test_name expanded-generic-call-on-void-target test_description Passing a TEST2 [INTEGER], where TEST2 is an expanded class, to a procedure with formal argument of type TEST2 [ANY] results in a call on Void target in a melted void-safe system when accessing an attribute of the instance of TEST2. Frozen code execution gives the correct result but also displays a seemingly spurious Catcall message. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test2.e $CLUSTER test2.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output1 execute_result ok compare exec_output1 output compile_frozen compile_result ok c_compile_work c_compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output2 execute_result ok compare exec_output2 output test_end