test_name manifest-tuple-type-conformance test_description If you have a manifest tuple using manifest expressions, the type of the actual parameter should be attached at run-time. copy_sub Ace_all $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_1 execute_result ok compare exec_output_1 output cleanup_compile copy_sub Ace_none $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_2 execute_result ok compare exec_output_2 output_unsafe cleanup_compile copy_sub Ace_initialization $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_3 execute_result ok compare exec_output_3 output test_end