EiffelWeasel test execution manager (version 1.0.001) Test make-from-string (datetimestring001): passed Test time-duration (duration001): passed Test date-duration (duration002): passed Test date-time-duration (duration003): passed Test array-is-equal (array001): passed Test array-consistency (array002): passed Test list-is-equal (list001): passed Test list-put-extend (list002): passed Test clone-list (list003): passed Test merge-arrayed-list (list004): passed Test remove-prune-arrayed-list (list005): passed Test duplicate-arrayed-list (list006): passed Test insert-arrayed-list (list007): passed Test arrayed-list-prune-all (list008): passed Test arrayed-list-put-* (list009): passed Test disjoint-sets (set001): passed Test disjoint-sets-expanded (set001a): passed Test disjoint-sets-heterogenous (set001b): passed Test symdif-sets (set002): passed Test symdif-sets-heterogenous (set002a): passed Test prune-tree-set (set003): passed Test linear-subset-move (set004): passed Test tree-is-equal (tree001): passed Test tree-clone (tree002): passed Test tree-tests (tree003): passed Test insert-default-key (table001): passed Test test-auto-resize (fake002): passed Test many-similar-class-names (fake003): passed Test test1 (fake004) [test]: passed Test test2 (fake005): passed Test test3 (fake006) [whip-it-good]: passed Test generic-zero-parms (syntax001): passed Test no-index-tag (syntax002): passed Test semicolons-not-optional (syntax003): passed Test empty-export-feature-list (syntax004): passed Test empty-multi-branch-choices (syntax005): failed Description: Empty Choices in Multi_branch When_part Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax005/tcf at line 12 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 20 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test zero-equals-zero (syntax006): passed Test syntax-disagreements-1 (syntax007): passed Test creation-client-no-feats (syntax008): passed Test empty-strip-expression (syntax009): passed Test empty-manifest-array (syntax010): passed Test valid-anchored-decl (syntax011): failed Description: Anchored declaration whose anchor is the final name of an operator feature Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax011/tcf at line 12 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 28 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test bit-type-with-plus (syntax012): passed Test empty-index-list (syntax013): passed Test free-operator-reject (syntax014): failed Description: Free operator `prefix "##%%"' Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax014/tcf at line 12 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 22 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test long-string-constant (syntax015): passed Test strip-no-prefix-opers (syntax016): failed Description: Operator feature which is a prefix feature implemented as an attribute Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax016/tcf at line 12 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 18 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test std-operator-case-sensitive (syntax017): passed Test syntax-disagreements-2 (syntax018): failed Description: Some things ETL says are not OK related to constants Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax018/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 23 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 23 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 27 Final status: paused Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 23 Final status: paused Test illegal-multi-branch (syntax019): passed Test reserved-words-not (syntax020): failed Description: Words which are supposed to be reserved words used as identifiers Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax020/tcf at line 289 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 21 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 21 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 21 Final status: paused Test invalid-generic-constraint3 (syntax021): passed Test std-operator-trailing-null (syntax022): passed Test not-all-chars-significant (syntax023): passed Test manifest-string-blank-lines (syntax024): failed Description: A manifest string in the extended form which contains lines with only white space (blanks and tabs) but no leading and trailing percent sign Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax024/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 12 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 12 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 12 Final status: paused Test null-or-ctrl-a-syntax (syntax025): passed Test fairly-long-identifier (syntax026): passed Test routine-empty-arg-list (syntax027): passed Test manifest-string-percent-space (syntax028): failed Description: A manifest string which contains the illegal "character" '% ' is accepted, but only if there are an even number of consecutive occurrences of this invalid character. ETL page 420. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax028/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 11 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 11 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 11 Final status: paused Test external-lower-case-c-lang (syntax029): passed Test include-missing-last-delimiter (syntax030): passed Test external-tab-after-macro (syntax031): passed Test external-proc-sig-return-type (syntax032): passed Test point-e-one-real-constant (syntax033): passed Test qualified-call-e-forty-seven (syntax034): passed Test infix-pass-feature-address (syntax035): passed Test assign-addr-expr-to-pointer (syntax036): failed Description: An assignment whose source is an address expression `$x' (which is of type pointer) and whose target is of type POINTER should be accepted, but the compiler reports a syntax error. Replacing `$x' with `ptr ($x)', where `ptr' just returns its argument, causes the compiler to accept the class. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax036/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code NOT_SUPPORTED Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test cast-arg-type-with-parens (syntax037): failed Description: An external routine has a Special_external_decl which casts the arguments. If the type to which an argument is cast includes any parentheses, then the first closing parentheses in the cast type incorrectly terminates the argument list in parentheses. This causes the compiler to report a syntax error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax037/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 18 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test bogus-string-syntax-error (syntax038): passed Test trailing-indexing-no-semicolon (syntax039): failed Description: A class with an attribute right before a trailing indexing clause causes the compiler to report a syntax error, but only if the attribute declaration does not end with a semicolon. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax039/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 20 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test external-with-punctuation (syntax040): passed Test generic-create-empty-feat-list (syntax041): failed Description: A generic class with a Constraint_creators that has an empty Feature_list should be accepted, but the compiler reports a syntax error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax041/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST1 at line 5 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test external-nonwhite-chars-ignored (syntax042): failed Description: Compiler accepts but completely ignores many characters at certain positions inside an external routine declaration. These characters include !#$%^-=+\|`~{}[];'./?%/0/%/1/ and probably others. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax042/tcf at line 19 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 16 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 16 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 16 Final status: paused Test agent-parens-zero-args (syntax043): passed Test empty-convert-clause (syntax044): failed Description: A class with a convert clause that does not list any routine names should be accepted, but the compiler reports a syntax error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/syntax044/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 10 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test bad-class-end-comment (valid001): passed Test bad-infix-feature (valid002): passed Test class-not-in-universe (valid003): passed Test invalid-local-rescue (valid004): passed Test local-same-as-formal (valid005): passed Test invalid-precondition (valid006): passed Test invalid-use-of-old (valid007): passed Test invalid-entity-assertion-tag (valid008): passed Test invalid-bit-type (valid009): passed Test rename-infix-to-prefix (valid010): passed Test anchored-type-violation (valid011): passed Test invalid-creation-instruction (valid012): passed Test inherited-assign-violation (valid013): failed Description: Violate Assignment rule (validity constraint VJAR) Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid013/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VJAR Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VJAR Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VJAR Final status: paused Test illegal-formal-generic (valid014): passed Test none-as-formal-generic (valid015): passed Test require-else-ensure-then (valid016): passed Test void-as-bool-or-int (valid017): passed Test illegal-address-use (valid018): passed Test redefine-subclause-violation (valid019): failed Description: Violate validity constraint VDRS4 Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid019/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VDRS(4) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VDRS(4) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VDRS(4) Final status: paused Test expanded-type-violation2 (valid020): passed Test expanded-type-avail-viol (valid021): passed Test anchored-formal-generic (valid022): passed Test invalid-generic-constraint2 (valid023): passed Test export-validity-viol (valid024): passed Test bad-external-language (valid025): passed Test basic-type-generic-deriv (valid026): passed Test bad-generic-deriv-creation-type (valid027): passed Test generic-parm-conform (valid028): passed Test deferred-root-class (valid029): passed Test expanded-redeclaration (valid030): passed Test valid-feature-rename (valid031): passed Test valid-repeated-inheritance (valid032): failed Description: Valid case of repeated inheritance Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid032/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VMFN Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test valid-like-generic-deriv (valid033): passed Test valid-repeated-inheritance2 (valid034): passed Test conformance-inconsistency (valid035): failed Description: Assignment of an entity of type H (which conforms to NONE) to an entity of type G Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid035/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VJAR Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test multi-branch-empty-intervals (valid036): passed Test op-feat-cant-be-used (valid037): passed Test addr-args-not-pointer (valid038): passed Test valid-once-redefine (valid039): passed Test valid-once-undefine (valid040): passed Test result-in-none-func (valid041): passed Test repeat-inher-vmrc-violation (valid042): passed Test manifest-array-conform (valid043): passed Test bit-constant-diff-length (valid044): passed Test vtct-on-generic-5 (valid045): passed Test actual-generic-anchor-feat (valid046): passed Test valid-actual-generic (valid047): passed Test redecl-violation (valid048): passed Test local-entity-wrong-error (valid049): passed Test vuar-called-vuex (valid050): passed Test veen-called-other-viol (valid051): passed Test generic-constrained-by-generic (valid052): passed Test spurious-vtat-on-bit (valid053): passed Test vuar-called-vuar2 (valid054): passed Test vtug-called-vtug3 (valid055): passed Test pointer-ref-conformance (valid056): passed Test spurious-vgcc2 (valid057): passed Test illegal-attributes (valid058): failed Description: Variable and constant attributes which violate VFFD1 because they have a Formal_arguments part Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid058/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VFFD(1) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VFFD(1) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VFFD(1) Final status: paused Test rename-feature-to-self (valid059): passed Test generic-expanded-client2 (valid060): passed Test old-in-precond-bogus-vaol2 (valid061): passed Test old-result (valid062): passed Test exclude-recompile-vd14 (valid063): passed Test expanded-multi-creation-procs (valid064): passed Test vreg-formal-multiple (valid065): passed Test nonexistent-vlec (valid066): failed Description: An attribute of type `TEST1 [TEST1 [DOUBLE]]' where TEST1 is declared as an expanded class causes the compiler to report a VLEC error Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid066/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VLEC Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test old-void (valid067): passed Test veen-on-hashable-default (valid068): passed Test all-unique-bogus-vomb-3 (valid069): failed Description: A multi-branch with two Unique inspect constants with the same name (VOMB(4) violation) Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid069/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VOMB(4) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VOMB(4) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VOMB(4) Validity error in class TEST code VOMB(3) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VOMB(4) Final status: paused Test vtug1-called-vtug2 (valid070): passed Test vtug2-called-vtug1 (valid071): passed Test vgcc5-called-vgcc6 (valid072): failed Description: A call `!!x' with `x' of type TEST1 where TEST1 has a Creators part with no creation procedures listed should be a VGCC(5) error Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid072/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(5) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(5) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VGCC(6) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VGCC(5) Final status: paused Test undefine-external-make-internal (valid073): passed Test vgcc4-called-vgcc6 (valid074): failed Description: A call `!!x.make' with `x' of type TEST1 where TEST1 has no Creators part at all should be a VGCC(4) error Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid074/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(4) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(4) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VGCC(6) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VGCC(4) Final status: paused Test vqmc-extra-bogus-vffd7 (valid075): failed Description: A constant attribute which has declared type of `like Current' causes the compiler to report a bogus VFFD(7) error when the constant used in the declaration is a string or a bit type Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid075/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VQMC Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VQMC Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VFFD(7) Validity error in class TEST code VQMC Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VQMC Final status: paused Test undef-mult-precursors (valid076): failed Description: How can one merge two features inherited from the same class, one of which is effective and the other deferred, and have the resulting feature be deferred? Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid076/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VDUS(3) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test vjaw-called-vuar1 (valid077): failed Description: An assignment to a feature which is a function violates VJAW. When this function takes no arguments, the compiler reports VJAW. But when the feature which is the target of the assignment takes arguments, the compiler incorrectly reports a VUAR(1) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid077/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VJAW Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VJAW Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VUAR(1) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VJAW Final status: paused Test vkcn-sneak (valid078): passed Test replicated-feat-multiple-select (valid079): failed Description: A system has a class which inherits from another class three times, renaming one of its features in two of the Parent parts and selecting the renamed feature twice. This violates the letter of VMRC(2). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid079/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VMRC(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VMRC(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VMRC(2) Final status: paused Test double-assigned-to-real (valid080): failed Description: An assignment of an entity of type DOUBLE to an entity of type REAL should be a VJAR violation Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid080/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VJAR Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VJAR Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VJAR Final status: paused Test precondition-too-secret (valid081): passed Test selective-export-operator-feat (valid082): failed Description: A class calls (on an entity of another type) a feature which is exported to it. The compiler rejects the class as violating VUEX(2), but only if the feature is an operator feature. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid082/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VUEX(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test operator-feat-export-to-self (valid083): failed Description: Class A has an operator feature exported only to itself and its descendants. When class B (which is not a descendant of class A) tries to call this feature, the compiler should report a VUEX(2) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid083/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUEX(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUEX(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VUEX(2) Final status: paused Test vape-involving-current (valid084): passed Test secret-precondition-heir-export (valid085): failed Description: A routine with a secret precondition does not violate VAPE because the routine itself is also exported to {NONE}. But the class containing this routine is inherited by another class and the routine export status is changed to {ANY}, yielding a generally available routine with a secret precondition. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid085/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VAPE Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VAPE Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VAPE Final status: paused Test secret-func-arg-in-precondition (valid086): passed Test vtct-on-valid-class (valid087): passed Test creation-proc-secret-precond (valid088): failed Description: A class has a secret procedure with a precondition which references a secret attribute. This procedure is available to {ANY} as a creation procedure. The compiler should report a VAPE violation but it accepts the class. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid088/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VAPE Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VAPE Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VAPE Final status: paused Test join-features-invalid-vuex (valid089): failed Description: A class TEST calls (on an entity of type TEST1) a feature which should be exported to it. The compiler incorrectly rejects the class as violating VUEX(2). If an export restriction is changed from `{TEST1}' to `{NONE}', which if anything ought to make fewer features exported to TEST, the compiler correctly accepts the classes. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid089/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VUEX(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test switch-parents-vuex-gone (valid090): failed Description: The compiler incorrectly reports a VUEX(2) error on class which tries to call a feature on an entity of type FOO. If the order of the parent clauses in the inheritance inside FOO is switched the VUEX error magically disappears. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid090/tcf at line 18 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VUEX(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test inspect-char-inside-inspect-int (valid091): passed Test vomb2-called-veen (valid092): passed Test vtcg-instead-of-vtug2 (valid093): passed Test misleading-vhrc2-and-vhrc3 (valid094): passed Test precond-call-chain-vape (valid095): passed Test like-current-generic-vlec (valid096): passed Test generic-attr-call-bad-type (valid097): passed Test expanded-generic-conformance (valid098): passed Test bogus-vtcg (valid099): passed Test creation-bad-actual-generic (valid100): passed Test inheritance-bad-actual-generic (valid101): passed Test attribute-anchored-to-generic (valid102): passed Test two-anchored-actual-generics (valid103): failed Description: A feature `z: TEST2 [like w, like w]' where TEST2 is a generic class with two unconstrained formal generic parameters should be valid, but the compiler says it violates VTAT(1). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid103/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VTAT(1) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test merge-anchored-bogus-vdjr (valid104): failed Description: Two features are both declared as `z: like out' in separate classes. A third class inherits from both of these classes. The features appear to have identical signatures, since they both have the same version of `out', but the compiler reports a VDJR error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid104/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST3 code VDJR Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test replicate-then-share (valid105): failed Description: A class inherits twice from the same parent and renames the single inherited feature, thereby replicating it. But when an heir of this class tries to give these two feature the same name by renaming one of them (sharing under repeated inheritance) the compiler reports a VMFN error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid105/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VMFN Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test inherit-any-not-ancestor (valid106): passed Test compare-procedure-to-void (valid107): passed Test explicit-creation-bad-generic (valid108): passed Test tricky-constraint-with-generic (valid109): passed Test vd31-nonprecompiled-sneak (valid110): failed Description: An Ace has a visible clause for a class which exists but is not reachable from the root class, which violates VD31. If the class is in a cluster which is not part of a precompiled library, the VD31 violation is not detected. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid110/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD31 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD31 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD31 Final status: paused Test vd28-trailing-slash (valid111): failed Description: An Ace has two clusters with path names that are identical except that one has a trailing "/" character. This violates the spirit of VD28, but the compiler does not detect the VD28 error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid111/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD28 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD28 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD28 Final status: paused Test vgcc-called-vuar1 (valid112): failed Description: A creation instruction whose target is a procedure or functionshould be a VGCC violation. The compiler instead reports a VUAR(1) error, but only if the routine takes arguments. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid112/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(7) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(7) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VUAR(1) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VGCC(7) Final status: paused Test procedure-in-tuple (valid113): passed Test generic-constraint-not-used (valid114): failed Description: A class has Generic #2 constrained by Generic #1, but the compiler won't use this fact to allow an inheritance of another generic class that requires Generic #2 to conform to Generic #1. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid114/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VTCG Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test two-generic-precursors (valid115): failed Description: The precursor construct is used in a routine inherited twice from the same generic class with different actual generic parameters. The compiler thinks the precursor routine returns one type, but it actually returns a child type so system execution fails. If the order of the parent clauses is switched, the compiler reports a VJAR error instead of accepting the classes. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid115/tcf at line 20 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test invariant-result-address (valid116): passed Test two-precursors-same-parent (valid117): failed Description: A class inherits from a second class and renames two effective features to a new name, redefining that new feature name. The redefinition calls precursor. The compiler should report a VUPR(3) error, but it accepts the classes. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid117/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUPR(3) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUPR(3) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VUPR(3) Final status: paused Test bogus-vupr2 (valid118): failed Description: A class inherits twice from another class, redefining the single feature and also renaming it. When the redefinition attempts to call precursor, the compiler reports a VUPR(2) error though it appears that it should accept the classes. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid118/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VUPR(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test nonconforming-generic-creation (valid119): passed Test unreferenced-locals (valid120): passed Test default-create-no-vd27 (valid121): failed Description: A system's root class has a `create make' clause. The Ace file specifies `default_create' as the root creation procedure. The compiler should report a VD27 error, but does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid121/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD27 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD27 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD27 Final status: paused Test agent-bad-actual-generic (valid122): passed Test restricted-creation-wrong-vtcg (valid123): passed Test inherited-vgcc (valid124): failed Description: A creation instruction `create {C} f' where f is of type C becomes invalid in a descendant when the type of f is redefined to be a descendant of C. The compiler should report some kind of validity violation, but it does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid124/tcf at line 17 Original text: compile_result validity_error B V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error B V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class B code V??? Final status: paused Test inherited-vjar (valid125): failed Description: An assignment `e1 := e2' where e1 and e2 are both of type E becomes invalid in a descendant when the type of e1 is redefined to be a descendant of E. The compiler should report some kind of validity violation, but it does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid125/tcf at line 17 Original text: compile_result validity_error B V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error B V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class B code V??? Final status: paused Test generic-like-current-vjar (valid126): passed Test vwoe-on-integer-remainder (valid127): passed Test generic-static-vtcg (valid128): failed Description: A call to a static feature `feature {FOO [DOUBLE]}.value' where FOO is declared as FOO [G -> STRING] should elicit a VTCG error but the compiler accepts the invalid type. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid128/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VTCG Final status: paused Test inconsistent-vsta1 (valid129): failed Description: A call to a static feature `feature {FOO [like Current]}.value' where FOO is declared as FOO [G] causes the compiler to report a VSTA(1) error, which says to make sure "FOO [like Current]" is just a class name and not a type specification. But the compiler accepts `feature {FOO [STRING]}.value' and "FOO [STRING]" is a type specification. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid129/tcf at line 24 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VSTA(1) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test bogus-vd43 (valid130): passed Test anchored-argument-bogus-vdjr (valid131): failed Description: A class A has a deferred routine with an argument anchor to an attribute `a'. A second class B inherits A and has an identical deferred routine with the same name, where the routine in B is also anchored to `a'. Class C inherits both A and B. The compiler incorrectly reports a VDJR error and a VD43 warning. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid131/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class C code VDJR Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test vdrd3-ensure-then (valid132): passed Test indirect-vlec (valid133): failed Description: A class TEST1 that contains an attribute of type "like Current" is used in a declaration for a local of type "expanded TEST1". This creates an expanded client cycle, so the compiler report a validity error, but does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid133/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST Unused_local_warning; TEST1 V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST Unused_local_warning; TEST1 V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code Unused_local_warning Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code Unused_local_warning Validity error in class TEST1 code V??? Final status: paused Test generic-create-deferred (valid134): failed Description: A class has a generic parameter G of type XXX with a generic creation clause `create default_create end'. It also has a creation instruction whose target is an attribute of type G. If XXX is a deferred class, the compiler should report a VGCC(1) error but it does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid134/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error XXX VGCC(1) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error XXX VGCC(1) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class XXX code VGCC(1) Final status: paused Test bit-identifier-in-generic (valid135): failed Description: A class whose generic parameter is constrained by `DD [BIT name]', where "name" is an unknown identifier, is accepted by the compiler but should not be. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid135/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST Unused_local_warning; CC V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST Unused_local_warning; CC V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code Unused_local_warning Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code Unused_local_warning Validity error in class CC code V??? Final status: paused Test bad-bit-identifier-in-static (valid136): failed Description: A class has a call to a static feature `feature {FOO [BIT weasel]}.value' where FOO is an unconstrained generic class, but `weasel' is an unknown identifier. The compiler accepts the class but should not. Executing melting system prints "Error: could not read Eiffel update file". Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid136/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code V??? Final status: paused Test assign-minimum-integer-vjar (valid137): failed Description: A class that has an assignment of a manifest INTEGER constant whose value is the minimum value for an INTEGER (-2147483648) is rejected by the compiler as a VJAR error. Similarly for INTEGER_8, and INTEGER_16 (INTEGER_64 works correctly). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid137/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VJAR Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test anchored-bogus-vsrc3 (valid138): passed Test default-create-vtcg (valid139): passed Test clients-duplicate-class-name (valid140): failed Description: A class with a clients part that includes two or more occurrences of the same class name should possibly be a validity violation, but there is no validity constraint which prevents this. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid140/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code V??? Final status: paused Test manifest-string-vqmc-sneak (valid141): passed Test c-inline-without-alias (valid142): passed Test cpp-delete-anchored-arg (valid143): passed Test pass-manifest-array-expanded (valid144): passed Test expanded-expanded-conformance (valid145): passed Test precompiled-vdcn-sneak (valid146): failed Description: A precompiled library includes a cluster whose tag is `foo', which contains a class TEST. An Ace file that uses this precompiled library also includes a cluster with tag `foo' that has its own class TEST, but this cluster has a different path. The compiler should report a VDCN error but does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid146/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VDCN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VDCN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VDCN Final status: paused Test cluster-include-std-class-file (valid147): failed Description: An Ace file with a cluster which explicitly includes one of the files (test.e) contained in the corresponding directory causes the compiler to report a VSCN error, even though there is really only one file containing a class named TEST. The error message is quite confusing. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid147/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test nested-manifest-array-vuar (valid148): failed Description: A call `io.put_string (<< << "A" >> , << 47 >> >> @ 2 @ 1)' should be rejected as a VUAR(2) error but the compiler accepts it. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid148/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUAR(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUAR(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VUAR(2) Final status: paused Test undefine-external-vdus2 (valid149): passed Test static-ext-inherit-assertion (valid150): failed Description: A static call to a frozen external with no immediate assertions that is a redefinition of a non-frozen external with a postcondition is accepted, but should be a VSTA(2) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid150/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VSTA(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VSTA(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VSTA(2) Final status: paused Test deferred-change-signature (valid151): failed Description: A class inherits a deferred routine and provides a new version of the routine which is still deferred but has a different signature. The compiler should report a VDRD(4) error, but does not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid151/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VDRD(4) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VDRD(4) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST2 code VDRD(4) Final status: paused Test agent-open-operand-generic (valid152): failed Description: A constrained generic class `TEST1 [G -> TEST2]' tries to pass `agent {G}.is_stopable' to a procedure whose formal argument is of type FUNCTION [G, TUPLE [G], BOOLEAN]. The compiler should accept the class but reports a VUAR(2) error on the procedure call. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/valid152/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code NOT_SUPPORTED Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test prefix-at-not-equal (valid153): passed Test vlec-sneak (incr001): passed Test chg-inspect-const-type (incr002): passed Test vscn-sneak (incr003): passed Test vuex-sneak (incr004): passed Test vcfg-sneak (incr005): failed Description: Introduce VCFG violations by adding new class G to the universe Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr005/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VCFG(1) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VCFG(1) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VCFG(1) Final status: paused Test vdrd-sneak (incr006): passed Test vwbe-sneak (incr007): passed Test vjrv-sneak (incr008): passed Test vuar-sneak (incr009): passed Test vtat-sneak (incr010): passed Test veen-sneak (incr011): passed Test vtbt-sneak (incr012): passed Test vd20-sneak (incr013): passed Test vd29-sneak (incr014): passed Test vtec-compiler-wrong (incr015): passed Test chg-class-name (incr016): passed Test switch-class-names (incr017): passed Test vlec-compiler-wrong (incr018): passed Test vdrd-compiler-wrong (incr019): passed Test vscn-compiler-wrong (incr020): passed Test vd10-becomes-syntax-error (incr021): passed Test generic-pass-one-twice (incr022): passed Test expanded-deferred-exception (incr023): passed Test vtug-retry (incr024): passed Test valid-like-generic-deriv (incr025): passed Test cut-long-client-chain (incr026): passed Test generic-root-vcfg (incr027): passed Test pass4-melt-exception (incr028): passed Test deferred-to-const-attr (incr029): passed Test repeated-func-to-attr (incr030): passed Test external-info-exception (incr031): passed Test mystery-bug (incr032): passed Test dispatch-unit-exception (incr033): passed Test unsolved-type (incr034): passed Test chg-expanded-actual-generic (incr035): passed Test chg-root-class-name (incr036): passed Test del-add-kernel-cluster (incr037): passed Test cannot-update-types (incr038): passed Test add-generic-constraint (incr039): passed Test intro-vwoe-precondition (incr040): passed Test change-delete-invariant (incr041): passed Test delete-add-invariant (incr042): passed Test unique-not-unique (incr043): passed Test unique-not-consecutive (incr044): passed Test chg-integer-const-value (incr045): passed Test expanded-class-bad-behavior (incr046): passed Test expanded-generic-exec-panic (incr047): passed Test call-proc-print-attr (incr048): passed Test remove-inheritance-cycle (incr049): passed Test rename-secret-attribute (incr050): passed Test add-vscn-violation (incr051): passed Test bogus-vd27 (incr052): passed Test expand-attribute (incr053): passed Test vdrd7-sneak (incr054): passed Test move-external-make-do (incr055): passed Test fix-constrained-actual-generic (incr056): passed Test vtec-sneak (incr057): passed Test chg-inspect-const-value (incr058): passed Test bogus-vaol (incr059): passed Test vgcc-sneak (incr060): passed Test cannot-write-updt (incr061): passed Test change-generic-derived-external (incr062): passed Test bogus-vaol2 (incr063): passed Test bogus-vd27-2 (incr064): passed Test nonexistent-vmrc (incr065): passed Test vd38-sneak (incr066): failed Description: A second precompiled cluster is added to the Ace after compilation and the system is recompiled Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr066/tcf at line 24 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD38 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD38 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD38 Final status: paused Test del-creation-proc-add-two (incr067): passed Test invariant-expanded-generic (incr068): passed Test bogus-vcfg (incr069): failed Description: After the compiler reports a VCFG violation, an inheritance clause is deleted, thereby removing the offending generic class from the universe Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr069/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VCFG(1) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test chg-invariant-expr-type (incr070): passed Test delete-finite-add-back (incr071): passed Test expand-generic-no-creation-call (incr072): passed Test change-attr-expanded-type (incr073): passed Test bogus-vlec (incr074): passed Test vtbt-weasel (incr075): passed Test vwst-sneak (incr076): passed Test string-to-bit1 (incr077): passed Test string-to-bit-refreeze (incr078): passed Test vuar-weasel (incr079): passed Test vjaw-delete-creation-clause (incr080): passed Test delete-adapt-vscn-weasel (incr081): failed Description: After initial compilation, an `adapt' clause which specifies that another cluster should be ignored is deleted from the Ace and the system is recompiled Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr081/tcf at line 22 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VSCN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VSCN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Test name-exists-invariant (incr082): failed Description: The "Hello weasel" program compiles and executes fine with `assertion (all)' and no precompiled cluster. Then file "string.e" is excluded from the kernel cluster. After the VD23 errors are reported, the exclude clause is removed and compilation completes. System is re-executed. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr082/tcf at line 31 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Final status: completed Test exclude-any-add-back (incr083): failed Description: A system compiles correctly without a precompiled cluster. Then file "any.e" is excluded from the kernel cluster. After the VD23 errors are reported, the exclude clause is removed and compilation is resumed Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr083/tcf at line 24 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VHPR(1) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test chg-bit-length-refreeze (incr084): passed Test create-chg-to-nonexpanded (incr085): passed Test frozen-feat-bogus-vd27 (incr086): passed Test vomb-sneak (incr087): failed Description: After initial compilation, an inherited integer constant attribute which is an inspect constant in the heir is changed to a function with no arguments Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr087/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VOMB(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VOMB(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VOMB(2) Final status: paused Test new-ace-root-still-vscn (incr088): failed Description: A system whose root class inherits from a class TEST2 which exists in two different clusters correctly elicits a VSCN error report from the compiler. Then the Ace is changed to indicate a different root class, which does not depend on TEST2. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr088/tcf at line 24 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test delete-generic-class-header (incr089): passed Test vtbt-granddad-weasel (incr090): failed Description: An inherited constant integer attribute used as the number of bits in a BIT type is changed to a function with no arguments and the modified class is not an immediate ancestor of the class with the BIT type Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr090/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTBT Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTBT Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VTBT Final status: paused Test intro-vtat-attr-to-proc (incr091): passed Test vomb2-called-vomb5 (incr092): failed Description: After initial compilation a constant attribute in an ancestor class is changed from a unique constant to a constant integer, thereby introducing a VOMB(5) error. When the compiler detects the error, the constant integer is changed to an integer function with no arguments. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr092/tcf at line 26 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VOMB(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VOMB(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VOMB(5) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VOMB(2) Final status: paused Test vcfg1-called-vffd7 (incr093): failed Description: A class with a once function whose return type is a formal generic parameter is correctly reported to violate VFFD(7). Then a class with the same name as the formal parameter is added to one of the clusters, introducing a VCFG(1) violation Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr093/tcf at line 18 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VCFG(1) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VCFG(1) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VFFD(7) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VCFG(1) Final status: paused Test bogus-vdrs (incr094): failed Description: After initial compilation an inherited variable attribute in a grandparent is changed to a constant attribute, thereby introducing a VDRS(2) violation. Then the constant attribute is changed back to a variable attribute. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr094/tcf at line 26 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VDRS(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test vwst-cant-find-feature (incr095): passed Test vgcp-sneak (incr096): passed Test anchored-constraint-touch-file (incr097): passed Test redef-external-chg-to-effect (incr098): passed Test vjaw-sneak (incr099): passed Test external-with-alias-new-root (incr100): passed Test vncb-sneak (incr101): passed Test bigger-bit-func-wrong-value (incr102): failed Description: After initial compilation, a constant integer attribute referenced in a BIT type which is the return type of a function is given a different (larger) value. After recompilation, the function should return a larger BIT type during system execution. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr102/tcf at line 25 Original text: compare exec_output2 output2 Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output2 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test vdrd-weasel (incr103): passed Test ext-with-alias-new-cluster (incr104): passed Test veen-cant-find-feature (incr105): passed Test no-precomp-chg-class-name (incr106): passed Test root-none-remove-cluster (incr107): passed Test veen2-called-veen22 (incr108): passed Test bool-string-to-bit-ref (incr109): passed Test chg-expanded-source-freeze (incr110): passed Test melt-chg-attr-type-freeze (incr111): passed Test actual-generic-vtbt-sneak (incr112): passed Test vtcg-sneak (incr113): passed Test vtat1-called-vtcg (incr114): passed Test new-root-cluster-bogus-vscn (incr115): failed Description: After initial compilation, the Ace is changed to indicate a new root class, which happens to be generic. The compiler detects the VSRC(1) error. But when the Ace is changed to indicate a new (and newly added) root cluster with a valid root class the compiler reports a bogus VSCN error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr115/tcf at line 33 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test delete-ace-resume-compile (incr116): passed Test new-precomp-cluster-bogus-vd41 (incr117): passed Test short-manifest-bit-array-arg (incr118): passed Test reduce-bit-attribute-size (incr119): passed Test vuar1-called-veen (incr120): passed Test none-then-string-generic (incr121): passed Test switch-expanded-attributes (incr122): passed Test add-attribute-wrong-strip (incr123): passed Test switch-parents-assertion-order (incr124): passed Test change-numeric-formal-argument (incr125): passed Test generic-veen-sneak (incr126): passed Test add-unused-formal-generic (incr127): passed Test make-generic-expanded-freeze (incr128): passed Test vtcg-in-generic-constraint (incr129): failed Description: After initial compilation, a constraint is added to the formal generic parameter of a class which is used in the generic constraint of another class. When the system is recompiled, the compiler correctly reports a VTCG error. But when the newly added constraint is removed and compilation is resumed, the compiler dies with a segmentation fault during degree 2. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr129/tcf at line 30 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test vtct-vtcg-die-degree-5 (incr130): passed Test finalize-remove-expanded-type (incr131): passed Test external-arg-signature-mismatch (incr132): passed Test bogus-vd28 (incr133): failed Description: A system has an Ace which specifies the precompiled cluster EiffelBase and also has a cluster with Cluster_tag `kernel'. After initial compilation, the tag `kernel' is changed to `other' and the system is recompiled. The compiler then reports an erroneous VD28 error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr133/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VD28 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test remove-part-of-external-decl (incr134): passed Test cast-external-add-white-space (incr135): passed Test make-visible-class-unreachable (incr136): failed Description: A system has an Ace which specifies a visible class FOO, where FOO is reachable from the root class. After initial compilation where the system is frozen or finalized, a local is removed, making class FOO unreachable from the root. When the system is recompiled, the compiler correctly detects the VD31 error. But when the local is added back in and compilation is resumed, the compiler dies during degree -3 (during dead code removal if system was finalized). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr136/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD31 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD31 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD31 Final status: paused Test fix-veen-add-vrfa (incr137): passed Test vtcg-weasel (incr138): passed Test rename-get-new-precursor (incr139): passed Test add-remove-root-generic (incr140): passed Test none-then-tuple-generic (incr141): passed Test make-root-expanded-freeze (incr142): passed Test change-expanded-tuple-bit (incr143): passed Test vtcg-remove-creation-feat (incr144): failed Description: After initial compilation, a creation feature named in a generic constraint is removed entirely from the class. When the system is recompiled, the VTCG validity error is not detected. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr144/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VTCG Final status: paused Test add-remove-vsrc (incr145): passed Test add-remove-constraint-vtcg (incr146): failed Description: After initial compilation, a constraint on a formal generic parameter of a class that is used in the generic constraint of another class is changed. When the system is recompiled, the compiler correctly reports a VTCG error. But when the constraint is changed back to its original valid form and compilation is resumed, the compiler dies with a bus error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr146/tcf at line 18 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VTCG Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test melt-then-empty-ace (incr147): passed Test vtcg-creator-try-again (incr148): passed Test unreachable-syntax-error (incr149): failed Description: A system with two classes is compiled. The compiler detects the syntax error on the second class. Then the root class is changed so that the second class is no longer reachable from the root. When compilation is resumed, the compiler still reports a syntax error on the unreachable class. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr149/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST1 at line 8 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test add-remove-veen-freeze (incr150): passed Test finalize-move-attribute (incr151): passed Test vtcg-remove-creation-clause (incr152): failed Description: After initial compilation, the creation procedure named in a generic constraint is removed from the creation clause in its class, but the feature is left there. When the system is recompiled, the VTCG validity error is not detected. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr152/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VTCG Final status: paused Test change-once-to-do (incr153): passed Test invalid-expanded-generic (incr154): failed Description: After initial compilation with an invalid type `expanded STRING' as an actual generic parameter, the type is changed to STRING. Finalization completes normally, but the resulting C code will not compile. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr154/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code NOT_SUPPORTED Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test vjar-sneak (incr155): failed Description: After initial compilation, a VJAR error is introduced and the system is recompiled. The compiler does not detect the VJAR error. This case involves changing an actual generic parameter in an inheritance clause from G to STRING. The redefined function calls precursor. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr155/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VJAR Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VJAR Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VDRD(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VJAR Final status: paused Test resume-vtcg-none-actual (incr156): failed Description: A pair of generic classes that mention each other in their formal generic constraints is invalid. When some of the actual generic parameters are NONE, the compiler correctly detects the VTCG error. But when compilation is resumed without any change to the classes, the compiler dies with a bus error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr156/tcf at line 18 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VTCG Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VTCG Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code VTCG Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST2 code VTCG Final status: paused Test constraint-cycle-change-generic (incr157): passed Test vsrc-vtct-vcfg-die (incr158): passed Test vtct-vcfg-vsrc-die (incr159): passed Test alternate-vd27-and-vsrc (incr160): passed Test missing-rescue-clause (incr161): passed Test vupr-sneak (incr162): failed Description: After initial compilation, a VUPR(3) error is introduced by removing an inheritance clause, yielding no effective precursors. The compiler does not detect the VUPR(3) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr162/tcf at line 22 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VUPR(3) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VUPR(3) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VUPR(3) Final status: paused Test switch-generics-tricky-vtcg (incr163): failed Description: After initial compilation, formal generics in an inheritance clause are switched, causing a class to no longer conform to the generic constraint. The class is used as an actual generic in a generic constraint. The compiler does not detect the newly introduced VTCG error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr163/tcf at line 19 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST4 code VTCG Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test delete-parent-vtcg-sneak (incr164): passed Test switch-generics-tricky-vdrd (incr165): failed Description: After initial compilation, formal generics in an inheritance clause are switched, causing a type involved in a redefined feature to no longer conform to the ancestor feature's type. The compiler does not detect the newly introduced VDRD(2) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr165/tcf at line 22 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VDRD(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VDRD(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST2 code VDRD(2) Final status: paused Test change-external-melt (incr166): passed Test make-synonyms-vupr-sneak (incr167): failed Description: After initial compilation, two routines which were declared separately are changed so that they share a single redeclaration, which calls precursor. When the system is recompiled, the compiler does not detect the VUPR(1) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr167/tcf at line 23 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VUPR(1) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VUPR(1) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VUPR(1) Final status: paused Test add-alternative-precondition (incr168): failed Description: After initial compilation where the system is melted, the name of a routine in a parent class is changed, yielding a third inherited version of a redefined feature. The new inherited version of the feature has no precondition, which should make the alternative precondition of the redefined feature true. But the precondition is violated when the system is executed. Execution works correctly when the system is melted from scratch. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr168/tcf at line 29 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test change-created-actual-generic (incr169): failed Description: A class inherits from a generic class which has a routine that creates an entity of the generic type and prints its generating type. After initial compilation where the system is melted, the printed result is correct. Then the type of the actual generic is changed from STRING to SEQ_STRING and changes are melted. Execution then produces the wrong result (the same result as before). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr169/tcf at line 24 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test vmfn-new-deferred-ancestor (incr170): passed Test external-routine-madness (incr171): passed Test resume-ace-syntax-error (incr172): passed Test byte-node-disaster (incr173): passed Test vxrc-sneak (incr174): passed Test set-has-loop-disaster (incr175): passed Test backup-directory-disaster (incr176): passed Test finalize-then-melt (incr177): passed Test change-use-assertion-level (incr178): failed Description: After initial compilation where the system is melted, the default assertion level for a cluster obtain from a "Use" file is changed to from "no" to "require". When changes are melted and the system is executed, preconditions are not monitored. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr178/tcf at line 24 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test freeze-expanded-finalize (incr179): passed Test make-const-variable-freeze (incr180): passed Test constant-variable-function (incr181): passed Test add-inherited-assertions (incr182): passed Test default-create-add-body (incr183): passed Test turn-off-multithreaded (incr184): failed Description: Initially, the system is frozen with an Ace file using no precompiled library that specifies either `multithreaded (yes)' or `shared_library_definition ("/foo/bar")'. Then the Ace file is changed to indicate `multithreaded (no)' or to delete the line with the shared_library_definition specification and the system is refrozen. The compiled C code is not removed first, so it the non-multithreaded code won't link. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr184/tcf at line 29 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test change-cplusplus-to-c (incr185): passed Test redefine-to-rename-refreeze (incr186): passed Test env-in-braces-bogus-vd01 (incr187): passed Test constant-variable-constant (incr188): failed Description: A system creates an instance of a class and prints the value of its only feature, which is a constant INTEGER attribute. After initial compilation, the constant is changed to an INTEGER variable. System execution still produces the correct result. Then the feature is changed back to an INTEGER constant and changes are melted. System execution then dies with a segmentation violation. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr188/tcf at line 36 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test freeze-print-int64-array (incr189): passed Test vsta-sneak (incr190): failed Description: After initial compilation, an integer constant attribute is changed to a function with no arguments. The compiler does not detect the newly introduced VSTA error (reference to a static feature which is not a constant or external). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr190/tcf at line 24 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VSTA(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VSTA(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VSTA(2) Final status: paused Test refinalize-with-assertions (incr191): passed Test freeze-const-freeze-finalize (incr192): passed Test move-class-bogus-vd16 (incr193): failed Description: A system with two classes is compiled, where one of the classes is mentioned in an option clause in the Ace file. Both classes are in the same cluster and the Ace file uses "all" to include all classes in the entire directory tree. Then a new sub-directory is created and the class is moved into that sub-directory. When the system is recompiled, the compiler reports a bogus VD16 error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr193/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VD16 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test change-agent-return-type (incr194): passed Test change-agent-noexp-return-type (incr195): passed Test new-cluster-vscn-sneak (incr196): failed Description: A system with two classes is compiled. Both classes are in the same cluster and the Ace file uses "all" to include all classes in the entire directory tree. Then a new sub-directory is created and a class with the same name is added to it. When the system is recompiled, the compiler does not detect the VSCN error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr196/tcf at line 19 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VSCN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VSCN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Test create-sub-cluster-bogus-vd30 (incr197): failed Description: A system with one cluster preceded by the keyword "all" in the Ace file is compiled, where the cluster does not exist. The compiler correctly reports a VD01 error (nonexistent cluster path in Ace file). Then the cluster is created with one sub-cluster `sub' which contains the root class. When compilation is resumed, the compiler reports a bogus VD30 error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr197/tcf at line 19 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VD30 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test vgcc-weasel (incr198): failed Description: After initial compilation, a VGCC(6) error is introduced by removing an inheritance clause, making a feature that is selectively available for creation no longer available. The compiler does not detect the error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr198/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(6) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VGCC(6) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VGCC(6) Final status: paused Test add-vuar-remove-finalize (incr199): failed Description: After initial compilation where the system is finalized, a creation procedure is changed to take an argument, introducing a VUAR error. When the system is re-finalized, the compiler detects the error. Then the error is removed and compilation completes successfully, but the generated C code won't compile, due to conflicting declarations for the creation procedure's routine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr199/tcf at line 28 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test vtec-weasel (incr200): failed Description: After initial compilation, a VTEC(2) error is introduced by removing an inheritance clause. When the system is recompiled, the compiler does not detect the error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr200/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTEC(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTEC(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VTEC(2) Final status: paused Test vtcg-then-syntax-error (incr201): failed Description: A generic class has a formal generic parameter constrained by a nonexistent and invalid creation procedure `infix "@"'. The compiler correctly reports VTCG error. Then a syntax error is added to the class. The compiler detects the error, but says "Exception occurred while displaying error message" when it tries to print the name of the class. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr201/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST1 11 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST1 11 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Compiler error) Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST1 at line 11 Final status: paused Test implicit-def-create-finalize (incr202): failed Description: A system has a root class which explicitly names `default_create' as creation procedure and redefines `default_create' to print something. The Ace file specifies the root class, but does not specify a creation procedure. After initial compilation where the system is melted, system execution correctly calls the redefined default_create. But when the system is finalized with no changes, the finalized system produces no output and the redefined `default_create' has been removed by dead code removal. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr202/tcf at line 27 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test remove-syntax-warning-yes (incr203): passed Test bogus-vtec (incr204): passed Test vgcc-remove-generic-creator (incr205): failed Description: After initial compilation, a procedure name is removed from a generic constraint. When the system is recompiled, the VGCC(8) error is not detected. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr205/tcf at line 21 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VGCC(8) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VGCC(8) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VGCC(8) Final status: paused Test expand-generic-remove-creation (incr206): passed Test chg-indexing-tag-to-attribute (incr207): failed Description: After initial compilation, the tag in an indexing clause is changed from "weasel" to "attribute". This introduces a VEEN error but the compiler does not detect it. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr207/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VEEN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VEEN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VEEN Final status: paused Test bit-n-illegal-opcode (incr208): passed Test external-make-precondition-true (incr209): passed Test unexpand-class-no-conformance (incr210): passed Test uninherit-any-vupr2-sneak (incr211): failed Description: After initial compilation, a VUPR(2) error is introduced by removing an inheritance clause for ANY, where a routine is calling `{ANY} precursor'. The compiler does not detect the newly introduced VUPR(2) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr211/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUPR(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUPR(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VUPR(2) Final status: paused Test c-inline-change-arg-order (incr212): passed Test chg-generic-c-inline-function (incr213): passed Test freeze-no-c-compile-melt (incr214): failed Description: After initial compilation where the system is frozen, but without C code compilation, an inheritance clause is removed, which removes a class from the system. Changes are melted. When system cannot be executed (because C code wasn't compiled), an attempt is made to compile the C code. However, it won't link due to an undefined symbol. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr214/tcf at line 23 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test chg-constraint-add-create (incr215): failed Description: After initial freezing of a generic class FOO whose formal generic parameter is constrained by DOUBLE, the constraint is changed to TEST2 with a generic creation procedure `default_create' and all references to FOO [DOUBLE] are removed. When the system is refrozen, the C code won't compile. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr215/tcf at line 38 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test own-string-bogus-vgcc5 (incr216): failed Description: A system has its own STRING class, excluding the one from EiffelBase. This STRING class does not inherit from TO_SPECIAL [CHARACTER], which causes a VEEN error. After the compiler correctly detects this error, the missing inheritance clause is added to STRING. The compiler then reports a bogus VGCC(5) error in class MISMATCH_CORRECTOR. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr216/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error FILE VEEN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error FILE VEEN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class FILE code VEEN Final status: paused Test chg-external-function-type (incr217): passed Test make-agent-target-expanded (incr218): passed Test expand-unexpand-agent-target (incr219): failed Description: A generic class whose formal generic parameter G is constrained by non-expanded class FOO has a routine that takes an argument of type G and passes it as the target in a call to an agent with an open target of type FOO. A second class inherits this class and provides FOO as actual generic parameter. The actual argument in the call to the routine is of type `expanded FOO'. After initial compilation where the system is frozen, the actual generic parameter is changed to `expanded FOO' and changes are melted. Then the actual generic is changed back to `FOO'. System execution then dies with a segmentation fault. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr219/tcf at line 17 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VUAR(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test remove-constraint-veen-sneak (incr220): failed Description: A generic class whose formal generic parameter G is constrained by STRING has a call to an agent whose open target is {G}. After initial compilation, the generic constraint is removed. When the system is recompiled, the compiler does not detect the newly introduced VEEN error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr220/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST2 code NOT_SUPPORTED Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test vuex-weasel (incr221): failed Description: Class A has a qualified call to one of its own features, where the feature is exported only to B and its descendants. This is valid since class A is a descendant of B. But when the inheritance clause is removed, so that A is no longer a descendant of B, and the system is recompiled, the VUEX violation is not detected. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr221/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUEX(2) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUEX(2) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VUEX(2) Final status: paused Test change-system-name (incr222): failed Description: A simple system is frozen. Then the system name is changed in the Ace file and changes are melted. System execution then dies with "Error could not open Eiffel update file ./eiffelbase.melted". Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr222/tcf at line 31 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: silent_failure Expected result: Final status: completed Test function-attribute-constant (incr223): failed Description: A system creates an instance of a class and prints the value of its only feature, which is a function returning INTEGER. After initial compilation where the system is frozen, the constant is changed to an INTEGER attribute and changes are melted. System execution still produces the correct result. Then the feature is changed to an INTEGER constant and changes are melted. System execution then produces the wrong result (the value returned by the original function). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr223/tcf at line 39 Original text: compare exec_output3 output3 Substituted text: compare exec_output3 output3 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test vupr-weasel (incr224): failed Description: After initial compilation, a VUPR(3) error is introduced by changing an inherited deferred feature to effective, so that a routine calling precursor has two precursors. On recompile, the compiler does not detect the VUPR(3) error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr224/tcf at line 24 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUPR(3) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VUPR(3) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VUPR(3) Final status: paused Test change-anchor-type-finalize (incr225): passed Test precompile-again (incr226): failed Description: After initial compilation where a class plus EiffelBase is precompiled the system is precompiled again using precomp.epr file. The compiler dies with a segmentation fault in FILE_NAME.make_from_string. Compiler should probably say that project is read-only. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr226/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test remove-ace-object-clause (incr227): failed Description: A system is compiled with an Ace file which specifies a nonexistent library via `object: "-lweasel"'. Then the `object' clause is removed completely from the Ace and system is melted. When the previously generated C code is compiled, it won't link because the (nonexistent) library is still referenced. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr227/tcf at line 22 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test add-del-static-ext-assertion (incr228): failed Description: A system has a static call to a frozen external procedure. After initial compilation where the system is frozen, system execution works correctly. Then a postcondition is added to the external procedure. After the compiler correctly detects the VSTA(2) error, the postcondition is removed and compilation finishes. But system execution then evaluates the removed postcondition. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr228/tcf at line 38 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test generic-agent-add-constraint (incr229): failed Description: After initial compilation, a generic constraint is added to the formal generic parameter G of a class and changes are recompiled. Printing the generating type of `agent {G}.generator' then produces the wrong output (same as before the change). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/incr229/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code NOT_SUPPORTED Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test divide-melt-panic (melt001): passed Test bit-melt-metamorphose (melt002): passed Test manifest-array-with-old (melt003): passed Test ref-actual-expanded-formal (melt004): passed Test real-const-arith-to-double (melt005): passed Test multiple-unary-free-ops (melt006): passed Test chained-assertion-melt (melt007): passed Test melted-putreal-wrong (melt008): passed Test invariant-melt-panic (melt009): passed Test weird-sprintf-melt-panic (melt010): manual Test manifest-array-int-double (melt011): passed Test raise-exception-call-self (melt012): failed Description: A routine which conditionally raises an exception has a rescue clause which at first calls the routine itself before retrying, then later just unconditionally retries. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt012/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test invalid-assertion-level (melt013): passed Test creation-proc-modify-target (melt014): passed Test nested-expanded-creation (melt015): passed Test chg-external-to-internal (melt016): passed Test melted-invariant-memory-leak (melt017): passed Test expanded-melted-equal-current (melt018): passed Test postcondition-veen-then-restore (melt019): passed Test invariant-veen-skip-invariant (melt020): passed Test chg-argless-func-to-constant (melt021): passed Test ensure-extend-linked-list (melt022): passed Test old-expanded-melted-creations (melt023): failed Description: A class has a routine with a postcondition which references `old arg' where `arg' (the routine's argument) is of an expanded type. When postconditions are monitored and the system is melted, evaluation of the postcondition appears to incorrectly cause some creations of objects of the expanded type. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt023/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test manifest-array-expanded-generic (melt024): passed Test bit-two-to-the-twenty-four (melt025): failed Description: A class has a procedure with a local entity of type BIT N, where N is >= 2 ^ 24. The system compiles fine, but when executed it dies with a run-time panic if it was melted. Frozen code works fine for BIT sizes up to at least 200_000_000. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt025/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test manifest-array-of-expanded (melt026): passed Test expanded-clone-of-clone (melt027): passed Test named-bit-constant-argument (melt028): passed Test named-constant-call-out (melt029): passed Test cloned-bit-actual-argument (melt030): failed Description: A routine passes `clone (b)' where `b' is of type BIT 8 to a routine whose formal argument is of type BIT 8. If the system is melted, system execution ends with a "Create on deferred" exception. Frozen code works fine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt030/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test evaluate-old-when-retry (melt031): failed Description: A routine has a postcondition which references an "old" expression. The body of the routine raises an exception which is retried by the rescue clause. When postconditions are monitored and the system is melted, the "old" expression is incorrectly evaluated again when the retry instruction is executed. Frozen code does not re-evaluate the "old" expression when it does a retry. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt031/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test eval-precondition-when-retry (melt032): passed Test melted-two-level-rescue (melt033): failed Description: A routine whose rescue clause tries to display the meaning of the exception dies with an exception trace if the original exception is two levels down, the called routine also has a rescue clause and the code is melted. Frozen code works fine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt033/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test who-gets-exp-local-exception (melt034): failed Description: A routine has a local of an expanded type, where the base class of this type has a creation procedure that raises an exception. If the system is melted, the recipient of the exception is not the routine containing the declaration of the local but that routine's caller. If the system is frozen, the routine containing the declaration of the expanded local is the recipient of the exception. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt034/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test when-init-expanded-local (melt035): failed Description: A routine has a precondition, postcondition, old expression in the postcondition and a local entity of an expanded type. The local of expanded type is initialized at the wrong time (before the routine's precondition is even checked), but only if the system is melted. Frozen code works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt035/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test manifest-array-elem-eval-order (melt036): failed Description: A routine has a manifest array, each of whose elements is a function call. The elements of the array are evaluated in reverse order of their appearance when the code is melted, but in order of appearance when frozen. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt036/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test old-expression-eval-order (melt037): failed Description: A routine has a postcondition which includes more than one `old' expression. The old expressions are evaluated in reverse order of their appearance when the code is melted, but in order of appearance when it is frozen. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt037/tcf at line 19 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test pass-expanded-like-current (melt038): passed Test generic-local-expanded-actual (melt039): passed Test infix-integer-real-double (melt040): passed Test bit-two-to-the-fifteen (melt041): passed Test put-double-five-over-two (melt042): passed Test expanded-creation-alloc-memory (melt043): passed Test melted-creation-pass-target (melt044): passed Test once-result-uninitialized (melt045): passed Test melted-attribute-address (melt046): passed Test null-in-debug-key (melt047): passed Test melted-short-integers (melt048): passed Test wide-char-comparison (melt049): passed Test add-root-creation-arg (melt050): passed Test wrong-field-count (melt051): passed Test invariant-melted-once-function (melt052): passed Test melted-integer-compare (melt053): passed Test eval-precondition-on-retry (melt054): failed Description: A routine `try' which has a precondition calls another routine `try2' which raises an exception. If the calling routine catches the exception and retries, the precondition is evaluated again if code is melted. Frozen code works correctly - it does not re-evaluate the precondition in the routine which catches the exception. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt054/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test melt-call-real-external (melt055): passed Test melted-expanded-like-current (melt056): failed Description: A system has a call whose target is of an expanded type `expanded FOO', where class FOO is not declared as an expanded class. The call is to a function whose return type is `like Current'. Melting the system works fine but when the system is executed it dies with a segmentation fault. Frozen code works fine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt056/tcf at line 17 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test melted-long-class-name (melt057): failed Description: A system with a class name longer than 256 characters compiles fine when melted but dies with a run-time panic when executed. Frozen and finalized code work fine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt057/tcf at line 17 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test melt-pass-bit-shift (melt058): failed Description: A system calls a routine `double_to_integer (n: DOUBLE): INTEGER' and passes `i.bit_shift (1)', where `i' is an INTEGER. If the system is melted, execution ends with an "illegal cast operation" panic. Frozen code works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt058/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test inspect-integer-64-one (melt059): failed Description: A class that does an inspect of `x', whose type is INTEGER_64 and which has value 1, does not match value 1 but only when code is melted. Frozen and finalized code work correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt059/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test melted-profile-system (melt060): passed Test integer-16-minus-one (melt061): passed Test melted-invariant-invalid-object (melt062): failed Description: Executing a system with a class invariant violation works correctly when melted and invariants are monitored. However, the top of the exception trace shows Invalid_object as the object when code is melted. Frozen code works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt062/tcf at line 18 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test melted-void-expanded-arg (melt063): passed Test melted-local-referers (melt064): failed Description: A system puts a string into a list 3 times and then calls `referers' from class MEMORY and prints its count. If the list is a local (not an attribute) and if code is melted, execution incorrectly prints 0 instead of 3. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt064/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test melted-profinfo-wrong-dir (melt065): failed Description: A system whose Ace specifies `profile (yes)' is melted. When the system is executed with the EIFGEN/W_code directory as the current directory with the MELT_PATH environment variable not set, system execution attempts to create the "profinfo" file in the wrong place (not in the EIFGEN/W_code directory). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt065/tcf at line 22 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test bit-n-out-of-memory (melt066): passed Test expanded-generic-anchored-local (melt067): failed Description: A root class has an attribute of type `expanded TEST1 [STRING]' where the creation procedure of TEST1 declares a local of type `expanded TEST2 [like Current]' and prints its generating type. Code compiles fine when melted, but dies with a panic when executed. Frozen and finalized code work correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt067/tcf at line 18 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test melted-old-expanded-result (melt068): passed Test expanded-list-like-current (melt069): failed Description: A class has a routine which prints `t.count' where `t' is of type `expanded LINKED_LIST [like Current]'. The root class, which is expanded, inherits this routine and makes it a creation procedure. If the system is melted, execution dies with a segmentation fault. Frozen code works fine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt069/tcf at line 18 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test special-expanded-creation (melt070): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/melt070/tcf Test bit-arg-extend-frozen (freez001): failed Description: A call to a routine whose formal argument is a BIT type with a larger number of bits than the actual argument. The actual argument should be extended with trailing zeros Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez001/tcf at line 26 Original text: compare exec_output2 output1 Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output1 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test frozen-xor-precedence-error (freez002): passed Test extend-short-bit-constant (freez003): passed Test frozen-high-bit-characters (freez004): passed Test who-gets-old-exception (freez005): passed Test expanded-local-no-creation (freez006): failed Description: A routine `f' has a local of an expanded type, but does not reference this local in the routine body. The base class of the expanded type has a creation procedure. When the system is executed, the creation procedure of the expanded class is not invoked when `f' is called, but only if the system was frozen. A melted system works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez006/tcf at line 30 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test init-expanded-local-when-retry (freez007): failed Description: A routine has a local of an expanded type. The body of the routine raises an exception which is retried by the rescue clause. If the system is frozen, the expanded local is incorrectly initialized again when the retry instruction is executed. Melted code works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez007/tcf at line 30 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test redefine-expanded-to-attribute (freez008): failed Description: A routine redefines an inherited routine that returns an expanded type or a BIT type and replaces it with an attribute. It also includes references to the attribute. The code compiles fine, but dies with a segmentation fault or "feature applied to void reference" if it was frozen. Melted code works fine. This appears to be a code generation bug. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez008/tcf at line 18 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test assign-attempt-exp-to-ref (freez009): passed Test deep-clone-frozen-not-equal (freez010): passed Test compare-frozen-high-bit-chars (freez011): passed Test compare-frozen-real-arg (freez012): passed Test frozen-retried-precondition (freez013): passed Test tuple-expanded-and-integer (freez014): passed Test address-of-redefined-routine (freez015): failed Description: A class has a routine which obtains the address of a procedure via $p. A descendant class redefines procedure `p'. In the descendant, $p incorrectly returns the address of the ancestor's version of the routine instead of the redefined routine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez015/tcf at line 23 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test integer-8-generating-type (freez016): passed Test frozen-agent-lighter-argument (freez017): passed Test frozen-prefix-attribute (freez018): failed Description: A class with a prefix feature that is an attribute compiles fine when frozen, but the generated C code won't compile. Melted code works fine. Fixing the generated C code by adding the missing "\" escape characters before double quote characters inside a C string allows the code to compile and produce the correct result. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez018/tcf at line 25 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test tuple-i16-plus-i8 (freez019): passed Test minus-minus-double (freez020): passed Test dispose-with-rescue (freez021): failed Description: A class calls a routine and violates its precondition. The exception is not rescued but printing of exception trace on failure is turned off. The class has a `dispose' routine which does nothing, but has an empty rescue clause. System execution ends with a segmentation fault when the system is frozen. Melted code works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez021/tcf at line 20 Original text: execute_result failed_silently Substituted text: execute_result failed_silently Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: silent_failure had_panic Expected result: Final status: silent_failure Test anchored-double-function (freez022): failed Description: A class has a routine `value (r: DOUBLE): like r' which just returns the value of `r'. When the routine is called with an INTEGER_8 actual argument, the result is wrong but only if the system is frozen. Melted code works correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/freez022/tcf at line 27 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test real-times-real-postcondition (freez023): passed Test inspect-high-bit-integer8 (freez024): passed Test frozen-bitwise-and-local (freez025): passed Test wrong-generic-type-caching (freez026): passed Test freeze-with-unused-locals (freez027): passed Test finalize-expanded-not-equal (final001): passed Test finalize-debug-inst-not-kept (final002): passed Test finalize-manifest-array-call (final003): passed Test finalize-ensure-keep-dead (final004): passed Test finalize-pass-wrong-argument (final005): passed Test finalize-expanded-generic-bit (final006): passed Test finalize-expand-creation-order (final007): passed Test finalize-expanded-arg-result (final008): passed Test finalize-array-optimization (final009): passed Test finalize-random-arrayed-list (final010): passed Test finalize-skip-rescue-clause (final011): passed Test finalize-cast-func-result (final012): passed Test finalize-array-opt-expanded (final013): passed Test finalize-redef-external-macro (final014): passed Test finalize-inline-precursor (final015): passed Test finalize-array-opt-2 (final016): passed Test finalize-delayed-deferred-call (final017): passed Test finalize-inline-none-proc (final018): passed Test inline-generic-assign-attempt (final019): failed Description: A routine in a generic class has an assignment attempt whose right hand side is of type Generic #1. If the actual generic parameter is an expanded type and if the call to the routine is inlined, system execution ends with a segmentation fault. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/final019/tcf at line 23 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test finalize-or-else-true (final020): passed Test finalize-mult-double-constant (final021): passed Test expanded-generic-return-type (final022): passed Test bigger-array-of-bit (final023): passed Test finalize-skip-invariant (final024): failed Description: System execution does not check the class invariant before and after a qualified call to a routine, but only if the system is finalized and assertions are kept. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/final024/tcf at line 22 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test inline-pass-expanded (final025): passed Test c-inline-function-ten-args (final026): passed Test inline-linked-list-expanded (final027): passed Test vicious-finalize-bug (final028): passed Test inline-arrayed-list-expanded (final029): passed Test print-double (exec001): passed Test bit-out-wrong (exec002): passed Test real-conform-double (exec003): passed Test power-operator (exec004): passed Test once-routine-precond-fail (exec005): failed Description: Precondition is violated on the first call to a once routine, but not on a second call Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec005/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output1 Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output1 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test wrong-int-div (exec006): passed Test old-current-ne-current (exec007): passed Test plus-before-free-unary (exec008): passed Test free-binary-wrong-precedence (exec009): passed Test divide-by-real-zero (exec010): failed Description: A divide by real zero (0.0) should trigger an exception Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec010/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output1 Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output1 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test expanded-creation-order (exec011): passed Test redecl-implicit-precond (exec012): passed Test bit-equal-wrong (exec013): passed Test variable-attr-wrong-address (exec014): manual Test readline-long-line-wrong (exec015): passed Test rescue-floating-exception (exec016): failed Description: A class with an integer divide-by-zero Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec016/tcf at line 19 Original text: compare exec_output1 output1 Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output1 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test strip-wont-c-compile (exec017): passed Test strip-with-void (exec018): passed Test manifest-array-concat (exec019): passed Test manifest-array-of-bits (exec020): passed Test very-deep-clone (exec021): passed Test out-of-locals (exec022): failed Description: A class with a routine which has 1000 local variables Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec022/tcf at line 19 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test prefix-oper-attribute (exec023): passed Test long-linked-list-fails (exec024): passed Test malloc-free-collect-coalesce (exec026): passed Test memory-leak (exec027): skipped Test big-bit-attribute (exec028): passed Test external-feature-address (exec029): passed Test null-char-in-string (exec030): passed Test uninit-root-class-arg (exec031): passed Test int-equal-int (exec032): passed Test wrong-oper-int-convert (exec033): passed Test invariant-empty-property (exec034): passed Test expanded-but-void-attribute (exec035): passed Test expanded-creation-panic (exec036): passed Test create-integer-then-incr (exec037): passed Test once-expanded-result (exec038): passed Test create-zero-len-bool-string (exec039): passed Test merge-sort-panic (exec040): passed Test random-memory-alloc-panic (exec041): passed Test cecil-panic (exec042): manual Test deep-clone-not-deep-equal (exec043): passed Test auto-resize-exp-arrayed-list (exec044): passed Test reference-to-sub-object (exec045): failed Description: A class declares an attribute of type `expanded A', where A contains an attribute of type `expanded B' (a sub-object). Neither classes A nor B are themselves expanded. Class B has a function which returns `Current' as its result. It appears that a caller is able to get and save a reference to a sub-object. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec045/tcf at line 21 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test class-invariant-fail-panic (exec046): passed Test clearer-ref-to-sub-object (exec047): failed Description: A clearer example of a system which obtains a reference to a sub-object and uses it to change that sub-object. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec047/tcf at line 29 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test inline-external-root-proc (exec048): passed Test wrong-alt-precondition-order (exec049): failed Description: A class inherits different versions of a routine with the same name and signature from different parents, but redefines the feature. The flatshort form looks as expected, with all preconditions of redefined versions of the feature in the expected order. But when the system is executed, the preconditions are checked in a different order than that indicated by the flatshort form. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec049/tcf at line 23 Original text: compare exec_output1 output1 Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output1 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test join-effect-precond-skipped (exec050): failed Description: A class inherits three deferred features and joins and effects them. The flatshort form of the heir class looks as expected, with all alternative preconditions present in the expected order. But when the system is executed, only one of the preconditions of the deferred features is executed. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec050/tcf at line 20 Original text: compare exec_output1 output1 Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output1 Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test attribute-postcondition-lost (exec051): failed Description: A class redefines an inherited function into an attribute. The function has a postcondition, but this postcondition is not added to the class invariant. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec051/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test arrayed-list-clone-not-equal (exec052): passed Test root-no-class-invariant (exec053): passed Test integer-ref-gt-integer (exec054): failed Description: A class does a comparison INTEGER_REF > INTEGER. This should be legal, since INTEGER conforms to INTEGER_REF, and the compiler accepts it. But executing the system results in a an exception trace (segmentation fault or bus error). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec054/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test expanded-generic-like-current (exec055): passed Test skip-deferred-feat-assertions (exec056): failed Description: A class inherits a deferred feature from one class and an effective feature of the same name from another class. Both features have a precondition and a postcondition. The flatshort form of the heir class looks as expected, with all alternative preconditions present. But when the system is executed, the precondition and postcondition of the deferred precursor feature are not monitored. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec056/tcf at line 19 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test array-of-expanded-insert-fails (exec057): passed Test once-bit-type-result (exec058): failed Description: A system which calls a once function whose result type is BIT type should execute correctly, but dies with a run-time panic if frozen (or with a segmentation fault if completely melted). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec058/tcf at line 28 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test bit-function-explicit-creation (exec059): passed Test inherit-array-of-expanded (exec060): passed Test bit-copy-panic-void-source (exec061): passed Test conforms-to-with-generics (exec062): passed Test deep-clone-panic (exec063): passed Test random-string-blank-panic (exec064): passed Test random-array-alloc-loop (exec065): passed Test many-locals-deep-recursion (exec066): passed Test big-expanded-attributes (exec067): passed Test big-manifest-array-of-strings (exec068): manual Test keep-on-stripping (exec069): passed Test deep-exception-in-rescue (exec070): failed Description: A class has a recursive routine `f' which at the depths of its recursion calls a routine `weasel' which raises an exception. Routine `weasel' has a rescue clause which first calls `f' and then retries and succeeds. When the system is executed, it dies with a panic (segmentation fault) if the depth of "exception in rescue clause" nesting is greater than 256. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec070/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test few-locals-deep-recursion (exec071): passed Test expanded-create-big-string (exec072): passed Test negate-big-bit-local (exec073): passed Test big-array-of-bit (exec074): passed Test negative-eiffel-memory-used (exec075): passed Test repeated-manifest-bit-array (exec076): passed Test strip-with-expanded-attr (exec077): failed Description: A class calls the `strip' operator and has an attribute of an expanded type. Executing the system results in an "unknown attribute type" run-time panic. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec077/tcf at line 17 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test manifest-array-of-strip (exec078): passed Test rescue-recurse-many-retries (exec079): failed Description: A routine which conditionally raises an exception has a rescue clause which always retries, but which first calls the routine itself recursively the first time the rescue clause is executed. Executing the system with garbage collection off causes a run-time panic if the number of retries is moderately large (331 or greater). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec079/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test diff-bit-constants-deep-equal (exec080): failed Description: The bit values `00B' and `11B' are deep equal according to deep_equal. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec080/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test print-null-get-nothing (exec081): passed Test cloned-int-passed-to-double (exec082): failed Description: A routine passes `clone (k)' where `k' is of type INTEGER to a routine whose formal argument is of type DOUBLE. If the system is melted, system execution ends with an "Illegal cast operation" run-time panic. Frozen code instead produces incorrect output. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec082/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test deep-clone-bit (exec083): failed Description: A routine repeatedly does `deep_clone (b)' where `b' is of type BIT 32. System execution ends with an exception trace (on the first iteration if system is frozen or after a large number of iterations if system is melted). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec083/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test retry-forget-in-assertion (exec084): passed Test rescue-show-exception-meaning (exec085): failed Description: A routine calls another routine and violates its precondition. The routine's rescue clause calls another routine to display the exception status and this routine calls a third routine. If this last routine also has a non-empty rescue clause, then execution terminates with a run-time panic while trying to display the meaning of `exception'. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec085/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test long-short-bits-not-equal (exec086): passed Test clone-integer-boolean-character (exec087): failed Description: Calls to `clone' with integer, boolean or character arguments do not return the expected result. Also, frozen and melted code produce different results. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec087/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test expanded-local-void-in-rescue (exec088): passed Test generic-formal-bit-actual-arg (exec089): passed Test print-char-dot-is-digit (exec090): passed Test expanded-skip-class-invariant (exec091): failed Description: The class invariant should be checked after creation/initialization of an entity of an expanded type, but it is not. Invariant checking works correctly for non-expanded types. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec091/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test parent-invariants-reverse-order (exec092): passed Test external-routine-skip-assertion (exec093): passed Test many-big-expanded-locals (exec094): passed Test internal-exception-memory-leak (exec095): failed Description: An internal routine A with no rescue clause calls a second internal routine B, passing it some feature addresses. Routine B raises an exception. After initial compilation where the system is frozen, the routine B is modified to cause it to be melted. When routine A is called repeatedly, more and more C memory is used, which seems to indicate a memory leak. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec095/tcf at line 27 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test expanded-local-raise-exception (exec096): passed Test generic-attributes-not-equal (exec097): passed Test out-of-memory-on-out (exec098): passed Test inherit-generic-wrong-call (exec099): failed Description: A class inherits twice from a generic class, using DOUBLE and STRING as the actual generic parameter and renaming the single routine in the generic class to replicate it. The system compiles fine, but dies with a bus error when executed due to the fact that the wrong routine is being called. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec099/tcf at line 19 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test generic-constrained-by-double (exec100): passed Test strip-bad-linked-list (exec101): passed Test manifest-array-of-tiny-strings (exec102): passed Test expanded-pass-current (exec103): failed Description: A non-expanded class FOO has a routine `bar' which passes Current to a routine which uses it to set an attribute in the object referenced by the passed argument. Another class declares an entity of type `expanded FOO' and calls `bar' on it. The attribute in this entity is changed by the call, though it should not be. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec103/tcf at line 19 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test exception-in-dispose (exec104): failed Description: A class creates an instance of a second class which has a `dispose' procedure that causes a floating exception. When this instance is garbage collected, the `dispose' procedure is call and the exception is correctly raised. However, garbage collection is turned off. A subsequent creation of the and collection of another object causes program termination. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec104/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test freeze-expanded-tuple-attr (exec105): passed Test put-character-255 (exec106): passed Test out-of-memory-panic (exec107): passed Test redefine-expanded-as-attribute (exec108): failed Description: An expanded feature is redefined as an attribute in a descendant class. System execution fails when assertion (all) is specified. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec108/tcf at line 19 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test compare-var-to-default (exec109): passed Test strip-memory-leak (exec110): failed Description: A class repeatedly generates a small manifest array, each of whose elements is `strip ()'. The system compiles fine, but when executed for a large number of iterations it eventually runs out of memory, which appears to indicate a memory leak. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec110/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test numeric-discrepancies (exec111): failed Description: Melted/frozen, finalized and finalized-with-inlining code give different results for some numerical operations (floor and ceiling), as well as in cases where a real must be converted to a double or an integer must be converted to a real. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec111/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VUAR(2) Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test melt-call-precomp-external (exec112): passed Test all-chars-debug-key (exec113): failed Description: A system has a debug instruction with every character except null in its debug key. When the system is melted, the debug instruction is not executed, although it should be. Freezing produces C code that won't compile. Finalizing produces code that compiles and executes correctly. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec113/tcf at line 23 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test is-integer-ignores-null (exec114): failed Description: Routine `is_integer' from STRING completely ignores null characters, which is incorrect ("%/0/1%/0/" is not a valid integer). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec114/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test dynamic-runtime-bad-library (exec115): passed Test agent-expanded-target (exec116): passed Test print-integer64 (exec117): passed Test print-max-negative-smallint (exec118): failed Description: Trying to print INTEGER_8 value -127 or INTEGER_16 value -32768 when system was compiled with assertion (all) results in violation of class invariant "sign_times_abs". Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec118/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test safe-call-from-rescue (exec119): failed Description: A class calls a routine which recurses a few times and then raises a developer exception. The exception is rescued and the rescue clause calls another routine which calls the recursive routine and retries the exception. System execution should terminate normally, but ends with the second developer exception. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec119/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test multithreaded-string-blank (exec120): failed Description: A class creates several threads. Each thread repeatedly creates a string whose length is determined by a random number generator and fills the string with blanks. System execution ends with an exception, but should not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec120/tcf at line 20 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test assign-attempt-affects-source (exec121): passed Test wrong-generating-type (exec122): passed Test long-tuple-corrupts-memory (exec123): passed Test replace-substring-with-self (exec124): passed Test generic-generating-type (exec125): failed Description: A class FOO inherits a generic class twice providing different actual generic parameters and renaming the single routine `f' in the generic class. Routine `f' creates a local of type G and prints its generating type. The root class creates an instance of FOO and calls both versions of `f'. the system compiles fine, but produces the wrong results when executed. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec125/tcf at line 21 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test create-tuple-of-tuples (exec126): failed Description: A class repeatedly calls a routine which creates a tuple with 400 elements, each element being itself the tuple [13]. The system compiles fine when melted or frozen, but dies with a bus error when executed. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec126/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test print-big-constant (exec127): passed Test assign-attempt-redefined-type (exec128): passed Test melted-boolean-to-integer (exec129): passed Test negative-integer-8 (exec130): passed Test melted-memory-copy (exec131): passed Test is-integer-accepts-invalid (exec132): passed Test agent-lighter-tuple-arg (exec133): passed Test insert-hash-table-zero (exec134): passed Test store-expanded-retrieve-wrong (exec135): passed Test store-expanded-retrieve-dies (exec136): passed Test array-expanded-not-deep-equal (exec137): passed Test expanded-no-default-create (exec138): failed Description: The creation procedure is not called for an entity of an expanded type, but only if the creation procedure is the implicit `default_create' instead of an explicitly named creation procedure and only if entity is a local and class has no attribute of the same expanded type. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec138/tcf at line 18 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test retr-expanded-not-deep-equal (exec139): passed Test linked-queue-linear-rep (exec140): passed Test inspect-high-bit-char (exec141): passed Test invariant-changes-current (exec142): failed Description: A class creates an instance of a second class and calls a boolean feature `is_value_required' on it. The second class has an invariant that changes the value of a CHARACTER attribute, which affects the result returned by `is_value_required'. Code compiles fine when frozen with all assertions turned on, but when the system is executed it dies with a segmentation violation. Finalized code does not die, but it incorrectly prints "False" instead of "True". Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec142/tcf at line 39 Original text: compare exec_output3 output Substituted text: compare exec_output3 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test is-special-any-type-lies (exec143): passed Test indep-store-big-array (exec144): passed Test recursive-once-create-result (exec145): passed Test frozen-floor-ceiling (exec146): passed Test special-of-expanded (exec147): passed Test generic-conformance-two-params (exec148): passed Test real-const-with-underscores (exec149): passed Test interior-null-in-debug-key (exec150): failed Description: Compiling a system with a debug instruction with debug key that contains an interior null character ("weas%Uel") works fine, but when the system is executed with an Ace file that specifies `debug ("weas%Uxx")' the debug instructions inside the block with the tag are executed, but should not be. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec150/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test huge-memory-leak (exec151): failed Description: After initial compilation where the system is frozen, a class with routines which raise and rescue a developer exception is modified to add another routine into the call chain. Also, the routine that raises the developer exception is modified by adding a `print (Void)' instruction. After melting changes, system execution uses an enormous amount of memory (nearly 2 GB) before execution ends with a segmentation fault. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec151/tcf at line 29 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test bit-64-operations (exec152): failed Description: Bit operations on INTEGER_64 do not always works correctly. Bit_shift causes an "operational stack botched" panic when code is melted. Some of the values computed are wrong for frozen/finalized code - shift of 64 positions doesn't work correctly and all values are wrong for bit_shift. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec152/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed had_panic Expected result: Final status: completed Test nested-manifest-array-gen-type (exec153): failed Description: Printing `(<< << "A" >> , << 47 >> >>).generating_type' displays "ARRAY [ARRAY [STRING]]" but should display "ARRAY [ARRAY [ANY]]". Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec153/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test explicit-expanded-creation (exec154): passed Test expanded-add-default-create (exec155): failed Description: After initial compilation where the system is melted, an expanded class with no creation procedure adds a redefinition of default_create. The system is recompiled without error but the creation procedure of the expanded class is called twice (it is only called once if final classes are compiled from scratch). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec155/tcf at line 26 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test inherit-create-like-current (exec156): passed Test array-bit-two-to-sixteen (exec157): failed Description: A class creates an object of type `ARRAY [BIT 70000]' and prints its generating type. The generating type prints as "ARRAY [BIT 4464]" instead of "ARRAY [BIT 70000]" or "ARRAY [BIT_REF]". C compiler issues warnings about "overflow in implicit constant conversion". Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec157/tcf at line 20 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test inspect-big-integer-64 (exec158): failed Description: A class has an inspect of a local of type INTEGER_64, which has value 12345678912345. When executed, the value does not match a when clause whose constant value is 12345678912345. It does not matter whether code is melted, frozen or finalized. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec158/tcf at line 16 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test long-name-exception-trace (exec159): passed Test bigger-generation-object-limit (exec160): passed Test negative-incremental-gc-stats (exec161): passed Test many-generic-parameters (exec162): failed Description: A system creates an instance of a class with 500 generic parameters, where the class has one attribute for every generic parameter. The system compiles fine when melted, frozen or finalized, but dies when executed. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec162/tcf at line 17 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test odd-gc-chunk-size (exec163): passed Test gc-expanded-expanded-attrs (exec164): passed Test negative-hex-constant (exec165): failed Description: A constant declared as `value: INTEGER is -0xD' is accepted by the compiler, but is interpreted as 13 instead of -13. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec165/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test expanded-arg-macro-with-cast (exec166): passed Test external-precond-string-arg (exec167): passed Test external-infix-feature (exec168): passed Test multithreaded-memory-leak (exec169): failed Description: A system repeatedly creates one thread (which has an empty `execute' procedure) and then calls join_all to wait for it to terminate. As the number of threads which have been created increases, the memory used by the executing system keeps growing, apparently without limit. After 4000 threads have been created, system memory usage is about 90 MB. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec169/tcf at line 20 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test external-precursor (exec170): manual Test very-big-gc-chunk-size (exec171): skipped Test external-static-access (exec172): passed Test static-access-generic-function (exec173): passed Test inherit-create-like-attr (exec174): passed Test generating-type-of-any (exec175): failed Description: A routine which prints `ANY.generator' prints NONE instead of ANY. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec175/tcf at line 17 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test assign-attempt-anchored-tuple (exec176): passed Test generic-agent-generating-type (exec177): failed Description: A routine which prints `(agent {G}.is_stopable).generating_type' where formal generic parameter G -> TEST2 displays FUNCTION [TEST2, TUPLE [TEST2], BOOLEAN] but the actual generic parameter is TEST3 so this is wrong. An assignment attempt of `agent {G}.is_stopable' to a local of type FUNCTION [G, TUPLE [G], BOOLEAN] assigns Void to the local, but should not. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec177/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code NOT_SUPPORTED Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test agent-like-current-target (exec178): failed Description: A routine which prints `(agent {like Current}.generating_type).generating_type' prints the wrong value in a descendant of the class in which it is written. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec178/tcf at line 21 Original text: compare exec_output1 output Substituted text: compare exec_output1 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test area-wrong-generating-type (exec179): passed Test unavailable-exception-trace (exec180): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec180/tcf Test wrong-exp-attribute-type (exec181): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec181/tcf Test wrong-dynamic-type (exec182): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec182/tcf Test special-expanded-access (exec183): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/exec183/tcf Test add-inheritance-cycle (term001): passed Test remove-root-creation-proc (term002): passed Test long-identifiers (term003): passed Test anchored-creation-type (term004): passed Test like-current-generic-constraint (term005): passed Test function-with-many-args (term006): passed Test unusual-none-use (term007): passed Test void-as-variant (term008): passed Test none-as-actual-generic (term009): passed Test invalid-generic-constraint (term010): passed Test manifest-array-call-target (term011): passed Test long-bit-constant (term012): passed Test bit-constraint-with-attr (term013): passed Test deeply-nested-when (term014): passed Test manifest-array-call-target2 (term015): passed Test empty-external-feat-alias (term016): passed Test array-of-big-bit (term017): passed Test none-as-actual-generic2 (term018): passed Test expanded-client-cycle (term020): passed Test valid-weasel-bits (term022): passed Test function-returning-none (term023): passed Test bit-creation-type (term024): passed Test expanded-local-panic (term025): passed Test bad-generic-deriv-creation-type2 (term026): passed Test many-same-generics (term027): passed Test precompiled-missing-cluster (term028): passed Test generic-constrained-by-its-class (term029): passed Test expanded-client-3-cycle (term030): passed Test generic-constr-by-generic-deriv (term031): passed Test current-dot-void (term032): passed Test real-decl-integer-constant (term033): passed Test vlec-cycle-with-generics (term034): manual Test create-negative-double-const (term035): passed Test minimal-set-of-classes (term036): passed Test def-int-func-redefine-none (term037): passed Test system-option-no-parens (term038): failed Description: Specifying one of the system-level options `precompiled', `dead_code_removal' or `fail_on_rescue' without any parenthesized value after it Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term038/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Final status: completed Test root-none-creation-proc (term039): failed Description: A system is compiled with an Ace which specifies NONE as the root class and also specifies a root creation procedure Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term039/tcf at line 12 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE ???? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE ???? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code ???? Final status: paused Test expanded-generic-constr-by-self (term041): passed Test redef-anchored-to-self-version (term042): passed Test generic-constraint-cycle (term043): passed Test explicit-create-def-gen-parent (term044): passed Test strip-attribute-of-type-none (term045): passed Test generic-constraint-bit-type (term046): passed Test two-creation-clauses-one-empty (term047): passed Test long-anchored-decl-chain (term048): passed Test anchored-generic-multi-dot-call (term049): passed Test formal-generic-in-constraint (term050): passed Test generic-constraint-with-expand (term051): passed Test vtcg-expanded-generic (term052): passed Test expanded-manifest-array-item (term053): passed Test nested-manifest-array-feat-call (term054): passed Test long-comment (term055): passed Test long-white-space (term056): passed Test no-precomp-big-manifest-array (term057): passed Test heavy-anded-bool-panic (term058): passed Test use-file-containing-ace (term059): passed Test feature-address-in-invariant (term060): passed Test many-long-bit-constants (term061): passed Test manifest-array-at-sign (term062): passed Test non-windows-dll-external (term063): passed Test external-omit-signature-args (term064): passed Test finalize-big-inline-size (term065): passed Test nonexistent-use-file (term066): passed Test finalize-inline-remove-dead (term067): passed Test long-precompiled-path-name (term068): passed Test too-many-signature-arguments (term069): passed Test very-long-token (term070): passed Test finalize-prefix-attribute (term071): passed Test finalize-deferred-feature-call (term072): passed Test finalize-array-opt-remove-dead (term073): passed Test finalize-inline-strip-expr (term074): passed Test assign-creation-expression (term075): passed Test explicit-bit-creation (term076): passed Test finalize-inline-array-expanded (term077): passed Test finalize-inline-small-classes (term078): passed Test simple-explicit-generic-create (term079): passed Test generic-constrained-by-tuple (term080): passed Test invariant-creation-expr (term081): passed Test generic-nonexistent-creator (term082): passed Test generic-nonexistent-infix (term083): passed Test finalize-creation-expression (term084): passed Test finalize-inline-delayed-call (term085): passed Test invariant-delayed-closed-target (term086): passed Test generic-creation-no-constraint (term087): passed Test none-delayed-call (term088): passed Test undef-external-call-precursor (term089): passed Test generic-delayed-call-result (term090): failed Description: A generic class has a function with a generic result type. If this function tries to reference the delayed call expression `Result~make', the compiler dies in degree 3. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term090/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Final status: completed Test creation-constrained-by-generic (term091): failed Description: A generic class with the header "class TEST2 [G -> STRING create make end, H -> G create make end]" causes the compiler to die in degree 4. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term091/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Final status: completed Test generic-constrained-by-none (term092): failed Description: A generic class with the header "class TEST2 [G -> NONE create make end]" causes the compiler to die in degree 4. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term092/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Final status: completed Test generic-constrained-by-self (term093): manual Test inherit-generic-and-any (term094): passed Test generic-constrained-by-integer (term095): passed Test finalize-inline-infix-external (term096): passed Test use-file-like-ace (term097): failed Description: An Ace file that specifies a "use" file which looks like part of a normal Ace file with no clusters causes the compiler to die with a segmentation fault in `process_options'. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term097/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error _USE_FILE ???? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error _USE_FILE ???? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Validity error in class _USE_FILE code ???? Final status: paused Test long-system-name (term098): failed Description: An Ace file that specifies a long system name (512 characters) causes the compiler to die after generation of auxiliary files with "file name too long". If the system is melted instead, the compiler does not die. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term098/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (File name too long) Expected result: Final status: completed Test recursive-cluster-bad-parent (term099): passed Test external-c-plus-plus (term100): passed Test slash-in-cluster-tag (term101): passed Test finalize-missing-server-file (term102): passed Test precomp-lib-wrong-version (term103): passed Test generic-anchor-call-precursor (term104): passed Test temporary-bug-1 (term105): passed Test print-array-anchored-generic (term106): failed Description: A system has a routine that prints its argument, where the type of he argument is `ARRAY [like item]' and item is `item: X [like toto]' where `toto' is of type A. When the system is finalized, he compiler dies during degree -3. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term106/tcf at line 28 Original text: compare exec_output2 output Substituted text: compare exec_output2 output Reason: files being compared do not have identical contents Test add-remove-vcch-freeze (term107): failed Description: A system has a class that inherits a deferred feature `value', which is of type string, and effects it with a string constant. After initial compilation, the effecting feature name is changed, introducing a VCCH(1) error. When compiler reports the error, feature is changed back to `value' and compilation finishes. But when the system is then frozen, the compiler dies with a segmentation fault in `real_body_id'. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term107/tcf at line 28 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test generic-static-constant (term108): passed Test static-call-on-none (term109): passed Test assign-attempt-manifest-array (term110): passed Test finalize-nested-if (term111): passed Test inherit-from-chain (term112): passed Test msil-generation-yes (term113): failed Description: Specifying the option `msil_generation (yes)' causes the compiler to die, presumably only an inappropriate platform. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term113/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD23 VD23 VD23 VD23 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD23 VD23 VD23 VD23 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VD63 Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error code VD23 Validity error code VD23 Validity error code VD23 Validity error code VD23 Final status: paused Test remove-formal-generic (term114): passed Test change-generic-create (term115): failed Description: A class with a generic parameter with a constraint `-> STRING create xxx end' is compiled. The compiler correctly reports a VTCG error. When `xxx' is changed to `make' and compilation is resumed, compilation should finish but the compiler dies in degree 4 on the class. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term115/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Final status: completed Test change-sysname-and-root (term116): passed Test inline-numeric-plus-numeric (term117): passed Test finalize-many-expanded-attrs (term118): passed Test remove-constraint-veen-die (term119): failed Description: A generic class whose formal generic parameter G is constrained by STRING has a call to `n.count' where `n: G'. After initial compilation, the generic constraint is removed. When the system is recompiled, the compiler does not detect the newly introduced VEEN error and dies during degree 2 on the class. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/term119/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VEEN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST2 VEEN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (Segmentation violation) Expected result: Validity error in class TEST2 code VEEN Final status: paused Test inspect-big-range (term120): skipped Test expanded-like-current-vlec (term121): manual Test creation-expr-anchor-none (term122): passed Test assign-address-expr (term123): passed Test agent-open-operand-none (term124): passed Test finalize-if-false (term125): passed Test unreachable-visible-generic (term126): passed Test manifest-array-to-array-conformance (term127): passed Test infinite-loop-expanded-generics (term128): manual Test lace-keywords (lace001): failed Description: Identifiers which are not supposed to be reserved words used unquoted in Ace file Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace001/tcf at line 20 Original text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 6 Substituted text: compile_result syntax_error TEST 6 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in Ace at line 8 Final status: paused Expected result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 6 Final status: paused Test lace-opt-cluster-tag (lace002): failed Description: An Ace without the optional Cluster_tag part of each Cluster_clause Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace002/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in Ace at line 15 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test lace-no-cluster-props (lace003): failed Description: Syntactically legal Ace with no cluster properties Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace003/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in Ace at line 16 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test lace-mult-ext-lang (lace004): passed Test lace-valid-visible (lace005): failed Description: An Ace with a Visible section which has just one Class_visibility that consists of a Class_name without any Visibility_adaptation Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace005/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in Ace at line 22 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test double-include-vscn-wrong (lace006): passed Test lace-no-creation-proc (lace007): passed Test ace-wrong-positions (lace008): passed Test lace-use-file-error (lace009): passed Test lace-option-no-target (lace010): passed Test lace-empty-include-exclude (lace011): passed Test lace-use-file-is-dir (lace012): passed Test lace-include-trailing-semicolon (lace013): passed Test chg-cluster-name (lace014): passed Test remove-unneeded-cluster (lace015): passed Test root-cluster-case-sensitive (lace016): passed Test lace-nonexistent-cluster-options (lace017): passed Test adapt-cluster-case-sensitive (lace018): passed Test use-include-exclude (lace019): failed Description: An include or exclude in a Lace Use file Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace019/tcf at line 16 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VD20 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test root-none-cluster-name (lace020): passed Test class-named-none (lace021): failed Description: A class named NONE Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace021/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD?? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD?? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD?? Final status: paused Test visible-export-nonexistent-feat (lace022): failed Description: Compiling a system whose Ace has a visible clause with an export restriction which lists a nonexistent feature name Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace022/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE ???? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE ???? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code ???? Final status: paused Test vdcn-called-vd20 (lace023): failed Description: An Ace which uses the precompiled "base" cluster and uses the same cluster tag for its added cluster as one of the cluster tags used in the precompiled Ace should be reported as a VDCN error (two clusters have the same name). Instead, the compiler reports a VD20 error (unknown root class). Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace023/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VDCN Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VDCN Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VD20 Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error code VDCN Final status: paused Test lace-debug-key-subset (lace024): passed Test visible-cluster-case-sensitive (lace025): passed Test quoted-gen-or-ext-language-name (lace026): passed Test assertion-option-no-parens (lace027): failed Description: An Ace which includes the option `assertion' without any parenthesized value after it is accepted by the compiler without any complaints, but should be a VD15 error. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace027/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD15 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD15 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD15 Final status: paused Test lace-extra-separators (lace028): failed Description: In most places in an Ace where a comma-separated or semicolon-separated list can appear, extra leading and trailing separators can appear without causing the compiler to report a syntax error. In addition, a separator may be replaced by multiple separators. For example, `option debug (yes): A,,B,,, C ,,,' is allowed. But there are exceptions to this rule, which are presumably bugs. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace028/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD35 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD35 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in Ace at line 13 Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error code VD35 Final status: paused Test visible-under-same-name (lace029): failed Description: An Ace with a Visible clause which makes two classes visible to external software under the same name is accepted by the compiler, but should not be. Similarly, an Ace with a Visible clause which makes two features in a class visible under the same name should not be accepted. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace029/tcf at line 17 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD?? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD?? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD?? Final status: paused Test inlining-size-non-integer (lace030): passed Test lace-system-special-chars (lace031): failed Description: A system name which includes characters special to the shell is accepted and causes the generated system to be linked to the driver under an incorrect name or not at all when using a precompiled library and melting the system. A system name which includes characters special to `make' is accepted and results in an error in `make' when the finish_freezing step is executed after freezing the system. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lace031/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: aborted system_failed had_exception (No such file or directory) Expected result: Final status: completed Test lace-melt-hide-implementation (lace032): passed Test void-gets-void (ccomp001): passed Test weird-operator-feat-name (ccomp002): failed Description: Declaration and call of an operator feature which contains an embedded double-quote character (written %") Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/ccomp002/tcf at line 13 Original text: compile_result ok Substituted text: compile_result ok Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Syntax error in class TEST at line 14 Final status: paused Expected result: Final status: completed Test weird-operator-feat-name2 (ccomp003) [weird-operator-feat-name]: failed Description: Declaration and call of an operator feature which ends with a backslash character; debug keys with characters %" and \ Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/ccomp003/tcf at line 16 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test implies-wont-c-compile (ccomp004): passed Test divide-by-zero (ccomp005): passed Test visible-finalize-wont-link (ccomp006): passed Test finalize-assertion-all (ccomp007): passed Test finalize-void-parse-error (ccomp008): passed Test invariant-zero-equals-zero (ccomp009): passed Test frozen-bit-operations (ccomp010): passed Test finalize-inh-root-creation-proc (ccomp011): passed Test finalize-ext-root-creation-proc (ccomp012): passed Test strip-empty-list-freeze-cc (ccomp013): passed Test expanded-dead-code-removal (ccomp014): passed Test finalize-inh-exp-creation-proc (ccomp015): passed Test assign-attempt-basic-local-addr (ccomp016): passed Test assign-attempt-basic-type (ccomp017): passed Test finalize-expanded-to-reference (ccomp018): passed Test finalize-expanded-return-type (ccomp019): passed Test finalize-expanded-ext-creation (ccomp020): passed Test inherit-integer-call-remainder (ccomp021): passed Test expanded-generic-dead-code (ccomp022): passed Test external-func-with-signature (ccomp023): passed Test external-tab-between-includes (ccomp024): passed Test finalize-bit-return-type (ccomp025): passed Test finalize-call-undef-external (ccomp026): passed Test expanded-arg-with-cast (ccomp027): passed Test finalize-array-opt-pointers (ccomp028): passed Test finalize-wont-trace-visible (ccomp029): passed Test finalize-create-deferred-type (ccomp030): passed Test finalize-bit-attribute (ccomp031): passed Test freeze-generic-creation-expr (ccomp032): passed Test finalize-precomp-assertion-all (ccomp033): passed Test finalize-deferred-delayed-call (ccomp034): passed Test address-of-generic-attribute (ccomp035): failed Description: A generic class which prints $x and $y, where x and y are attributes of a generic type, generates C code which won't compile when system is frozen or finalized. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/ccomp035/tcf at line 23 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test address-of-default-rescue (ccomp036): passed Test inline-prefix-call (ccomp037): failed Description: Finalizing a system with a call to a particular prefix feature on another object generates C code which won't compile if system is finalized, but only if `inlining (yes)' is specified. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/ccomp037/tcf at line 17 Original text: c_compile_result ok Substituted text: c_compile_result ok Reason: actual C compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: failure C_compilation_not_completed Expected result: no_failure C_compilation_completed Test finalize-prefix-constant (ccomp038): passed Test frozen-real-constant (ccomp039): passed Test c-header-mismatch (ccomp040): passed Test generic-create-double (ccomp041): failed Description: A generic class `TEST1 [G -> ANY create default_create end]' declares a local of y: G and then does `create y'. A client class declares a local of type `TEST1 [DOUBLE]'. The system compiles fine when frozen, but the generated C code won't compile. Melted code works fine. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/ccomp041/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code VTCG Final status: paused Test minus-minus-real (ccomp042): passed Test c-header-mismatch-2 (ccomp043): passed Test finalize-precomp-no-dead (ccomp044): passed Test finalize-ext-exp-inline-create (ccomp045): passed Test inline-c-ten-pass-local (ccomp046): passed Test inline-c-arg-prefix-other (ccomp047): passed Test pass-void-to-double (ccomp048): passed Test freeze-retrieval-mismatch (store001): passed Test retrieve-corrupted-file (store002): failed Description: A class tries to retrieve an object which was stored into a file using `independent_store'. If the file contents is manually modified to delete a character (to simulate a corrupted file), the retrieve operation goes into an infinite loop. Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/store002/tcf at line 18 Original text: execute_result ok Substituted text: execute_result ok Reason: actual execution result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: system_failed Expected result: Final status: completed Test melt-retrieval-mismatch (store003): passed Test melted-retrieve-list-expanded (store004): passed Test store-tuple-integer (store005): passed Test store-generic-reference-class-used-as-expanded (store006): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/store006/tcf Test rename-inherited-wrong-flat (flat001): manual Test flat-after-change (flat002): manual Test flat-feature-two-defs (flat003): manual Test eff-class-flat-deferred-feature (flat004): manual Test flat-multi-export-lists (flat005): manual Test rename-inherited-bad-flat (flat006): manual Test unix-file-start-precond-error (lib001): passed Test string-copy-valid-count (lib002): passed Test file-copy-to (lib003): passed Test putenv-with-null (lib004): passed Test append-empty-arrayed_list (lib005): passed Test string-incorrect-hash-code (lib006): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib006/tcf Test ptf-file-go (lib007): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib007/tcf Test ptf-file-move (lib008): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib008/tcf Test ptf-file-nextline (lib009): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib009/tcf Test ptf-file-file-append (lib010): manual Test ptf-file-position (lib011): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib011/tcf Test ptf-file-read-character (lib012): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib012/tcf Test ptf-file-read-stream (lib013): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib013/tcf Test ptf-file-recede (lib014): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib014/tcf Test ptf-file-start (lib015): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib015/tcf Test ptf-file-read-line (lib016): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib016/tcf Test ptf-file-back (lib017): manual Test ptf-file-close (lib018): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib018/tcf Test ptf-file-count (lib019): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib019/tcf Test ptf-file-create (lib020): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib020/tcf Test ptf-file-extend (lib021): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib021/tcf Test ptf-file-finish (lib022): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib022/tcf Test ptf-file-forth (lib023): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/lib023/tcf Test validity-vsrc1-one-generic (vsrc101): passed Test validity-vsrc1-two-generics (vsrc102): passed Test validity-vsrc1-many-generics (vsrc103): passed Test validity-vsrc1-add-generics (vsrc104): passed Test validity-vsrc1-new-root (vsrc105): passed Test validity-vsrc1-zero-generics (vsrc106): passed Test validity-vsrc2-deferred-root (vsrc201): passed Test validity-vsrc2-chg-deferred (vsrc202): passed Test validity-vsrc3-no-arguments (vsrc301): passed Test validity-vsrc3-one-good-arg (vsrc302): passed Test validity-vsrc3-one-conform-arg (vsrc303): passed Test validity-vsrc3-one-bad-arg (vsrc304): passed Test validity-vsrc3-many-arguments (vsrc305): passed Test validity-vsrc3-bad-then-good (vsrc306): passed Test validity-vsrc3-two-procedures (vsrc307): passed Test validity-vscn-same-cluster (vscn001): passed Test validity-vscn-diff-cluster (vscn002): failed Description: Two classes of the same name in different clusters Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/vscn002/tcf at line 17 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE V??? Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE V??? Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error code VSCN Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error code V??? Final status: paused Test validity-vscn-add-class (vscn003): passed Test validity-vcch-add-del (vcch001): passed Test validity-vcch1-no-def-header (vcch101): passed Test validity-vcch1-add-def-feat (vcch102): passed Test validity-vcch1-del-def-header (vcch103): passed Test validity-vcch1-inherit-def (vcch104): passed Test validity-vcch1-undef-effective (vcch105): passed Test validity-vcch2-def-header1 (vcch201): passed Test validity-vcch2-def-header2 (vcch202): passed Test validity-vcch2-add-def-header1 (vcch203): passed Test validity-vcch2-add-def-header2 (vcch204): passed Test validity-vcch2-del-def-feat (vcch205): passed Test validity-vcch2-chg-def-feat (vcch206): passed Test validity-vcch2-inh-effective (vcch207): passed Test validity-vcfg1-basic (vcfg101): passed Test validity-vcfg1-add-class (vcfg102): failed Description: Violate validity constraint VCFG1 by adding to the universe a class with the same name as the formal generic parameter of a generic class Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/vcfg102/tcf at line 18 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VCFG(1) Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VCFG(1) Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VCFG(1) Final status: paused Test validity-vcfg1-chg-generic (vcfg103): passed Test validity-vcfg2-basic (vcfg201): passed Test validity-vcfg2-root (vcfg202): passed Test validity-vcrn-basic (vcrn001): passed Test validity-vffd2-basic (vffd201): passed Test validity-vffd2-diff-decls (vffd202): passed Test validity-vffd3-basic (vffd301): passed Test validity-vffd4-basic (vffd401): passed Test validity-vffd5-basic (vffd501): passed Test validity-vffd6-basic (vffd601): passed Test validity-vffd7-once-generic (vffd701): passed Test validity-vffd7-once-anchored (vffd702): passed Test validity-vhpr1-self (vhpr101): passed Test validity-vhpr1-other (vhpr102): passed Test validity-vhpr1-long-cycle (vhpr103): passed Test validity-vhrc-switch-names (vhrc001): passed Test validity-vhrc-shift-names (vhrc002): passed Test validity-vhrc1-basic (vhrc101): passed Test validity-vhrc2-basic (vhrc201): passed Test validity-vhrc3-basic (vhrc301): passed Test validity-vhrc4-basic (vhrc401): passed Test validity-vhrc5-basic (vhrc501): passed Test validity-vlec1-self (vlec101): passed Test validity-vlec1-other (vlec102): passed Test validity-vlec1-self-generic (vlec103): passed Test validity-vlec1-other-generic (vlec104): manual Test validity-vlcp-basic (vlcp001): passed Test validity-vlel1-mult-diff (vlel101): passed Test validity-vlel1-mult-same (vlel102): passed Test validity-vlel2-basic (vlel201): passed Test validity-vlel3-mult-same (vlel301): passed Test validity-vlel3-mult-diff (vlel302): passed Test validity-vrfa-basic (vrfa001): passed Test validity-vrfa-inherited (vrfa002): passed Test validity-vreg-same (vreg001): passed Test validity-vreg-diff (vreg002): passed Test validity-vrrr-basic (vrrr001): failed Description: Violate validity constraint VRRR with an external or deferred feature which has a Local_declarations and/or a Rescue part Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/vrrr001/tcf at line 42 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VRRR(2) VXRC Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST1 VRRR(2) VXRC Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VXRC Final status: paused Expected result: Validity error in class TEST1 code VRRR(2) Validity error in class TEST1 code VXRC Final status: paused Test validity-vrle1-basic (vrle101): passed Test validity-vrle2-basic (vrle201): passed Test validity-vape-basic (vape001): passed Test validity-vaol1-basic (vaol101): passed Test validity-vaol2-basic (vaol201): passed Test lace-vd01-basic (vd01001): passed Test lace-vd02-basic (vd02001): passed Test lace-vd03-basic (vd03001): passed Test lace-vd04-basic (vd04001): passed Test lace-vd05-basic (vd05001): passed Test lace-vd07-basic (vd07001): failed Description: Violate validity constraint VD07 with an Include clause in the Ace which lists a nonexistent or unreadable file, or one which is really a directory Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/vd07001/tcf at line 19 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD21 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD21 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD21 Final status: paused Test lace-vd08-basic (vd08001): passed Test lace-vd09-basic (vd09001): passed Test lace-vd10-basic (vd10001): passed Test lace-vd12-basic (vd12001): failed Description: Violate validity constraint VD12 with an Exclude clause in the Ace which lists a nonexistent or unreadable file, or one which is really a directory Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/vd12001/tcf at line 14 Original text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD12 Substituted text: compile_result validity_error NONE VD12 Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error code VD12 Final status: paused Test lace-vd13-basic (vd13001): passed Test lace-vd15-basic (vd15001): passed Test lace-vd16-basic (vd16001): passed Test lace-vd17-basic (vd17001): passed Test lace-vd19-basic (vd19001): passed Test lace-vd20-basic (vd20001): passed Test lace-vd23-basic (vd23001): passed Test lace-vd25-basic (vd25001): passed Test lace-vd26-basic (vd26001): passed Test lace-vd27-basic (vd27001): passed Test no-leading-white-space (fixed001): passed Test no-upper-bit-constants (fixed002): passed Test empty-creation-list (fixed003): passed Test bad-feature-decl (fixed004): passed Test syntax-wrong-positions (fixed005): passed Test empty-rename-list (fixed006): passed Test empty-inheritance-clauses (fixed007): passed Test big-strings (fixed008): passed Test inherit-index-small-enough (fixed010): passed Test creation-proc-function (fixed011): passed Test empty-free-operator (fixed012): passed Test class-name-confusion (fixed013): passed Test frozen-and-deferred (fixed014): passed Test case-sensitive-feature (fixed015): passed Test violate-has-a-new-name (fixed016): passed Test expanded-type-violation (fixed017): passed Test invalid-creation-instruction2 (fixed018): passed Test invalid-actual-generic (fixed019): passed Test empty-debug-key (fixed020): passed Test empty-when-part-list (fixed021): passed Test invalid-actual-generic2 (fixed022): passed Test invalid-actual-generic3 (fixed023): passed Test invalid-actual-generic4 (fixed024): passed Test invalid-actual-generic5 (fixed025): passed Test result-in-precondition (fixed026): passed Test invalid-select-change (fixed027): passed Test assign-rule-client-change (fixed028): passed Test inherit-chg-skip-pass (fixed029): passed Test precond-valid-cursor-index (fixed030): passed Test deep-function-nest (fixed032): passed Test multi-branch-empty-else (fixed033): passed Test multi-branch-interval (fixed034): passed Test conditional-empty-then (fixed035): passed Test repeated-rescue-panic (fixed036): passed Test creation-once-routine (fixed037): passed Test cluster-modified-viol (fixed038): passed Test chg-class-to-nonexistent (fixed039): passed Test bit-any-no-conform (fixed040): passed Test nonexistent-root-class (fixed041): passed Test missing-class-header (fixed042): passed Test lace-syntax-error-retry (fixed043): passed Test invalid-actual-generic6 (fixed044): passed Test const-and-boolean-op (fixed045): passed Test lace-string-case (fixed046): passed Test lace-unique-cluster-names (fixed047): passed Test lace-invalid-root-name (fixed048): passed Test lace-no-option-mark (fixed049): passed Test lace-nonexistent-options (fixed050): passed Test lace-null-class-name (fixed051): passed Test lace-null-class-name2 (fixed052): passed Test lace-bogus-ext-lang (fixed053): passed Test lace-null-class-name3 (fixed054): passed Test debug-with-keys (fixed055): passed Test lace-remove-cluster (fixed056): passed Test change-debug-option (fixed057): passed Test wrong-real-arithmetic (fixed058): passed Test bool-const-no-output (fixed059): passed Test finalize-appl (fixed061): passed Test deferred-feature-call (fixed062): passed Test expanded-anchor (fixed063): passed Test nongeneric-to-generic (fixed064): passed Test undefine-subclause-violation (fixed065): passed Test non-boolean-exit (fixed066): passed Test entity-rule-violation (fixed067): passed Test misleading-vmfn-error (fixed068): passed Test time-checker-error (fixed069): passed Test intro-assign-rule-viol (fixed070): passed Test once-function-void (fixed071): passed Test vuex-violation (fixed072): passed Test invalid-local-entity-assign (fixed073): passed Test precond-good-cluster (fixed074): passed Test creation-instruction-sneak (fixed075): passed Test generic-root-to-nongeneric (fixed076): passed Test lace-remove-creation-proc (fixed077): passed Test debug-keys-case-sensitive (fixed078): passed Test invalid-identifier (fixed079): passed Test comment-assertion-with-tag (fixed080): passed Test invalid-characters (fixed081): passed Test deferred-feature-bad-header (fixed082): passed Test invalid-redefine-subclause (fixed083): passed Test old-name-inherit-clauses (fixed084): passed Test general-conformance (fixed085): passed Test old-in-precondition (fixed086): passed Test none-conform-bit-expanded (fixed087): failed Description: Assignment of Void to entity of an an expanded type or a Bit_type Execution error in file /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/fixed087/tcf at line 15 Original text: compile_result validity_error TEST Unused_local_warning VNCB Substituted text: compile_result validity_error TEST Unused_local_warning VNCB Reason: actual compilation result does not match expected result Actual result: Validity error in class TEST code Unused_local_warning Final status: completed Expected result: Validity error in class TEST code Unused_local_warning Validity error in class TEST code VNCB Final status: paused Test delete-inheritance (fixed088): passed Test melt-inherit-bug (fixed089): passed Test change-generic-parm-count (fixed090): passed Test expanded-client-violation (fixed091): passed Test local-entity-violation (fixed092): passed Test hidden-expanded-client (fixed093): passed Test expanded-type-hidden (fixed094): passed Test add-delete-type-error (fixed095): passed Test generic-deriv-slide (fixed096): passed Test real-double-print (fixed097): passed Test unknown-entity-type (fixed098): passed Test fix-vuar-error (fixed099): passed Test freezing-good-type-id (fixed100): passed Test chg-generic-constraint (fixed101): passed Test remove-external-routine (fixed102): passed Test refreeze-table-size (fixed103): passed Test inherit-generic-more-complex (fixed104): passed Test melting-make-update (fixed105): passed Test invalid-feature-redeclaration (fixed106): passed Test expanded-client-inherited (fixed107): passed Test expanded-client-death (fixed108): passed Test make-byte-code-void-ref (fixed109): passed Test unknown-problem (fixed110): passed Test real-const-attr-panic (fixed111): passed Test many-locals (fixed112): passed Test generic-expanded-client (fixed113): passed Test lace-opt-cluster-mark (fixed114): passed Test lace-invalid-collect-values (fixed115): passed Test lace-cluster-level-collect (fixed116): passed Test lace-bogus-gen-lang (fixed117): passed Test lace-assertion-option (fixed118): passed Test lace-remove-cluster2 (fixed119): passed Test whip-that-ace (fixed120): passed Test concat-manifest-bit-array (fixed123): passed Test creation-generic-types-in-onces (fixed124): passed Test reference-assign-tuple-fail-gc (fixed125): passed Test infix-inherited-assertions (fixed126): passed Test tuple-insertions-assertions (dotnet002): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/dotnet002/tcf Test dotnet-nested-constant-access (dotnet004): failed Description: (Not available) Parse error Reason: File not found: /home/eweasel/eweasel/tests/dotnet004/tcf Passed: 942 / 1223 (78%) Failed: 260 / 1223 (22%) Manual: 18 / 1223 (2%) Skipped: 3 / 1223 (1%)