test_name expanded-type-intrinsic-feature test_description Intrinsic features generated by compiler should work for expanded type too. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace -- Test with explicit VALUE_TYPE parent (.NET only) if DOTNET define EXPANDED_CLASS "expanded" if DOTNET define EXPANDED_TYPE "" if DOTNET define VALUE_TYPE "VALUE_TYPE" if DOTNET copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e if DOTNET copy_sub point.e $CLUSTER point.e if DOTNET compile_melted if DOTNET compile_result validity_error POINT VIFI(1); POINT VIFI(3) if DOTNET abort_compile -- if DOTNET compile_result validity_warning TEST "Obsolete Call"; TEST "Obsolete Call"; TEST "Obsolete Call" -- if DOTNET execute_work NONE exec_output_vt -- if DOTNET execute_result ok -- if DOTNET compare exec_output_vt output -- Test without explicit VALUE_TYPE parent define EXPANDED_CLASS "expanded" define EXPANDED_TYPE "" define VALUE_TYPE "" copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_sub point.e $CLUSTER point.e compile_melted compile_result validity_warning TEST "Obsolete Call"; TEST "Obsolete Call"; TEST "Obsolete Call" execute_work NONE exec_output_nv execute_result ok compare exec_output_nv output_c -- Test with expanded class type rather than with expanded class define EXPANDED_CLASS "" define EXPANDED_TYPE "expanded" define VALUE_TYPE "" copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_sub point.e $CLUSTER point.e compile_melted compile_result validity_warning TEST "Obsolete Call"; TEST "Obsolete Call"; TEST "Obsolete Call" execute_work NONE exec_output_ct execute_result ok compare exec_output_ct output_t test_end