test_name inherit-create-like-current test_description A routine which prints `(create {like Current}).generating_type' is written in class A and inherited by class B. When the routine is called on an object of type B, it prints "A" instead of "B". If `create {like Current}' is assigned to an attribute of type `like Current', the generating type of this attribute is also incorrect in class B. But if it is assigned to a local instead, the generating type in B is correct. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e copy_raw test2.e $CLUSTER test2.e copy_raw test3.e $CLUSTER test3.e copy_raw test4.e $CLUSTER test4.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_m execute_result ok compare exec_output_m output compile_frozen compile_result ok c_compile_work c_compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_w execute_result ok compare exec_output_w output compile_final compile_result ok c_compile_final c_compile_result ok execute_final NONE exec_output_f execute_result ok compare exec_output_f output test_end