test_name ca-manifest-array-type-mismatch test_description A warning about manifest array type not matching the type of the target of a reattachment. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw a.e $CLUSTER a.e copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e analyze_code rule "CA093" analyze_code_result violation "TEST CA093:22 CA093:23 CA093:24 CA093:25 CA093:26 CA093:27 CA093:28 CA093:29 CA093:30 CA093:31 CA093:32 CA093:33 CA093:36 CA093:37 CA093:38 CA093:39 CA093:40 CA093:57 CA093:62 CA093:67 CA093:68 CA093:69 CA093:70 CA093:71" test_end