--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. -- To reproduce error: -- Compile class as is. Finish_freezing. Execute `test'. -- Correct values are printed, but not all digits are printed -- for a double when using `print' (io.putdouble works fine). class TEST creation make feature make is do io.putstring ("print (9.87653412345) double: "); print (9.87653412345); io.new_line; io.putstring ("io.putdouble (9.87653412345): "); io.putdouble (9.87653412345); io.new_line; io.putstring ("print (x) double: "); print (x); io.new_line; io.putstring ("io.putdouble (x): "); io.putdouble (x); io.new_line; end; x: DOUBLE is 9.87653412345; end