--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors.
--| All rights reserved.
--| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General Public
--| License version 2.
-- This is an Eiffel test standard include file. It should not be specific
-- to a particular site or user.
-- Eiffelbase directories
define_directory BASE $ISE_LIBRARY library base elks
define_directory BASE_ISE $ISE_LIBRARY library base ise
define_directory KERNEL $BASE kernel
define_directory KERNEL_STRING $BASE kernel string
define_directory EXCEPTIONS $BASE kernel exceptions
define_directory EXCEPTIONS_ISE $BASE_ISE kernel exceptions
define_directory EXCEPTIONS_ELKS $BASE kernel exceptions
define_directory REFACTORING $BASE refactoring
define_directory SERIALIZATION $BASE_ISE serialization
define_directory SUPPORT $BASE support
define_directory ACCESS $BASE structures access
define_directory CURSORS $BASE structures cursors
define_directory CURSOR_TREE $BASE structures cursor_tree
define_directory DISPENSER $BASE structures dispenser
define_directory ITERATION $BASE structures iteration
define_directory LIST $BASE structures list
define_directory OBSOLETE $BASE structures obsolete
define_directory SET $BASE structures set
define_directory STRATEGY $BASE structures set strategies
define_directory SORT $BASE structures sort
define_directory STORAGE $BASE structures storage
define_directory TABLE $BASE structures table
define_directory TRAVERSING $BASE structures traversing
define_directory TREE $BASE structures tree
define_directory ENCODING $BASE encoding
define_directory THREAD $ISE_LIBRARY library thread
-- EiffelTime directories
define_directory TIME $ISE_LIBRARY library time
define_directory TIME_FORMAT $TIME format
define_directory TIME_ENGLISH $TIME format english
define_directory TIME_GERMAN $TIME format german
-- EiffelStore directories
define_directory STORE $ISE_LIBRARY library store
define_directory DATE_TIME $STORE date_and_time
define_directory RDBMS_ORACLE $STORE dbms rdbms oracle
define_directory RDBMS_SUPPORT $STORE dbms rdbms support
define_directory DBMS_SUPPORT $STORE dbms support
define_directory STORE_INTERFACE $STORE interface
define_directory STORE_SUPPORT $STORE support
-- Precompiled cluster directories
define_file PRECOMPILED_BASE $ISE_PRECOMP base.ecf
define_file PRECOMPILED_BASE_SAFE $ISE_PRECOMP base-safe.ecf
define_file PRECOMPILED_BASE_MT $ISE_PRECOMP base-mt.ecf
define_file PRECOMPILED_BASE_SCOOP_SAFE $ISE_PRECOMP base-scoop-safe.ecf
-- EiffelBase encoding specific
define EXCLUDE_RULE_ENCODING "/encoding/implementation/windows$/encoding/implementation/unix$"