test_name capability-library-use test_description Capabilities should be checked against settings: a project cannot use a library with less capabilities that do not support specified settings. See also test#config043, test#config045. copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e -- Library void safety: conformance define LIBRARY_VOID_SAFETY conformance copy_sub library.ecf $TEST library.ecf define USE_VOID_SAFETY none copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result validity_error NONE VD46 define USE_VOID_SAFETY initialization copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace resume_compile compile_result validity_error NONE VD01 define USE_VOID_SAFETY transitional copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace resume_compile compile_result validity_error NONE VD01 define USE_VOID_SAFETY all copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace resume_compile compile_result validity_error NONE VD01 -- Library void safety: all define LIBRARY_VOID_SAFETY all copy_sub library.ecf $TEST library.ecf define USE_VOID_SAFETY conformance copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace resume_compile compile_result ok define USE_VOID_SAFETY initialization copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok define USE_VOID_SAFETY transitional copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok define USE_VOID_SAFETY all copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok test_end