indexing date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEST inherit LINKED_LIST [STRING] redefine make end create make feature neutral (ni: INTEGER) is do end make is local a1: A [INTEGER] a2: A [STRING] do neutral ($MELT6) create a1 io.new_line a1.f1 (1) io.new_line a1.f2 (2) create a2 io.new_line a2.f1 ("3") io.new_line a2.f2 ("4") io.new_line a1.receive_f ( (agent (i: INTEGER; g: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := i + g end), 10, 90) a1.receive_p ( (agent (i: INTEGER; g: INTEGER) do print ("got: " + i.out + ", " + g.out) end), 10, 90) a2.receive_f ( (agent (i: INTEGER; g: STRING): STRING do Result := i.out + g end), 10, "91") a2.receive_p ( (agent (i: INTEGER; g: STRING) do print ("got: " + i.out + ", " + g) end), 10, "91") io.new_line receive_a (a2) io.new_line print ("List count: ") print ((agent count).item ([])) io.new_line; extend ("str1") (agent extend).call (["String"]) print ("List count2: ") print ((agent count).item ([])) io.new_line gen_caller (["String"], (agent extend)) gen_caller ([], agent start) print ((agent item.out).item ([])) io.new_line print (gen_item (["STRING"], agent (s: STRING): STRING do Result := s end)) -- To satisfy the postcondition of LINKED_LIST. wipe_out end receive_a (a: A[STRING]) is do print ("receive_a%N") (agent a.receive_p).call( [ (agent (i: INTEGER; g: STRING) do print ("got: " + i.out + ", " + g) neutral ($MELT7) end), 10, "92"]) io.new_line; (agent {A [STRING]}.receive_p).call ( [ a, (agent (i: INTEGER; g: STRING) do print ("got: " + i.out + ", " + g) neutral ($MELT8) end), 10, "92"]) end gen_caller (t: TUPLE; p: PROCEDURE) is local l_p: PROCEDURE do neutral ($MELT9) l_p := p if l_p.valid_operands (t) then (t) (t) end end gen_item (t: TUPLE; p: FUNCTION [STRING]): STRING is local l_f: FUNCTION [STRING] do neutral ($MELT10) l_f := p if l_f.valid_operands (t) then (t) Result := p.item (t) end end end