test_name catcall-generic test_description Detection of a catcall involving call of feature with generic formal arguments. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e copy_raw my_list.e $CLUSTER my_list.e copy_raw my_arrayed_list.e $CLUSTER my_arrayed_list.e copy_raw a.e $CLUSTER a.e copy_raw b.e $CLUSTER b.e copy_raw c.e $CLUSTER c.e compile_melted compile_result validity_error TEST Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall Catcall ; TEST VGCC(3) ; TEST VJAR VJAR VJAR VJAR ; TEST VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) VUAR(2) test_end