test_name complex-expanded-generic-inheritance-crash test_description Having an expanded class inherits from various generic class causes the compiler to crash or to generate bad code in .NET mode. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e copy_raw a.e $CLUSTER a.e copy_raw b.e $CLUSTER b.e copy_raw c.e $CLUSTER c.e copy_raw d.e $CLUSTER d.e copy_raw e.e $CLUSTER e.e copy_raw exp1.e $CLUSTER exp1.e copy_raw x.e $CLUSTER x.e copy_raw y.e $CLUSTER y.e compile_melted compile_result validity_error TEST1 VJAR copy_raw test1_rev1.e $CLUSTER test1.e resume_compile compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_m execute_result ok compare exec_output_m output compile_frozen compile_result ok c_compile_work c_compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output_w execute_result ok compare exec_output_w output compile_final compile_result ok c_compile_final c_compile_result ok execute_final NONE exec_output_f execute_result ok compare exec_output_f output test_end