe formal generic conformance validity test like-current-attachment-redeclaration attach090 tcf pass attached_types void_safe conformance validity test stable-attribute-assigner attach091 tcf pass attached_types void_safe conformance stable attribute assigner validity test mutual-self-init-attribute attach092 tcf pass attached_types void_safe self_init attribute validity test indirect-self-init-attribute attach093 tcf pass attached_types void_safe self_init attribute validity test initialization-error-suppression attach094 tcf pass attached_types void_safe stable attribute generic validity test nested-tuple-undetected-vevi attach095 tcf pass attached_types void_safe validity test missing-vevi-error-with-agent attach096 tcf pass attached_types void_safe validity agent test void-safe-convert-to-generic attach097 tcf fail attached_types void_safe validity convert test targeted-expanded-type attach098 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-object-call attach099 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-equality-operand attach100 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-assignment-source attach101 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-actual-argument attach102 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test vevi-not-detected attach103 tcf pass void_safe validity attribute test targeted-nested-current-access attach104 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test initialization-in-postcondition attach105 tcf pass attached_types void_safe generic scope validity test object-test-local-use-error attach106 tcf pass object_test scope validity test uninitialized-without-current attach107 tcf pass void_safe attribute validity test object-test-local-in-implication attach108 tcf pass void_safe object_test local scope validity test object-test-local-in-conditional attach109 tcf pass void_safe object_test local scope conditional expression test initialization-in-conditional attach110 tcf pass void_safe attached_types attribute scope validity conditional expression test targeted-in-structure-classes attach111 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test iteration-loop-target-attachment attach112 tcf pass void_safe validity across iteration loop test conversion-with-wrong-target-type attach113 tcf pass void_safe conversion test targeted-parenthesis-alias-call attach114 tcf pass void_safe targeted parenthesis_alias validity test targeted-across-iteration-loop attach115 tcf pass void_safe targeted across iteration loop validity test attached-locals-as-detachable attach116 tcf pass attached_types void_safe scope local test attached-result-validity attach117 tcf pass attached_types void_safe scope local validity test attachment-of-conversion attach118 tcf pass void_safe attached_types conversion validity test attachment-of-expanded-conversion attach119 tcf pass void_safe attached_types expanded conversion test unsafe-attached-locals-as-detachable attach120 tcf pass attached_types void_safe scope local validity test uninitialized-agent-with-wrong-creation attach121 tcf pass attached_types void_safe creation attribute validity test object-test-on-local-variable attach122 tcf pass attached_types void_safe object_test local test object-test-incomplete-void-safety attach123 tcf pass attached_types void_safe object_test validity test targeted-unqualified-once-function attach124 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-unqualified-once-expanded attach125 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-unqualified-once-indirect attach126 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity test targeted-creation-expanded-argument attach127 tcf pass void_safe targeted validity expanded test targeted-assigner-command attach128 tcf fail void_safe targeted validity assigner test attribute-body-void-result attach129 tcf pass attached_types void_safe creation attribute validity test multi-branch-expression-attachment attach130 tcf pass attached_types void_safe inspect once_creation test attached-separate-local attach131 tcf pass attached_types void_safe scoop separate validity test attached-detachable-attribute attach132 tcf fail attached_types void_safe scoop multithreaded attribute scope conditional expression object_test validity -- Tests for conformance in general test basic-conformance conform001 tcf pass conformance test formal-conformance conform002 tcf pass conformance test catcall-checking-conformance conform003 tcf pass conformance test tuple-conformance-broken conform004 tcf pass conformance test reverse-assignment-on-attached-target-broken conform005 tcf pass conformance test manifest-tuple-type-conformance conform006 tcf pass conformance test attached-agent-procedure-conformance conform007 tcf pass conformance attached_types agent test attached-formal-creation conform008 tcf pass conformance attached_types test expanded-formal-conformance conform009 tcf pass conformance expanded formal generic validity constraint test formal-constraint-conformance conform010 tcf pass conformance formal generic validity constraint test frozen-variant-conformance conform011 tcf fail used_to_pass conformance catcall -- Test for Reflection test basic-type-internal reflection001 tcf pass reflection test basic-type-internal-violation reflection002 tcf pass reflection test type-of-internal reflection003 tcf pass reflection test field-basic-type-inconsistency reflection004 tcf pass reflection test field-type-inconsistency reflection005 tcf pass reflection test storable-version-data reflection006 tcf pass reflection storable test copy-semantics-reflection reflection007 tcf fail used_to_pass reflection test type-gc-crash reflection008 tcf pass reflection runtime test special-tupe-type-reflector reflection009 tcf pass reflection test reflector-new_instance_of-marks reflection010 tcf pass reflection creation generic -- Tests for anchored types test qat-evaluation-order anchor001 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-redeclaration-check anchor002 tcf pass anchored_type redeclaration validity conformance incrementality test inherited-qat-failure anchor003 tcf pass anchored_type system-validity test delayed-check-failure-with-alias anchor004 tcf pass anchored_type termination test qat-creation-with-deferred anchor005 tcf pass anchored_type creation execution test qat-creation-with-like-current anchor006 tcf pass anchored_type creation execution test qat-creation-with-generic anchor007 tcf pass anchored_type creation execution formal generic stable attribute test qat-multi-formal-conformance anchor008 tcf pass anchored_type multiconstraint formal generic conformance validity test qat-crash-in-local anchor009 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-crash-in-local-2 anchor010 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-cycle-with-class-name anchor011 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-anchored-to-generic anchor012 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-formal-generic-in-anchor anchor013 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-chain-with-missing-feature anchor014 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-adapted-in-crash anchor015 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-linked-to-local-anchor anchor016 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-generic-parms-for-nongeneric-class anchor017 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-linked-to-formal anchor018 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-conformance-type-crash anchor019 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-like-current-repetition anchor020 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-with-renamed-features anchor021 tcf pass anchored_type renaming test qat-with-redefined-features anchor022 tcf pass anchored_type system-validity test qat-with-non-formal-generic anchor023 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-in-generic-constraint anchor024 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-renamed-constraint anchor025 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-with-missing-actual-generic anchor026 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-with-expanded-type anchor027 tcf pass anchored_type expanded creation test qat-actual-generic-anchored-to-generic anchor028 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-with-invalid-actual-generic anchor029 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-with-expanded-deferred anchor030 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-on-generic-in-descendant anchor031 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-anchored-to-expanded-via-generic anchor032 tcf fail anchored_type test qat-instantiated-in-crash anchor033 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-abstract-creation-crash anchor034 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-skeleton-adapted-in-crash anchor035 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-constraints-if-possible-crash anchor036 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-adapted-in-crash-2 anchor037 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-hash-code-crash anchor038 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-vmfn-compiler-error anchor039 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-finalized-wrong-type anchor040 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-constrained-type-in-crash anchor041 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-same-generic-derivation-crash anchor042 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-invalid-vgcc anchor043 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-evaluated-type-in-descendant-crash anchor044 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-invalid-veen-in-generic-descendant anchor045 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-instantiated-in-crash-2 anchor046 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-constrained-types-crash anchor047 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-conformance-type-crash-2 anchor048 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-process-formal-as-crash anchor049 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-invalid-vffd anchor050 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-c-compile-failure anchor051 tcf pass anchored_type generic test qat-anchored-to-redefined-descendant anchor052 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-inlining-bug anchor053 tcf pass anchored_type generic inlining test qat-instantiated-in-crash-3 anchor054 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-static-type-id-crash-2 anchor055 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic multiconstraint test qat-generic-constrained-by-self anchor056 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-multi-constraint-type anchor057 tcf pass anchored_type multiconstraint formal generic renaming creation test qat-invalid-vffd-2 anchor058 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-using-generic-feature-finalized anchor059 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-in-creation-procedure anchor060 tcf pass anchored_type finalizing test qat-generic-with-rename anchor061 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-generic-inheritance anchor062 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-constraints-crash anchor063 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-generic-with-rename-inherited anchor064 tcf pass anchored_type formal generic test qat-generic-func-expanded-actual anchor065 tcf pass finalizing anchored_type test qat-generic-resolving-to-none anchor066 tcf fail finalizing anchored_type test qat-with-tuple-labels anchor067 tcf fail anchored_type tuple test qat-with-secret-features anchor068 tcf fail anchored_type test qat-instantiated-in-crash-4 anchor069 tcf fail finalizing formal generic anchored_type test qat-nested-qualified-type anchor070 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-generic-inheritance-2 anchor071 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-dotnet-failure anchor072 tcf pass anchored_type dotnet test qat-dotnet-failure-2 anchor073 tcf pass anchored_type dotnet test qat-dotnet-failure-3 anchor074 tcf pass anchored_type dotnet test qat-on-dotnet-external-failure anchor075 tcf pass anchored_type dotnet test anchor-to-anchor-lose-named-tuple anchor076 tcf pass anchored_type tuple test qualified-anchor-expansion anchor077 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-2 anchor078 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-3 anchor079 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-4 anchor080 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-5 anchor081 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-6 anchor082 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-7 anchor083 tcf pass anchored_type test qualified-anchor-expansion-8 anchor084 tcf pass anchored_type assigner test qualified-anchor-expansion-9 anchor085 tcf pass anchored_type test qat-inference-crash anchor086 tcf pass anchored_type inference test qat-cycle-in-generic anchor087 tcf manual anchored_type formal generic validity -- Type inference test inference-single-lower-bound inference001 tcf pass inference test inference-multiple-lower-bound inference002 tcf pass inference test inference-untyped-call-target inference003 tcf pass inference test inference-direct-dependency inference004 tcf pass inference test inference-creation-instruction inference005 tcf pass inference test inference-recursive-tuple inference006 tcf pass inference test inference-formal-generic inference007 tcf pass inference formal generic test inference-implicit-typing inference008 tcf pass inference object_test across iteration test inference-boolean-expression inference009 tcf pass inference across iteration conditional expression check instruction loop invariant test inference-manifest-array inference010 tcf pass inference test inference-agent-expression inference011 tcf pass inference agent test inference-untyped-agent-target inference012 tcf pass inference agent test inference-inspect-instruction inference013 tcf pass inference inspect test inference-integer-plus-untyped inference014 tcf pass inference -- Prettify test pretty-smoke-test pretty001 tcf pass pretty test pretty-explicit-creation-space pretty002 tcf pass pretty test pretty-argument-list-separators pretty003 tcf pass pretty test pretty-class-note-indentation pretty004 tcf pass pretty test pretty-constant-attribute-space pretty005 tcf pass pretty test pretty-obsolete-and-external pretty006 tcf pass pretty test pretty-loop-variant pretty007 tcf pass pretty test pretty-retry-instruction pretty008 tcf pass pretty test pretty-integer-constant pretty009 tcf pass pretty test pretty-inspect-cases pretty010 tcf pass pretty inspect test pretty-note-on-attribute pretty011 tcf pass pretty stable attribute test pretty-convert-clause pretty012 tcf pass pretty test pretty-multiconstrained-generics pretty013 tcf pass pretty test pretty-formal-renaming pretty014 tcf pass pretty test pretty-comment-indentation pretty015 tcf pass pretty test pretty-check-instruction pretty016 tcf pass pretty test pretty-nested-comment pretty017 tcf pass pretty test pretty-assertion-clause pretty018 tcf pass pretty test pretty-feature-adaptation pretty019 tcf pass pretty test pretty-bracket-expression pretty020 tcf pass pretty bracket_expression assigner test pretty-attribute-comment pretty021 tcf pass pretty test pretty-expression-comment pretty022 tcf pass pretty test pretty-typed-character pretty023 tcf pass pretty test pretty-multiple-feature-clauses pretty024 tcf pass pretty test pretty-routine-comment-indentation pretty025 tcf pass pretty test pretty-constant-attribute-comment pretty026 tcf pass pretty test pretty-feature-call-comment pretty027 tcf pass pretty test pretty-comments-between-features pretty028 tcf pass pretty test pretty-loop-invariant pretty029 tcf pass pretty test pretty-inline-separate-instruction pretty030 tcf pass pretty test pretty-manifest-array pretty031 tcf pass pretty manifest_array test pretty-across-loop pretty032 tcf pass pretty across iteration loop test pretty-feature-call pretty033 tcf pass pretty call agent test pretty-export-adaptation pretty034 tcf pass pretty export -- Benchmarks test benchmark-scoop-gc-sequential-processor-creation bench001 tcf pass benchmark scoop scoop_gc gc test benchmark-scoop-gc-recursive-processor-creation bench002 tcf pass benchmark scoop scoop_gc gc test benchmark-scoop-gc-tree-processor-creation bench003 tcf pass benchmark scoop scoop_gc gc test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-chain bench004 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-chameneos bench005 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-condition bench006 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-mutex bench007 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-outer bench008 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-prodcons bench009 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-product bench010 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-randmat bench011 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-threadring bench012 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-thresh bench013 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-scoop-synthetic-winnow bench014 tcf pass benchmark scoop synthetic_benchmark test benchmark-runtime-slow-allocation bench015 tcf pass benchmark runtime test benchmark-scoop-memory-stress-test bench016 tcf pass benchmark scoop multithreaded test benchmark-scoop-passive-memory-stress-test bench017 tcf pass benchmark scoop multithreaded test benchmark-loop-across-code-motion bench018 tcf pass benchmark loop across iteration inlining test benchmark-loop-across-expression bench019 tcf fail benchmark loop across iteration inlining test benchmark-launch_process bench020 tcf pass benchmark process launch test benchmark-old-expression bench021 tcf pass benchmark old expression -- Testing facility test testing-with-error testing001 tcf pass testing -- .NET specific test if DOTNET test expanded-object-conversion dotnet001 tcf pass dotnet test tuple-insertions-assertions dotnet002 tcf pass dotnet tuple test copy-infinite-recursion dotnet003 tcf pass dotnet test dotnet-nested-constant-access dotnet004 tcf pass dotnet test multithreaded-once-routine dotnet005 tcf pass dotnet multithreaded if DOTNET test dotnet-float-literal dotnet006 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test system-object-creation dotnet007 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test dotnet-expanded-any-conversion dotnet008 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test single-class-with-inherited-anchor dotnet009 tcf pass dotnet test is_equal-on-generic-class-fails dotnet010 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test feature-calls-on-dotnet-expanded-attribute dotnet011 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test inherit-icloneable dotnet012 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test nested-external-call-which-is-static dotnet013 tcf pass dotnet test dotnet-inherit-new-array-type dotnet014 tcf pass dotnet test none-usage-in-internal-type-comparison dotnet015 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test dotnet-empty-custom-attributes dotnet016 tcf pass dotnet test dotnet-replicated-standard_twin dotnet017 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test dotnet-custom-attributes dotnet018 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test dotnet-attribute-in-enum dotnet019 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test dotnet-enum-value dotnet020 tcf fail dotnet if DOTNET test dotnet-value-type-initialization dotnet021 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test custom-attribute-type-change dotnet022 tcf pass dotnet incrementality custom_attributes if DOTNET test deferred-inherited-from-external dotnet023 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test renamed-feature-from-interface dotnet024 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test property-name-clash dotnet025 tcf pass dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test enum-inspect-validity dotnet026 tcf pass dotnet inspect if DOTNET test property-assigner-generation dotnet027 tcf pass dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test field-assigner-generation dotnet028 tcf pass dotnet assigner test property-accessor-name-clash dotnet029 tcf pass dotnet property assigner test inline-agent-of-descendant dotnet030 tcf pass dotnet agent test deferred-class-inherit-dotnet dotnet031 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test single-inheritance-test dotnet032 tcf pass dotnet test assertion-evaluation-order dotnet033 tcf pass dotnet test pointer-to-external-expanded dotnet034 tcf pass dotnet expanded if DOTNET test ambiguous-dotnet-types dotnet035 tcf fail dotnet expanded test real-output-no-locale dotnet036 tcf pass dotnet real locale if DOTNET test overload-with-argument-type dotnet037 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test compatible-single-and-interface dotnet038 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test versioned-interface_implementation dotnet039 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test renamed-frozen-interface-implementation-for-single dotnet040 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test deferred-property-generation dotnet041 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test merged-typed-pointer-argument dotnet042 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test correct-bound-property-assigner dotnet043 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test valid-dotnet-basic-typeof dotnet044 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test correct-override-on-multi-versioned-members dotnet045 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test function-property-call-correction dotnet046 tcf pass dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test deferred-property-missing-assigner-implementation dotnet047 tcf pass dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test deferred-property-missing-assigner-implementation-renamed dotnet048 tcf pass dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test effecting-from-inherited-external dotnet049 tcf pass dotnet test replicated-from-generic-type dotnet050 tcf pass dotnet termination expanded replication test implicit-type-cause-crash-on-cast dotnet051 tcf pass dotnet termination if DOTNET test incremental-custom-attribute-constant-change dotnet052 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test wrong-eiffel-name-attribute-generation dotnet053 tcf pass dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test field-attribute-test dotnet054 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test creation-without-default-ctor dotnet055 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test incr-remove-create-dotnet-constructor dotnet056 tcf fail dotnet constructor incrementality if DOTNET test smart-object-automatic-implementation dotnet057 tcf fail dotnet if DOTNET test expected-any-type-name dotnet058 tcf pass dotnet namespace dotnet_names if DOTNET test expected-basic-type-names dotnet059 tcf pass dotnet namespace dotnet_names if DOTNET test dotnet-name-generation dotnet060 tcf fail dotnet dotnet_names if DOTNET test external-name-conflict-validation dotnet061 tcf pass dotnet dotnet_names if DOTNET test target-namespace-generation-rules dotnet062 tcf pass dotnet namespace if DOTNET test target-named-namespace-generation-rules dotnet063 tcf pass dotnet namespace if DOTNET test library-namespace-generation-rules dotnet064 tcf pass dotnet namespace if DOTNET test library-named-namespace-generation-rules dotnet065 tcf pass dotnet namespace if DOTNET test uncompiled-managed-resource-embeddeding dotnet066 tcf pass dotnet resources if DOTNET test compiled-managed-resource-embeddeding dotnet067 tcf pass dotnet resources if DOTNET test peripheral-resource-embeddeding dotnet068 tcf pass dotnet resources if DOTNET test non-existent-resource-embeddeding dotnet069 tcf fail dotnet resources if DOTNET test uncompiled-managed-resource-modified dotnet070 tcf fail dotnet resources if DOTNET test property-name-clash-named dotnet071 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test property-name-clash-single-named dotnet072 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test property-name-clash-named-inherited dotnet073 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test properties-generated-on_eiffel-interface dotnet074 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test illegal-routine-properties dotnet075 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test property-reusing-parent-setter dotnet076 tcf fail dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test deferred-property-function-on-single dotnet077 tcf fail dotnet property assigner if DOTNET test property-incremental-add-remove dotnet078 tcf pass dotnet property incrementality assigner if DOTNET test property-incremental-add-remove-single dotnet079 tcf pass dotnet property incrementality assigner if DOTNET test property-on-procedure dotnet080 tcf pass dotnet property if DOTNET test ctor-basic dotnet081 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-basic-dynamic dotnet082 tcf pass dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-non-existing-create dotnet083 tcf pass dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-single-default-ctor dotnet084 tcf pass dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-parent-ctor-reference dotnet085 tcf pass dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-parent-argumented-ctor-reference dotnet086 tcf pass dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-parent-argumented-ctor-redefine dotnet087 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-root-creation-ctor dotnet088 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-multi-source-ctors dotnet089 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-reference-from-external-type dotnet090 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ctor-multi-source-unique-ctors dotnet091 tcf fail dotnet constructor if DOTNET test ca-use-of-non-native-attribute dotnet092 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test ca-incorrect-context-usage dotnet093 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test ca-peripheral-assembly-metadata dotnet094 tcf pass dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test ca-assembly-md-with-compile-all dotnet095 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test ca-correct-assignment dotnet096 tcf pass dotnet custom_attributes assigner if DOTNET test ca-basic-custom-attribute dotnet097 tcf pass dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test ca-custom-attribute-with-property dotnet098 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes property assigner if DOTNET test ca-custom-attribute-with-ctor dotnet099 tcf pass dotnet custom_attributes constructor if DOTNET test ca-custom-attribute-with-create dotnet100 tcf fail dotnet custom_attributes if DOTNET test application-optimizations-enabled dotnet101 tcf pass dotnet optimization if DOTNET test system-object-remapped-in-mscorlib-only dotnet102 tcf pass dotnet consumer if DOTNET test consumable-attribute-usage-in-eiffel dotnet103 tcf fail dotnet consumer consumable custom_attributes assigner if DOTNET test generic-creation-with-external-ctor dotnet104 tcf pass dotnet constructor generic external creation if DOTNET test overridden-cluster-namespace-preserved dotnet105 tcf pass dotnet namespace if DOTNET test equal-on-dotnet-string-and-eiffel-string dotnet106 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test renaming-native-dotnet-feature-with-redefine-default-create dotnet107 tcf pass dotnet test anchored-creation-crash dotnet108 tcf pass dotnet test object-test-assertion-crash dotnet109 tcf pass dotnet test dotnet-polymorphism dotnet110 tcf fail used_to_pass dotnet if DOTNET test assigner-name-incrementality dotnet111 tcf pass dotnet assigner test dotnet-special-handling-crash dotnet112 tcf pass dotnet special if DOTNET test dotnet-object-test-basic-type dotnet113 tcf pass dotnet attached_types if DOTNET test dotnet-array-data-copy dotnet114 tcf pass dotnet test dotnet-static-access-on-deferred dotnet115 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test missing-dotnet-type dotnet116 tcf pass dotnet if DOTNET test missing-dotnet-type-2 dotnet117 tcf pass dotnet test dotnet-invalid-code dotnet118 tcf pass dotnet