indexing description: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEST create make feature make is do test end test is require (agent (a_1: like b): BOOLEAN local l_1: BOOLEAN do Result := l_1 end).item ([True]) do ensure (agent (a_1: like b): BOOLEAN local l_1: BOOLEAN do l_1 := a_1 and l_1 Result := l_1 end).item ([True]) end make_empty is -- Create empty string. do ensure empty: (agent: BOOLEAN do Result := count = 0 end).item ([]) area_allocated: (agent (a_n: like capacity): BOOLEAN do Result := capacity >= a_n end).item ([10]) end count: INTEGER b: BOOLEAN capacity: INTEGER is do end invariant inv: (agent (a_1: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN local l_1: like b do l_1 := a_1 and l_1 Result := l_1 end).item ([True]) end