indexing description : "System's root class" class TEST create make feature -- Initialization neutral (i: INTEGER) is do end local_string: STRING is do Result := "Hallo Welt" end make do run_test end run_test require (agent: BOOLEAN do Result := True end).item ([]) do print ("%N%NAddress op test%N") neutral ($MELT1) -- e (Current, $ext_func) print ("%N%Nreordering procedure tests%N") reordering_procedure_tests print ("%N%Nreordering function tests %N") reordering_function_tests print ("%N%Nreordering function tests2%N") reordering_function_tests2 print ("%N%Ninline agent test%N") test_inline_agent print ("%N%Ninline agent test hard%N") test_inline_agent_hard print ("%N%Nincremental test 1%N") test_incr_1 print ("%N%NPrecondition test%N") test_precond print ("%N%NEmpty agent test%N") empty_agent_test print ("%N%NMember agent call test%N") test_member_agent_call print ("%N%NComplex calling tests%N") test_complex_calling end ext_func (i: INTEGER) is do print (i.out) end reordering_procedure_tests is local r1: ROUTINE [INTEGER, STRING] p1: PROCEDURE [INTEGER, STRING] r2: ROUTINE [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN] p2: PROCEDURE [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN] t1: TUPLE [INTEGER, STRING] t2: TUPLE [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN] do neutral ($MELT2) print ( "tets1 (ct manifest): %N") p1 := agent f (1, ?, "hallo", ?, true) r1 := p1 ([2, "welt"]) print ("-----------------------------%N") ([2, "welt"]) print ( "tets2 (ct tuple): %N") t1 := [2, "welt"] (t1) print ("-----------------------------%N") (t1) print ( "tets3 (ot manifest): %N") p2 := agent {TEST}.f (1, 2, ?, "welt ", ?) r2 := p2 ([current, "hallo", true]) print ("-----------------------------%N") ([current, "hallo", true]) print ( "tets4 (ot tuple): %N") t2 := [current, "hallo", true] (t2) print ("-----------------------------%N") (t2) end f (a1, a2: INTEGER; a3, a4: STRING; a5: BOOLEAN) is do neutral ($MELT3) print ( "a1: " + a1.out + "%N") print ( "a2: " + a2.out + "%N") print ( "a3: " + a3.out + "%N") print ( "a4: " + a4.out + "%N") print ( "a5: " + a5.out + "%N") end f2 (a1, a2: INTEGER; a3, a4: STRING; a5: BOOLEAN): INTEGER is do neutral ($MELT4) print ( "a1: " + a1.out + "%N") print ( "a2: " + a2.out + "%N") print ( "a3: " + a3.out + "%N") print ( "a4: " + a4.out + "%N") print ( "a5: " + a5.out + "%N") Result := 10 end reordering_function_tests is local l_f1: FUNCTION [INTEGER, STRING, INTEGER] l_f2: FUNCTION [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN, INTEGER] l_r1: ROUTINE [INTEGER, STRING] l_r2: ROUTINE [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN] t1: TUPLE [INTEGER, STRING] t2: TUPLE [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN] do neutral ($MELT5) print ( "tets1 (ct manifest): %N ") l_f1 := agent f2 (1, ?, "hallo", ?, true) l_r1 := l_f1 ([2, "welt"]) print ("result of test1: " + l_f1.last_result.out) io.new_line ([2, "welt"]) print ("result of test1: " + l_f1.last_result.out) io.new_line print ( "tets2 (ct tuple): %N") t1 := [2, "welt"] (t1) print ("result of test2: " + l_f1.last_result.out) io.new_line (t1) print ("result of test2: " + l_f1.last_result.out) io.new_line print ( "tets3 (ot manifest): %N") l_f2 := agent {TEST}.f2 (1, 2, ?, "welt ", ?) l_r2 := l_f2 ([current, "hallo", true]) print ("result of test3: " + l_f2.last_result.out) io.new_line ([current, "hallo", true]) print ("result of test3: " + l_f2.last_result.out) io.new_line print ( "tets4 (ot tuple): %N") t2 := [current, "hallo", true] (t2) print ("result of test4: " + l_f2.last_result.out) io.new_line (t2) print ("result of test4: " + l_f2.last_result.out) io.new_line end reordering_function_tests2 is local l_f1: FUNCTION [INTEGER, STRING, INTEGER] l_f2: FUNCTION [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN, INTEGER] t1: TUPLE [INTEGER, STRING] t2: TUPLE [TEST, STRING, BOOLEAN] i: INTEGER do neutral ($MELT6) print ( "tets1 (ct manifest): %N") l_f1 := agent f2 (1, ?, "hallo", ?, true) i := l_f1.item ([2, "welt"]) print ("result of test1: " + l_f1.item ([2, "welt"]).out) io.new_line print ( "tets2 (ct tuple): %N") t1 := [2, "welt"] print ("result of test2: " + l_f1.item (t1).out) io.new_line print ( "tets3 (ot manifest): %N") l_f2 := agent {TEST}.f2 (1, 2, ?, "welt ", ?) print ("result of test3: " + l_f2.item ([current, "hallo", true]).out) io.new_line print ( "tets4 (ot tuple): %N") t2 := [current, "hallo", true] print ("result of test4: " + l_f2.item (t2).out) io.new_line end test_inline_agent is local do print ("test1: expecting 1111 and get: " + ( agent (i1, i2, i3, i4: INTEGER): INTEGER do result := i1 + i2 + i3 + i4 neutral ($MELT7) end (?, 10, 100, ?) ).item([1, 1000]).out) io.new_line end test_inline_agent_hard is local do print ("test1: expecting 1111 and get: " + ( agent (i1, i3: INTEGER): FUNCTION [INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER] do result := agent (a_i1, a_i2,a_i3,a_i4: INTEGER): INTEGER do result := a_i1 + a_i2 + a_i3 + a_i4 neutral ($MELT8) end (i1, ?, i3, ?) end ).item([1, 100]).item([10, 1000]).out) io.new_line end incr_test_1_f (i1, i2: INTEGER; s1, s2: STRING): STRING is do neutral ($MELT9) print (" Function got integers: " + i1.out + ", " + i2.out + " and strings: " + s1 + ", " + s2) io.new_line Result := "Correct Result" end incr_test_1_p (b1, b2: BOOLEAN; i1, i2: INTEGER) is do neutral ($MELT10) print (" Procedure got booleans: " + b1.out + ", " + b2.out + " and integers: " + i1.out + ", " + i2.out) io.new_line end test_incr_1 is do print (" incr%N") neutral ($MELT11) incr_1_caller ( agent incr_test_1_f (?, 2, ?, "Welt"), agent incr_test_1_p (?, False, ?, 2)) end incr_1_caller (a_f: FUNCTION [INTEGER, STRING, STRING]; a_p: PROCEDURE [BOOLEAN, INTEGER]) is local t1: TUPLE [INTEGER, STRING] t2: TUPLE [BOOLEAN, INTEGER] do neutral ($MELT12) print (" test1: %N") print ("got: " + a_f.item ([1, "Hallo"])) print ("test2: %N") t1 := [1, "Hallo"] print ("got: " + a_f.item (t1)) print ("test3: %N") ([True, 1]) print ("test4: %N") t2 := [True, 1] (t2) end test_precond is local p: PROCEDURE level: INTEGER do neutral ($MELT13) if level = 0 then p := agent (s1, s2: STRING) do print (s1 + s2) end ([p, p]) elseif level = 1 then p := agent {TEST}.empty_agent_test ([]) elseif level = 2 then p := agent {TEST}.empty_agent_test (["string"]) end rescue print (" Got precondition violation level: " + level.out + "%N") level := level + 1 retry end empty_agent_test is do (agent do end).call ([]) neutral ($MELT14) end pebble_function: FUNCTION [ANY] test_member_agent_call is do neutral ($MELT15) pebble_function := agent: STRING do Result := "Hallo" end ([1, 2]) end tcc: TUPLE [t: TUPLE [t: TUPLE [s: STRING]]] test_complex_calling is do neutral ($MELT16) tcc1 print ("cp 1:%N") tcc2 ([[["hallo"]]]) print ("cp 2:%N") end tcc1 is do neutral ($MELT17) tcc := [[["Hallo"]]] print ((agent (tcc.t.t.s).out).item ([])) io.new_line end tcc2 (a_tcc2: like tcc) is do neutral ($MELT18) print ((agent (tcc.t.t.s).out).item ([])) io.new_line end e (c: like Current; p: POINTER) is external "C inline" alias "[ ((void (*)(EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_INTEGER_32)) $p) ($c, 10); ]" end end -- class TEST